Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 174: Public confession

Three days later. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

When Yao Qing looked at the mirror in the mirror, there was only a faint scar on his forehead, and his heart was suddenly full of joy.

In her current situation, she can completely resume shooting, so the pale scars will not be obvious if she only needs a little makeup treatment.

"Unexpectedly, the effect of this Xianzi scar removal liquid is really so good! It's exactly the same as the instruction manual. I have only four days passed, and the scar is hardly visible. According to this situation, It is estimated that in two or three days, this scar should be completely eliminated..."

Yao Qing thought joyfully.

This speed is much faster than originally estimated. When she was in the hospital, the doctor told her that she wanted to wait for the scar to disappear after the wound healed. It would take at least 20 days.

But now, it has only been four days since she started using Xianzi Scar Removal Liquid! This is about half a month ahead of schedule!

Calculating her total lost time is just over a week.

"Xiaomei, immediately call Director Song and say that I can shoot today..." Yao Qing said to assistant Xiaomei immediately after applying some Xianzi scar removal liquid on the scar.

"Eh, all right!"

Yao Qing has been asking Xiaomei to help her see the removal of the scar on her forehead these days, so Xiaomei understands this well, and she is not surprised to hear Yao Qing's words.

What's more, she herself uses Xianzi scar removal liquid. After so many days, the old scar on her arm left by her childhood has faded a lot.

However, it is an old scar after all, and it is much more serious than the knock on Yao Qing's forehead, so it is not so fast to completely eliminate it.

But Xiaomei herself predicted that it should be almost the same in about a week or so.

Xiaomei was also very happy about this. Although the scar was not on the face, the impact was not so great, but it is not beautiful to have such a scar on a girl's arm.

Especially in the summer when wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless skirts can be very distressing.

Now it’s fine, and finally I can say ‘goodbye’ to this scar. Little Mei was not too happy. I even regretted that I despised the Xianzi scar removal liquid so much before, and I even complained a lot.

After a while. Xiaomei told the director over there that Yao Qing could resume shooting. The director was naturally surprised by this.

After all, the doctors all said that they wanted to wait for Yao Qing's scar to disappear, and it would take at least twenty days to resume shooting.

Now that only a few days have passed, I said that I can shoot. Really?

No wonder the director will be suspicious.

However, since Yao Qing asked his assistant to call and inform. The director didn't say anything, just let Yao Qing come to the crew first. After he saw it, he confirmed that the scar on Yao Qing's forehead would not affect the shooting.

When Yao Qing and his assistant Xiaomei appeared on the set, the director of the crew saw the scar on Yao Qing's forehead to an extent that it would be almost invisible if he didn't take a closer look. Finally believed it.

Although I was very surprised, this is good news for the crew after all.

"Okay! Yao Qing, I really didn't expect your scar to heal so quickly. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Only a few days have passed..."

The director was very surprised.

Yao Qing smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you very much for this."


The director was surprised.

"Yeah." Yao Qing said, "Last time I was injured, Shining gave me a bottle of scar removal liquid. After my wound healed a few days ago, I tried to use that scar removal liquid. I didn't expect the effect to be so good. , In just four days, the scar on my forehead was almost completely eliminated..."

Yao Qing wouldn't be so stupid to tell me about using the bottle of Xianzi Scar Removal Liquid that Jiang Xing gave her at first.

After the director heard it. I was very surprised, "What is the effect of the scar removal liquid so good? It is almost completely invisible that it can remove your scar in just a few days."

Yao Qing smiled slightly and said, "It's a brand called Xianzi. That day Xian Zi also said that it seems to be a product of her friend's company."

"Really!" The director nodded, but did not continue to gossip about this issue. "Since Yao Qing can't see anything from your scar, let's continue shooting the rest of your scenes today. I will send someone to notify others to come over later..."

"Well, good. I'm really sorry to trouble Director Song and everyone on the crew." Yao Qing apologized again.

The director waved his hand and said, "Fortunately, you are recovering quickly and it hasn't affected too much. We have been filming other scenes these days, and now basically only your scenes are left. You can finish it after filming these. ."

About half an hour later, Jiang Xing rushed to the set. I'm going to film a scene between her and Yao Qing later. So the director called her over.

Seeing Jiang Xianling appeared, Yao Qing hurriedly went forward to thank Jiang Xianxie, "Xiao Xie, thank you so much. If it weren't for the bottle of scar removal liquid you gave me that day, I wouldn't be able to return to work so soon."

Jiang Xiong looked at Yao Qing's forehead and saw that there was indeed no scars anymore. She couldn't help but smile and said, "Sister Yao Qing is polite, and you can just recover."

"Yeah." Yao Qing smiled and nodded. "By the way, Xianzi, is your friend really started that Xianzi company?"

