Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2325: Far from the horizon, close to the front

See Song Shuhang still not give up, even went to the edge of the wooden door, want to retain the nine ball dominated.

The three-eyed juveniles leaned on the rocking chair and slowly said: "Small tyrants Song, you don't have to toss any more, even if you taunt, it will not come in. According to the agreement, since it does not come in, this gambling will have to give up. ""

In the sky, the rain has been going down.

I don't know why, even if Song Shanghang lost the gambling money, the mood of the three-eyed predecessors still did not get better.

"My lord, the man is gone. Even if you miss it anymore, it can't be resurrected." The eye-catcher of the umbrella whispered comfortably, but at the end, it suddenly added another sentence: "So, please ask me. I have received this storm, and there have been too many rains recently. I feel that my rheumatism has to recur."

Three-eyed predecessors: "..."

Which eye do you see that I am missing someone?

[Three-eyed predecessors, as long as they can pull the fat ball into this small world, it is determined that the gambling fund is established, right? 】 Song Shuhang looked at the fat ball from the ‘the throne of the throne, and smashed the trumpet, while secretly speaking.

"As long as you have the ability." Three-eyed boy replied.

Song Shuhang nodded hard.

"Overlord Song Xiaoyou, you would not want to use it as a bait, hook the just nine ball to dominate?" Eyes eyed the housekeeper asked.

During the speech, the big iron umbrella in his hand tilted slightly to the position of the three-eyed teenager... A lot of rainwater followed the umbrella surface of the iron umbrella and poured a three-eyed boy.

Three-eyed boy: "..."

"Do not worry, seniors. I will not do this to die." Song Shuhang assured that the danger level is too high.

After all, the fish is too big.

Maybe he just found out half of his body, he was taken away by the fat ball, and there was no dead body.

"The machine can't be lost, the loss is no longer coming. So at this time, I have to gamble on one." Song Shuhang secretly smashed a French seal in case he was not prepared.

Then, he yelled at the fat ball: "The fat ball is awkward, please stay."

Song Shuhang can see that the fat body of this fat ball can be in the ‘lively’ activities, one is because of the corpus of the ‘天道遗蜕球’, and the other is because of the ‘long-shaped soldier’ in the body.

It is unusual to have the instruments left before the sermons of the zebras.

If you can put out the 'Dragon-type soldier', then the fat ball will be greatly reduced in the current mobility.

So... If you can leave the trumpet of the fat ball, it is worth fighting.

Even if Sao is a little risky, it is worth fighting.



The fat ball on the throne of the throne of the throne was heard, and when he heard the sound of Song Shuhang, he did not even return.

It has already made up its mind, and today will not pay attention to the sect of the Song Dynasty.

No matter how the other party wants to stir it or ridicule it, it doesn't work.

It continues to step at the pace of its own pace - the fat ball big trumpet is not simply beating, while beating, it seems to leave a mark in the 'lost throne.'

"The fat ball is awkward... Do you still remember the part of the ancient times when you were bitten by the saints?" After that, Song Shuhang directly shook a news that was extremely explosive.

This is also the most careful thing for the fat ball!

Unlike other heavens, the body of the fat ball is facing the ‘dismissal’ and is forced to leave the profession. After the war with the Confucian saints, its 'existence' was incomplete, leaving hidden dangers when it was promoted to heaven.

As soon as this topic was exported, the fat ball that had been smashed and slammed into a trumpet and turned sharply.

"Do you know?" The fat ball screamed.

"Actually, I have a huge secret on my body." Song Shudao: "Actually, I..."

"You really are the reincarnation of the Confucian saint!" Suddenly, the fat ball shouted.

Song Shuhang’s expression was suddenly changed to “懵???”

"I have been paying attention to the Confucianism of this world. Although I have no way to directly monitor Confucianism, I have been inquiring about their intelligence through indirect means. I really did not expect that Confucian saints are so deep hidden. In that kind In the case, you can still reincarnate through the secret law, and live again. You lied to my heavens and deceived the heavens and the world." The fat ball screamed.

"Wait, the fat ball is big. The secret that I said is not this." Song Shudao.

This script is wrong.

What he wants to do is to use the operation of Sao to seduce the fat ball.

However, his Sao operation only opened his head, and he was stunned by the fat ball.

"You don't have to say anything, as long as you come out of this small world, I will definitely swallow you up." The fat ball screamed.

Song Shuhang; "..."

"Although I decided to kill you at the beginning, but now I am killing you, I will devour you, even the **** will not be left. This time, you have no chance to reincarnate, Confucian saints." The ball is big and small.

"I am not a Confucian saint reincarnation." Song Shuhang quickly calmed down.

"Whether you are or not, the results are the same." The fat ball screamed slowly.

Anyway, it is all about pinching.

"Even if you kill me and devour me, you will not get the information of the 'existence' that was bitten by the Confucian sage." Song Shuhang smiled.

The fat ball is big and the trumpet is a stiff body.

"Actually, I am not a Confucian saint reincarnation, fat ball yelling at your heart is the most clear. You do not have to deceive yourself, you can see, I am not anyone's reincarnation." Song Shuhang continued.

The fat ball is a small trumpet and silent.

"Want to know the ‘existence’ that you lost? Want to know where the ‘present’ is now?” Song Shuhang slowed down.

In his voice, with the temptation of the devil.

At least for the fat ball, this is an irresistible temptation - after all, this is what it has been searching for for tens of thousands of years.

"Do you know where the thing is?" On the sphere of the fat ball, there was a one-eyed eye, staring at Song Shuhang.

"Yes, I know. I know exactly where the thing is." Song Shuhang nodded.

"I will wait for you outside this 'Throne.'" The fat ball screamed.

After all, it did not return, and continued to go down.

"No, the fat ball is awkward. In fact, I can tell you where you lost the ‘things now.” Song Shuhang was calm and did not reveal the slightest feelings.

The fat ball is a big bang.

"That thing is far away from the sky, close to the eyes." Song Shuhang pointed to the three-eyed predecessor: "The throne of the throne has a rule, as long as the bet behind the throne, you can win a huge amount of treasure when you win." If you lose, you have to pay your own gambling money."

The one-eyed eye of the fat ball is very close to the three-eyed boy.

"And I, and the three-eyed predecessors made two gambles." Song Shuhang added.