Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2899: I did not expect you to be such a Song p

Kim Min Jong’s memory was once ‘seal’, and he knew this very well because he did not join the memory before heaven!

Not long ago, when he passed down the ‘the position of the Emperor,’ the Emperor of Heaven answered his doubts about his seal.

According to the Emperor of Heaven, he used to be a disciple who was secretly accepted by the Emperor of Heaven before he established the heavenly court.

His exercises, knowledge, and means are all taught by the Emperor of Heaven. This is why he has been unable to step out of the last step of the ‘longevity path, because his way is actually the ‘the way of the heavenly emperor’! On the premise that the Emperor had the Lord, he could not prove his longevity.

In order to accept the interpretation of the Emperor, the reason why he sealed his memory was to avoid getting involved in the disaster in the process of 'establishing the heavens'.

After the successful establishment of the heavenly court, the Emperor of Heaven only connected him to the heavenly court, but he was brought into the heavenly court as a ‘new person’ and established an exclusive heavenly palace for him.

The interpretation of the Emperor of Heaven is generally reasonable and there is no point of doubt.

However, after the Emperor of Heaven passed on the ‘the position of the Emperor of Heaven,’ he still did not solve his ‘memory seal’.

At the beginning, it was because the Emperor of Heaven used the topic of the 'Song predecessor' to draw attention, was fooled, and forgot the ‘memory seal’.

And now... When the Lord of the Golden Mile Island turned to look at Song Shuhang, with the help of the ‘Time Law’, the ‘Tian Ting’’, and the ‘Da’s special physique’, the memory of Jin’s mind began to emerge.

He found that his first encounter with Song Shuhang was not a mysterious island.

[Ghosts and fragments are originally ‘female’. However, after I am remodeling, I have to change the settings naturally. I am a male.... Well, the Emperor, from today, you are the Emperor! 】 A mechanical sound sounds.

But at this time, Kim Min Jong found that his vision was dark.

Then... the ‘picture’ he saw jumped.

Because the picture he saw at this time is centered on ‘Song Shuhang’. It was his memory related to Song Shuhang and he was drawn out.

In memory, Kim Min Jong found himself a boy of about six years old.

"This is what I was when I was a child? Is it my childhood memories?"

“Is it true that when I was six years old, I was in contact with ‘Ba Song’?”

"Is it... Heaven Emperor didn't pit me, she said the truth?"

"What is really lying is the tyrants?!"

But why should the tyrants lie?

There are many thoughts in the heart of the Lord of the Golden Mile.

While his thoughts are moving, the pictures in memory are slowly unfolding.

In memory, a stranger with ‘heavy 登’ appeared, and he began to teach the knowledge of the six-year-old Jin Hao’s cultivation and assist him in cultivation.

The method of cultivation taught by the geeks is incomparably matched with the young Jin Jin, and it is like a method for his tailoring.

[Does this strange person be the Emperor? Is her incarnation? Is she teaching me to practice? In combination with the explanation given to him by the Emperor of Heaven, Jin Yu guessed.

Because it is a memory picture, it passes through my mind, so the picture passes quickly.

Anyway, it is his daily repair, night repair, sputum medicine ... re-day repair, night repair, 啃 药 药.

In just four years, he was promoted to the realm of four products! This cultivation speed is put into the heavens and the world, and it is almost scary to death!

After five years, he condensed the Jiuji Supreme Jindan and promoted five products!

All the way to practice, very smooth!

[Weird, what about the tyrants? 】 Kim Jong-in Island doubts.

Since it is based on the book "Song Shuhang", that is to say, in this picture, Song Shuhang has been around him and has been right in this picture.

However, from the time he started practicing at the age of six, he has not found the trace of ‘battle song’.

[Wait, isn't it... This weird geek is the tyrant? 】

Because in the picture, only the young man and the heavy geek!

[If this blame is the tyrannical song, then he is indeed my ‘predecessor’... But as a result, the words of the Emperor have doubts. It’s not her who accepts me as a disciple? 】

[Ba Song and Emperor, who is lying? 】

Kim Jong frowned and continued to watch.

As long as his memory is fully unfolded, who is lying, it will always come out!

The picture is still slowly progressing.

After the five realms, the strange geek left...

Leave... just leave!

However, the memory picture is still not over, and the memory of 'Song Shuhang is the center' is still unfolding!

[Heavy geeks are not overlord? And the tyrants are still hidden in the picture of my memory? Where is he? 】

The owner of the island is completely lost.

Memory is still making rapid progress...

As a teenager, he quickly entered the link of 'Golden Dan's composition.'

Jin Dan's composition is also difficult to beat him. He uses ‘Kowloon Pattern’ as ink, and happily constructs a ‘Jindan Heavenly Chart’!

[Sure enough, it is the way of heaven... When I was in the realm of the Five Spirits, my way was fixed. This time the Emperor did not lie. 】

Jin Dan's composition of paintings is progressing very fast, and it has entered 99% in a short time. Now it is only the last ‘dropping’!

For the practitioners of the cultivating department, this golden dan is the finishing touch, which is extremely important. A golden Danding Avenue, and this point is one of the most important aspects of Jin Dan.

The young boy came to the smooth and uninterrupted cultivation process and finally encountered a bottleneck.

He was stuck in the 'point of the eye' state.

This one requires an epiphany.

[Ba Song, still does not appear. 】 Jin Yu frowned.

So, where is the tyrant?

Just as the golden sorrow was in doubt... The teenager in the picture made an amazing move.

"Right, this time you can pray to the ‘God!’” Juvenile.

Kim Min is so aggressive: "???"

What kind of ghost is praying to God?

This can't be me!

I can't be so funny!

The teenager in memory has paid for it.

He began to build an altar, and he prayed seriously and said: "God, I am here to pray to you, please guide me in the next direction... It is better to be closer to me, because too far, I will look for it. Not in the direction."

Then there is the process of a teenager praying seriously.

What shocked Jin Hao was that the teenager seemed to really get feedback from a certain voice.

As the teenager kept asking, there was a clear word that came to the ears of Kim Min Jong.

[For death, it is a virus called Sanlang disease. It has terrible contagiousness. If you really want to try to die, go to the highest mountain, seal your spiritual power, and jump hard. The leap of faith, in the process of landing, you will experience the feeling of ‘death’ approaching. 】

Kim Min: "???"

Then, the teenager in memory will happily run to the highest mountain. He will jump to the cliff that is absolutely broken.

Then he began to seal his spiritual power.

"No, don't be so stupid!" Jin Hao shouted.

He is going to be crying by this boy.

"It's not a problem!" the young man shouted, jumping into the cliff in the desperate eyes of Kim Min!

On the way down, the teenager was excited: "Is this the feeling of death? I seem to have something awakened in my body."

"I feel that I can enter the final score of Jin Dan's composition. It is time to stop."

"No, I don't know how to stop!"

In addition to cultivation, the young man cultivated, but did not refine the instrument... and he sealed his own spiritual power.

Hum ~

In the stomachache of Kim Min Jong, the juvenile flesh squatted on the ground and pulled out a huge pit.

He was covered in blood, vomiting blood in his mouth, shaking and trying to get up... but only two steps, the boy passed out.

The memory screen ends.

"It's you, Song predecessor!" Jin Yu stared at Song Shuhang.

That voice, flickering the sound of his seal of spiritual jump, is the tyrants!