Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 383: Chu family grandfather

The gasification turned into a cyclone in Dantian, and it made people feel itchy. And every time a true cyclone rotates in Dantian, the quality of the infuriating will be mentioned, and the amount of infuriating will also increase.

In addition, the five major acupoints have a steady stream of blood and blood into the Dantian, transforming into the power of infuriating.

Unlike the imaginary power of qi and blood, the infuriating nature exists in Dantian as the essence, allowing the monk to intuitively feel its existence. When you reach out to your own dantian position, you can sense the vibration that comes from the true air rotation when you feel it.

In addition to the opening of Dantian, a natural gas cyclone was produced. During the war with Ye Tang, Song Shuhang used the modified "Deep Thirty-Three Beasts and Qigong" giant whales again and again. At the moment of Dantian formation, there was a unique instinct that condensed into needles. Standing in the middle of the Dantian cyclone.

This is the rudiment of ‘pseudo-innate anger.’ Next, as long as Song Shuhang perfected it in the realm of the second product, it would be of great benefit to his future cultivation and promotion of the four products. With this ‘pseudo-innocent anger’, Song Shuhang can catch up with the elite disciples of those martial art.

"You...restore the realm of the second product?" Ye Tang lay on the ground, unwillingly clutching his sword and asked.

‘Chu Chu’ looked at him, smiled slightly, and the mood seemed very good.

Ye Tang struggled unwillingly, but he did not even have the strength to get up. The last sword consumed a lot of his physical strength and infuriating. Later, he was smashed by the singer of Chu Chu, and he had completely taken off.

Ye Tang closed his eyes unwillingly... lost. Obviously, under the prevailing situation, he even lost the original "winning" battle.

"Breaking the first game of Sendai, the family of Chu surnamed, won." The guardians pressed their hands on the sword and announced it.

‘Chu Chu’ finally sighed—finally, it’s over.

Wearing a skirt, when the sword is blowing in the wind, there is always a feeling of coolness. Even the moves that lift the legs are not used, and they will go out.

But now, this **** skirt, **** feeling, **** light... are goodbye!



Broken down the fairy.

The Beihe scattered people said: "The weird feeling on the broken fairy table disappeared, and the spell effect in the projectile is over!"

"About ten minutes before and after." Lichee Fairy added

The spell effect in this projectile is not short!

"Isn't this an ordinary acceleration spell?" Baihe Zhenjun inserted a sentence.

Furukawa Guanzhenjun affirmed: "Yes, the effect is too comprehensive. To achieve the effect of breaking the stage on the stage, you have to have several spell effects mixed together. What do you think of Huangshan predecessors?"

Among the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group present, except for the Bai Zun who had not returned since the departure of Song Shuhang, the strength of Huangshan Zhenjun is the strongest and the highest in the eyes!

Huangshan Zhenjun pinched his chin and said: "I have a guess in my heart, but I am not sure."

"Huangshan big stupid and mysterious, Wang!" Peas couldn't help but interject, and by the way, it showed its presence.

Huangshan Zhenjun looked at Peas: "Oh."

The peas suddenly became a stiff, and they were stunned by Huangshan Zhenjun... Although it was originally a hair. Damn, I will be caught by Huangshan with a small tail!

Huangshan Zhenjun no longer sells Guanzi, replied: "I suspect that this spell effect is related to 'time'. But how specific, we need to study again. After a small friend step down, we can ask about his feelings and experience on the stage. , add speculation."

"Time?" The eyes of the friends of Jiuzhou No. 1 are all surprised. If it is really related to ‘time’, the value of this ‘projectile’ can’t be described!

"In other words, the battle of Xiaoyou is finally over. With a product and a realm of real life, you can fight with the two masters for so long, and even defeat the victory. Little friends do have some means... eh?" screaming at the three waves.

But when it was halfway through, the big monkey-like three waves smashed their eyes and stared at the ‘Chu Chu’ on the Sendai.

"I'm blind? Two products really teacher?" Three waves did not dare to set the channel.

When a product hits the second product, is it not the bottleneck of the ‘Yuelongmen’? But what is going on on the Sendai platform? Playing and suddenly became a second-class teacher?

Because I did not expect Song Shuhang Xiaoyou to suddenly advance, so he did not pay attention to the realm of Song Shuhang. When the break of Sendai ended and the two sides separated, he noticed the change in the atmosphere of Song Shuhang!

The Beihe scattered people who were drinking tea at the same time, after seeing the eyes of Song Shuhang, a cup of tea was completely sprayed out: "Hey!"

"It's really two!" Snow Wolf Cave main road.

"Hey, did you find out now? I thought that you all noticed it, and didn't mention this problem." At this time, Furukawa Guanzheng said: "I have been paying attention to the state of the little friends, and then the little friends are fighting. In the middle of the day, the qi and blood power of the five big acupoints in the body was poured into Dantian. Then it became so smooth in Dantian that it became a cyclone and promoted two products."

