Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 400: If I am one, don't!

Song Shuhang suddenly opened his brain. If you use the "changing brooch" to match the "Sea Urchin Warrior Disguise and Concentration Method", what effect will it have when connecting in the final step? Maybe you can complete this convergence method?

Do you want to try?

Anyway, try and don't want money!

And the convergence technique is not a ‘cultivation of the truth,’ and you don’t have to worry about going to the fire.

Thinking of this, Song Shuhang tried it.

According to the introduction of "Sea urchin warrior camouflage method", he began to work mentally and then converged his instinct.

In the final step, the detailed explanation is to match the natural ability of the sea urchin warrior. Song Shuhang wants to use the ability of the ‘changing brooch’ to seamlessly connect.

Just in the final step, Song Shuhang suddenly thought of a question: Hey, wait, will it be a bit silly to become a sea urchin?

It’s not the sea here. If it turns into a sea urchin, the picture is very strange.

After all, here is the mainland. Instead of becoming a sea urchin, it is better to become a caterpillar...

He was just a flash of thought, and then he felt that there seemed to be strange changes around him.

Huh? wait! wait a minute!

I just think so, don't really want to become a caterpillar!

Change the butterfly, it’s not a chicken!

Changing peas is better than changing caterpillars!

However, it is already late. Skills: "Sea urchin warrior disguise and collect interest" (Book Air spelling version) launched.

The next moment, Song Shuhang's appearance turned into an ugly caterpillar. Of course, this change is just a kind of 'illusionation', and his actual body has not changed. Just in the eyes of others, he became a caterpillar.

Moreover, the effect of "Sea urchin warrior's disguise and convergence method (change)" also occurred. Song Shuhang's breath at this time was convergent, and the true gas was firmly hidden in Dantian, and there was no revealing.

I don’t know if the mental power of others is now, is it a ‘caterpillar’ or a ‘sea urchin’?

Really really played by me? Song Shuhang laughed.

"Don't play, or go back soon. I don't know if the battle of Sendai is over. If the white predecessors left, they would be in trouble." Song Shuhang secretly said.



Just as Song Shuhang was preparing to dismantle the disguise and convergence method, in the distance, several figures quickly swept toward it. In his mental ‘vigilance’ induction, this is a total of six ‘sea urchins’, which are swiftly swept here – and sea urchins come over?

Is it a sea urchin warrior who came along the ‘Tu Hai’s Seal?’

When thinking about it, the six sea urchin warriors have come to the scene of the incident, all of which are repairs of the second-grade level, and the degree of honesty and industriousness must be better than that of Song Shuhang.

Soon, they saw the same position on the ground, and the poisonous warriors were broken.

"Damn, another companion was killed!" One of the tall sea urchins bite their teeth.

Another sea urchin warrior approached the corpse of the 'Kian Qianjun' and inspected it. Shen Sheng said: "The blood is not cold yet, the murderer has not left the distance too far! Induction 'revenge imprint', we must smash the murderer !"

When it comes to the word revenge, all the sea urchins are filled with blood and beasted. For them, ‘revenge’ is the number one thing in the sea urchin!

This is an instinct engraved in the depths of their souls, revenge, revenge!

The revenge of the sea urchin warrior is a bit blind. Regardless of the strength of the enemy, as long as there is a ‘revenge mark’, then don’t be embarrassed, go up and do it!

It can only be said that the sea urchin warrior can survive to the present, it is really not easy.

Song Shuhang quietly retired to the side of the forest, they said [revenge imprint] is the seal of the sea urchin, he has this mark. If it is sensed... six second-class sea urchins of the true division level, this hard battle can not be played.

So, really, run to the location of the Broken Sendai.

With his own body of the gentleman, he should be able to distance himself from these sea urchins. As long as I ran to Sendai, there were a large group of predecessors of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', and the book was fearless.

"I sensed, revenge imprint!" At this time, a sea urchin warrior sighed.

The eyes of all sea urchins fell in the direction of the forest.

Then they saw a cute little caterpillar that was struggling to creep into the depths of the woods.

"Is it a caterpillar?"

"It is a caterpillar that has been infected with the blood of our sea urchins. This kind of thing has happened in the ocean. The blood that our heroic sea urchin warriors provoked before the death, has the 'revenge mark'. Sometimes it is dyed. When you go to the enemy, you will also get some small fish that you just swam." The tall sea urchin warrior said: "Damn, does it seem that the murderer has run away?"

