Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2552: The blank period of the nine worlds?

Originally, the Emperor was still thinking about when to disclose the information about ‘爱妄’ to Song Shuhang at the right time, let him go to play with evil spirits, don’t go to her to mess up.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the Devil emperor gave her a wonderful assist.

The assisting king is more than the emperor. This kind of person will remember her, although she is not prepared.

Song Shuhang's doubts reply to the Emperor: [? ? ? 】

[Things about evil spirits, you don’t have to worry about the predecessors of the Song predecessors. You can ask me directly. I know that there is absolutely no less than the Emperor, and that the Song predecessors tried to explore the means of the Emperor, too much, and we can't stand the audience watching the live broadcast. 】 Heavenly Emperor returns.

Around a big circle, I want to ask the sorcerer's mouth to ask the letter of 'evil 妄'. This kind of practice will cause the enchantment of the emperor. Song Shuhang has no skills and experience.

Song Shuhang haha ​​smiled and replied: [In fact, the temptation is only a temporary start, my main task is to say a few words for the predecessors. 】

[You don’t have to cover up the predecessors of the Song Dynasty. If you say this, do you believe it? 】 Heavenly Emperor directly retorted.

Song Shuhang: "..."

I believe, because I am really only trusted by people, and I have to complete a few tasks.

[To tell the truth, even the Emperor's vigilance against the predecessors of the Song is too high. When you open his mouth to talk to him, he raises his guard in his heart. The more you circle, the less he relaxes. Therefore, the way around the circle is not suitable for dealing with the Emperor. Next time Song predecessors can try the lure method, with a great advantage that the Emperor can't refuse, and lure him to tell the truth. Believe in my intuition, not only the answer of the Emperor of the Emperor will make you satisfied with the Song predecessors~] The Emperor of Heaven imparts experience to Song Shuhang.

But before I returned to Song Shuhang, the Emperor suddenly added: [Oh, almost forgot. The predecessors of the Song Dynasty are so poor, coupled with the speed of the Song predecessors, I am afraid that I can not attract the treasures that attract the Emperor. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is this the legendary rifle? Through the heart, there is no defense!

His right hand, like a chicken claw, slid up and down in the void—this is the aftereffect of his madness after being madly smashed by the sorcerer. As long as his super-alloyed glazed heart is too shackled, his right hand will slide his hand and always want to grab something to display "Knife-up."

"Hey?" The demon red 霄 敏 敏 敏 敏 敏 敏 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋 宋

Thinking of this, the demons and red swords jumped and jumped into the right hand of Song Shuhang, enjoying 20 bursts of massage.

Just in the moment when the heart and the red scorpion sword are like water, the high leaping moment, a black figure suddenly emerges from the shadow of Song Shuhang, and the head of the black figure just hits the right palm of Song Shuhang.

The palms and heads are cleverly stitched.

The black figure opens: "Song predecessors, don't Xue Xianji let you send @#%x fairy to the core world to help her deal with evil spirits. In the process of studying evil spirits, we need the power of merit to cooperate..."?

When Song Shuhang’s palm suddenly touched the top of the black figure, the subconscious was that the 20-shot “Knife-up” slipped out – this became an instinct and reacted with the knee.

Heart Devil Akasaka: "!!!"

Black skin feather soft child: "???"

Song Shuhang: "..."

Su Shi A XVI: "..."

"Song predecessors, what do you do to my heart?" Yukozi asked with doubt.

"Hand, hand... slipped." Song Shuhang retracted his right hand.

"I don't feel anything." Black skin feathers soft face is not shocked, said: "However, it was felt by the Song predecessors... The accident was very good, and it felt the same when Aunt touched my head."

Su Shi A Xie could not help but turn to look at Song Shuhang's right hand.

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky.

- It is said that the black skin feathers are really special.

Even the avatars of the white predecessors will be influenced by his "knives", and the predecessors of the Red Devils are more interested in the effect of "Knife Surgery". Only the black skin feathers are completely unaffected by the "knives", very extraordinary.

"The book is on the air." The heart of the red scorpion sword asked: "What was your reaction just now?"

"False, being turned around and bending a heart, back to the rifle can not be defended." Song Shuhang sighed, and at the same time his thoughts moved, the merits of the snakes and beautiful people emerged.

The beauty of the meritorious snake appeared and stretched out.

By the way, everyone shook a small stretch of water snake dance.

The show flew up.

Song Shuhang applauded gently, in conjunction with the performance of the meritorious snake beauty.

Then, he shouted: "Gongde fairy, you first go with the black skin Yuko, go to the core world to help Bessie and Jichu study evil."

"Bag on me, don't worry about anything, ask why, because, I am coming!" Gongde snake beauty is arrogant.

The core world opened, and she and the black skin Yukozi entered and disappeared.



"Song predecessors, let's go and brush the next evil?" Yukoko deity is active.

"Brush! Take a few waves of time." Song Shuhang reached out and offered the 'Shrimp Dragon God Fighting Vehicle', and handed over the temporary control of the instrument to Su Shi’s A-XVI: "A-16, you come to control the battle." Car. Follow the instructions of Bohai Scholars and go to the next evil nest."

Su Shi A XVI: "??"

