Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2744: Can not let the tyrants Song Xiaoxiao!

Song Shuhang: "..."

One billion Lingshi did not let him have a hot heat, even the upgraded two sets of ‘Thirty-three beast combination instruments’ to consume the materials and Lingshi, but also he himself to pay.

On the surface, this is a great opportunity for the Emperor of Heaven to arrange for him to upgrade his life. The Emperor of Heavenly Emperor will make everything well, and can be said to be well-intentioned. But somehow, Song Shuhang faintly felt the world’s deep malice against him.

After the upgrade of the equalizer, he not only did not have a billion stone, but he might have to make a ten-eighth billion Lingshi.

At the thought of this, ‘the heart of the tyrannical song’ couldn’t help but sullenly jumped and turned from a happy heart to a myocardial infarction.


The ghostly Oriental Emperor calmly looked at Song Shuhang and Gongde Snake Beauty.

The beauty of the meritorious snakes stared back at the East Emperor without showing weakness.


After a while.

"Then, the Eastern predecessors... I can choose not to upgrade, and then refund?" Song Shuhang thought for a long while, and proposed a proposal that the Eastern Emperor never thought of.

From ancient times to today, the practitioners of all the various worlds of the heavens and the kings are seeking the refining of the Eastern Emperor. Don't say a billion spirits, even if it is several times the number, some people come to the door.

Now, there is a ready-made refining tool upgrade magic weapon in front of the eyes, hegemony to refuse to refund money?

The emperor felt that he was playing his face.

"You can choose to give up the upgrade, but the refund is impossible." The Eastern Emperor slowly said.

It is not that he lacks money. He is the most embarrassing of the Quartet.

The main reason is that the refund issue is related to the face.

Moreover, when he owed the Emperor’s tens of billions of Lingshi’s debts, he did not even know what the rank of the billionstones was.

In ancient times, he encountered an unexpected situation on the way to a cultivation, and he needed to consume a large number of ready-made Lingshi to survive the accident.

At that time, the Emperor of Heaven took the shot and helped him.

Among the spiritual stones that the Emperor sacrificed, the spirits of the six, seven, eight, and nine products were found in every grade. The quantity is not the exact number of billions, but it is only about one billion Lingshi, not precise.

Therefore, even if he wants a refund, he can't restore the Lingshi grade at that time.

It’s always impossible for him to retreat from a billion-pounded spirit stone.

In the end, he chose to work for debts and owe him a favor.

This human condition has been preserved from the ancient times to the present.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"If you don't have materials and Lingshi, then I will go back and continue to sleep. After you prepare for the upgrade materials and Lingshi, call me again. Anyway, as long as you don't give up this opportunity, then between me and the Emperor. The agreement will not be abolished." The Eastern Emperor reminded him.

He can give Ba Song some time to prepare materials. Anyway, for him, today is no different for the upgrade of the tyrants and the upgrade of the tyrants. To be anxious, it is the tyrants themselves... The sooner the sacred weapon is upgraded, the better it will be for future cultivation.

"No, don't wait for the next time." Song Shuhang bite his teeth firmly.

"Do you want to give up the opportunity?" The Emperor of the East looked at the tyrannical songs with some surprise. The poverty of the tyrannical Song seems to be beyond his imagination. Because of poverty, even the opportunity to strengthen the instrument for free is to give up?

"No, the predecessors of the East. I mean, I am going to upgrade now. If there are materials and Lingshi, I have some." Song Shuhang reveals the color of his heartache.

At present, he does have some wealth...

That was the huge amount of property that broke out from the space inside the king of the king after the king broke out.

The heavens and the worlds, like the king of the king, store their own family in their own bodies, and there are not many species that can be lost after fighting monsters.

Song Shuhang, who owns the treasure of the king, has been the peak of his life in the past two weeks.

but now……

He feels the peak value of his wealth life, and is about to fall straight.

"And, if the number of Lingshi is not enough, I can borrow a little from my friends." Song Shuhang added that he had already owed many white spirits to the whites, and he did not owe more.

He now owns the Shouyuan of nine products, and in this long life, he will certainly earn enough Lingshi to repay the huge debts of the whites!

"Take a little." The meritorious snake beauty began to play the repeater.

In theory, Song Shuhang needs to borrow the Lingshi from the white predecessors, and only use the true "borrowing a point" spiritual stone.

The sapling stone of the white predecessor is scaled down to the size of the globe. The small point above is the size of the city. The singularity of the ‘one point’ is dug out, which is enough for Song Shuhang to upgrade the instrument.

"You will take all the spirits out first, I will see that it is not enough for the upgrade. You have two sets of 'Thirty-three beast combination instruments', and if you want to upgrade in one breath, the amount consumed will be larger." Ghost The Eastern Heavenly Emperor’s friendship reminds him to play a psychological vaccination for the impoverished and savage Taoist friends.

In order to avoid the upgrade to half, the tyrants of the Song Dynasty are struggling because of heartache, and they choose to stop upgrading.

In addition, when upgrading the epoch, it is different from upgrading the common tactics. In order to prevent the accident, the Lingshi reserve should be as rich as possible.

"Not as good as my predecessors came to me... Hey, let me release it." Song Shuhang said half, laughed.

He wanted to go directly to his core world with the Emperor of the East.

But when I think about it, the core world is now full of ‘the ancient heavenly fragments’.

Even the ‘South Autumn Temple’ of the Southern Emperor and the “East Spring Pavilion” fragments of the East Emperor are also in his core world.

It is mainly the ‘South Autumn Temple’ of the South, and Song Shuhang does not want to let people know that it is in his core world... In case the news is revealed, the Southern Emperor, who is grinding the people, is very difficult to accept.

According to the reminder of the turtle's predecessors, if the Southern Emperor stared at it, it would be a surprise attack by the Southern Emperor when eating, sleeping, and retreating.

The name of the great man is not coming out of thin air.

There may be mistakes in the world, but there is absolutely no wrong nickname.

After all, Song Shuhang opened the core world a little and gave instructions to the ‘core little assistant’.


A lot of shining eight or nine spirits stone, dumped from the core world.

Even among them, there is a small number of low-grade Lingshi... that is Song Shuhang’s private money, which has also been smashed out by the core assistant.

In addition to the Lingshi, there are also the refining materials in the treasures of the King, and some of the refining materials collected by Song Shuhang from the wool of the nine predecessors, all of which were also taken out.

"The number of raw materials in your hands is quite a lot, and it is a rare boutique. This can be used, these can also be used, this part can also be used, this is not bad..." The Eastern Emperor began to allocate in the material pile.

A stroke is a piece.

In a blink of an eye, a lot of refiner materials, only some corners and corners are not used, and are transferred back to Song Shuhang. The remaining 99% of the raw materials were taken away by the Eastern Emperor.

"In addition... In terms of Lingshi, it is best for you to prepare for a three-fold number of tyrants." The Eastern Emperor added.

It is difficult to get a hand. He wants to give the tyrant Song a good whole. He must strive to use all the spirits and refining materials of the tyrants and songs, and smash the sixty-six combination knives to the limit!

Can not let the tyrants of Song smashed his level of one billion Lingshi shots.