Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 717: After the waves of the Yangtze River pus

At this time, Song Shuhang really wanted to tear open the shackles of the white predecessors and pull him out of the shackles.

Fortunately, he sensibly restrained this stupid impulse - if he tore the tornado by hand, maybe the white sage instinctively gave him a punch and he would die.

Song Shuhang sighed and felt that he couldn’t help with the White Master.

However, is it really so comfortable to sleep in the hustle and bustle? Will the white lord be slow to come out?

Song Shuhang began to doubt it. The last time, after taking down the ‘Dragon Magic Pharmacy’, he absorbed the medicine and immediately came out of the shackles. He didn’t come and feel what it’s like to sleep in ‘茧里’. Perhaps, after waiting for the muscles of your body to recover, when you take the ‘Dragon Magic Pharmacy’ again, what is the taste of sleeping in the giant python?

Maybe he will also like to go to sleep in 茧, and can’t bear it?

Just thinking about it, the constant fire of the ‘Baiyun Academy’ came to the edge of the white lord.

He politely bowed to the book and other people, and welcomed everyone.

Then, he made a courtesy to the giant python: "White Friend, long time gone, can you be safe recently?"

After a long while, the voice of the white sage was heard in the giant cymbal: "Well~~"

Song Shuhang couldn't help but twitch.

However, Hengjun Zhenjun is a calm face: "White Daoyou, then I will not bother you to rest, after the White Taoist friends come out, you and I will talk again and again."

In the giant cicada, Bai Zun continued to promise: "Hmm~~"

The constant fire of the constant fire, a smile, clenched a fist, free and easy to leave.

Standing on the side of Song Shuhang, I feel old.

After the death of Hengzhen Zhenjun, Song Shuhang slammed the big bang: "White predecessors, are you really not ready to get up immediately?"

"Well~ sleep for a while, just a little while." Bai Zun said.

Song Shuhang sighed.

Suddenly, his mind flashed in his mind and asked: "The white predecessor, you are not willing to come out of this giant, will not be what happened to your body? So I don't want to come out to see us right away?"

Is it true that the white sage has really become 'muscle white'?

If it is not right, if it becomes a muscle white, the white sage should be very happy to break out and show off with everyone. With the character of the white predecessor, the ‘muscle white’ thing will only make him feel very fun.

So, is it like the phoenix son, the body has evolved, such as a long tail?

"Well??" The voice of the white lord screamed.

"White predecessors, you will not grow a cat's ear? Or is it a tail? Or is it a wing? So I am sorry to come out to see us?" Song Shuhang curiously asked.

"Well, huh?" The white lord stunned and screamed. After a long while, he yawned: "I am a human monk. How can I grow those things? I don't talk to you, let me sleep." For a little while. I blocked my ears and stopped returning to you."

"Ha? Block the ears?" Song Shuhang immediately said: "No, white predecessors. If you block your ears, we will call you when the crew starts shooting."

Is it really necessary to summon the ‘Bronze ancestor’, so that he can easily become a white filmmaker?

It’s not appropriate, with the character of the bronze priest, if he is allowed to become a white predecessor, God knows what he will do?

The dying attribute of the predecessors of the gongs is not under the raging waves! What if he looks at the appearance of the White Supreme, how can he die outside?

"White predecessors, come back, don't plug your ears." Song Shuhang called.

However, the White Supreme seems to have blocked his ears and has not returned to Song Shuhang. Even the response sounds like 'Hmm~唔~’ are not there.

"Don't be like this, white predecessor. You are the protagonist for a while. If you don't come out, everyone will be very annoyed. Come out soon." Song Shuhang stepped forward and slammed the giant clam.

On the side of the white crane Zhenjun looked distressed, Song Shuhang every time he patted the giant python, it seemed to be slap on its heart. But it is also very much looking forward to the white sages - what if the white lord has wings? Will it be cute? Will it be paired with it?

Therefore, it forcibly endured heartache and allowed Song Shuhang to slap the giant python.



Song Shuhang shot several times in a row, and the white sages inside did not respond at all.

Really stuffed your ears? !

"It seems that only the last move is used." Song Shuhang gnawed his teeth - I thought he wouldn't break the giant python and couldn't get people to get up?

