Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2888: Call me Song Wei

When Song Shuhang sang the ninth phoenix knives, he robbed the fairy sage in the knives. Then, the sensation that consumed most of the sen was again fed back.

The number of senyuan that came back from the feedback has been reduced by a large amount, but the quality has improved a lot.

You must know that Song Shuhang has a ghost, and every ton of celestial being in his body will be refined and purified by the ‘ghost’. And the 'Nine Repair Phoenix Knife' can still purify his Xianyuan on this basis!

In addition, the sent back to the fairy yuan, also comes with some 'dao pattern' data information.

This information is the key to interpreting the information on the nine-turn pattern on the 'Nine Repair Phoenix Knives'.

With the continuation of the process of cultivating the nine phoenix knives, the data of these ‘stripes’ is more perfect.

Song Shuhang, who is in the state of "Knife and Man", has great advantages in interpreting the lines.

Nine repairs Phoenix knife will take the initiative to cooperate with him to interpret the lines on the knife.

Behind, the ghost fairy and the core world can provide assistance to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang’s brain seemed to be lighted at this moment, and the secret of the “Tao” on the nine phoenix knives was continuously developed and understood by him.

On the nine phoenix knives, eight lines have been unsealed, and the ninth line has been eased with Song Shuhang’s rituals.

Among the eight unwrapped lines, each contains the skills left by the Tiandao dog tarts, which are techniques to strengthen the body's energy and enhance energy control.

After the second order, the strength of the body of the monk will be self-supporting. From the instinct of the body to the spiritual strength of the body to the last body of the fairy. Among the traces left by the dog tart, the first is to strengthen the control in this respect.

The method of intensifying energy attack only needs to follow a certain running skill, so that the energy of the body can be attached with the effect of "trace" when it is released, and finally achieve the effect beyond the energy limit of its own realm!

Take the four-character monk as a metaphor. If you use this technique, the four-character monk will rely on the instinct of sublimation to the limit. When you are competing for the internal strength, you can make a wave with the spiritual power of the five-pronged monk!

If this kind of means is used, the ‘Robbery Xianyuan’ in the body can also produce the effect beyond the limit of Xianyuan after sublimation to the limit!

In addition to the enhancement of defense and attack, there are also extreme operating techniques for energy manipulation in the body. This is the technique of accurately using every energy in your body, so that the energy in the body will not be wasted...

Within the eight lines, the information contained in each article is aimed at the monk's most basic ‘energy manipulation and reinforcement’.

For other monks, there may be a lot of skills that they can't use, especially the monks who can promote the eight-character Xuansheng and the nine-character robes. The manipulation of their own energy has reached the level of micro-invasion.

But for Song Shuhang, the information in these eight ‘Dao lines’ is very precious. The most missing thing in his hegemony is the foundation...

Other monks may not have any improvement in this regard. However, Song Shuhang has a lot of limits to improve in this respect!

Moreover, Song Shuhang knows that the things in these eight ‘Dao lines are warming up.

Even the next ninth ‘Dao pattern’ may be the warm-up link left by the Tiandao dog tart.

Only after completing the warm-up, can you face the mystery of the ‘Tiandao dog’s egg licking the law’ hidden in the slogan after the ‘Nine Road Patterns’ are gathered.

The process of cultivating the 'Nine Repair Phoenix Knives' was steady and steady, without a car accident.

But... Song Shuhang wanted to get the information from the knife, but did not read it!

"There is no information about the 'eight repairs' left." Song Shuhang out of the channel.

On the ninth phoenix knives, the information about ‘eight repairs on the peasant’ was only stayed at the moment when the peasant mother accepted the “eight repairs” status and obtained the ‘nine repair phoenix knife inheritance’.

"Is it the eight repairs in the middle of the substitution?" Stone monument friends guessed.

The number is fixed, and each turn will be replaced by a knife master...but it is not that being selected as the knife master, you will be able to slash the knife to the next turn.

The realm of comprehension is cruel, and the knife master may also fall down accidentally.

In particular, every time a monk enters the first level, he will welcome a baptism of the lord of the day. Maybe he will not finish the ‘sacrificial knife’ and will fall in the middle. Then, the nine phoenix knives had to change the knife master.

The ‘prepared digital repair’ signed by the ‘Nine Repair Phoenix Knives’ contract is a prepared knife master.

"The situation of the onion mother... is too special. To be honest, I have even had the ninth repair phoenix knife with the 'eight turns', and there is something in my heart." Song Shudao.

After all, he tapped the ‘Nine Repair Phoenix Knives’ and said: “Eight repairs, has it been a green lady?”

Even if there is no information left by the 'eight repairs', the nine repair phoenix knives themselves are spiritual gods, but it is alive.

"嗡~" Although the nine-repair phoenix knife can't talk, it can pass its meaning to Song Shuhang through the state of "Knife and Man".

It is a green lady!

Eight repairs are all from the beginning to the end, she is the ninth repair phoenix knife has been honoured to the level of eight turns!

"So, the green lady is not dead." Song Shudao.

As for the 'eight repair information' in the nine repair phoenix knives, it is likely that the lycopene is not willing to leave a record, so it was deleted.

"嗡~" Nine repairs the Phoenix knife to convey his own ideas again, and the answer is proved by Song Shuhang.

Regarding the record of the 'eight repairs', it really happened that the green lady was actively deleted.

In response to Song Shuhang, the nine-repair phoenix knives also passed the ‘Knife and Man in One’ mode, and appeared in the former stalker’s ‘Green Lady’. It told Song Shuhang that although the information about ‘eight repairs’ was deleted.

It is like being pulled into the recycle bin and the deletion is complete.

However, this does not mean that these ‘informations’ have been completely removed.

Of course, this part of the 'information' is not so easy to read.

As a nine-repair, if Song Shuhang wants to read this part of the data, he will have to continue to improve the intimacy of the 'nine repair phoenix knife'. The state of the knife and the person is not enough, and it needs to go further!

"It turns out that this is for me... but it is not a problem!" Song Shuhang laughed haha.

Then, he glanced up, his long hair condensed out more than 0 hairpins, and fell on the nine phoenix knives.

For a moment, the warm brilliance flashed and continued to fall on the nine-knife phoenix knife.

"Come out, **** Song's stunts and cheap love!" Stone monument friends could not help but say.

By the number of winning "knives", the love in each haircut is cheap and heartbreaking. However, under the influence of the number of thousands of hairs in one second, the accumulation of less is more, and then the cheap "knives" can accumulate the effect of the explosion!

The nine repair phoenix knives continue to make a cheerful knife.

The ninth pattern of the knife's unceasing speed is like stepping on the gas pedal and starting to accelerate.

Nine repairs? Song Yu’s signature reappears.

This time, the Chu Ge master finally noticed the signature of the pen.

Song Wei?

【"who are you?"

"Big sword Song... Oh no." The man in memory looked up and gritted his teeth: "Call me Song Hao!"