Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 432: Seniors, can you use your brain?

Is this ‘borrowing eggs?’ Or should it be said that ‘borrowing the swords of the predecessors’?

Song Shuhang feels that he is skilled in brushing skills, and he is not cool.

If you can remove the ‘three second delay’, it will be even more perfect.

So... with the right to use, expired and invalid, Song Shuhang put down the knives. Then he began to use all the exercises and tactics he had mastered.

"King Kong Basic Boxing Method", "Do Not Move the Golden Body", "The Gentleman Miles", "The Thirty-Three Beasts, One Power, One Qigong", the Giant Whale, "The True Meditation".

There are also three tips for using mental power.

Then there is the palm of your hand and the fire control.

Even the tortoise and charging were boring and tried.

Only the 'Lion 吼' Song Shuhang didn't dare to use it... At this time, if a lion cub suddenly appeared, if the group's predecessors changed the idea of ​​'hand tractor', they might be the group's seniors. We hate it.

At that time, in the course of the game, which of the predecessors would have used the means of ‘Baihe Zhenjun’ and used it on him, he would be cool.

The effect of cultivation is very good.

Whether it is the basic boxing method, the gentleman's miles, or the palm of the hand and the control of fire, Song Shuhang feels that his proficiency in all his exercises has risen to a higher level.

Because Song Shuhang has many adventures and hardships, the realm has improved very quickly. It took only two months to reach the second realm.

Therefore, compared with other second-class monks of the same level, Song Shuhang's skill value is slightly lower.

After all, most of the ordinary monks have been trained in the realm of the second product, and the time spent is calculated in units of ‘year’. Their skill value proficiency is very high, especially the basic skills of a major, and the proficiency is above the level of ‘big success’.

While Song Shuhang, although he is diligently practicing every day, he has never slacked off for a day, but after all, he only has less than two months. Even the most diligent "King Kong Foundation Boxing Method" he cultivated, under the premise of hard work day and night, only reached the level of ‘small success, and he was more than half of the proficiency of Dacheng.

Although "Gentleman Miles" has always been looking for opportunities to use, proficiency is only able to reach the level of Xiaocheng.

The tactical thunder is only the level of the ‘entry’ level.

And now... with the phoenix son, ‘By the brain to practice skills’.

Song Shuhang’s skill proficiency is a crazy rise.

Whether it is boxing, bodywork, exercises, or Taoism, after two or three times of exertion, all of them have reached the level of ‘Dacheng’.

This feeling, don't mention how sour it is - even the three-second network delay has become cute.

Song Shuhang dare to affirm that now that his consciousness has returned, although the level of realm has not improved, the combat effectiveness has definitely improved a grade.

"Hey, this method of 'controlling the body' is very good. If I want to cultivate some kind of knives and exercises in the future, but I can't cultivate for a long time. Maybe I can find the phoenix predecessors for help. Song Songhang muttered.

How should I write a message for help?

[Fengfeng predecessors, not good, my XX exercises and cultivation for a long time did not practice, ah, but your head, ah, is a brain, let me practice a practice is good? ]

It feels great.



"There is still a flame knife in the end!" Song Shuhang regained control of the body of the phoenix son, and filed a knives.

From the memory of the predecessors of Li Tian's predecessors, the knives taught by the scorpion.

Although the red scorpion said at the time, this knife method is just a very common road knife method. But with Song Shuhang’s deeper understanding of the ‘flame knife’, the more he feels that this method is not ordinary.

However, his level and realm are not enough. The skill of this ‘flame knife’ is too low to fully exert the domineering power and power of this knife.

If you can improve the proficiency of the flame knife skill taught by the scorpion scorpion, you can use the power of this knives to make it no longer dusty.

Just do it.

Song Shuhang first thought about the knives of burning the heavens and the earth when the red scorpion leader who saw the dream in the original use of the ‘flame knife’.

He turned his wrists.

A flame knife is pulled out! The knife flashed, and it was unparalleled.

Three seconds later, Song Shuhang blinked his eyes—that, what about flames?

Shouldn't the knife burn a flame?

But now, the knife is clean and there is nothing.

Moreover, this time, the brain of the phoenix son did not provide the corresponding ‘flame knife’ inspiration or basic knowledge of the knife.

"No effect?" Song Shuhang picked a brow.

Is it that the posture I just got out of the knife is wrong?

Therefore, he tried again to recall the knife of the red scorpion's long aid, his wrist turned over and once again pulled out the flame knife.

The knife flashed.

But... as with the first time, there is still no effect.

Song Shuhang recovered the flame knife slowly after three seconds.

He thought quietly.

