Cultivation: The Ultimate Banshee

Chapter 124: Festival

Later, they saw the clouds waiting for them.

Yun Yao was relieved when she saw that Yun Xiao was fine. Ever since she learned that Hong Xiu sent people to ambush them, she had been worried that Yun Xiao would be plotted against Hong Xiu when she returned to Yujianmen. Fortunately, Yun Xiao was fine.

Yunyao walked to Yunxiao and asked through voice transmission, "Brother, are you alright?"

Yun Xiao nodded, and the sound transmission told her the details. It turned out that after Yun Xiao returned to Yujianmen, Hong Xiu's people really wanted him to go to Jiange, but Zhang Ping intervened, and he invited out the great elder of Yujianmen. The Great Elder's cultivation base has already entered the late Nascent Soul, and he has always been in seclusion and ignores common tasks, but if it is about Yujianmen, he will not let it go.

Yuan Xiu's injury has always been a piece of his heart. After Zhang Ping found him, he came out and proposed to see Yun Xiao. Although Hong Xiu was the head of the clan, the position of the first elder was above him. Hong Xiu's people had no choice but to report to Hong Xiu.

It's a pity that Hong Xiu has nothing to do with the Great Elder.

Therefore, Yun Yao and Rong Hua saw Yun Xiao as soon as they arrived at Yujianmen.

143 I'm in trouble

Yunxiao took Yunyao and Ronghua directly to Yuanxiu's cave, which was actually not far from Yunxiao's cave, on the top of the mountain where Yunxiao's cave was. When the three of them went up, a lot of people had already gathered on a small platform on the top of the mountain.

These people are all monks in the Yuan Ying period of Yujianmen, as well as their close disciples. As soon as Yunyao appeared, she found that everyone was looking at her. Before she could see these people clearly, she heard an indifferent female voice say, "You are Yunyao? You really made a baby nourishing pill?"

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yao clearly noticed that the eyes of many people around her became even hotter. She looked over calmly, and saw that the speaker was a female nun in a white dress. She was very beautiful, but her expression was very indifferent. The white shawl floated lightly in the air, matched with her face, like a fairy in the nine heavens.

She just stood there so quietly, even if she was only wearing plain white, she had only a white jade hairpin on her hair, and if she didn't do anything, people couldn't take their eyes off her. There was another person standing behind her. That person was none other than Ruan Lingyun. Now, she is looking at Yun Yao with a pair of eyes full of jealousy.

Yun Yao smiled slightly and didn't care about the other party's indifference at all, she just asked, "Who are you?"

Ke Biyue's face was even colder, and she was very dissatisfied with Yun Yao's attitude. Yun Yao is only in the middle of Jindan's cultivation, and dare to talk to her like this! If she hadn't heard that Yunyao was a fourth-level alchemist, and she had refined the nourishing pill, she wouldn't have come here condescendingly!

She didn't speak, but Ruan Lingyun scolded her knowingly: "This is my master, Fairy Biyue from Yujianmen. It stands to reason that you should call her a senior."

Ruan Lingyun looked at Yunyao jealously. She remembered clearly that Yunyao's original cultivation level was even lower than hers. However, after ten years of trials in Yuntian Secret Realm, she had just formed a pill when she came back. It is already a cultivation base in the middle stage of Jindan! Not only that. She is still an alchemist. And it’s still a fourth-level alchemist!

She can't take it! Among the younger generation of Yu Jianmen, except for Yun Xiao and Jing Yue, she is her, she is used to being the focus of others' attention, but since Yun Yao appeared, more and more eyes have been attracted by Yun Yao, but she has been directly attracted by others. Ignored!

Fourth-level alchemist? Ruan Lingyun snorted coldly in her heart, she didn't believe that Yunyao could really make a nourishing pill! Even if she is really refined, she can only become an alchemist of Yujianmen in the future, refining alchemy for Yujianmen! Thinking of what she had overheard before, she felt even more proud in her heart.

What if Yun Yao's talent is above her? Not a good origin. Yun Yao is destined to be trampled under her feet only!

Yun Yao was stunned for a moment, and then a bit of innocence appeared on her face. As if unintentionally, he said: "It should be called senior. After all, senior is much older than me."

As soon as she finished speaking, Rong Hua couldn't help laughing and said, "She is indeed much older than you."

Ke Biyue's face instantly became very ugly. She didn't say anything, and a male cultivator in the early Nascent Soul had already shouted: "Let's be presumptuous!" The voice did not fall. He has already shot at Yunyao and Ronghua!

The rest of Yujianmen didn't move, they just watched the farce with different expressions. The corner of Ke Biyue's mouth curled into a sneer, but Hong Xiu cursed inwardly, "Idiot!"

Yun Yao stood in place without dodging or dodging, but a transparent bead quietly appeared in the palm of her hand. Rong Hua's figure swayed slightly, and he didn't even let people see his movements. He only heard a "bang", and a figure flew out with blood flowers. It was the person who shot just now.

