Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2467: Heaven does not have a good thing

At this time, if you call the real body, you may have to cool down.

The luxury lineup of the four-person combination in front of the tyrants, plus the group of long-lived pendants, whoever died.

The king of the king firmly concealed his ideology in the depths of the Confucian robbing the fairy gold, and did not dare to reveal it, for fear of being noticed.

If it is detected by the tyrants of Song Dynasty, it is not terrible to lose this Confucian robbing the sacred gold. It is feared that the handsome monk on the side may be able to directly rely on his glimpse of 'consciousness' to give his body Come out.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it.



On the side.

The gifted fairy was happy to come to Song Shuhang and handed the seal post.

"Working hard, fairy." Song Shuhang took the treasure from her hand and tapped it gently: "This style has this seal, and it is really a fat ball!! Stable!"

The lurking king consciousness, silently sighed: "..."

This negative treasure, clearly said that it is necessary to change the surname, and as a result, it now secretly changed its surname.

Double pleasure has become doubled.


After making the seal column and handing it to Song Shuhang, the singer said: "Song ~ Dumb ~ Bazaar Black ~"

With the singing of the fairy, even if there is no line, it is the Scorpio.

Song Shuhang listened and nodded: "It turns out."

Then, he turned and introduced to everyone: "The founder of the fairy said that the one around her is the son of her brother, Confucianism, and the princes of the thirteen princes. The son of Yuanzi was seriously injured in the Confucian catastrophe, and now he is unclear. As you can see now, although it will be active, it is only acting instinct."

Can you understand this? The **** level translator he wants is actually here!

"The Confucian son, in the same year, but the great Confucian scholars of the heavens and the world, it is a pity." White Dragon sister slowly said.

At that time, Confucianism shocked the world with the story of thirteen young robbers. The ability of the saint to teach the students is recognized by the heavens.

Yuanzi is the most temperamental member of the thirteen robbery, and his every move reveals the meaning of free and easy. In ancient times, this handsome and free and easy has set off a wave in many worlds.

"If Confucianism did not rob the country in the past, now the thirteen robbers are probably already thirteen long-lived people."

Before the Confucian catastrophe, more than half of the members of the Thirteen Robbery had already condensed their ruins.

The distance to step out of their own way, becoming a long-lived person is only a matter of time.

Unfortunately, they fell too early.

If the seventh day of the arbitrariness of the year was abruptly delayed for hundreds of years, the last battle of immortality might be that the Confucian saints swayed the world with more than six long-lived people, and it was desperate to think about it.



"Song ~ Alaso ~" made the fairy to reach out to the finger, calling.

"Okay, no problem." Song Shuhang nodded: "I just have Confucian coordinates, I can go directly to Confucianism and send back the former sons."

The creation of the fairy hopes that Song Shuhang will send the Yuanzi brothers back to Confucianism.

Now Confucianism, there are four resurrected ‘13 thieves’. They recovered with the resurrection of the saints and gained a short-term ability to act in this world. Maybe before they can dissipate again, they may help the Yuanzi.

"Well, um." The fairy is happy.

Then she pointed to the seal column and the "Confucianism".

"Too, the seal of "The Confucianism" will be handed over to me to solve it. To be honest, this seal column is an unexpected harvest." Song Shuhang replied.

As long as you put hundreds of thousands of haircuts on the seal column, this 'seal column' may become his new card. Just like the last time you sealed the 'Tiandao Wills Ball' with a seal post, etc. After the new seal column is full of feelings, it can hang a wave of enemy shackles.

[Solve the seal? This powerful seal, the tyrants can be solved? Is his rumor about seals so powerful? The more the eavesdropping of the lurking king, the more he understands the hegemony, the more he feels terrible.

"This seal column is much weaker than the one on my body. It should be easier to solve." The white predecessor said.

Song Shuhang: "Tonight, I took the time to brush up the night to make a fairy. What do you want to do with the Confucianism? Would you bring it back to Confucianism?"

This "Confucianism", Song Shuhang is ready to hand over to the creation of fairy. When I first gambled with the fat ball and the three eyes of the predecessors, after hearing the "Confucianism" information, the eager anxious "Feng Dian" continued to appear very important to her.

"Song ~ dumb!" The sacred fairy suddenly jumped and slammed on the seal post, shaking his head hard.

She means that "Confucianism" cannot be returned to Confucianism for the time being.

“Is it important?” asked Song Shuhang.

"Heavy, want." The sacred fairy opened her way. She extended five fingers to Song Shuhang. After thinking about it, she changed it to four: "You are a bit of a bug when you want to pinch it!"

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Well, I understand. In short, then the "Confucianism" will stay in the core world first. When you think the time is ripe, let the Confucianism be notified." Song Shuhang replied.

The make-up fairy is very concerned about some of the saint's relics, and even refuses to return them to Confucianism.

For example, when Song Shuhang was preparing to return the ‘Sacred Eye’ to Confucianism, the sacred fairy was also resisting.

[Is it ...... the saints and the possibility of resurrection? 】 Song Shuhang in the heart of a move.

Does the creation of a fairy want to keep his eyes and the Confucianism around, will it be because these things are important props for the resurrection of the saints?

After "Yeah~" received a positive reply from Song Shuhang, the sacred fairy jumped from the ‘seal column’. She reached out and patted Song Shuhang, saying: "Occasionally let me say a line."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is it always the line that you and the meritorious snake beauty have been carrying me?

"Next, do we go to Confucianism?" asked the Devil's Red Sword.

If you want to go to Confucianism, it will have to be too high in the place of Confucianism in the core world, and it will be in harmony with its demonic attributes. Black skin feathers can be hidden in the shadow of Song Shuhang, but it does not have this talent.

"Well, the destination Confucian!" Song Shuhang reached out and the core world opened.

Yukoko took A-16 and skillfully stepped into it.

The prosperous fairy pulls the brothers of Yuanzi to follow.

The white predecessors stayed in place: "You go first, I stay here to study the seal altar of the fat ball. If there is something, call me. Right, if the "Confucianism" is unsealed, call me."

The seal world left by the fat ball seems to have aroused the interest of the white predecessors?

"Okay, white predecessor. Then I will call you after I unlock the seal." Song Shuhang nodded back.

The entrance to the core world was closed and the exit was opened outside the Confucian Baiyun Academy.



When Song Shuhang and his entourage left, the white predecessors came forward and came to the edge of the seal altar.

He reached out and tapped on the altar, then grabbed the seal altar and slammed the altar that had been excavated by the king. The whole was opened, revealing the huge underground space and complex mechanical structure underneath.

Deep in the seemingly high-end mechanical structure, Immersed in a metal box.

"It looks like a fat ball, but this part should be a masterpiece of Heavenly Ball." The white predecessors held their chins.

The fat ball set a seal and an altar here, and suppressed the Confucianism.

After that, Tiandaoqiu secretly dug a huge space under the altar, leaving complicated mechanical implements and this metal box.

It is worth mentioning that the material of this metal box is a kind of 'liquid metal'.

That's right, it's the body of the nine fat ball!

Therefore, this part of the structure of the ground is definitely a ball that is stunned by the fat ball.

"Sneaking your own nine secluded masters, Tiandao does not have a good thing." Bai predecessors spoke.