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Chapter 2594: I waited for three days and nights and f

"Ha ha ha, the 'Magic Sea Plan' of the Promise Mozong is finally coming?" When Song Shuhang heard the news, he gave a hearty laugh.

Three days!

He waited for three days in the Jiuyou world, and finally waited for the day of the 'Magic Sea Plan' of the Promise Mozong!

The whole three days and nights are really long.

Under normal circumstances, these three days are enough for Song Shuhang to do a lot of things! If you are lucky, you will be able to raise a small realm.

If it wasn’t for the white predecessor two, he suggested that he wait for the members of the 'Promise Mozong' to open up the Devil Sea, and then go to his last eight-character Xuansheng in the 'Magic Sea World' to make a perfect ending for the pre-conventional activities. He has long let the big plan of 'The Promise of the Promise' die!

"No, right, the mentality has expanded. This is not good, not good." Song Shuhang patted his chest gently.

Can not be expanded into a buns because he became the agent of Jiuyou.

If there is no preoccupation authority given by the white predecessor two to him, if there is no dog egg scorpion predecessor and three eyes seniors secretly help, by his own means, let alone a big plan to stop the Promise Mozong, he is a small hand The mouse may be directly crushed into **** by the 'big trend' of the Promise Mozambique plan.

"Calm, you must be normal. Even with the help of your predecessors, I have arranged everything, waiting for the disciples of the Promise Mozong. But I still can't underestimate the 'Promise Mozong', this long-established demon Behind the sect, may you hide a big-name character?" Song Shuhang reminded himself to keep himself alert and not to inflate.

Striped dragon two big cockroaches: "..."

Song Shuhang is really a contradiction. Sometimes his willpower is strong enough to suppress the influence of the '9 secluded lord'. Sometimes, he collapsed under the influence of the '9 secluded lord'.

I always feel that this kid is not a soldier... it is intentional.

"Right, the dog's egg, the other's big plan is about to begin. You said that we still have nothing to notice the details? For example, I just created the 'Baseo column? Why column' when replacing the original Demon column Will there be an accident? Can you successfully attract the Promise Mozong?" Song Shuhang suggested: "So the dog egg, do we have to take the first place?"

Dog tart: "..."

"I feel that at this time, there is no time for you to take up the shackles." The Devil's Red Sword is out of the channel, and it has faintly sensed the change of the nine sorcerers in the surrounding void.

The two dragons sighed and reminded: "Don't forget your authority, you are now the master of the nine secluded. Even if the Promise of the Promise is projected into the nine world, there is no choice of the coordinates of the 'Shajing World'... But if you are the master of the nine secluded, can you not correct them manually?"

"Yeah! Thank you for the egg tart. After this thing is finished, I will take the dog egg **** around the world and let you experience the feeling of going home. At that time, look at my filial piety. How do you change the dog egg back?" Song Shudao.

"Look at your performances." The two-spotted dragons replied - since Song Shuhang gave it a step, it quickly seized the opportunity. In order to avoid too many operations in Song Shuhang, he often offended it, so that it could not find a chance to change back to the ‘Cheng Lin’s slogan, and eventually led to the title of ‘dog egg 爹’ with him for a lifetime.

Moreover, with Song Shuhang's ‘dog egg 爹’, the zebra dragon two cockroaches found that they gradually began to adapt to this title.

Could it be that Song Shuhang unconsciously used the power of the ‘speaking method to follow the level of the nine secluded dominance, and silently influenced it?

Slightly thinking.

I must find an excuse earlier and change the title of ‘Cheng Lin’ back. I can’t let Song Shuhang continue to call it again!

"To tell the truth, the spotted dragon predecessor, I feel that the name of the dog egg **** is particularly cordial. When the name of the "Cheng dog egg" is changed back, we also call you a dog egg tart, the old feeling." Song Shuhang proposed .

"Roll!!!" Striped dragon two big anger.

Song Shuhang is a bit strange: "Hey? You didn't like this title for seniors?"

Oops, is this the dragon fart photographed on the dragon's leg? From the moment when his tuber dragon two predecessors called 'dog egg tart', the striped dragon cockroach did not show the slightest objection from beginning to end, and readily accepted This title. Song Shuhang also thought that the two-spotted dragons liked this kind of earthy taste.

I didn't expect Daxie's reaction to this earthy name to be so big, it was unexpected.

This is a bit embarrassing!

"Come here!" At this time, the stone monument friend yelled: "Quickly enter the state of the human knife!"

The stone monument friend has already realized that it is a lie to blame, but it is better to abandon the camouflage of the surface and directly call the ‘people’s knife and one’.

The voice of the stone monument friend just interrupted Song Shuhang’s embarrassment.

"Come on the old monument!" Song Shuhang haha ​​smiled, reached out to the stone monument to the friends to come to the three hair "knives", the two sides walked into the state of unity, and activated the nine secluded authority.

In the void.

After the power of the sinister sinister squad, all the evil spirits and evil scorpions were sacrificed in one breath, and the Promise Mozong finally broke the power into the nine worlds.

The thirty-three demon gods that have been inserted in the 'Nine Secret World' have been turned into coordinates, and they automatically start to shine. Only members of the Promise Mozong will never think of it. One of the Devil's Columns has long been transformed by Song Shuhang. The pillar of the gods?

The column is perfectly integrated into the coordinates of the thirty-three demon pillars, and like the demon pillar, it begins to respond to the call of the Promise.

After about three interest time.

Thirty-three Devils have finally identified a coordinate - the swamp area!

At the bottom, you can sleep in a swamp with a powerful nine sinister demon, and become the best ‘Restoring Magic Sea’ area automatically selected by the Devils!

Because this area was once the experimental area of ​​a certain heaven, Tiandao once secretly conducted a 'small range of magic country experiments' in this area.

This dog egg **** and Song Shuhang and others do not know.

[Don't even choose Shajing World? When Song Shuhang used the '9 secluded lord', he sensed this in advance.

How is this going?

We have arranged so many backhands in the world of Shajing. If you don’t come, what is the face of my uncle?

Thinking of this, Song Shuhang’s thoughts and movements, in conjunction with the stone monuments, to show the authority of the nine secluded masters, to control the will of Jiuyou, to reverse the cause and effect!

Under the black box operation of the nine secluded will... The demon pillars that originally locked the marsh area finally changed their choice to the sand crystal world.

And this signal is fed back to the Promise.

In the palace of the emperor.

"Determining the coordinates, the information of the nine secluded world demon column feedback... Shajing world!" The elder, who was responsible for the partial plan of the Nine World, showed a smug smile on his face.

As he guessed, his favorite ‘Shajing World’ finally became the choice of the Devils!