Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 531: Gold coffin lends you a lay

Among the six tombs, there are many arrays to suppress the tomb. Oh,

But now, when Song Shuhang is in the tomb, the infuriating body in the body is faintly showing signs of blasting the sea. If you leave the tomb range, you will definitely scream and burst into a splendid fireworks.

Six repairs stare at Song Shuhang and ponder how to solve this problem.

Song Shuhang felt that the eyes of Liu Xiu were a bit chilly. She looked at her own eyes as if she were looking at a patient who was about to die.

"Predecessors, what problems do I have?" asked Song Shuhang.

Six repairs nodded: "It's a bit of a problem. I'm thinking about how to deal with your problems, so that if you leave here, it will explode. I have to sue a murderer."

Song Shuhang asked: "It is the real cause of the skyrocketing in my body."

Six repairs continue to nod.

"Predecessors, can you solve it?"

Is it necessary to seal the infuriating in his body?

"You are lucky, I am met today." Six monks.

After all, she pointed to her golden coffin: "See it."

Song Shuhang: "Yeah."

"Go in and lie down. This golden dragonfly is the special material that I have collected in the past 100 years to enhance the physical fitness of monks near the moon, and then mixed with other 13 precious materials. Going to lie down, the effect will not be better than you. Under the five times of gravity, the giants played a bad beat with the giants." Six repairs explained.

Her realm is limited to the extent of Liu Pinzhen; but her body has room for reinforcement.

In addition, she has cultivated a practice of sculpt, and as long as she is willing to spend time, her physical strength can be strengthened to the extent of the seven sages.

So, before you save the price and lift the restricted realm. She wants to be stronger, she only strengthens her body.

This golden plaque is the six repairs that have just been built.

It has a lifting effect on the body of Liu Pinzhen. For Song Shuhang, the second master of the two products, the effect is powerful.

Song Shuhang looked at the golden coffin: ""

Although I know that this gold coffin has the function of strengthening one's own body. but. Just looking at this shape, I feel infiltrated.

Six repairs have pushed the coffin cover open and moved a lot from it. Turtle shells, copper coins, snacks, and even a TV set and computer.

Finally, Song Shuhang also saw a wireless router needless to say, this is the black technology of the monk, and can also link to the network in space.

Six repairs to the Song Shu waterway: "Not yet come"

Song Shuhang bit his teeth and hardened his scalp into the gold coffin.

"Don't be a person who is generous and righteous. If you are not afraid that you will blow up when you go out, I still can't give you my gold 棺." Six repairs said, grab the coffin cover and cover it.

In the golden shackles, it turned dark, and even the outside voices were blocked by the cover.

It was dark and cold, and there was still no sound. It was more terrible than the little black house.

At this time, Song Shuhang could not cultivate instinct and could not meditate. Can only squint in the golden squatting eyes.

I don’t know how long I have to lie in this golden dragonfly.

After about three minutes of being in a daze. Song Shuhang reached out and found the mobile phone that had been changed by the white lord.

Once opened, I really found out that there is a ii signal nearby, or no password.

then. Song Shuhang connected to the network, really can access the Internet

If you can get online, you don't have to be bored.

Jiuzhou No.1 Group.

Dedicated to the public: "No, I still haven't heard from the Dragon Devil. Is there any friend who has intelligence?"

Beihe scattered people: "There has been no dragons and devils who have recently landed on the public. Are you trading on the trading network?"

Dedicated to the public: "Hang up, but many people on this trading network are not reliable. I applied for an account and hang up a transaction. Soon after, there are two stupid people who think I am a rookie, take several other The blood of the demon came, and wanted to pretend to be the dragon's blood. Now, this C guy was caught by me. The seal was repaired and thrown into the spirit beast to raise the pig spirit for me."

Beihe scattered people: ""

This is the real world. There are always people who change the pattern to die.

The public sergeant continued: "If any of the Taoist friends get the news of the Dragon Blood, remember to contact me at a high price."

"Dedicated to the public's predecessors. If there is news, you must tell." Oriental Jing Xuexianzi Road.

Several other online Jiuzhou No. 1 group of friends, have said that they have received the news, they will come to inform the public.

Song Shuhang sighed and sighed.

Dragon magic blood, if he can get the blood of this dragon, you can give it to the seniors. At that time, if you give him a dragon potion, just let him drink a little, it is enough to raise his physique directly to the level of the three-character monk.

At that time, when the practice of whale swallowing and the thirty-three beasts are congenital, there is no need to worry about the crisis of explosion.

It is a pity that the blood of the Dragon Devil is not so easy to get.

When Song Shuhang was thinking about it, the pharmacist sent him a private chat.

Pharmacist: "Book Air Xiaoyou, you are finally on the line. When I was turning the chat record, I saw a few days ago, you asked the group to improve your physique."

"Yes, pharmacist predecessors." Song Shuhang quickly replied.

"You are now a second product repair. I have a prescription here, it is used in medicated baths. You can find a way to match it, wash the medicated bath twice a day, it should allow you to improve a lot of physique. Or" the pharmacist replied .

Medicinal bath, it is necessary to improve a lot of physique.

"The pharmacist predecessors must be sure" Song Shuhang quickly replied: "Predecessors, how many stones in the medicinal bath?"

He now has only ten four-pronged stone, and he doesn't know enough.

"Haha, Lingshi, you still use it yourself. You are going to use it now, and you will use Lingshi everywhere. If you really feel uncomfortable in my heart, I heard that you have raised a few hundred years of onion. Just cut a green onion and give me a debt." The pharmacist replied casually.

He said, he sent a paper package to Song Shuhang, which is the information and medicine pictures of the medicated bath.

The onion sprouts of the green onion is a crystal of the onion in his hand. I don’t know if I can replace the onion sprouts.

As Song Shuhang thought about it, there was something in his pocket that rose sharply.

It is a green lady.

When she was on the moon, she felt the mysterious substance on the moon, which was very helpful for her to reshape the human form. Now, the six-repaired gold coffin is more effective, speeding up the speed of the lyrics.

Now the green lady is transformed into a person again.

Song Shuhang’s pocket was broken.

The green onion is turned into a human figure, and it is on the body of Song Shuhang.

Coincidentally, after she became a human figure, she first saw the reply from the pharmacist on Song Shuhang's mobile phone.

The face of the green lady was suddenly white. To be continued.

Ps: There is still one less chapter. I thought that when I had a rest day, I could pass the code, but it was too sleepy. Get up at noon tomorrow, please re-code it.