Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2588: Don't worry, I have already arrived!

Nine secluded and seven passages of the world? In the China Passage.

The channel guardians are still tossing and killing with the nine sinister evil spirits, fighting for several days in a high-intensity, leaving the channel guardians exhausted, and the number of casualties on both sides of the demon and the monks is constantly increasing.

A steady stream of nine sinisters and channel guardians, gathered from the rear, into the battle for the passage - seven space passages to the earth, has become seven meat grinders, will be more monks and nine The sorcerer is involved in it and is ruthlessly strangled.

The second line of the space channel battle.

I used to use the secret method to cut myself in half. The upper body sneaked into the Wang Lin Taoist who was in the current investigation. At this time, I was lying tired in the second-line area. He has been fighting for two days and two nights, and now he can't move with his fingers.

A few days ago, from the predecessors of the Pa-song, the information about the ‘the Promise of the Promise and the Jiu Nun Demon riots, the growth of the world’s evil spirits’ has been passed on.

However, there is almost no effect.

The Promise of the Promise has long been prepared - they have long been prepared to say that their actions will be perceived by others. Moreover, the actions of the Mozong cultivating evil spirits and secretly mobilizing the nine ecstasy did not make too much cover.

In fact, the Promise of the Promise is not disdainful at all, but the time left for them to 'big plan' is too hasty.

The sudden collapse of Tiandao has made many people unable to adapt. Not only is the Promise of the Promise, but there are countless plans and targets for countless monks in the heavens and the world. Because of the sudden collapse of the Heavenly Way, they have to act in advance.

Acting in advance means that there is a lot of preparation for the 'big plan' that is not perfect.

This is the case with the Promise Mozong. After the sudden collapse of the Heavenly Way, they must immediately and immediately implement their own magical country plan. They have no time to do more cover-ups and preparations. Some of the planning links must be broken and broken, and everything is in order to compete for the 'big plan'. the result of.



"I don't know if the predecessors of the Song and Song dynasties have any plans for the 'Promise of the Promise,' and do some countermeasures?" Wang Lin said that he pulled out his mobile phone, subconsciously opened the chat software, and pulled out the buddy predecessors who were lying in the buddy list. .

At this time, do you want to ask for help from the predecessors of the tyrants?

The nine sinisters on the other end of the channel have gone crazy. There is no need for people to stimulate. There are more nine genie demons actively coming together, just like smelling **** sharks, plunging into the meat grinder channel, and channel The Guardians are doing a fight to kill you.

Killing and being killed, was originally portrayed in the nine genie demon genes.

The more fierce the killings in the passage, the more excited the nine sorcerers will be.

The number of nine genie demons attracted by the increase is more and more, and many of the nine genie demons with low strength are reddened and rushed into the channel to die. They rushed into the channel, and even a small spell couldn't be used, and it fell to the foot of the channel guardian - but even so, they played the role of the life-saving channel guardian.

Compared to the nine infinite number of ecstasy, the number of channel guardians in the world is limited. They have summoned all the channel guards who are resting, and first notified the major sects of the world and asked for support.

The first wave of reinforcements from the major sects has been put into the channel defense. Because of this, Wang Lin Taoist can survive from the first line of the battle and take a rest.

"If you can't go on like this, the war of attrition is not good for us." Wang Lin is weak.

"Yeah." The guardian who was equally seriously injured and tired on the side replied: "The demon of the nine worlds has gone mad, the heavens have collapsed, and there is no nine secluded **** system. The demons will always attack the space channel until they will We are all tender, and then the demon army has entered the world... Now, we need the help of the older generation."

During the conversation, the tired guardian suddenly pointed to the list of friends on Wang Lin’s mobile phone, where there was a high-ranking account called ‘Baba Song’, which was extremely impressive.

"Hege ... tyrants Song predecessors?" The guardian suddenly looked at Wang Lin Taoist.

Lying in the squat, I didn’t expect the Wang Lin Taoist who had a big eyebrow to know the tyrants of the Song predecessors? This feeling is like an ordinary roommate in his dormitory, even knowing a certain heavyweight.

"Do you know the predecessors of the tyrants?" The spirit of the tired guardian cheered up.

Wang Lindao nodded and said: "The last time I did not cut myself into two halves, I went into the world to investigate the Promise Mozong? I happened to be in the sinister nest to meet the predecessors who were also investigating the Promise of the Promise."

"Is it true that the predecessors of the tyrants are getting along with each other? Like the legend, the same air will be pregnant with him?" The guardian companion couldn't help but ask.

Wang Lin said: "There is no exaggeration in the legend, but the predecessors of the tyrants are very easygoing and very easy to get along with."

"Then, do you want to ask for help from the predecessors of the tyrants? Before the predecessors of our guardians did not arrive, maybe the predecessors of the tyrannical can give us some remote assistance, or a few words?" The guardian companion proposed.

The Emperor Song Xuansheng is a predecessor with great wisdom and great merit. With his wisdom, there may be a way to solve the predicament of the nine sinister demon madness impacting the space.

This level of seniors, a few words can solve the desperate situation of ordinary monks!

"I asked to see." Wang Lindao nodded.

He gritted his teeth, clicked on the head of 'Big Song' and sent a message: "The tyrants of the Song Dynasty, are you free now? Are there any plans for the nine secluded demons to be impacting the world's passages? To be honest, it’s not good for us to consume this way. We’re already a bit unbearable.”

After sending the message, Wang Lindao is still a bit embarrassed. Suddenly disturbing a big predecessor requires courage – especially the big predecessor.


When Wang Lin’s news was just sent out, he received a reply from the predecessors of the Song Dynasty.

"Don't worry anymore, the problem of the nine sinister demon is handed over to me." The tyrants of the Song Dynasty replied: "I have come."

When Wang Lindao received the news, he suddenly got up from the ground: "Come on!"

The companion companion who was resting and recovering from the side suddenly bounced up: "Is the Nine Secluded Demon attacked here?"

"No, it’s not the nine ecstasy." Wang Lin said, he waved his hand quickly: "It’s a tyrant..."


During the speech, from the other end of the space channel, there was a horrible atmosphere in the position of the 'Nine Secret Worlds'.

That is more than eight products, arrived at the top of the monk's nine products. This breath directly plunges into the space channel and forcibly oppresses all monks and demons.

The demons and monks in the battle only felt heavy and fell to the ground.

The next moment, the great horror, came to the heart of all the guardians and monks.

The nine worlds have actually dispatched nine-level demon!

On the one hand, even the eight-character Xuansheng has not arrived yet.

Are you going to die?



At the end of the month, at the end of the month, the monthly votes of the friends of the Taoist and the fairy are not expired~~