Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 835: Meng Loli and other bear children from o

"We will make a turn and do nothing bad. %%1" Xiaohe Shangdao.

If the other party is a righteous monk, then you don't have to worry about the other party's injury; if the other party is a sinister, be careful not to have problems. If there is an accident, the little monk still has a life-saving treasure and a baby who summons the three-day brother.

The older girl is still very upset: "I still don't feel good about making extra branches."

However, the young monk and her sister have already got up and went to the front of the carriage. When the older girl sighed, she could only follow. After all, she is the oldest of the three, taking care of her sister and a young monk.

Passing through two compartments, the three little ones entered the compartment where Song Shuhang was.

"Good fragrance!" The young girl, sucking her nose, then a small voice came from her belly. This scent is more fragrant than the dishes made by the martial art chefs!

"The position of Aura is in front!" The little monk whispered: "Be careful, we pretend to pass by, not to attract the attention of the predecessors."

The voice of the mobile phone is sounding in front of the talking room. Because there are seats separated, the little monk and the two girls, can not see the owner of the phone.

However, the location where the ringing of the mobile phone sounded seems to be the position where there was spiritual fluctuation before.

Therefore, the young monk and the big one and two young girls involuntarily focused their attention on that position.

Just now, from the front, the voice of the little monk was very familiar.

"Hey, brother of three days? Is there something for me?"

"Ah? Hey? The little fruit has left home. Hey, this time he took away two very important guests in the temple?"

"No, the fruit did not come to me. I just left the Huangshan predecessor and prepared for Wenzhou City. I did not contact me."

Got it. If the 'fruit' comes to me, I will contact you for the first time. Rest assured, I will never let him run away. ”

Understand that if he really dares to run around, I will teach him a good meal for the brothers. Don't worry, I will never be merciful. ”

"Understand that the bear child is itchy! Then let me say this, bye."

The little monk heard this, and his face suddenly became pale.

"We withdraw." The little monk used the mouth to talk to the two sisters around him.

Then, the three little guys carefully retired from the car and reached the back of the car.

Successful escape!

The little monk was deeply relieved.

"Small fruit, just the gentleman who called, do you know?" asked some older girls curiously. They naturally heard the content of the call from the gentleman.

The gentleman mentioned the name of the ‘fruit fruit’ more than once, and also mentioned the name of the ‘three-day brother’. Obviously, the fruit should be to know him.

"Yes, I know." The little monk nodded. "He is the 'Song Shuhang brother' I mentioned to you before. Under normal circumstances, he is a very good brother. In fact, when we first went to the Jiangnan area, I want to go to him, he is studying in Jiangnan University City."

"Then you still hide from him?" the two sisters wondered.

Xiaoguoguo licked his face and explained: "He is a good man, a good man, and he is very concerned about me. But he has a very evil hobby. For a child who is not obedient, he It’s especially scary to play the little ones! So we can’t be seen by him, or the consequences will be disastrous!”

He just heard that Song Shuhang assured the three-day brother that he would teach him well and said that the bear child was itchy, so he was scared.

In addition, he still remembered in his mind, in the video video of the small video that Peas gave him, Song Shuhang violently jumped like a roar: Waiting for me to catch you, whether you have hemorrhoids or not, I want to beat you out. !

The singer hit it out and smashed it out.


After the two sisters heard the words of the small fruit, they suddenly turned red.

Coincidentally, during the speech, the propaganda film of the Battle of the Last Law began to be played in the carriage of the motor car.

The first thing that appeared was the picture of Gao Sheng’s brother slamming the night.

The fruit pointed to the face, and the protagonist of the protagonist’s "Liangsheng brother", whispered: "Look at this Gaosheng brother! I told you before, this movie, most of the actors are me. The seniors who know each other. This Gaosheng brother is the Song brother!"

The two sisters looked up and looked at the terrible appearance of the ‘high rise brother’s.

The next moment, the two sisters shook their heads in madness and looked terrified.

"So, we must be careful to avoid the booklord brother. It is terrible." Xiaoguoguo shook his head.

"The same feeling." The older girl nodded.

"Agree." The young girl agreed.

"Hehehehe." A gentle laughter appeared behind the fruit.

The fruit is a stiff body.

"I seem to have an auditory hallucination. We drove out of here and went to our own seat." The fruit was strong and calm.

