Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 40: .find the fairy

The Guliang clan in Dehua City is the largest force in the county seat, with a hereditary baron title, Dehua County is regarded as the fiefdom of the Guliang clan.

In addition to the Guliang clan in the city, other major forces or clans are also closely related to the Guliang clan, so they will all have some nepotism.

After Zhang He went out of Bao's House, he could only wait for the result for the time being. He had many other things to do when he entered the city this time.

First of all, he wanted to find out where Peiyuan Pills were sold and at what price. The pills worked so well that he never forgot about them.

In addition, the medicinal herb he planted in the space did not know what medicinal herb it was. After he cultivated it to five leaves, five or six seedlings with only one tender leaf grew on the root of the medicinal herb.

He wants to find out the efficacy and value of this medicinal material. If it is more valuable than sweet potatoes, there can be more varieties in the space in the future.

Zhang He went into a bookstore and bought a book about medicine, six books in total.

I took it back to the rental house and read through all these books, but I couldn't find any introduction to this medicinal material.

I had no choice but to go to other bookstores and searched for a few more books, but there was no introduction to this medicinal material.

In desperation, I can only put it down temporarily. As for the medicinal herbs, I will keep them in the space first, and I will find out later when I have a chance.

In the medical books he checked, he also didn't find any introduction about Peiyuan Dan or Peiyuan Pill.

After a night's rest, he continued to inquire at pharmacies, trying to find the source of Peiyuan Pills, but he still failed.

It seems that things related to cultivating immortals are not available in these ordinary shops. After all, ordinary people are not qualified to touch such things of the powerful class.

But Zhang He still didn't give up, he planned to turn over the entire Dehua City.

Since there are immortal cultivators in Dehua City, it is impossible for these immortal cultivators to lock themselves in the house all day, and he can always find some clues.

Dehua City is not very big, and the total population is definitely not more than 50,000. Zhang He just went down the streets one by one.

For a few days, I went shopping during the day, went back to the house to practice at night, slept, and by the way, I entered the space to water the few medicinal plants.

He found that the medicinal herb that he first planted had grown to five leaves, no matter how much he watered it, it would no longer grow.

The number of seedlings on the side no longer increased. He dug out these seedlings, moved them a certain distance, and planted them again.

In the past few days, he watered it once a day. The leaf of the seedling has grown a lot. It is estimated that it will take ten years for the first leaf to fully grow.

Today, Zhang He was wandering around an unremarkable street again. After a few days of investigation, he had already visited most of the streets in Dehua City.

At this time, a noble young man in a brocade robe quickly walked past him, and then got into a small door in front.

When Zhang He approached the door, he found that the door was not closed, and looked around, there were some well-crafted furniture, and a shelf with only a few items sparsely placed on it.

So, he walked inside as if nothing had happened.

He has done this kind of thing several times these days. When he encounters some doors that have no signboards and are difficult to judge, he will walk in and try.

He was dressed in luxurious clothes. Now that he has washed his face, he is also a little handsome. He doesn't look like a thief, but more like someone's rash son.

Therefore, usually the host family will not embarrass him because of this, and some even invite him to drink tea.

He even went through the wrong door once, and a painted woman even invited him to stay overnight before leaving. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Sometimes this fate comes, and even the door can't stop it.

It seems that the saying that Buddha relies on golden clothes and people rely on clothes is not wrong at all.

At this time, Zhang He had already walked into the small door, and the noble man who walked in in front of him was picking out items in front of the shelves.

An old man with a sparse beard was introducing your son. When he saw Zhang He coming in, he only glanced at him without any surprise. Instead, he smiled and nodded at him.

"Young master, this is a Shangqing pill, which can assist in training and improve the efficiency of refining spiritual energy, but it is just right for you to take..."

Zhang He heard the old man's introduction and secretly thought in his heart that he finally found a place.

The noble son and the old man communicated for a while, and finally spent 100 taels of silver to buy a Shangqing Pill and leave.

This surprised Zhang He, who was on the sidelines. Just such a pill can sell for 100 taels of silver. Isn't that too expensive?

"Excuse me, fellow Daoist, what do you need?"

After watching your son leave, the old man turned around and asked with a smile.

"Hello, may I have Peiyuan Pills here?"

"Of course, there are just two in the store."

The old man did not hesitate and answered with great certainty.

"What's the price of Peiyuan Pills?" Zhang He suppressed his excitement, took a few deep breaths, and continued to ask calmly.

"Peiyuan Pills are priced at 150 taels each."

"Is it so expensive, can it be cheaper? The Shangqing pill you just sold was only 100 taels."

Zhang He had long guessed that this kind of pill would be very expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive. If he kept taking this kind of pill for training, he would have to spend 450 taels a month. Selling the entire Heishui Town would not be enough to practice for a few years. .

"Shangqingwan is just to increase the efficiency of your It can only last for eight to ten days.

Peiyuan Pill contains a lot of pure spiritual energy, which is easier to refine and absorb, and the main medicine of Peiyuan Pill is not easy to cultivate, and it takes at least 20 years to be used as a medicine. "

"What about Peiyuan Pill, do you have any for sale here?" Zhang He thought of Peiyuan Pill, which was one word different from Peiyuan Pill, and asked tentatively.

"Peiyuan Pill? You are kidding me. No one in Dehua City can make medicinal pills. It is really difficult to make medicinal pills.

The so-called Peiyuan Pills are just a simplified version of the pill recipe of Peiyuan Dan.

There is Peiyuan Dan in Zhaoling County. Occasionally, one or two pills can be sold for sky-high prices in Dehua County. "

The old man said here, pulling his beard and shaking his head.

"I have a little less silver taels with me today. Can I use other items as a price?"

Zhang He found the bank in the past few days, and exchanged all the copper coins in the space for silver taels. It was only 120 taels of silver for a thousand jins of copper coins.

In addition, it cost 30 taels to sell sweet potatoes, so it was only 150 taels together.

He can't spend all the money on his body, he has to keep some. It's not easy to go all the way to the city, so he has to buy something to go back.

"What are you going to use for the price? I don't want items that are too ordinary." If it is an ordinary item, he has to exchange it for money, which is too troublesome.

"Of course it won't be an ordinary item, I guarantee you've never seen it before."

Zhang He reached out and touched it for a while, took out twelve boxes of yogurt, and put it in front of the old man.

He didn't know if the Great Zhou Dynasty had yogurt. Anyway, in this area of ​​Dehua City, he had never heard of dairy cows.

Coupled with this peculiar packaging, this should be considered a rare item.