Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 98: Very funny and bad guy

Jiangnan University City Affiliated Hospital is not far away, a corner crossing...

Lao Zhou was very depressed today. When he drove to the company today, he made a phone call on the way. When a corner was turning, suddenly a man rushed to his car at a speed of 100 meters.

The scared old week hurriedly threw away the phone and smashed the hand. Grasping the steering wheel and twisting, quickly turning the front of the car, and successfully avoided the flying man. Old Zhou secretly sighed - it's a mother, it's too dangerous! Fortunately, the old man has a good car skills, otherwise you guys have to fight the streets today!

But before the old Zhou’s heartbeat recovered, the man suddenly violated the laws of physics and rolled back for three and a half weeks. He held his legs in pain and yelled in his mouth: “Hey! My legs My leg was broken!"

The screams of men quickly attracted a group of onlookers who did not know the truth.

The masses are unclear, and they don’t know whether it’s a car crashing into a person or a car crash.

Nima! Guy, have you not hit the old man's car? Are you hitting the air wall? The old man is no different from the master, there is no air wall skills!

Is this the legendary touch of porcelain?

However, it is said that the porcelain that touches the porcelain will go to the famous car that looks rich and expensive. Can this kind of bad car attract yourself to touch porcelain?

I don’t know about this old week. It’s hard to do business this year. Who cares what car you are?

The old Monday was bitter and sighed and sighed. There is no monitoring nearby, and he has no driving recorder on the bad car.

He touched his pocket, only a row of various cards, a twenty-dollar bill, and two one-dollar coins.

Twenty-two, it is estimated that it is impossible to send a man who is lying on the floor and screaming? The outstanding performance of this movie-level emperor is not worth 20 yuan!



Song Shuhang just helped the short-haired girl to come to the intersection, ready to stop the rental here.

The two just witnessed the above ‘the whole process of car accidents’.

"Is this a man crashing?" The short-haired girl was faint. From her point of view, she could see that the car had been evaded, but the man slammed up and screamed.

"It's not a human crash...but it didn't hit at all." Song Shuhang now has a great eyesight. From his point of view, he can clearly see that the man did not hit the car at all, and he fell to the ground and began to scream.

"Oh, I know this is called porcelain." The short-haired girl glanced at the book and said: "Do you want to testify in the past?"

This good person who is nosy, no reason to help?

"If the number of people is insufficient, it is useless, and we have no video, and there is no monitoring nearby." Song Shuhang shook his head, and the man who was screaming was undoubtedly professional, and the location was very suitable for porcelain.

"That wouldn't matter?" After the short-haired girl thought about it, she suddenly said her eyes: "Well, let's go up and beat the guy who screams on the ground?"

"Don't, violence can't solve all the problems, it will only make the driver more trouble!" Song Shuhang hurriedly advised: "Look at me! You stand here first, etc., I will scream for a while." A taxi... Yes, is there any change on the body?"

The short-haired girl’s face was stiff and she shook her head.

"Then I will borrow it first, and I will remember to return it to me later." Song Shuhang took a fifty from his pocket and stuffed it for a short hair girl. Anyway, he just got a bad fortune recently, and he is still ample.

Not waiting for the short-haired girl to reply, Song Shuhang has strode to the scene of the car accident and crowded the crowd.

"Let's let, let!" He is now muscular and quickly squeezes out the crowd.

Then he got to the man who was screaming and stared at the other person for a moment: "Hey, it looks like it was hit."

The man who screamed to the ground sneaked a sneak peek at the book, and called it even more.

Song Shuhang coughed and cried: "The driver master, you see people have been hit like this, not the following car to accompany a tens of thousands of things."

The man who fell to the ground and screamed was suddenly determined. He was also worried that this young and handsome young man would come to expose him, but he did not expect this young man to give him a beautiful assist. He suddenly became happy, and the screaming was more cheerful.

In the car, Lao Zhou touched the 22 pieces of the pocket and sighed silently. Holding a phone in your hand, be prepared to report it to the police first.

"The driver master, wait for you, get off the bus." Song Shukou said in the mouth, but a pair of hands were groping on the body of the porcelain man.

Touching the porcelain man feels that this is young and young, something is wrong. This little hand touches on his own body, will not be a basis? Is it cheaper for me? Eat my tofu?

Suddenly, the man who touched the porcelain had a goose bump.

But... he is a man of great actor quality, although he is not a formal actor. But at this time, even if you are eating tofu, you have to grit your teeth and get down.

Screams, can't stop!

But soon, the porcelain man found something wrong.

I saw that the handsome boy put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

In that, you can hold all his current homes, two thousand oceans.

This money is to prevent yourself from accidentally hospitalized in porcelain. It is also a very dangerous occupation to touch porcelain. If you encounter a road killer or a female driver, you may be seriously injured and hospitalized. Then, if there is no cash on the female driver, or if I encounter a bad road slayer, I simply escaped?

Now many hospitals don’t recognize people and don’t know how to do it.

Having said so much nonsense, what I want to express is that there is money in his wallet!

The young and handsome young man pulled out his wallet and was very satisfied. Then, the young man smiled warmly at him. Then... This little young man got up and ran away all the way, and he would lose sight of it in a blink of an eye.

When I touched the porcelain man, I realized that I was robbed by the bonfire: "I am a grandfather!"

The porcelain man touched a tumbling from the ground and got up. The lightning is chasing up, chasing after him: "Stand up, you are standing for the Lord, don't run! Kill thousands of knives!"

The broken car that just touched the porcelain, can kill a few hundred pieces when it is dead. But there are two thousand in my wallet. Can't be lost because of small!

The onlookers who did not know the truth, seeing the man who was still screaming on the ground, now they are eager to catch up with the young man. How does this guy's leg have a broken appearance? Sure enough, it is porcelain!

The old week was secretly relieved in the car, and the hand holding the twenty-two-dollar bill was also loosened. Looking back at the young man with a good eyebrow in his mind, Lao Zhou lamented: "This year, there are still many good people."

After the sigh was over, he launched his own broken car and went away.

On the other side, after the short-haired girl looked at the whole process, the taut little face couldn’t help but laugh.



Song Shuhang was very interested in the man who touched the porcelain and ran a thousand and eight hundred meters. He waited until the other side ran out of breath, and when his face was pale and the wall vomited, he accelerated to the other side to eat ash.

Even in the middle of the way, he still had time to call a taxi and let the other party go to the intersection to pick up the short hair girl. The driver uncle is very happy to pick up people...

Touching the porcelain man desperately looking at the figure of Song Shuhang far away, the heart is very depressed: You can run so fast, and dry hair to hang me to run such a long road? Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of me earlier?



A taxi stopped in front of the short-haired girl: "Little girl, is there a guy who asked me to pull someone?"

"Well, it's me." The short-haired girl squeezed fifty yuan and sat on the rent.

Well, very funny and bad guys.