White predecessors, you are too naive.

This time, definitely let you get up.

Song Shuhang reached out and picked up the giant python and the empty space. Then... he used his arms to shake the two giants in a crazy way.

I don't believe that under this circumstance, can you still sleep in the whites?

If I can still sleep like this, I am really a word of 'service'!

On the side of the white crane, Zhenjun’s eyes widened and he said anxiously: “Lightly, lightly. Don’t shake another empty space that is connected!”

Not far away, Henghuo Zhenjun looked back a little surprised and looked at the young man who madly shook the ‘White Supreme Sleeping Giant’.

Where is this young man sacred? Have you eaten a bear heart or a leopard? Even dare to shake the giant scorpion that Baidaoyou sleeps so violently, isn’t he afraid of life?

Therefore, the curious constant fire Zhenjun asked the dusty truth on the side: "Where is the buddy, who is this sacred?"

The dusty real Jun also looked at Song Shuhang - the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger, and the death was changed from the pattern.

"This young man is a small friend of Song Shuhang."

"This name is familiar, dare to ask this little friend's friend?" Constant Fire asked.

"Well, this is more troublesome. Xiaoyou has more friends, and I have called him ‘seven friends.’

Constant Fire really nodded silently.

"Book Air Xiaoyou is the little friend who is responsible for going to meet the predecessors of the white predecessor. How do you say that he and the "Jiuzhou No.1 Group" are very different, because he is just beginning to practice. Young people, so the way of thinking is more modern, and it is more jumping. In short, it is an interesting younger generation." The dust is really rising, especially the little friend, who is also very good at making death.

Privately thought, in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', in the death of the Yangtze River, the wave of the Yangtze River can be pushed forward, and the 'Three Waves' will be killed on the beach, not the gongs, the peas, not the friends. , but this Song Shuhang small friend!

Constant Fire really nodded and asked: "But... this little friend is so violently shaking the white sleeper's sleeping place, no problem?"

"Well, who knows about this? Maybe the whites feel so swaying, can you sleep more fragrant?"

Constant fire really nodded, it makes sense!

But at this moment, there was a sudden bang of '~~' in the distance.

The two real men turned their heads and looked around - and then saw that the Song Shuhang, who was still holding the white lord’s giant squat, made a scream and was overwhelmed by the giant python, and even appeared on the ground. Cracked.

——It seems that the white sage who is sleeping is finally shaken and can't stand it. It uses a skill or a spell like ‘Thousands of Pendant’, which makes the giant scorpion instantly become a hill.

In this way, Song Shuhang, a small friend who was shaking, was directly suppressed by the giants and crashed into the ground.

"Oh, white predecessors, don't increase it any more, the ribs have to be broken." Song Shuhang slammed the giant clam and shouted.

But the more he beats, the more he gets heavy.

Song Shuhang immediately realized that he no longer beat the giant python, and no longer shouted - sure enough, the weight of the giant python is no longer aggravated.

Song Shuhang sighed faintly - really, getting a strong senior to get up is really a dangerous thing. Especially the predecessor, inadvertently causing terrorist damage.

It’s gone, now that he really didn’t move, let the white predecessors sleep until the movie starts!



Fish Jiaojiao and Ye Si came to Song Shuhang.

Fish Jiaojiao turned into her mother's appearance at this time, holding a branch in her small hand and poked the face of Song Shuhang – no way, the illusion is just illusion, not a transformation. Her small claws are relatively short, and she can't poke Song Songhang's face, only by the length of the branches.

Fish Jiaojiao asked: "Is still alive? If you are alive, you will turn a blind eye."

Song Shuhang turned a blind eye.

Fish Jiaojiao: "Hey."

Ye Si also squatted on the edge of Song Shuhang, and asked with a look of doubt: "In fact, the book is sailing, I just wanted to ask you... the white predecessor in Dagu, although plugging his ears. But when the film started shooting At the time, you can ask him to get up in the way of 'passing the secret'. Do you need to be so anxious?"

Song Shuhang: "..."

"You won't forget the ‘transmission into the secret’?” asked the fish.