"I can't run far, let me expand the range of 'revenge imprint'... Find it! There is a revenge mark, flying in the sky position, in the direction of 'virtual swordsman'!" A special inductive sea urchin The soldier shouted.

"Flying in the sky, is a monk above the four-grade level? Going forward in the direction of the virtual swordsman, hey, it’s really a dead end!" The tall sea urchin warrior sighed: "Go, go back to the virtual swords... just right, After our sea urchin warriors have slaughtered the virtual swords, after collecting enough 'true blood', by the way, we can also destroy this guy who killed our companions!"

After all, the tall sea urchin warrior took the lead and flew quickly to the position of the 'virtual swordsman'.

Of the remaining five sea urchins, four also followed quickly.

Song Shuhang looked at the figure of the sea urchins who were far away, and the brows were slightly wrinkled - the monks who slaughtered the virtual swords?

The monks of the Swordsman, and these sea urchins are not a group?

Originally, Song Shuhang felt that the people of the Chu family had broken the battle of Sendai, and at this time, the sea urchin warrior and the ‘Mr.’ entered the family of the Chu family. They also guessed whether the two sides were a group.

But now, the sea urchin warrior wants to kill the disciples of the virtual sword school.

Are they not a group? Or is it guilty?

Anyway, first go back to Sendai and join the whites and other people. Song Shuhang’s heart is dark.



At this time, other sea urchin warriors have run far, but the last sea urchin warrior who did not leave is striding toward Song Shuhang.

"Oh, even if it is a caterpillar that accidentally catches the blood of a companion, as long as there is a 'revenge mark on the body', you are not allowed to continue to live in this world!" This sea urchin warrior screamed: "Accept the sea urchin warrior The sanction, blame you for being an ordinary caterpillar, but it is stained with the blood of our sea urchin warrior! The weak is the original sin!"

Speaking of the hanging lines, the sea urchin warrior squatted in front of Song Shuhang, stretched out his fingers, and cruelly approached Song Shang’s toe!

Because of the role of the "phantom spell", the position of the caterpillar is exactly the tip of Song Shuhang.

It’s cruel, not even a cute caterpillar!

press! Hey!

The fingers of the sea urchin warrior slammed on the toe of Song Shuhang. Song Songhang’s toe hurts slightly...

Oh, weird, it feels wrong.

The sea urchin warrior wonders, how do you feel that your finger is not a caterpillar?

Ah, strange, my head hurts.

I feel that the hot liquid in the head is flowing out... It is so dizzy and the head is a little dizzy.

Oh, not only dizziness, but even the darkness in front of my eyes?

Strange, what happened?

In this way, the sea urchin warrior who pointed to the caterpillar quietly fell to the ground and died quietly.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Congratulations, you got the title, the sea urchins*3, the three titles merged with one title, and evolved into the title of Warrior.


And in the sky to the virtual swords.

The two masters who had helped the virtual swords before, after a certain distance from the break of Sendai, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the group of monks who blew white light in the sky and landed in a meteor shower pose did not find the meaning of their troubles, and no one chased them.

"Let's go, let's leave this right and wrong." The middle-aged emperor sighed.

The emperor of Hefa Tongyan also sighed: "The original is just a 'Mr.' a human sentiment, and by the way earned a spiritual stone. I did not expect that it would cause such a big trouble. But this way, we owe the gentleman's human feelings, but yet The owe is bigger."

"The next time I have the opportunity, I will return him to this person. This time, we can't blame us."

The emperor of Hefa Tongyan: "Yes, we have tried our best."

The two looked at each other and sighed again.

Then the two turned the direction of the flying sword and prepared to leave the place.

At this time, there was a lazy voice behind them: "Two friends, please stay!"

The two spirits turned their heads and looked behind them.

I saw a young man sitting cross-legged on the sword light and rushing toward them.

The man looks handsome and has a good temperament. At first glance, he is an elite disciple of the Damen School. It is just his eyes that are half-open and half-closed and seemingly unspirited. He immediately puts his elite temperament in a double fold.

As soon as you see this man, you can't help thinking of a word, lazy! The laziness emanating from the bones.

The two spirits looked at the young man and felt a little.

Four products innate realm?

So, the two Linghuang hearts settled a little. The middle-aged Emperor asked: "Do you have any advice?"

The lazy man yawned and pointed to the tears in his eyes: "That's a little sleepy. So, we have a long story."

He said, he stood up from Feijian and continued: "Then two, please don't resist, let me take a good meal, then take a photo and let me forward to a circle of friends, how is it?"

Middle-aged Emperor: "..."

Hefa Tongyan Linghuang: "..."