Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2461: This is the only wealth I can store and

The fat ball smashes the action of connecting the nine worlds, just like a signal, activates some program that has been set up long ago.

The stars in the sky are clear and bright... as if they are constantly delivering ‘Star Force’.

The world of Mars seems to be getting bigger. For example, nowadays, the distance between the fat ball and the moon and the fire is growing unconsciously.

[Mars, is it finally expanding? 】 Yukoko eyes brightened.

The white predecessors stretched out their fingers and poked the ground, shaking their heads: [The star itself did not expand... but the space expanded in a weird way. 】

Later, the white predecessors used a large amount of professional comprehension knowledge and space knowledge to explain the principle of 'expanding' inside the Mars world.

After a small half.

Song Shuhang whispered: [That, white predecessor... With regard to the principle just now, can you simply summarize it in a way that I can understand? 】

White predecessor: "..."

[Knowledge is power. 】 心 霄 霄 霄 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : If you don't study, you won't be able to integrate into our topic in the future, and even if we are talking about anything you can't understand. 】

Onion mother: [good_good_study, day_day_up. 】

Bai Long’s sister was trying to take the opportunity to insert a sentence, and the result was sealed by Long’s hand with Su Shi’s small hand.

[I also want to study hard, but my strength is so fast, I am desperate. 】 Song Shuhang sighed.

Heart Devil Akasaka: [mmp! 】

[Simple induction, explain in a way that you can understand... You can apply the principle of ‘乾坤空间法器’. The space inside Mars is like the addition of ‘乾坤空间法’. Its size does not change on the outside, but the internal space is self-contained and the space is expanding. At this time, the white predecessors slowly said.

[It’s still the most dependable for the whites, so I can understand it easily. 】 Song Shuhang nodded the road, can not understand the mysterious knowledge? When so many pendants on me are fake?

However, learning still has to learn seriously...because knowledge is the only wealth he can now 'store'! Spiritual wealth is also wealth.

Lingshi and Tiancai Dibao will leave him, but as long as he studies, he will always be a rich man in spirit.

[In addition... The aura of Mars is increasing, and the frequency of rising is very fast. 】 Stone monuments friends out of the channel.

Because a large amount of aura emerges, the energy hidden by the Martian veins is drawn. The energy in these veins begins to merge and turn into a 'spiritual wrinkle', and if they are given a few hundred years, the true thread will be born.


In the land near several people in Song Shuhang, suddenly sporadic shoots emerged and grew up quickly.

This is not the illusory green grass that grows when the moon is playing, but the real life plant!

The life of these sprouts emerges, and the price is real.

Under the aura of heaven and earth, these shoots grow very fast, and some grow into giant trees in a short time. Some fly quickly, produce results, and produce seeds.

The wind blew, taking away the new seeds, bringing them to the distance, falling and growing in another part of the world.

[The spiritual tide is coming? 】 Song Shuhang asked doubts.

A few months ago, he listened to the predecessors of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' and talked about it. Then there will be a prosperous age of cultivation, the spiritual tide will come, and the aura between heaven and earth will become sufficient.

Chuge master replied: [There should be some time for the full arrival of the spiritual tide... Now the sudden arrival of this spiritual power is very strange, and it feels more like a long-awaited volcanic eruption. 】

Song Shuhang looked at the fat ball still in the confrontation: [It seems that it is a means of reservation for the lost heaven. 】

Anyway, this wave of changes in the Martian world is absolutely related to the fat ball.

At this point, the batch of amnesties that have been secretly watching have reached the same conclusion.

[The change of Mars is because of the tyrants of the Song Dynasty! Taking him as the center has caused a change in the world! 】

[What do you want to do? What is the motivation for his sudden change of Mars? 】

[Treading at the point where the heavens collapsed, I am afraid he knows a lot of intelligence and clues that we don't know. 】

The group of arrogant conscious men began to communicate secretly.

Originally they were just silent observers, not speaking. However, the situation has changed too fast. These big men who have sent their ideas to watch the war can't help but form a discussion group and start discussing without disturbing the situation.

Incidentally, the awareness of Bai Long's sister, Chu Gezhu and the white predecessors also mixed into this discussion group and silently received the discussion group's news.

This is a group that only ‘big 佬’ can qualify to enter. The intensity of the pseudo-big 佬 Song Shuhang’s knowledge is not up to the threshold for participation in chat.

However, Song Shuhang is not idle.

At this time, several people in his ‘Comprehensive Chat’ buddy list contacted him at the same time.

[Hu Peng friends] Emperor: "[Voice] Song predecessors, are you doing something else?"

The voice function is the 'internal test function' after the upgrade of the ‘recognition chat’ system. Currently, it is only open to some members of the ‘recognition chat’. The Emperor is one of the members of the internal test.

Song Shuhang has a slight glimpse.

The Emperor of Heaven is now on the Earth? Why did she suddenly ask a short message?

After thinking a little, Song Shuhang’s heart is filled with a bad premonition. Isn’t Mars in the 'inside expansion'? Even the mother of the earth is expanding inside?

Song Shuhang did not immediately reply to the Emperor, he opened the information sent by several other members.

[Always Saint Seiya] Beihe Sanren: "Book Air, the world's lunar world suddenly expands rapidly, the internal area continues to expand, the reiki is infused. Is this related to you?"

[Beautiful fisherman] fish Jiaojiao: "A Song, the ‘Dragon King Hall’ on the bottom of the sea suddenly bursts with color, do you have intelligence clues on your side?”

[Blacklist?? Huangshan Mama] Huangshan Supreme: "Book Airlines, there are some changes in the world, is it convenient to chat?"

[Blacklist?? Huangshan Mama] Huangshan Supreme: "(╯°Д°)╯(┻━┻"

The original 'blacklist' was not titled and was uniformly marked as [blacklist]. After the system of the comprehension chat was updated, the intimate Ms. Longlu added a blacklist title to Song Shuhang.

"Not only Mars, but also the moon, the earth, the seabed, have changed." Song Shuhang felt a headache.

It is conceivable that the present world is now in a mess.

After sighing, Song Shuhang opened the name of the Emperor and sent a voice: "I am afraid it is heaven and earth..."


In the distance, the fat ball and the moon suddenly slammed into the air, and the space fluctuated! Song Shuhang, who was in the protection of the white predecessors, was swayed by the earthquake. Song Shuhang’s head swayed in shock.

[狐朋狗友] Heavenly Emperor: "Hey?"

Is this related to me?

"In the big change." Song Shuhang stabilized his head, and then continued.

Emperor: "..."

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