Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2617: Sexy Ba Song, online performance stunt

It is really too long and too long for Song Shuhang to choose the 'law'. It is too long to wait until the ‘people’s sacredness’ link.

After Song Shuhang just finished the selection, it did not even give Song Shuhang a chance to [determine payment] and directly pull him into the long-screened screen.

In the attention of the practitioners of the heavens and the nine sorcerers, the long-lasting picture of the black screen has finally changed!

The original black picture suddenly bursts with a dazzling light!

[Ah, my eyes! 】 Some low-ranking monks painfully said that they had looked up at the black screen for a long time, and their eyes had already adapted to the black screen. As a result, the black screen suddenly ignited the light, and the eyes of the low-level practitioners were lightly lit.

[Are there a figure in the black screen? Did we guess wrong before, it is not a ‘black hole into a big sacred sacred’, just a simple black screen? 】 Some strong monks, squinting at the people who are blasting at this time, before the sacred picture, the heart of the dark road is also thinking, people's black hole is now copyright, can not just become fine.

【what? Hey? Is this figure familiar? 】

After the bright light gradually returned to normal luminosity, a certain face was forced, and there was doubt in his eyes. It seemed that the man who had not made a decision appeared in the eyes of the practitioners of the heavens and the nine evil spirits.

The practitioners of the heavens and the realm trembled together.

【It's him! Wrong, it is him! 】

[霸霸...霸宋! 】

[霸霸......霸儒! 】

In the two places of the present and the nine secluded, almost loud sounds are heard at the same time.

Countless practitioners and nine sinister demons blurted out and called the two holy symbols above.

The heavens and the nine worlds are in the world, and the holy name of the hegemony is sung in harmony.

[Why did the predecessors of the tyrants appear again? Didn't he finish his last lecture last month? 】

[You ask me, I don't know why. 】

This hobby is a man who went to the TV to carry out the ‘man’s sacredness’ and once again appeared in an unexpected way, bringing great surprises to everyone.

Originally thought that the new Xuan Sheng of this sermon would be the first man who was sacred after the ‘the collapse of heaven.... I didn’t expect the predecessors of the tyrants to be prepared to hand over this great ‘honor’ to others.

This persistence has made the practitioners of the heavens and the world cry.

After a burst of screaming tyrants and tyrants, the heavens and the worlds fell into a short silence.

[Hey, look, the predecessors of the tyrannical Songs look like they are so aggressive. He doesn’t seem to know why he was pulled into the front of the people. Is this an accident? 】 There are people who are bold enough to dare to look directly at the face of the ‘Bao Song Xuansheng’, and suddenly found the expression of the doubtful face of the tyrannical Song Xuansheng.

[Will it be a collapse of the heavens, and a mistake in the system of the lectures, which caused the black screen of the 'new Xuansheng' that was previously normalized? Then, in order to fix the bug, the ‘Human’s Pre-Sacred’ program will pull over the predecessors of the Song Dynasty and conduct debugging. Someone can't help but start brain filling.

Jiuzhou No.1 Group.

Huangshan is so tired and wants to retire: "..."

Beihe scattered people: "I thought it was zyjs, I didn't expect it to be a book friend."

Lychee Fairy: "It hurts me to be a sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful tears... I have stunned my feelings."

The Six Immortals of the East: "Weird, since it is not a wise king, then why did we not show up when we mentioned him?"

When the moon is bright, "I showed up, I remind you! And, I was thinking about letting the book take me to be holy."

Three swords of the mad sword: "It may be that the best seed Taoist is retreating, so I didn't see the chat in the group."

Su Shi A Qi: "In other words, I was so naive that I thought that the book was a last time to talk about the small friends... The face was swollen."

Defeat the phoenix son: "Do you say that you didn't pay attention? The book is a little girl's face, and his eyes are full of doubts. Will it be an accident?"

Snow Wolf Cave Lord: "..., wait, let the Phoenix Friends, you dare to look straight into the eyes of Song Shuhang in the law? Do you want to get pregnant?"

Huangshan is so tired that he wants to retire: "Would you like to contact the book-booking friends, ask the situation? Can his personal chat with the talented "recognition chat" function be kept connected?"

"With my understanding of the book, maybe he is not ready to speak the manuscript, and now he is panicking." Peas are now out.

The seven-sacred sage appeared in the body: "Who is going to privately chat with the book, ask him if he wants to give him a textbook?"

The predecessors of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group are always so understanding, meticulous and warm.

"When you talk to the book, you will be pregnant." Oriental Jing Xue Xianzi Road.

Seven repairs: "..."

During the speech, Song Shuhang in the pre-sacred mode has finally changed.

He reached out and rubbed his temples gently, then sighed and seemed to be annoyed.

Then he looked up again and showed a clean smile of the sun to the camera.

The picture of the pre-sacred man began to turn around Song Shuhang.

The lens is head to toe, from front to side.

In the end, this lens has been turned to the back of Song Shuhang... Then, a two-dimensional code pattern appeared in the eyes of all the practitioners in the world!

Yes, Song Shuhang was still in the state of 'explosive clothing' when he was in front of the people. He did not come and put on new clothes. Therefore, this two-dimensional code pattern of the white predecessor behind him is so violently displayed in the eyes of all the evil spirits of the heavenly practitioners and the nine worlds!

Because this tattoo is so wonderful, it has attracted everyone's attention.

Three swords of mad sword: "[Shame face expression] short oil ~ good sensation, I saw the Mimi of Song Shuhang's little friend."

Beihe scattered people: "..."

Lichee Fairy: "Three waves, don't forget that Book Air this time is promoted to the authentic Xuan Sheng... He can already see the 'bounce' information of the thoughts of the inner world of the practitioners of the heavens. Maybe you The message will be captured by him in the lecture."

Three swords of mad sword: "[跪地?叫爸爸的表情] 荔枝姐姐你心心."

The friends of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, because they have already added the Song Shuhang QR code friends, so there is not much feeling when facing this 'two-dimensional code pattern'.

But the practitioners of the heavens and the world are different!

【what is this? Why is there a ‘two-dimensional code’ pattern behind the tyrannical Xuansheng? 】 The practitioners of the heavens and the world are all in harmony with the nine evil world demon.

Then, a habit of universality and universality, the subconscious is displayed by a large number of practitioners.

Numerous practitioners and nine sorcerers, subconsciously use the mental power to sweep away this ‘two-dimensional code pattern’.

The person is in front of the picture.

The original Song Song Xuan Sheng, who had a clean face and a clean smile, suddenly saw a glimpse.

His smile is stiff.

In an instant, countless pieces of information poured into his body... his server could not withstand this tremendous pressure.

Hum ~

The picture of the pre-existing sacred man suddenly exploded, and the blood was full of the entire live broadcast.

Overlord Song... fried?

And in the picture full of blood, there are two rules, began to entangle themselves, into the blood of the full screen!