Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 975: A book is surrounded by a group of sword

Hundreds of swordsmen sneaked into Song Shuhang and plotted.

At this time, Song Shuhang’s invisible knife, wit, discovered his own ‘companion’.

"Hey." The knife rushed to call up and reminded Song Shuhang.

【Ok? Is the sword close? 】 Song Shuhang suddenly had a toothache.

This person, what is afraid of what comes.

He was still worried about the second second, fearing that he would accidentally inflict the invisible sword, and the next second, the invisible sword would come.

"Unfortunately." Song Shuhang sighed and knew that he would not be anxious to play ‘Yuandao Feijian’. At the very least, he had to wait for the whites to come back first.

"We will speed up first, back to Ye Sina!" Song Shudao.

First look at yourself and Ye Si teamed up, can you block these invisible swords.

If you can't do it, take Ye Si and they run, as long as they escape to the core world, the invisible swords can't help them.

The invisible knife is accelerating, with Song Shuhang '嗖~', and squatting to Ye Si.

At the same time, Ye Si also sacrificed the book of life, and took the meritorious snake beauty and the fighting kangaroo beast into the golden book and flew to Song Shuhang. She is the spirit of Song Shuhang, and Song Shuhang's idea is connected. After Song Shuhang sensed the crisis, she immediately reacted.



Ye Si was close to Song Shuhang, and he was taken to the gold book, then turned to the gold disk position of the forbidden place.

“How many are there invisible swords close to us?” Ye Si asked in a loud voice.

If the number is small, she and Song Shuhang can try to join forces to resist.

Song Shuhang patted the invisible knife gently: "How many invisible swords are there? Where are they now?"

Dealing with invisible enemies is such a headache.

Fortunately, his invisible knife can see ‘swords’, they are not too passive.

Invisible knife: "嘤嘤嘤???"

This time, its call is full of doubts, because it can not understand the problem of Song Shuhang. After all, it was just born and could not understand too complicated a problem.

"Where is your companion now?" Song Shuhang re-inquired.

"Hey!" This invisible knife answered the question of Song Shuhang correctly.

[Has it been surrounded? 】 Song Shuhang liver pain, invisible swordsman speed is fast, faster than Ye Si's gold book flight.

"We have been surrounded." Song Shudao.

Ye Sidao: "I am holding defenses within three meters of the gold book. After a while, you can use the flaming knife to attack the flaming knives in all directions, and try to find the number of invisible swords. If there are more, we will run away."

"I tried my best." Song Shuhang swallowed a remedy to restore the infuriating temperament. Before he patted the 'invisible knives', he consumed a lot. The meridians of his arms were even more faint, and he now does not know that he can still Prompt a few knife flame knife.

"Right, do you have a contact signal on your mobile phone now? Log in to the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 group' to ask the predecessors in the group to see if there is any Taoist friend who has the means to deal with the invisible sword?" Road.

"Also." Song Shudao.

So he opened a one-inch shrink bag and was ready to take the phone.

"No, I have already posted a question in the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group', and now I am waiting for the answers from the predecessors in the group." At this time, the voice of the green lady was transmitted from the one-inch shrinking bag.

Song Shuhang paused and nodded: "How did the seniors answer?"

The green lady seems to be more and more intimate, always able to help at a critical time.

But... How do you know his mobile phone unlock password?

"Only just sent, only the Beihe seniors replied with a help to find information, other seniors have no news." Lieang answered.

As an onion demon, she was in a one-inch shrinking bag all day, she was very bored. Fortunately, there are such things as mobile phones, go online, watch movies, and there are various kinds of medicinal herbs around them. While practicing the drama, her little days are not boring.

As for the mobile phone password?

Stupid Song Shuhang, as a close-knit little onion of Song Shuhang, Song Shuhang's every move can not escape her eyes. Not to mention the mobile phone password, even the payment password of Song Shuhang e-wallet is clear.

Sally is ready to wait for Song Shuhang to start school, no longer running around, and after a stable residence, he began to try online shopping, and then use Song Shuhang's account to check out.



At this time, Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Lie Niang borrowed the account of Song Shuhang to ask the seniors how to deal with the invisible swords.

The tyrant Song Song: "Help: A Song Shuhang is surrounded by a group of invisible swords, the picture is extremely cruel! Can the seniors have a good life? Above:

Sword, sword, sword, sword, sword, sword

Sword 蛊 蛊 [Book Air] Sword Sword

Sword, sword, sword, sword, sword, sword

The scene is like this, online, etc., very urgent. ”

Not long ago, Song Shuhang changed the nickname in the group to ‘Hege Sword Song 壹’, and he has not taken the time to change it. Recently, his slogan in the group has been shown as the tyrant.

The first reply is naturally the Beihe Sanren who is always online in the Jiuzhou No.1 group.

