Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3085: The curse of being cut leek

The entire hair was thus lifted by the reincarnation blade fairy.

At this time, her head was slipping.

However, even in the bald state, the appearance of the reincarnation blade fairy is still at the level of great beauty, and there is no drop in the slightest-the bald may be the hairstyle that most tests the value of the face, and the beauty who can hold the bald hair type is definitely a real beauty.

Opposite, Su Shili 16: "A wig?"

In her body, a little sixteen personality couldn't help but said: [Such a beautiful fairy is a bald, which is a pity. 】

Sister Bailong on the neck carefully looked at the head of the reincarnation fairy, and shook her head: "It's not a wig, it's a real long hair".

[Senior Blade's long hair brought down by the predecessor, will it grow again? 】 Gentle and considerate elder sister type little sixteen personality, some worried.

"Relax, it won't take long for them to re-grow, at most not more than a hundred years. I'm used to this process, and it doesn't get in the way." Reincarnation Blade Fairy waved, calmly-she can directly with Su Shili Hundreds of little sixteen in the body communicated, which is the communication ability that belongs exclusively to her and the 'Su's Digital Fairy'.

[The predecessor, you should even see Mr. Song. Mr. Song has a spell that can make hair grow right away. 】 Everyone's little sixteen personality road.

"In addition to the exquisite" Knife Surgery ", this time the young Song also mastered the secret method that makes hair grow instantly? In this way, it seems that it really has a connection with me." Reincarnation Blade Fairy secretly.

In the void, the long red hair was continuously tempered and shaped under the effect of the secret method, and turned into a delicate scabbard appearance.

At the same time, from the reincarnation blade fairy, more energies like `` cursing, weird possession secrets '' emerged, and finally all of it was incorporated into this scabbard, which became the texture of the scabbard and enhanced the performance of the scabbard.

"Reincarnation Blade Fairy, these incorporated forces ... is it a curse?" Sister Bai Long frowned and asked.

From the beginning, she noticed these energies.

These cursing powers made Sister Bailong feel a 'threat', which is a high-level thing.

"Dragon Fairy, you guessed it, these energies are something similar to the" Cursed Possession. "And because of them, the fifth day Tao decided to refine the Taoist tool 'reincarnation blade'. In other words, they are One of the foundations of my birth. "The reincarnation fairy explained to Su Shiliu and Bailong fairy.

Regarding the cause and effect of her history, she would have explained it in detail with Su Shiliu, which is not a secret.

But when Sister Bailong heard this, her heart moved.

-Possessing curses, and forcing Heavenly Tao to cast a Taoist device specifically for cursing, that is to say, possessing curses is also a ‘celestial Tao’ thing?

She couldn't help thinking of the recent entanglement between Song Shuhang and the 'dark sun'.

If everyone is right, the heavenly way corresponding to the "dark sun" should be the fourth heavenly way.

Is it its pot again?

Because it is black, it seems that all the pots in the heavens and the world can be thrown on it.

"Is it a curse on the fourth day?" Sister Bai Long asked.

"Well? Fairy Bailong, do you know some inside story?" The Reincarnation Blade Fairy was a little surprised, then she nodded: "Yes, this strange possessive curse, according to my deduction, is the ghost who secretly engages in the fourth day. And ... before my demon's "preaching", or at the moment of "preaching", was secretly added with a "curse". Fortunately, this curse should not be studied and formed. After my demon successfully preached, I noticed The existence of this curse. "

While the scabbard was still forging, the reincarnation blade fairy began to explain the curse in detail with Su Shiliu.

At the beginning of the fifth day of the Tao, I don't know who made this 'curse'.

It was after she had preached that the immortal body actively began to reject the 'curse' in her body, only to realize that she was cursed. Moreover, this curse obviously bears the power of 'Immortality', and it will affect the existence of Heaven and God.

After that, after a long period of secret research, the fifth day Tao only traced some clues, and it was deduced that her underhand might be the predecessor Tiandao, the fourth day Tao-the fourth day Tao seems to have retained, but it seems to remain Little power to act in the world.

In order to deal with the curse of the "Fourth Day Tao", the fifth day Tao began to study special Tao devices.

She activated a 'resurrection array' before her sermon .... After the sermon was immortal, this elder's formation had lost its role of 'resurrection'.

However, under the transformation of the fifth day of the Tao, this resurrection array finally condensed a special 'incarnation'.

This incarnation of consciousness and fifth-day blood power is the ‘reincarnation blade fairy’.

On the fifth day, Tao did not destroy the curse that his ‘immortal body’ repelled. Instead, he transferred them to his incarnation, and step-by-step tempering his own incarnation into a special Tao.

She is aiming at the 'curse', while still laying out a wave of fourth days of the future.

The ancestral sword-making technique of Su's ancestors is an insignificant part of the layout of the fourth heavenly path-the revenge of the fifth heavenly path is stronger than all the heavenly paths in the past.

When she was in office, she actively cracked down on everything related to the "Fourth Day Road" and tried several times to completely destroy the fourth hand.

Even after she retired, many of her left were targeted at the fourth day, and many were not activated!

Even the reincarnation fairy didn't know the fifth-day Tao, how much secretly was prepared for the fourth-day Tao.

Sister Bai Long nodded and said, "So, as the reincarnation of the reincarnation blade fairy, the disciples of Tianhe Su can also use the power of the 'curse' to stimulate the talent in the **? Infested Su's disciples? "

How to say this "curse" is also a product of heaven.

"This curse does not have the function of 'encroaching' for a long time ... In fact, the 'curse' power you see now is no longer the original work of the Fourth Day Tao. The true 'Fourth Day Tao curse' is in my deity In the process of casting the "reincarnation blade", it has been exhausted. The "cursing power" you see now is spawned with my power, like the leek, and the things that are cut out are affected by me and Su The power of bloodline power control. "Reincarnation Blade fairy smiled slightly.

On the fifth day, Tao was created specifically for the 'curse'.

"The curse that was cut off like leeks?" When Sister Bai Long heard this, she somehow remembered the demon who was cut by Song Shuhang.