Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 935: All are gone!

"Chu family? What happened?" Yurouzi asked. Her friend Chu Yuying is a Chu family, so she is naturally concerned about the Chu family.

"This is the case. The news about the secret of a mysterious forbidden land in the Chu family's ancestral swordsman was revealed. The news spread more and more exaggerated. Not long ago, there was a wave of masters who attacked Chu in the night." Song Shuhang brief Describe the situation again.

"Someone hit the Chu family in the night? Who did it!" Yukozi was anxious.

Song Shuhang: "I don't know."

"The Song predecessors, how is Chu Yuying now? Is it safe?" Yu Rouzi asked again, Chu Yuying is now pregnant, but don't have problems.

"I also just got the news of the Chu family attack. It is still not clear what the 'Chu Yu Firefly' girl is now. You don't have to worry about Yurouzi. After a while, I went to the Chu family with the white predecessors, and then I will reply you." Song Book fairway.

"It’s troublesome Song predecessors." Yukoko heard a sigh of relief when he heard that Bai Zun had to go to the Chu family with the Song predecessors.

After that, after ending the conversation with Song Shuhang, Yurouzi quickly ran towards the position of his father Lingdie.

"Auntie, help me!" Yukoko yelled as he ran.

Lingdie Zun is sitting in the pavilion with a mad knife and three waves to have a tea chat. At the same time, the mad knives and three waves rushed to the spiritual butterfly to ask for some problems in cultivation.

Everyone has been caught by the sacred butterfly and filmed. If you don’t take the opportunity to ask some questions from the sacred butterfly, this wave will be a big loss.

After hearing the sound of Yukoko, the sacred butterfly turned his head and curiously said: "What happened? Yukoko."

"Yeah!" Yukozi ran to the front of the Lingdie Supreme, and nodded hard: "Well, something big. For the aunt, today my road number is 'chemical robbing', you should not be wrong. ”

The spirit butterfly statue reveals a loving smile: "Yes, yes, it is wrong for the father. Then, do you have anything to do for the father?"

One side of the mad knife three waves: "..."

Scorpio, 365+ track number, Yukoko girl is still playing. In other words, the spirit butterfly sages still have to take a slogan for the love girl every day?

This is the heavy fatherly love.

Sanlang feels that if he has a daughter in the future, and his daughter has 365 daodao, he will definitely... agree.

However, his doctrine will not be like the Lingdie predecessor. His daughter's Taoist name can be taken with a number similar to him. In this way, a day and a number is very simple. For example, you can go from ‘a knife and a wave’ to a ‘three hundred and sixty-fifth wave’.

Even if the road number is different every day in life, the number is endless. 'The knives of six hundred and sixty-six waves', 'the knives of a hundred million waves', 'the razor of seven hundred billion waves', 'the razor of a trillion waves', as long as the numbers are superimposed, every day forever Fresh road number, great.

It feels great to think about it.

At this time, the ‘Zhizi’ fairy said: “Auntie, the Chu family has an accident. Can you send someone to help the Chu family?”

"Chu family? Is it the last time to break the Sendai?" asked the spirit butterfly Zun.

"Yeah." [The slayer] Yukoko nodded.

Then, she told Song Shuhang on the phone about her situation and relayed it to Lingdie.

Hearing the three waves, he sighed: "The husband is not guilty, he is guilty of his sin."

After listening to the Lord of the Butterfly, I thought about it: "I will send people to the Chu family to observe it. I can seriously hurt the ancestors of the Chu family, and the strength of the sneak attackers is not weak."

When the voice of the sacred butterfly was just falling, she saw the female prostitute, who looked forward to him.

The Sayādaw’s mouth rises: “If you want to be a father, you can do it... However, you must first master the ‘Yujian.’ When did you master the sword, and the father would take you to the Chu family.”

If you can let Yukoko invest 200% of the enthusiasm to learn the sword, then the person who feels that he is going to go to the Chu family is worth it.

Just celebrate the successful robbery of your daughter and take her to the mountains to play with water.

"A word is fixed." Yurouzi said.

"The gentleman is hard to chase after a word."

Then, [Zizizi] Yurouzi gritted his teeth and grabbed Feijian: "That aunt, we immediately cultivated Yujian!"

"No more rest for a while?"

"No, I think Yu Jianshu, I will learn soon!" Yukoko from the channel, she patted her pocket, there is a mini card speaker, which stores the "seven kill songs" of the predecessors .

Still, when my personal gm sounded, nothing could stump me!

With the original version of the "Seven Kills" blessing, she will be able to learn the sword in the shortest possible time.

After Song Shuhang finished the call, he overturned the number of the white lord and called the white predecessor.

Only the whites’ phone has not been connected.

