Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2938: It’s hard to go out and get in and out

[The island masters, you just moved, I have opened the authority for you. Song Shuhang, between the life and death on the throne, replied in a loud voice.

[Ready, come. 】 Island masters return.

With the current realm of Kim Jong-il, it is not a problem to move all the fragments of the mysterious islands in one go.

Later, Song Shuhang reverted to the Northern Emperor: [Northern predecessors, Tianting Shards I have concentrated on one area, and separate that area from the rest of the core world, you can safely hold the ceremony... However, for some personal reasons The throne of the heavenly emperor will be transferred to you after a while. 】

[I know, my family told me that you have blown up again, and now resurrected in the position of the ‘the Emperor’s Palace’. The Northern Emperor replied: [We also need to wait for the Golden Dragon to move the ‘Tian Ting Fragments’ and then carry out the ceremony. There is a buffer time, which should be enough for your body to resurrect. 】

[So very good. 】 Song Shuhang replied that good things do not go out, bad things pass thousands of miles. He just exploded, and the Northern Emperor had already received a piece of news.

[Talk, how did you blow it up? When the Northern Emperor took the ceremony and had a short time, he curiously asked.

Song Shuhang is not the ‘Paradise of the Paradise’ a few months ago. The current tyrannical songs are the three corpses of the sacred sacred sacred priests, and they can be praised as “big bangs” in all the worlds.

Even the top-time long-lived man of the Northern Emperor, it is impossible to detonate Song Shuhang quietly.

[I said that I am because of the New Year, let everyone happy, take the initiative to blew, the seniors do you believe? 】 Song Shuhang replied.

After a moment of silence, the Northern Emperor replied: [If it is someone else, I will not believe it. But if it is you... I really believe, because you really are like people who will do this kind of thing. Looking back, I told my friends this answer. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

Your trust in the northern predecessors is too heavy, and the younger generation can't afford it.

【See you later. The Northern Emperor no longer gave Song Shuhang an opportunity to explain the call.

On the throne of the Emperor, Song Shuhang, between life and death, is like a mist of mist, in the throne.

His hand gently tapped on the arm of the throne.

The reason for his self-destruction is of course not ‘active self-explosion’.

Although he died many times in a year, he is different from the mysterious girl.

He is not a person who likes to find death. If he can't die, he also hopes that he can live... After all, the resurrectional device is also very expensive.

However, this time the 'New Year's Ba Song first explosion', there are indeed factors that he deliberately cooperated with!

The introduction of the explosion is related to the ‘star destruction virus’.

The stellar destruction of the virus is an introduction; at the end of last year, the red devil's gimmick ‘Star Doomsday’ sent by the Song Fat Ball Seal was a sparking star.

During this period, Song Shuhang has been deliberately suppressing his own ghosts and fairy tales, merits and snakes, and nine phoenix knives. He did not annihilate the Mars and the primers, but has been quietly cooperating.

Then... At the moment of his body explosion, the ‘Talking System’ was fortunate to have an id locked in the background.

To be honest, Song Shuhang did not think that he would be so smooth this time.

It’s as smooth as a white predecessor!

He also prepared the rules of 'causality, flower buds', and prepared to borrow the power of Confucian sages, white predecessors, three-eyed predecessors, dog tarts, Song secluded, Long Luo, and so on, forcibly capturing the ' The existence behind the stellar doomsday and the illusory guardian.

However, Song Shuhang’s big move has not yet begun, but the ‘Talking System’ has quietly locked into a user id.

That's right... The horrible existence behind the Guardian of the Sun and the stellar end, even quietly registered the account of the ‘Talking System’ and downloaded a ‘client’.

At the moment of Song Shuhang’s explosion, the terrible existence behind the scenes immediately launched a powerful impact on the ‘Talking System’, and wanted to seize the ‘Talking System’ and treat it as its own!

This is the real big sister!

All the big cockroaches that have been smashed by Song Shuhang must be arrogant and powerful!

Even when the Emperor of the Emperor screamed, facing the ‘talking system’, he couldn’t start, and he was still studying how to delete the friend of Song Shuhang, and there was no clue for tossing for many days.

However, this behind-the-scenes amnesty has already developed the method of attacking the ‘study system, and it has entered the practical stage.

It is a pity... his actions have just begun and they have failed.

The ‘Talking System’ is even more special than you think!

Special to, can not be captured!

This is something that extends based on the existence of ‘Song Shuhang’ and relates to Song Shuhang’s ‘Lifelong Way’, which is unique.

Song Shuhang is here, this ‘study system’ is there; if Song Shuhang dies, this ‘study system’ will die.

Moreover, behind this ‘talking system’, there is also a serious loss of Ms. Long Luo as the ultimate shield. I can't break through the defense of Ms. Long Luo, and even the ‘Talking System’ can’t be done.

Want to seize the ‘talking system’, only to capture its roots.

If you get Song Shuhang, you can get this ‘Talking System’.

The terrible amnesty behind the scenes quickly erased all traces of his actions after the failure of the action...and then it deleted the number!

From the ‘Talking System’, delete your number.

In the way of using it, Song Shuhang is also very familiar with the method of erasing the roots of the ‘Heavenly Black House’.

The scope of the erase is limited to the ‘talking system’.

This kind of God's unparalleled operation makes Ms. Longlu numb.

After erasing his own traces, the behind-the-scenes disappeared without a trace.

Everything, just like it hasn't happened.

Seamless, no trace can be found.


There are always some things in this world that will be unexpected.

When the resurrection function of ‘immortal fat whale Jindan’ played its role, when Song Shuhang was reborn on the ‘the throne of the heavenly emperor’, the missing data in the ‘study system’ was also supplemented and restored.

The only missing data in the ‘Talking System’ since its inception is the one that was deleted from behind the scenes.

So... After the horrible screaming behind the scenes, Song Shuhang’s ‘Talking System’ had a gray id and the resurrection of the quiet Mimi.

"Hey." Song Shuhang’s mouth rose.

The gray id after the recovery is in the 'offline' state, but it is still closely connected with the behind-the-scenes black hand.

"But now, not urgent." Song Shuhang whispered.

Now, to find the terrible amnesty behind the scenes, it will be a stunned snake.

Song Shuhang removed his attention from the gray id and did not pay attention to it, so as not to be touched by the other party's heart and doubt.