Well, the Beihe scattered people have now changed their numbers.

The current number in his group is Beihe Zhenjun. This road number is much higher than that of the Beihe people. It sounds a lot higher.

However, whether it is the Beihe Sanren or the Beihe Zhenjun, he is still the Saint Seiya of the Jiuzhou No.1 Group.

Beihe Zhenjun: "..., a book flight?"

The tyrant Song Song: "Back to the Beihe seniors, I am a green mother, and I am using Song Shuhang's account to speak online. That Song Shuhang is now surrounded by invisible swords, and can't get out of the air."

"It turns out that." Beihe Zhenjun said: "However, I have never touched the invisible sword. Right, I remember that I have seen a record in a monk's travels. There seems to be a way to deal with invisible swords. I'll try and find it."

Blaze Song Song: "Refueling, Beihe predecessors. Song Shuhang will not be cut into pieces by the invisible sword, just look at the speed of the seniors you find the answer."

Beihe Zhenjun: "..."

The Six Immortals of the East: "Song Lun, let Song Shuhang open the scorpion!" - The Six Immortals of the East are good at "The Devil's Nine Dances". The standard of this set of exercises is ‘天魔眼’, and the magic effect is particularly good.

"The Oriental Fairy, the Song Shuhang has no sorcerer. And his eyelid talent is ‘bullet time’, and he can’t see the invisible sword.” The lynx replied.

Three waves of madness: "Speaking of invisible swords, I have always had an idea - although invisible swords can not be seen by the eyes of monks, or even mentally able to sense them. But they are real. Wrong? Since it is real, can it be that the barrel of dyes in the past, or sprinkle some powder and the like in the past, can not make them visible? The invisible ability of the invisible sword is no longer enough. Things like dyes on the body also become invisible together?"

To have a male squad: "The argument of Sanlangdaoyou is very feasible."

Broken Yang Guo Da: "[萌萌狗头表情]"

Breaking Yangshuo Guo Da: "Roaring upstairs... Wait!"

Guoyang: "No, you are definitely not a three-wave! Who are you, are you using any means to steal the account of the mad knife and the three waves? Is it the predecessor of Lingdie? You are using the account of Sanlangxiong and Are we chatting right?"

How can our three waves be so wise? I even put forward a suggestion!

This is certainly not a mad knife.

If it is a real knife, the answer is definitely - [Ah, there is a group of invisible swords, waiting for me to wave before, and experience the fast feeling of being invaded by the invisible sword, it must be wonderful. . 】

"Yeah, are you the predecessor of the Lingdie? [Serious face]" The Sixth Fairy of the East is the same.

Defeat the phoenix son: "It is definitely a predecessor of Lingdie, and the predecessors of Lingdie have a hobby that they like to use other people's accounts to go online and chat with us."

Mad Knife: "..."

The heart is so tired, the three waves suddenly feel that their heart is tired. Although Lang is a bit dead, but ... love does not mean that IQ is low or not? In your eyes, am I a fool?

"No... Destroy the Phoenix Road Friends. The old man did not use the hobby of other people's accounts to chat online." Lingdie Zunren deity was on the line.

In addition to his daughter Yukoko's account, he did not even have to log in to other people's accounts.

The robbery fairy [Yurouzi]: "I can testify for the aunt. It was really the three waves of the predecessors who were making a message. I was just around the front of the three waves and watched him send it."

At this time, Beihe Zhenjun came back: "Everyone does not have to panic, this should be true three waves. In fact, the three waves are very smart, we must not forget that the [charging] in the shared documents in the Jiuzhou No.1 group is the invention of Sanlangdaoyou. It."

The mad knife and the three waves are actually a very creative genius.

"In addition, the advice of Sanlangdaoyou is actually feasible. Sally, it is better for you to let the book and friends to try the three waves of friends." Beihe Zhenjun said: "But be careful, there is a layer of swords on the invisible sword. Protection, when using the method recommended by Sanlangdao friends, pay attention to find ways to break the sword."

"I understand. I will tell Song Shuhang this method." The green lady replied.

Then, the green lady looked up and described the method suggested by the seniors in the group.

As for whether Song Shuhang can find an item that replaces 'dye' or 'powder', it is not something that the green lady can worry about.

After the narration, the lynx is preparing to turn off the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 group’ and go back to see that he is chasing the TV series.

At this time, the burgeoning fairy in the group [Yurouzi] said: "Song predecessors, where are you playing now? Are you not with the white predecessors? Why is a person surrounded by 'invisible swordsman'?"

"Yes, isn't Book Air Xiaoyou not with Bai Zun?" Beihe Zhenjun also remembered this.

"The white predecessor left before, and went to his treasure house to refine the material of the "one product general animal food". But now it has not come back." Lie Niang answered with Song Shuhang's account.