Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 48: .the bandits are gone again

Zhang Heli was standing on a dirt slope, looking at the bandits coming from a distance, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This is the extremely ferocious bandit in many coolie legends?

They were all in ragged clothes, skinny and skinny, and their weapons were all kinds of weapons. Although they came in a mighty way, they didn't have any organizational discipline or formation.

In the team, there are still some children chasing and fighting each other, making noises, laughter, scolding, and crying, mixed with some obscene words to molest women, is this considered an outing?

The only difference between this group of bandits and other refugees is that they are larger in number and have a few more lives in their hands.

A few people who looked like bandit leaders were surrounded by many bandits and walked in the front to show off their might, looking very proud.

"Magan, you lead the cavalry to rush in from the side, don't ask to kill many people, just rush the opponent into chaos."


Zhang He had only 20 cavalry under his command, and now there were 20,000 to 30,000 people on the opposite side, but Ma Gan took his orders without any hesitation.

Looking at Magan's leaving back, Zhang He vaguely remembered how Magan was shivering but pulling the fat tiger desperately when he first encountered the bandits in Qifeng Mountain.

Zhang He saw Magan leading the cavalry team on the slope, and soon appeared to the left of the bandits.

They were not in a hurry to rush into the formation, but galloped back and forth on the side, shooting rounds of arrows.

Although there are many bandits, there are no cavalry, and few can shoot arrows. The bandits on the left can only stare and take shots.

If it is a well-trained army, even in the face of arrow rain, the formation can't be chaotic, but bandits don't have this quality, they have no formation, and everyone just walks.

When the arrow comes, then hide.

So the bandits on the left began to hide in the crowd, and then everyone on the left rushed towards the center, and soon a stampede accident occurred inside the bandits, shouting and scolding constantly.

"What happened to the left?"

"I don't know, wow, everyone is crowding here, and I'm crowding too."

"Ah! Who pushed me?"

"Who stepped on me!"

"Don't squeeze!"

"Don't step on it! Who can give me a hand!"

Under the crowded and trampled on each other, the bandits on the left were already in a mess.

At this moment, taking advantage of the chaos, the running twenty cavalry charged towards the bandits from the left.

At this time, the bandits on the flank had already fallen into chaos. When faced with the cavalry who suddenly came in front of them, the first reaction of everyone was to turn around and run away.

Of course, there are also a few brave people who want to stand up to resist, but at this time in a crowded crowd, it is good to ensure that they will not be trampled.

The few who were fortunate enough to stand in front of the cavalry were either knocked down by the horse or beheaded by the cavalry.

These twenty cavalrymen were all masters that Zhang He had trained in the first place. All of them practiced martial arts, but not a few ordinary bandits could compete with them.

The 20-man cavalry squad was like a no-man's land among the chaotic bandits. Heads and stumps were scattered along the way, and blood splattered.

The cavalry collision made the fear in the hearts of the bandits even bigger, and they crowded around to cause a larger-scale chaos.

With the savage collision of the cavalry, the chaos in the bandit team spread to the surrounding area, and the scope became larger and larger.

Several big leaders of the bandits walked at the front of the team and showed their might, when they suddenly found that the flank was in chaos.

For a while, I can only shout loudly here.

"Stop them!"


"Kill them all for me!"

It's a pity that these bandit leaders are so big, it's the first time they've commanded tens of thousands of people, and they're still in the stage of accumulating experience with human life.

Although he shouted hoarsely, but there was no operability, who should let it go? How to kill? Who is in and who is out?

So after he finished shouting, the bandit group became even more chaotic. People from other places rushed to the flank where the cavalry was, and the people on the flank were running away.

This time, people crowded people, people stepped on people, and more people were trampled to death and injured than cavalry soldiers killed.

"What a mob!"

Zhang He was still standing on the soil slope, and when he saw that the bandits were in disarray, he ordered the rich and noble beside him:

"You lead two hundred guards to fight from the front. Remember, no matter what, the formation must not be chaotic."

"Follow the order!" Fugui led the order to turn around and strode away.

"Master, what about me?" Fat Hu saw that everyone else had a task, so he had nothing to do and was a little anxious.

Zhang He glanced at Zihe, "You don't have to worry, after Fugui and the others kill them, you and the remaining 5,000 coolies will cover and kill them."

"Master, then I'll prepare now, so as not to delay things." Fat Hu received the task and ran away with a big ring knife on his back.

The five thousand coolies were led by ten old guards, and the main purpose of letting the fat tiger pass was to pass on a message.

If a team of several thousand people is handed over to a child of eight or nine years old, he will not be relieved.

At this time, Fugui below led two hundred escorts in a dense array, with the sword and shield soldiers in the front row, followed by two rows of spearmen.

Although these two hundred people have been replaced by recruits, they have all practiced "Thirteen Swords of Soul Pursuit", and they have already entered the martial arts. Coupled with the usual rigorous training, their combat effectiveness is naturally much stronger than that of bandits.

Two hundred people attacked the bandit group of twenty to thirty thousand people from the front. In the face of a hundred times as many enemies, although there were various emotions such as nervousness and fear in their hearts, they were still able to move forward in strict accordance with the formation during the drill.

When they came into contact with the bandits, the front-line members could only mechanically protect the wooden shields in front of them to block the attacks from a few bandits.


With Fugui shouting loudly, the two platoons of spearmen raised their spears and thrust them forward, as in normal training.

"Puff puff... ah ah!"

Suddenly, the sound of guns piercing the flesh, the screams of bandits, and the collision of short-range soldiers in the front row were all heard, but the guards just mechanically speared The bandit group was already there. The chaos was crowded together, and now it was killed by the **** team, and it was even more unwilling to fight.

"They are only a hundred or so people, and they all come with me! Kill... ah!"

When a bandit leader saw this, he swung a big sword, and tangled a group of bandits to kill the guards, but before his cruel words were finished, a column of blood spurted out, and the head flew high.

Fugui chopped off the gangster's head with a knife, and then led the guards to continue killing.

Seeing that the bandit leader was instantly killed by a knife, the fighting spirit that the rest of the bandits had just raised was disintegrated again.

At the same time, ten square formations composed of 5,000 coolies slowly pressed towards the bandits.

"Run away!"

I don't know who took the lead first. Anyway, there was a demonstration effect, and the others followed.

A bandit army of 20,000 to 30,000 people quickly collapsed under this series of premeditated attacks.

This is the difference between an ordinary rabble and a professionally trained army.

If they fight alone, they may have a **** spirit, but tens of thousands of people gather together without training, organization and discipline, and lack of effective command. No matter how many people are, they are just scattered sand.

If this group of bandits want to run in a strong fighting force, they have to fill in a lot of human lives.

In the age of cold weapons, once the team collapsed, it was a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The guards and the army of coolies pursued them with all their might, and took this battle as a training opportunity. These bandits were their first whetstone.

The defeated bandits just ran for their lives and threw the objects in their hands one after another.

The army in Heishui Town only chased out a few miles, and Zhang He had already ordered to stop advancing, clean the battlefield on the spot, and collect the spoils of war on the ground.