Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2834: Pure as small white flowers!

Song Shuhang feels that he is almost a waste person. Even his only ‘learning function’ of his hobbies is actually divided by a pendant.

Now Song Shuhang, I can’t think of myself, I can still do something...

The lines of the lines are divided by merits, fairy tales, and black skins.

When upgrading the ‘Comprehensive Chat’ talent avenue, there is Ms. Longlu’s work.

The slogan of the longevity of the world’s longevity is carried out by Song fat ball.

In terms of practice, it is practiced by the ghost fairy and the core world. At present, there is also the ‘Day Emperor’s scorpion’s epiphany’.

In terms of spell cultivation, he is trying to move toward the singularity of the ‘law of the law’.

What a practitioner can do, Song Shuhang's pendants can almost do, and dry is better than Song Shuhang.

Now, even things like learning knowledge are seized and seized.

"Don't I be responsible for shouting 666?" When Song Shuhang said, he remembered the sacred shadow of the head... shouting 666, the sages are professional.

In this way, Song Shuhang’s sole role is to be responsible for brushing ‘knowling knife’.

"This is life." Song Shuhang suddenly said with emotion.

Dog tart: "???"

"Yes, this is life." Opposite, the three-eyed boy replied, saying that his third **** was bright, and he secretly poured the secret content of the ‘Taigu 斩 three corpses’ means to Song Shuhang.

In the Taikoo period, the means of the three corpses were the same as the current "fighting swords". Some big sects have their own ‘three corpses’ means.

However, in the final analysis, the means of these three corpses are similar in their roots. Most of the factions in the ‘carrier’ of the corpse have their own research and tips.

First swear the corpse, then smash the corpse... Finally, smash the corpse. After the three corpses are released, the realm of the nine products will be able to break through the restrictions. At the level of the ‘weak? long-lived person’s, Shouyuan’s side can be extended slightly.

Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen projection sits silently on his legs, and there are two big nine secluded masters who guard the law for him.

During the rest of the time, Song Shuhang’s Sense of Being is becoming weaker and more transparent.

After the combination of the formula of the dog's egg **** and the effect of the small black house of the heavenly egg, it has a secondary strengthening effect on the cultivation process of the gods.

"Your knowledge whip effect is so powerful?" On the side, the three-eyed teenagers couldn't help but be surprised.

The effect of the whip-style education program that she has studied is really amazing.

When the whip is pumped, you can learn a lot of complicated knowledge, and you can understand him... The monks are still trying to understand, listen to the law, and understand the fart.

Everyone lined up to let the dog and her lick a meal, and each one could instantly realize the profound knowledge of comprehension.

"Required, the principle of this knowledge whip is very complicated... I can't understand it if I said it." The dog was very proud.

But in fact, his own heart is also awesome. The ghost knows why this whip goes down, and all the formulas are so quickly absorbed by Song Shuhang?

This feeling, as if there are dozens or even hundreds of people, is the same as Song Shuhang to learn to absorb this part of the knowledge deduction.

Not only that, but the guys who helped Song Shuhang to learn and have to have the knowledge reserve of the ‘9 secluded master’ level!

[Does the sword really be a genius of ‘learning’? 】 The dog's egg tarts can't help but come up with such a thought.

Speaking of it, the hammer is in the world, it seems to be a student of a famous university? Grades are also a good type?

[Don't we always look at the hook? 】

But no matter how shocked inside, the dog's egg **** did not show a trace. He wants to put on a high posture, shocking the heart of the three eyes!



Song Shuhang’s formal cultivation time lasted for a long time.

The outside time has passed for a full four hours, but Song Shuhang’s **** is still in a state of cultivation!

This time, he did not pull the cultivation program to the background, did not distract, did not dream, did not use one heart, but really like a practitioner, quietly practiced for 4 hours!

Moreover, his cultivation state is not over yet, and it seems that he can still practice for a long time.

The world is in the hegemony.

Song Shuhang’s sense of ontology is almost the same as that of “The Forgotten God” without him and the layman.

The new "Forgetting the Power of God" spiritual power and Song Shuhang's "Thirty-three Beasts, a qigong" spiritual power, there is no conflict, but complement each other.

The spiritual power of "forgetting the power of the gods" is like the wind, pushing the spiritual power of "the thirty-three beasts are qigong", speeding up the accumulation of spiritual power, and improving the spiritual quality.

In turn, Song Shuhang's eight-character Xuansheng realm + the ability to reach the level of robbery to feed back the "forgetting the merits" of the cultivation process, for this magical power constantly speed up.

In just 4 hours, under the effect of realm bonus, dog egg tick formula, and the effect of Tiandao small black house, Song Shuhang’s “Forgetting God’s Power” was pushed to the seven-layered realm, and it was only a breath to break through. Go to the eighth floor of the exercises.

This is in line with the fact that when you practice low-level spells, you only need to glance at the structure and principle of the spell, and it is a good idea to master low-level spells in the blink of an eye.

The analysis of the dog egg 爹 幽 幽 主 主 主 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 狗

Not only that... In the process of Song Shuhang's cultivation of "Forgetting the Power of God", his ghost and fairy will also synchronize with him from time to time, and improve his "forgetting the power of the gods".

The ghost fairy has a very high mastery of this magic.

She is like a Bugatti, carrying Song Shuhang's crazy acceleration on the road of "forgetting the power of the gods", and launching a death shock.

After the interest rate.

The ghost fairy once again synchronized with Song Shuhang, taking off with Song Shuhang...

Under her synchronization, Song Shuhang’s “Stayed in Wonder”, which had been slightly stagnant, broke through again and entered the eighth floor with a violent attitude.

At this point, Song Shuhang’s cultivation of “Forgetting the Power of God” has come to an end.

After a little rest, the spiritual power in the body began to operate the "God Pillar" exercises.

The content of the 斩 three corpse secret law of the three-eyed juvenile brain was taken out in the mind of Song Shuhang’s mind and slowly unfolded.

Among them, the method of ‘the murder of the corpse’ and the secretive content of the ‘the corpse of obscenity’ on the carrier are the first to emerge.

From the mouthpiece of Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen projection, there was a mist that quietly emerged, covering his face.

Everyone has more or less evil thoughts in their hearts, or some obsessives that can't be put down.

However, the fog that emerged from the nose of Song Shuhangkou was pure as snow and white.

Dog tart: "???"

Three-eyed juniors: "???"

This pure white mist represents the purity of the basin, like a small white flower, without a trace of evil thoughts.

But people can't have no evil thoughts.

Unless... the tyrant is not a human.