Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2915: Suddenly I can’t talk to you anymore.

People are very strange and contradictory. They can sometimes absorb the lessons of the previous car and try to avoid the pits that have ever fallen. But sometimes, people will repeatedly fall in the same pit in a variety of different postures.

Song Shuhang was more pitted and learned to be vigilant. The people who have been beaten have finally learned how to beat them...

Therefore, when I felt that this 'gentle sensational voice' was not quite right, Song Shuhang decided to save himself, and could not beat the society with a white card.

After all, people are smart creatures that will sum up past experiences.

"Then, first of all, I am not Song Wood. I want to play Song Shuhang before, look carefully." Song Shuhang out of the channel.

[Song Wood? Who? Why should I beat him? ] The gentle and sensual woman’s voice was instead questioned.

Song Shuhang: "???"

This fairy sister, the drama line is not right!

However, it is really good to be not right!

This represents the road to the peak back to another village!

The gentle and sensual woman’s voice asked: [Is it another Song surnamed guy who has been entangled with my Tianhe Su Shi girl? Moreover, have you done anything wrong? ]

"No, no, no." Song Shuhang replied quickly - after discovering that it was not a pot of Song Wood, Song Shuhang’s heart faintly produced a feeling of 'moving'.

It’s finally a pot of other predecessors named Song, it’s good.

[And, if you want to fight that Song wood, why do you want to hit you? What have you done to my girl in Tianhe Su Shi? ] The gentle and sensual voice asked.

"No, you don't misunderstand the fairy. I have been pitted a few times, so I will form such a conditional reflection." Song Shuhang waved his hand and explained: "I have met several seniors before, because of various For a special reason, I have been pitted a few times. It’s so bitter and bitter, it’s hard to say.”

"However, as long as you are a predecessor, you have nothing to do with Song Wood. In addition, you can't judge a person because of the surname problem. How many people are surnamed Song in the world, and there are always one or two people who are surnamed Song. It will do things. But not because of such a person or two, let all the people who are surnamed Song go back to the pot?" Song Shuhang said again.

[You are talking, just like the original Song Daoyou. ] The gentle and sensual voice laughs.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Don't make trouble with the fairy, don't take me to the ‘Song Daoyou’ template that you know, and then set it down, even if nothing happens, it will become something.

As long as a person has a 'thought' in his heart, he will involuntarily go to this 'think' - just as people suspect that someone is a thief, he will feel that he is doing something like a thief, even if the other person just goes Gong Gong will feel that he has a problem with his gesture.

[The things you are worried about are really interesting. Well, your face is also interesting. Looking at your face, I can vaguely guess your thoughts, it is magical. The gentle and sensual voice is again.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Well, even if you don't use the ‘strong identification,’ he can be sure that this fairy is definitely a top-level big man... It is probably the hidden big man of Tianhe Su Shi.

Because now, I can use ‘reading face’ for him, and it’s all about the top! At the very least, I also took the top robbing of the eternal life of my own life.

But this kind of thing knows just fine. What do you say directly?

[No, I feel like I look at your face, we can complete the communication, so it is not too tired to communicate. The gentle and sensual woman’s voice said again: [You don’t have to think about it, the situation between me and the original Song Daoyou is not what you guessed. The entanglement between me and him comes from our different understanding of ‘dao’. The fierce arguments in this regard have even been shot, but they are not emotional. ]

Song Shuhang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

[In addition, I said that our Tianhe Su's girl and the surname Song are prone to entanglement, and there is data support. According to my observation, at least half of the younger girls of our Tianhe Su's have had various relationships with the guys named Song. ] That gentle and sensual voice.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is the Taoist friend of Song’s surname Song so developed? Then why did I almost miss a few surnames Song?

But rationally told him not to continue on this topic. After all, he is also a surname of Song. In case he talks, what should he do?

[I am entangled with the original Song Daoyou, mainly because of the possibility of letting my ‘friends and tribes’ share the longevity. There is a dispute. It may be that through the "reading face" read the thoughts of Song Shuhang's heart, the gentle and sensual woman's voice has quietly shifted the topic.

Song Shuhang touched his face and tried to put on a serious, expressionless state and asked: "Share the ‘lifelong way?' Is this possible?”

[Do you know ancient heavens? ] The gentle and sensual voice asked.

Song Shuhang nodded: "Know."

Moreover, I am familiar with the ancient heavens, and the Emperor was hacked to death not long ago... although she was looking for her own death.

When the current Emperor left, he also called me ‘Song’s predecessor’.

When talking about the ‘Ancient Heaven Court’, Song Shuhang’s heart was inevitably touched, and the expression of the collapse was relaxed. So the big fairy of Su Shi’s fairy has read some of the information.

[Suddenly I can't talk to you anymore. The gentle and sensual woman’s voice echoed.

I told you about the ancient court, and you just cut the Emperor on the other side.

“Is it true that ancient heavens are related to ‘share the path of longevity?’” Song Shuhang asked.

[Yes, there is a certain relationship. The Heavenly Emperor's 'Tianting Avenue' is very special and comprehensive, and it has the vastness of everything in the world. To tell the truth, this long-lived way is beyond the limits of the long-lived... It is like standing at a higher angle to interpret the path of longevity and then realize the ‘longevity.’ The gentle and sensual voice seems to be highly respected for the heavenly way.

[And, there is a talent that is strong enough, but by the practitioners who want to prove that they have a long life but are inferior, after joining the heavens, they have the opportunity to use the heavenly way to condense the ‘the way of life.’ Although this kind of longevity will be placed under the celestial court of Heavenly Emperor. But this is also a real life. ] gentle and sensual voice.

Song Shuhang nodded: "Feng Yi Qin master."

Feng Yiqin, in fact, is this state. She joined the ancient heaven court and proved her life. The way of longevity is limited to the heavenly way. Therefore, after the destruction of the heavens, she needs to collect a large number of heavenly fragments to stabilize her longevity.

With the narrative of the Tianhe Su's elder fairy, Song Shuhang understood the ‘the heavenly way’, and the package of a ‘the heavenly way’ in his mind began to decompress.

This is the part of the Heavenly Emperor’s God, which was left behind by the Emperor’s Yuanshen’s God’s God’s Way. At that time, he suddenly dreamed of invading the Emperor’s way to the Jindi Island’s inheritance of the 'Heavenly Emperor’. '.

Of course, today's ‘the heavenly way’ is already the longevity of the Lord of the Golden Mile. Even if Song Shuhang fully understands the information of this part of the ‘the heavenly way, it cannot prove the longevity through this method.

However, in ancient times, he can learn a lot from the longevity of heaven.

Maybe the future can come in handy.