Song Shuhang sighed, it seems that the white predecessors learned the excavator very embarrassed, even the phone has forgotten to pick up.

At this time, the foreign monk had completed the discharge procedure.

Song Shuhang will help the Chu family disciples to the leaf of the book.

"Ye Si, first go to Jiangnan University City to find the seven generations of predecessors, and then go directly to the school next door to find the white predecessors." Song Shuhang said.

"Understand." Ye Si should have a voice, the life of the gold book first went to the location of Jiangnan University City.

On the way, Song Shuhang dialed a phone call from Bai Zun, but the phone was still not answered.

"The mobile phone of the white predecessor will not be hidden in the space magic weapon?" Song Shuhang secretly said.

As I spoke, suddenly the book was in the middle of the heart, and he turned his head to look at his upper right position.

Then, he saw the white lord with a smile on his face and stepped on the air.

At this time, the white sage, wearing a simple white dress with a large sunglasses on his face, seems very happy.

Song Shuhang quickly called out: "White predecessors! You have already come over."

Bai Zun stopped his footsteps and looked at the position of Song Shuhang. Then he smiled lightly: "Book Air, how do you know that I am coming out?"

"Ha?" Song Shuhang was puzzled, and then said: "So, what about your white mobile phone? I just called you two times, why didn't you pick up?"

"Today's mobile phone is not with you." Bai Zun said with a smile: "Is there something for me?"

"There is an urgent matter. We didn't mean to go to explore the forbidden land tomorrow. But now, some people attacked the Chu family in the night and snatched the ancestral swords. We wanted to take the first step and go to the forbidden place." Song Shudao.

"Hey, grab our stuff, don't want to live! Hey them!" White sages clenched their fists: "Let's go to the forbidden place now. If anyone is going to the forbidden place, all will be destroyed!"

"The white predecessor is particularly domineering today." Song Shudao said: "But let's go to the Chu family first, the Chu family was attacked by the night, we will first help them deal with those night attackers. And, if they can run into The ancestors of the Chu family were even better. He knew the location of the forbidden land and had gone to a forbidden place."

"Alright, then we will go to the Chu family immediately! Now those night attackers are all gone!" Bai Zun said.

"No hurry... We still need to send this Chu family friend to the seniors of Qishengfu to see if he can treat his injury, so as not to fall a little bit of disease." Song Shuhang said again.

"You have a lot of things." Bai Zun snorted and said: "No need to be so troublesome, let me see what hurts him."

The white lord squatted to the Chu disciple, his eyes were slightly bright.

After a while, Bai Zun said: "This is a small injury, it is easy to cure. Look at me."

The white lord picked up his sleeves and then stretched out his little finger and gently poked on the Chu disciples.

It was such a poke, and he did not see what healing spell he used.

In the next moment, the remaining swords in the Chu family's disciples were all wiped out. At the same time, the internal injuries of the Chu disciples recovered with the visibility of the naked eye.

After three breaths, the Chu family disciples stood up and the whole person had returned to the best condition, just like no injuries.

Not only that, Chu disciples feel that they have not progressed for a long time, and there is a feeling of breakthrough.

He has an instinct, as long as he gives him a little time, he can open a fifth 窍 窍 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ! !

This is really a big disaster, there must be a blessing.

"Thank you for the whites to save the sick." Chu disciples grateful to the white sage.

"You're welcome, raise your hand." Bai Zun, proud of Song Shuhang: "Okay, the wound is cured. Let's go to the Chu family!"

"The white predecessors are amazing!" The foreign monk said with a thumbs up.

"Required." Bai Zun said.

Song Shuhang blinked his eyes: "Well, let's go to the Chu family first. But the white predecessors, you are not saying that you want to bring some friends and members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group to brush the forbidden land?"

"No, in fact, we have enough to go to the forbidden area. As for the Taoist friends and other members, take them next time." Bai Zun said.

"Alright." Song Shuhang nodded, and then to the foreign monk: "What about the master? You want to go with us to the forbidden place?"

The foreign monk thought for a moment and shook his head. "Although I really want to follow the Song Shizhu to go to the forbidden place to risk, but there is something wrong with the impoverishment, I have to miss this opportunity."

Next, he will return to the Zongmen. The foreign monk has been promoted to the realm of the second product, and it is officially entered into the door without the sound. It’s time to go back to the gate and light up your life.

After all, the foreign monk handed two books, and the original "The Sorrowful Diary" was handed over to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang took out a [live spring] and handed it to the foreign monk.

Originally, Song Shuhang wanted to borrow these two original views from the foreign monk, but in the end, the foreign monk used the original of these two volumes to replace Song Shuhang’s ‘live spring’.

The foreign monk wants this ‘live spring’ not for himself, but for his master without a voice. (To be continued.) 8