The elder, who had not spoken, lifted his right hand slightly, and the monk in the early Nascent Soul stopped in mid-air. Then slowly return to the platform. At this moment, his face was pale, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and he looked very embarrassed. Knowing that it was the first elder who did it, he returned to the platform and bowed respectfully to the first elder: "Thank you, the first elder." After speaking, he looked at Rong Hua in anger and dared not speak.

The first elder looked at Rong Hua and Yun Yao whose expressions had not changed, and sighed silently in his heart. Such excellent two people are not disciples of Yujianmen! Not only that, but they also offended people!

He didn't speak or make a move just now. He really had the intention to test the strength of the two. If the two were not strong enough, he could forcefully ask them to join Yujianmen. After all, a fourth-level alchemist is too important to the current Swordsman Sect.

Now, he regrets it. He had a hunch that these two people were beyond his control. Knowing this earlier, he would never let the scene just now happen.

Unfortunately, he knew it too late!

He looked at Yun Yao and Rong Hua with a bit of kindness on his face: "I want to know, do the two of you really have nourishing pills in their hands?"

Yunyao turned her palm over, and a jade bottle appeared in her hand. She handed the jade bottle to Yunxiao: "Brother, go save your master."

Others immediately looked at the jade bottle in Yun Xiao's hands with fiery eyes, and it was obvious that it was filled with nourishing baby pills!

Yun Xiao put away the jade bottle, walked towards the Great Elder, and bowed respectfully. The elder nodded and said, "You can go in now."

Hong Xiu suddenly said, "Wait! You can't go in yet."

Yun Xiao looked at him defensively: "Why?" For Hong Xiu, he didn't have the slightest impression of him.

The first elder also looked at Hong Xiu dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter with you?"

Hong Xiu could see the dissatisfaction of the first elder, but even so, he would never let Yuan Xiu recover! He said, "It's about the safety of Junior Brother Yuanxiu, I have to be a little more cautious, and I ask the elders to forgive me."

Yun Xiao was even more dissatisfied, what did Hong Xiu mean? Do you doubt that he will harm his master? He glared at Hong Xiu, gritted his teeth and said, "Does the head think that I will harm my master?"

Hong Xiu shook his head: "You don't know my way of nature, but it's necessary to guard against others, none of us know whether the jade bottle contains the nourishing pill or something else, how can we rest assured go in?"

When he said this, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, we don't know what's in the jade bottle, what if it's not a nourishing pill?"

"Yes! We're going to check!"

"Yes! Open the check!"


More and more people agreed, and finally, even the Great Elder looked at Yunxiao with obvious meaning, hoping that he could open the jade bottle for someone to check. Yun Xiao looked at Yun Yao in embarrassment. Although he could not wait to open the jade bottle to prove that it was a nourishing pill, he knew that this was Hong Xiu's conspiracy.

If Yunyao nodded, he immediately opened the jade bottle!

Yun Yao gave Yun Xiao a look of "Don't be restless", then stood up and asked loudly, "I dare to ask all of you present who have seen the real Buying Pill?"

Many people started to look at each other in dismay, but Hong Xiu said, "Even if we haven't seen the real Baby Tonic Pill, we can be sure whether it's a life-saving wound medicine or a poisonous poison!"

The others agreed again with a firm attitude. They wanted to see what kind of medicine pill was inside!

Yun Yao ignored them, just smiled and looked at the Great Elder: "Does your Excellency insist on checking too?"

The first elder looked at Yun Yao and was silent for a moment. He suddenly said, "I have seen Buying Pill, show it to me, I can be sure if it is a Buying Pill."

Yun Yao nodded towards Yun Xiao, Yun Xiao immediately took out the jade bottle and handed it to the Great Elder. As soon as the cork was opened, a wave of spiritual energy containing vitality escaped from it. The Great Elder looked at the medicine pill inside and sighed silently, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

It's just a low-grade baby nourishing pill, Yuan Xiu was seriously injured, whether such a pill could be useful, the elder felt a little drum in his heart. But even if this nourishing pill can't completely restore Yuan Xiu, it should be of some help to him.

He looked at Yun Yao again, and couldn't help but look forward to it. She was only in the middle stage of Jindan, and she was already able to refine the nourishing pill, such a talent, even Luo Yue, who was praised by others, couldn't compare! If you give her some more time, how far will she grow?

Others also felt the spiritual power fluctuations full of vitality, and looked at the jade bottle in the hands of the first elder more fiery. Of course, some people have already set their greedy eyes on Yun Yao. These people are all thinking about the same thing, they must not let Yunyao leave Yujianmen!

The first elder handed the jade bottle to Yunxiao, noticed the eyes of these people, and immediately gave them a warning look.

Bunch of idiots! I don't even think about it, even though Yun Yao only has the middle stage of Jin Dan's cultivation