"Don't jump to the Dragon Gate?" asked the Beihe scattered person.

Furukawa Guanzheng shook his head: "There was no Yuelongmen, so it was promoted."

"... Is this hanging in front of us?" Beihe is a human being.

“Is it true that the white predecessors have developed a method that does not require the “Yuelongmen” to advance to the second product?”

“How could there be such a terrible way?”

"If this is the case, I will immediately turn to the white lord, and be a cute little boy!"

"The heart hurts, how much suffering the old man had eaten for the ‘Yuelongmen’!”

"Don't make trouble, certainly not as exaggerated as you think." Huangshan Zhenjun said: "I think, it should be that... the gas expansion method!"

It is true that Huangshan Zhenjun, seeing a lot of knowledge, thinking is also fast.

The friends of Jiuzhou No. 1 group suddenly brightened their eyes, and right, they almost forgot the ‘Inflated Law.’

"Is the gas expansion method? If this is the case, does it mean that Xiaoyou will be able to advance to the second product earlier?" Beihe scattered people whispered.

"Sure enough, it’s still open!"

"Sure enough, I still ask the white predecessors lack of thighs."

"By the way, the white predecessors lacked disciples."

"Sure enough, still ask Bai Zun to lack the warm bed?" At this time, Bai Hezhen added.

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Baihe Zhenjun: "..."



Around the Chu family's disciples saw the sudden defeat of the Chu Chu masters on the Sendai, and flew out Ye Tang, and cheered again and again.

Relative... The face of the virtual swordsman is hard to look like.

The ups and downs of life are too fast. The realm of Ye Tang in the previous moment made them feel that they were winning, but suddenly the form was reversed and Ye Tang lost. What are you playing, don't you be so heart-warming?

The virtual swordsman’s head trembles and secretly clenches his fists. If this game fails, he will have to break the third game of Sendai.

Need to ask the elders of the virtual sword to go out.


Chu Jiazhong

The 'second game' that started ahead of schedule was defeated. The next ‘first game’ was defeated by Chu Chuli and won!

The news quickly spread to the Chu family.

After knowing the news of the victory, some of the Chu family members were relieved, but they were still not happy.

One win, one negative.

In other words, between the virtual swords and the Chu family, there is a battle in the third game.

The two sides sent the strongest monks to decide the outcome.

The strongest of Chu’s family is the old Chu family in the realm of Sanpin.

The strongest of the virtual swords is a four-element elder who can fly the sword.

Unless the four-character elders suddenly run out of life and die, the Chu family will have almost no chance of winning.

People in the Chu family have been talking about it.

On the hospital bed, the savage Donkey Kong disciple 'Chu Xiong' who was bitten into a serious injury was unwilling to clench his fists. If it was not for him to fail, the Chu family had already won two games in a row, and there was no need to go through the final battle of Sendai. It is.

It was all too weak for him to drag the Chu family into despair.

At this time... Does the Chu family still have the hope of winning?



Broken in front of Sendai.

‘Chu Chu’ returned to the sword and slowly stepped on the Sendai.

"Good job, hey, take care of it. The next battle, give it to me." Chu family old greeted up, Shen Sheng.

‘Chuchu’ nodded and smiled at the old man.

The name of the cockroach, the thunder of him is tender and tender.

After the "Choc Chu" stepped down, some of the members of the Swordsman came forward and helped Ye Tang to break the Sendai.

The two guards re-adjusted the defense level of Sendai and prepared for the final battle of Sendai. In the last game, there will be four-level monks playing, and the defense must be strengthened.

Before the break of Sendai, the old family of the Chu family clenched their fists. In the last battle, no matter whether they lost or won, he could not lose to the virtual swords.

Just then, the old cell phone rang.

When the old family picked up the phone and looked at the name of the incoming caller, the hand suddenly became stiff.

"Grandpa." After the old man took the call, he lowered his voice and called.

More than 20 years ago, the grandfather and grandfather who had been traveling abroad suddenly returned to the Chu family. After returning, he had been retreating, and he was not known. I didn't expect him to call this time.

"Don't worry, the last battle to break the Sendai, hand over to the old man." A majestic voice came.

"But, Grandpa, your injury..." The old man is not willing.

"The injury has recovered a lot, and it is time to come out and make a turn." The majestic voice continued: "Give me the coordinates of Sendai, I will arrive soon."

"That grandfather, you must not be stubborn." The old man sighed and then sent out the coordinates of Sendai.



After a while, in the family of Chu family, there was a sword light 嗖 嗖 窜 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 On the Jianguang, there is a man with a majestic appearance, wearing a square flat towel, wearing a men's clothing, stepping on the position of the broken Sendai in the dawn.


Not long after the majestic man flew away from Chu.

There was a tribe in the Chu family who quietly called: "Mr....the old guy left the Chu family!"

"Good, be prepared!"