Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3009: I can go online!

The gambling ceremony of the throne of the thriving throne is binding.

The nature of this constraint, in normal terms, is to increase the difficulty of the game for the three-year-old predecessors, in order to try to ensure the fairness of the bet... even if it is only superficially fair!

But now, under the constraints of the gambling ceremonies, even if the three-eyed predecessors want to lose the game by cheating, there is not much room for operation.

Trying to narrow down the scope of the problem is already the limit that he can do within the rules.

If such a situation... Ba Song still lost, then he really has no way.

Looking at the domineering look of the bag, the three-eyed teenager is so tired.

I rarely want to lose a real game, is it easy for me?

At this time, don't be jealous, bully!

Just like you used to make a gambling ritual with me, don't be jealous, come over!

Be sure to win!

Eye bead housekeeper: "..."

In the faint, it has already detected that the mentality of the lord is a bit explosive today.

Master, it may be to release water.

The eye of the Confucian saint is more attractive to the lord than it is supposed to be.

Also, after all, the eyes of Confucian saints can be said to be the top ‘magic eyes’ among the heavens.

And unlike those born with the 'magic eye', the eyes of the Confucian saints evolved after a little adjustment by the saints themselves.

That is to say, what is hidden inside is a kind of 'technology', the perfect technology to enhance the power of the eye.

This is indeed a huge temptation for the master.

There are also a lot of techniques for improving the quality of the magic eye in the hands of the three-eyed predecessors, but for his eyeball control, the more similar technologies, the better.

Moreover, his own research in this area has also entered a bottleneck. He needs to study the eyes of Confucian sages to see if the technology of the saints can inspire his inspiration, use the stones of his mountains to attack jade and break through the bottleneck.



"Fifty questions have been generated. Next, I have to start asking questions... Domineering, please listen!" Three-eyed juniors stared sharply at the good.

I have already pushed the difficulty of the topic to a minimum. If you still fail, don't go back. I am going to tie you up, use a special 9-strength cement to seal you into the bucket and sink into the filthy sea of ​​the nine worlds!

When Bashan was stared at by the sharp eyes of the three-eyed predecessors, his heart was even more imaginary.

To finish, this game is really going to end.

"Master, you are the master of the nine secluded, do not use the word ‘please’ when you speak, which is detrimental to your majesty.” On the side, the eyes of the old butler adapt to the words, to attract the anger of the master, reduce the pressure of domineering.

The three-eyed juniors gave a shot and flew the eyeballs into the sky...

"The first question: the oldest nine secluded master, at the moment of birth, after opening your eyes, what is the first thing to do? Answer within thirty seconds." Three-eyed juniors sighed.

This question, but to send sub-topics.

"I will, I will, after the birth of the three-eyed predecessor, the first thing is to step out of the origins of the nine worlds, straighten out the rules of the whole world, and brand your own mark in the nine secluded!" .

This happened to him.

Three-eyed juniors: "..."

He looked at the standard answer to the question: The first thing that Jiu Ning dominated after birth was to take out his own associated instruments in the origin of Jiuyou.

Obviously, I was sent a sub-question, and I was able to answer the question.

The domineering stayed for half an hour in the ‘memory space’ of the associated instrument, how much content was recorded in the end? Don't tell me, this guy went in and went to sleep for half an hour?

"The second question, what is the first ‘9 secluded monsters' that the nine secluded masters reformed?” asked the three-eyed predecessors with a feelingless voice.

"Predecessors, is my first question correct?" asked Baishan doubts.

Three-eyed juniors: "You still have twenty-six seconds to answer."

"It's a demon! It's a big-eyed demon that brings together countless eyes and eyes!" Heshan quickly replied... This time his answer is not sure.

Because the memory fragments in the associated implements are arranged in chaos.

He swept a lot of pictures about the ‘three-eyed predecessors’ transformation of the nine secluded world monsters, but I really don’t know which one is the first one!

Three-eyed juniors: "..."

He has begun to quietly prepare his own special nine cement.

"The third question, Jiuyou dominates the choice of the first palace established in the Jiuyou world, which position is in the nine secluded?" The eyes of the three-eyed predecessors have no feelings.

This time, Bashan has felt that something is wrong.

I am afraid that the answer to the above two times is not correct.

The perfect score is gone...

It seems that there is no drama in the ‘the law of longevity’ that wants to win back the whites.

Even if this continues, even the 30 questions can be completed, it is a problem.

Not good...

If you go on like this, you will not be able to complete the task of asking the three-eyed predecessors to help study the eyes of the saints. I have to think of a way to break the situation...


Why do I have to rely on my own strength to answer questions?

At the critical moment, Bashan remembered the big killer of the ‘Talking System’.

Some things, he can ask the big predecessors for help.

The first object of help is inevitably the most direct dog egg **** with the three eyes of the predecessors.

Bashan first sent the questions of the three-eyed juniors to the dog tarts through private chat.

Then, through the server permissions, he directly entered the background of the chat system.

After a while...

All members of the Tiantian Wanjie who downloaded the ‘Talking System Client’ received a system prompt as long as they were idle.

This function, like the ‘Xuansheng**’, will be screened out by members who are at a critical juncture or critical moment.

[System Announcement: Enter the second round of the New Year event below, with a question and answer session. Question: The first nine-year-old prince of Taikoo, the palace built in the nine-secret world, where is it located? The fastest friend who answers the correct answer will be able to earn activity points. After the event, you can redeem various rewards in the ‘Talking System’ with your points. Including not limited to 佬**, and information related to immortality, precious intelligence...]

I can go online and I am proud.

The network can connect two people at the end of the world.

"Nine secluded ancient seas? Xiansui Island." The dog egg plaque sent a reply.

At the same time, the dog egg **** there faintly guessed that Song Shuhang might be gambling with the eyes. So, the dog egg mousse silently downloaded the QR code of Song Shuhang’s 'Learning System' client and sent it to himself. The old subordinates of the world.

And can pass these old subordinates, forwarded to the subordinates of the ‘Eye of the Eyes’, and further spread to the nine worlds, and strive to add a large number of ancient nine sinister demons.

After the bully got the answer, the eyes lit up: "Three eyes of the predecessors, is the nine ancient seas? Xiansui Island, right?"

"The answer is correct!" The eyes of the youngsters of the three-eyed predecessors were so emotional that they suddenly warmed up: "Next question, listen!"

The problems that were extracted from memory one after another were reported by the three-eyed juniors.

And the bully in front of you is like opening up, answering one question after another!