Yurouzi asked: "Don't the predecessors of the Songs go to the predecessors?"

"Whether the predecessors put it on the side for a while, I am going to discuss the problem of evil with another big sister." Song Shudao.

"Okay." Su Shi’s sixteen nodded: "Take me the drive."

The people got on the chariot.

Song Shuhang closed his eyes and reconnected with the Emperor: [The matter of the predecessors will be put aside first, let’s talk about evil? 】

However... the Emperor did not reply to him for a long time.

Song Shuhang looked confused.

what happened again?

Is it inexplicably angry?

He looked back at the chat record between himself and the Emperor...

Except that he was swayed, there was nothing wrong with it.



Lingdie Island.

The Emperor squatted on the table, slender fingers and pierced the thick fairy wood table.

"Is it an accident? Or is the weakness of Yurouzi being noticed?"

If it is an accident... is it too clever? She just got the heart of Song Shuhang and was immediately attacked?

If this weakness is really mastered by the other party... that is a nightmare for her.

‘No, try again? The heavenly emperor’s heart is dark.

[No? At this time, Song Shuhang’s news was sent again.

[At, Song predecessors. It was just that the body suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. 】 There is hidden temptation in the revenge of the Emperor.

Song Shuhang: "???"

This question seems to be a question in the ‘Desperate Problem Set’ on the Internet?

Considering the relationship between the Emperor and him...

At this time, his most suitable answer is naturally: [ Drink more water. 】

Song? Steel straight men? Book Air.

Men sometimes have to be straightforward to avoid mistakes.

Emperor: "..."

From the reply, it seems that it is a coincidence.

But it can't be taken lightly. This matter is very important. When I talk about ‘devils’, I will quietly try another wave.

Let's return to the topic now.

The Emperor sat up straight, his palms gently stroked on the 'desktop', the power of time was activated, and the small individual time reversed, and the ten finger holes on the table disappeared.

[We are starting to talk about evil spirits. 】 The Emperor replied.

Song Shuhang: [Before talking about this topic, I will ask first. Do you have to pay? 】

Emperor: [...]

Did you pay for it? I am a generation of Heavenly Emperor, tens of millions of Lingshi every second, really want you to pay, not enough to sell you, I will accompany you to talk a few words.

Therefore, the Emperor refused to answer the question of Song Shuhang and went directly to the subject, no longer giving Song Shuhang the opportunity to take the rhythm.

This is the correct posture to chat with Song Shuhang... or with most people in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'. The members of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' are too hopping. When they chat with them, if they are brought to the rhythm, the topic does not know where to go.

[Song predecessors, how much do you understand such things as evil? 】 Heavenly Emperor asked directly.

Song Shuhang replied: [Slightly know one or two. 】

He has a collection of information that includes most of the evil information and methods of dealing with evil spirits. In addition, the information on the materialization of the evil spirits that was obtained from the Emperor of the Emperor before, ‘Slightly Know One or Two’ is very sincere.

[So, how many times did you learn about the evil country and the disaster of the singer? 】 Heavenly Emperor slowly induces the Tao - from Song Shuhang and the conversation of the Emperor, you can find out that he wants to understand this.

Song Shuhang Shi Cheng said: [I want to know this. 】

[So... First of all, I and the Song predecessors described the concept of the 'magic country'. Song predecessors, you are no stranger to the nine worlds? 】 Heavenly Emperor asked.

She deliberately adopted the mode of questioning and answering, in order to suddenly insert a tentative content and test Song Shuhang in the process of imparting the message of 'evil'.

【know. 】 Song Shuhang replied.

[The magic country or the magic sea, should be the predecessor of the nine world. 】 Heavenly Emperor slowly said: [I have visited in the past, the original period of the ancient times, heaven is pure heaven, and there is no special existence of similar corpus or split body. Corresponding to the present world is the 'Magic Sea World', which has no dominance. Like the present world, it is controlled by ‘Tiandao’. 】

[Nine secluded to dominate this special existence, in fact, was officially born in the second day of the Tao. From the second day, the magic sea has also turned into a 'nine world,' corresponding to the world. 】

The authority of Heaven has not been weakened, and Heaven still controls the world and the nine worlds. It is only in the world of Jiuyou that there is a heavenly body that is 'master'.

[And evil, it is the key to reopening the 'Magic Sea World'. After the collapse of the heavens and the dissolution of the nine secluded masters, Jiuyou World will fall into a blank period of ‘no owner’. When the nine worlds are ignorant, seize the time and theoretically have the opportunity to rejuvenate the magic sea. 】

[Of course, I want to do this, even if it is in the heyday, I can't do it. So... If someone is manipulating evil spirits and wants to open the ‘magic state,’ maybe just want to restore a small piece of the magic country in the infinite 九九幽世界? 】

The Emperor of Heaven slowly talks about Song Shuhang’s own information.

When Song Shuhang heard half of it, he found a bright spot: [So, the heavens collapse, and the nine secluded people are the key points? 】

[In theory, yes. 】 Heaven returns.

Song Shuhang: [Ha ha ha ~]

Then he is relieved.

The Tiandao ball is broken, the fat ball is smashed... but I still have two white predecessors in the nine world!