"Cough, of course not. I just think that I can't let the white predecessor go so arbitrarily. How big is it, even if I still have a bed, it depends on it for so long. Everyone is waiting for him to come out, so I actually want to shake him. Wake up!" Song Shuhang looked serious.

Ye Si looked seriously and nodded: "Oh."

Fish Jiaojiao: "Oh."

"Well, don't hesitate, help me to remove the white scorpion's giant scorpion. The old sinking, the pressure on my ribs will be broken. No way, let the white predecessors continue to sleep. But after a while, after filming, Anyway, I must wake him up." Song Shuhang gritted his teeth.

"Ha ha ha." The fish smiled and stood up, then she stretched out her small claws and tried to move the giant scorpion pressed by Song Shuhang.

After a while...

"Hey? Can't move!" The fish is full of strength, but the giant python that is pressed against Song Shuhang can't even move one point.

She is the big demon of the four products, she can not move the weight - the bottom of Song Shuhang was not crushed to death? This weight, even if it does not crush the book, at least he can vomit blood, right?

Ye Si blinked and said, "I will try."

After all, she stretched out her hand and also picked up the giant python and tried to move it.

After a while...

Ye Si also shook his head and said: "I can't move."

She is a monk in the realm of five goods, um, no. Now she is the ghost of the five realms? Anyway, anyway, she is the strength of the five products, they can't move this one.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The white crane of the female state is very succinct: "I will try."

After a while... it also failed.

Later, the phoenix son, the lychee fairy, the snow wolf cave master and other friends on the side tried several times, but no one could remove the giant python from the book.

"It seems that the white predecessors are not using the "pounds" and the like. It is the seal of the suppression class... Because it is a seal, we can't move this giant!" Lichee Fairy guessed.

During the talk, Lichee Fairy did not forget to take out his cell phone, hehe, and the repressed Song Shuhang took a few photos.

Song Shuhang’s mouth twitched, and he looked at the fish, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “Jiaojiao, do you try to take me out with the mantle?”

"Unfortunately, I can't do it." The fish smiled and said: "This is the site of the Baiyun Academy. Every inch of land has a ban on the law, and it can't display the earthworms."

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Book Air Xiaoyou, don't think too much. You still wait for the white predecessor to wake up, unravel the crackdown and come out again. Rest assured, I will let my niece stay with you." Lichee Fairy Road.

At the same time, her little hand swiftly swung on the mobile phone, and sent a photo of Song Shuhang just to the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

Well, today she is still beautiful.

Jiuzhou No.1 Group

After Litchi Fairy took a selfie, another Taoist friend spoke.

It’s not the North River, but the three waves.

Three waves of mad knife: "Let me out... white predecessor, please let me out. I have already fainted, I wrote this message for twenty minutes. I was wrong with the white predecessor, I am really wrong. This The slowness of the secret is simply hell."

The mad knife and three waves are really scared!

Those who die are generally more active, and letting them force ‘slowness’ is the most terrible thing for them.

When the Taoist friends in the group saw this news, they could already fill the picture of the imaginary knife and the three waves being sent to the ‘slow secret.’

He takes 15 seconds to raise his hand and 15 seconds to take one step.

It takes fifteen seconds to pull out the phone, and fifteen seconds to open the unlock screen. It takes a lot of seconds to open the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 group.’ Then he starts typing messages, and each time you press a button, it takes a few seconds.

In this way, he beats one word and one word, and each word takes several seconds or even one minute.

This does not include the process of deleting after writing the error. Finally... After a long twenty minutes, the mad knife and three waves knocked out the above sentence and successfully pressed the ‘send message’ button.

It was a tearful picture--but most of the friends of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' thought about this miserable picture, but there was no ‘pity’ in their hearts, but they were somewhat happy.

Beihe scattered people: "Hey? Can you still send a message in that secret? Yes."

There are three waves of madness, and even the heart of death.



At this time, about Baidu College is about a hundred kilometers away.

Su Shi’s seven-sword knives flew, his hands were behind him, and he was a master. Behind him, Sue A.16 sits cross-legged and is playing with his mobile phone.

Soon, she saw a photo of the lychee fairy.

"噗~~" A sixteen laughed out loud.