But in the next moment, two powerful fists were placed on his temples and forced to drill.

"It hurts and hurts" and the fruit is screaming.

The two sisters saw this picture and jumped to the side with a scary look.

Song Shuhang looked at the little bald head under his fist and had to sigh.

At the beginning, when he was on the phone with the three-day brother, he did not sense the little monk.

However, after the small monk retired from the carriage, he began to convey to the two sisters around him, "Song Shuhang, brother, who would be a terrible brother who would bring out people."

Then, these sounds, all of which were hidden in Song Shuhang’s body, Ye Si’s sister heard it, and Song Shuhang now accidentally fled the ticket. He took Ye Si's sister to the train, but did not pay the ticket hahahaha!

In short, the fruit and the voice of the two sisters were heard by Ye Si. Ye Sike is a five-pronged emperor. It is easy to hear the voice of people communicating through a carriage.

After she mentioned the name of 'Song Shuhang', she told Song Shuhang about this.

Song Shuhang was somewhat curious at the time and wanted to come over and see if there were any acquaintances who just took the train.

Then Song Shuhang saw the little bald head of fruit, and there were two very cute girls around the world.

Combined with the two very cute girls who were told on the phone by the three-day brother, they should be the guests who were brought out by the fruit.

How do you say it? There is a long way to meet, and there is no chance to meet each other.

He and the young monk must have a very good relationship. Just after the phone call of the three-day brother, the little monk ran into the door.

Song Shuhang was looking at the two sisters, and the two sisters were also staring at Song Shuhang.

After a while, the older girl seemed to think of something terrible.

Her face was blushing, but she was firmly in front of her sister, facing the Songshu Fairway: "Song brother, if you have to fight us out, you will hit me, I accept double. Punish. But please let me go!"

Song Shuhang: ""

The next moment, he screamed: "Small fruit!"

The fist that drilled the fruit head was even harder.

"It hurts and hurts, book the flight attendant brother, please let me go, it hurts so much. The skull must be broken!" Fruits burst into tears.

At this time, the train arrived at the next station after a pleasant reminder.

Song Shuhang let go of the tearful fruit and said to the three bear children: "Do you have three luggage?"

The older girl shook her head.

"Good three of you, come with me!" Song Shuhang gnawed his teeth: "In addition, I have no hobby to fight people out!"

But fruit, this is going to go, I really want to think about playing you out!

After that, Song Shuhang took three little guys to his seat and moved his suitcase down.

Some of the local products in the Huangshan area are in the trunk. This summer vacation has been going out, so Song Shuhang bought some special products and brought them to the parents.

"Brother, are you going to get off the bus?" asked the little girl who was very non-standard in Chinese, squinting and asking.

Song Shuhang’s ‘Legend Lotus’ has been carefully loaded into a transparent box. As a result, the tempting scent of the scent stopped and the scent gradually dissipated.

Song Shuhang originally thought that this little girl could not help but tempted to eat this lotus flower. Anyway, this lotus flower was originally used for eating. I did not expect this little guy to live with this temptation.

Song Shuhang patted the little guy's head gently: "Well, my brother is going to stop here, you are riding, don't run around."

"Thank you brother, I am not a three-year-old child. I am four years old this year and will not run around." The little girl said.

On the side, the young mother smiled.

Song Shuhang laughed, then he overs and stared at the little monk fruit.

This is the difference between ‘other family’s Meng Loli’ and her own bear child!

did you see that? !

The children of other people are only four years old, so they are so sensible, and people can't wait to be able to raise their families. Can you let people do less snacks with these three bear children?

The little monk had a calm face, his hands clasped his hands, and his mouth was rumored.

The older girl looked ashamed.

The young girl is confused.

After saying goodbye to the young mother and daughter in the neighboring seat, Song Shuhang took the three bears and took the first move.

On the way, the three bear children have been looking at Song Shuhang. They are peeping at the realm of book and air. If Song’s strength is not very strong, the three of them may choose to escape.

In the memory of the young monk, Song Shuhang’s brother should be the first to enter the realm of the second. But now, the sense of oppression uploaded from Song Shuhang feels a bit like the atmosphere of the three-level brother.

After the separation from him, Song Shuhang’s brother has quietly raised a level? (To be continued.)

The novels are updated fast, with few advertisements, complete chapters, and broken theft.