It seems that this flame knife is different from the other exercises he cultivated... Even the brain that used the phoenix son can not improve the proficiency of the flame knife.

"It looks like it will take more time to practice the flame knife later." Song Shuhang secretly said.

This unique ‘flame knife’ deserves more energy to cultivate it.

Maybe one day, he can also smash out like a red scorpion, burn the sun and the moon, burn the day, the land, the sea.

Thinking about it, the Chu disciples who helped the Fenggongzi paint in the distance ended their work and went to the Fengfeng son.

The transformation of the walking tractor was completely completed, and they came to report to the Fengfeng son.

With the completion of the transformation of the Fengfenggongzi tractor, other Taoyou friends have also succeeded, and some people have completed the transformation of the opponent's tractor.

Next... just waiting for the ‘referee’ and ‘spectator’ who the White Savior contacted, this Tractor Tractor Contest will be opened!


the other side.

Comrade Sima Jiang, the harvester of the harvest, is still driving the express car slowly, and he is getting farther and farther on the lost road.

"No, I am completely lost." Sima Jiang stopped the express car, licked his temple, and looked distressed.

The nearby venue was heavily altered and I didn't know what was going on.

He has been driving along the road for a long time, but unconsciously opened back to the original place. For such a long time, he seems to have been around the circle.

It can only be said that Sima Jiang’s luck today is not very good.

In the early hours of the morning, it was the time when the 'Chu family' and the 'virtual swordsman' broke the battle of Sendai.

In order to prevent ordinary people from mistakenly breaking the Sendai, interrupt the battle of "broken Sendai". As a result, the two masters laid down some low-order puzzles near the broken Sendai to stop ordinary people.

After the end of the break of Sendai, the two factions will lift these fans and leave.

However, today's break of the battle of Sendai has gone wrong.

After the failure of the virtual swordsmanship, he suddenly left the ‘broken station.’ And because the other party’s Chu family camp is so hot, the predecessors of the real world are sitting in the town, and the virtual swords are disciplining the pressures of the mountains, and they dare not stay to release the law.

The Chu family, because of the sudden accident of the ethnic group, hurriedly rushed home, did not come and stayed to release the law.

So... Comrade Sima Jiang circled around in a circle, and finally lost his sense of direction.

"Ah, if you can meet a good person at this time, let me ask for a way." Sima Jiang muttered.

Perhaps, Comrade Sima Jiang has received several express orders from the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' and stuck some air transport.

Just after the wish was made, he heard the sound of the roar of the sports car behind him.

Sima Jiang turned his head happily and looked behind him.

But then, his face was slightly pumped.

He saw a four-wheeled ‘the canoe’ look and was making a sound from the sports car and rushing toward him.

And the speed of this thing is also a thief!

Is this a trick?


Su Wenqu, male, the Taoist ‘Take a knife student’, he is the only son of the Confucian ‘Baiyun Academy’ Hengchun Zhenjun.

At the age of forty-eight, he is already a monk at the level of the Warriors.

The Baiyun Academy is the Confucian sect where Mr. Yuqin, the lover of the 藏藏天钩, is located.

Confucian people have become more isolated in the world in recent years, and rarely walk around the world. The seven predecessors of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group once wanted to find a Confucian person, and they could not find anyone...

Su Wenqu, like most Confucian disciples, lived a life of deeper and simpler life. It is also worth mentioning that the real Taoist song of Su Wenqu should be ‘Jade Sword Scholar’.

But once, when he was fighting with the Mormon disciple in the secret, the accompanying sword was broken by the other's heavy weapon. Then, at that time, he decisively smashed the machete from the ground, and used the knife to make the sword move. He even had a special mighty, and the enemy who was doing it was defeated again and again.

Later, after the reinforcements of the Baiyun Academy came over, after seeing this scene, the nickname of 'Take the Book' was spread like this... Then, I don’t know what happened. When everyone mentioned Su Wenqu, I immediately remembered 'The number.

His true Taoist ‘Jade Sword Scholar’, no one can remember.

Su Wenqu Orz.

At this time, Su Wenqu opened his exclusive sports car ‘one leaf lonely boat’ is preparing to go to the coastal position. He made an appointment with several friends and was ready to find a local car.

By the way, he heard his father ‘Henghuo Zhenjun’ took a call. It is said that there is a predecessor in the coastal area who wants to run a very special game. It seems to be also a racing car?

His father was invited to be a referee... The location seems to be also a coastal area.

What is racing, really interesting.

Su Wenqu's hobby is racing.

Waiting for a game with a friend, you can just go to the game.

Opened, he suddenly saw a courier parked in front of the roadside.

The owner looked like an annoyed face.