"Yeah. What's the matter? Xianzi's general manager is my best friend since childhood, and the packaging of Xianzi's scar removal liquid and beauty pills were all designed by me and her together!" Jiang Xianzi said .

"Ah, really!" Yao Qing said in surprise. He thought that the boss of the Xianzi Company was an ordinary friend of Jiang Xianyu, but he didn't expect to be best friends with Jiang Xianyu.

In that case, the age of the boss of this company is certainly not much older. This is surprising.

"By the way, you should have used the beauty pill produced by your girlfriends company? How effective is it, is it really as good as the advertisement says?"

Although Yao Qing has been using Xianzi Scar Removal Liquid these days, he has never bought Xianzi Yangyan Pills. And because she personally experienced the effect of Xianzi scar removal liquid, she also wanted to try another product of Xianzi, Xianzi Yangyan Pill.

After all, which woman does not love beauty, especially these female stars.

"Of course I have. I also have relatives in my family, and I have been using everything from three aunts and six wives. As for the effect, Sister Yao Qing should know by looking at my skin and complexion."

Jiang Xiaoxiao smiled, and squeezed her white and tender face stinkingly.

Yao Qing took a closer look, and couldn't help saying: "No wonder Shining, your skin and complexion have always been so good. I was still surprised at that time. During that time, you didn't have a few hours of rest every day, but you didn't seem to be at all. Affected. At the time I thought you had any secrets for maintenance. It turned out that this was all the credit of that Xianzi Yangyan Pill..."

"Hehe. Yes. In fact, Xianzi's beauty pill not only has beauty and beauty effects, but also helps sleep quality. Although the price is not cheap, it is still worth the price in terms of effects."

Jiang Xingyu spared no effort to advertise for Xianzi.

"Well! Since you said so, I will also go to the mall on Xianzi's official website to buy a few bottles and try them..." Yao Qing was indeed moved.


Time goes back a few days ago.

Sunday. Yin Xiu took Xiaoman and Xiaopi to stroll around in the nearby park for a while. For Xiaopi, who was just born a few days ago, everything in the outside world is full of novelty.

When I followed Yin Xiu outside, I became extremely excited. I nestled in Yin Xiu's arms and kept drilling around. From time to time, he raised his head and yelled at Yin Xiu's "Wow," his small eyes kept looking around. everything of.

After a stroll in the park, it was already over nine in the morning.

Thinking that there is nothing wrong with today, and thinking of meeting Jiaqian's girl at Yinhai University yesterday, and agreeing to give her advice on kung fu, Yin Xiu simply called Yin Jiaqian.

If nothing happened to her. Just take advantage of the free time today to give her some advice.

At this time, Yin Xiu didn't know that in Yinhai University, the downstairs of the dormitory where Yin Jiaqian lived was performing an'amazing' scene. Dozens of Yinhai University students were watching.

In the middle is a ‘heart’ shape with an unknown number of roses. There is also the word'I' in flowers below.

Standing next to him was a stylishly dressed and handsome boy with a bunch of red roses in his hand. A luxury supercar worth millions was parked beside it.

Obviously, this handsome boy is a wealthy second-generation family.

His move was naturally to confess. And the object of this confession happened to be Yin Jiaqian...

"Yin Jiaqian, I love you, be my girlfriend!"

The boy stood downstairs and shouted at the upstairs. Although this way of confession looks a bit different, it is very romantic for many girls.

Especially when people are willing to pay for their capital, they also have that capital to spend. Didn't see the supercar parked on the side, and there are so many roses on the ground.

of course. This approach may also be a little bit suspicion of ‘willing to kidnap’. After all, this kind of scene confessed that some soft-hearted girls may not be able to refuse directly regardless of the other's face...

In Yin Jiaqian's dormitory.

"Jiaqian, the people below are gathering more and more." One of Yin Jiaqian's roommates took a look down the corridor and hurried in. Said.

The girl named Rongrong is also there.

"I said Jiaqian, it's not a problem to continue like this. If you continue like this, I guess you will have to be famous in school..."

Yin Jiaqian's face was full of helplessness, "What can I do?"

A roommate next to him said with a grin: "I said Jiaqian, or you just accept it. Look at the sports car he drove, at least millions. And they are so hardworking. Also. I'm not embarrassed at all to confess to you in public downstairs, so I can try to get along with him!"

Yin Jiaqian shook her head without thinking, "Impossible. I don't want to fall in love."

"Why. Isn't it normal to fall in love in this university? Is it possible that your family still keeps you from dating?"

"It's no reason, it's just that I don't want to fall in love myself."

"Hey, it seems that the handsome second-generation rich guy below is going to be a tragedy..." The girl who spoke at the side sighed regretfully.

Rongrong couldn't help but persuade: "I see, Jiaqian, you'd better go and say, and get him It's hard for you to be famous."

Yin Jiaqian pursed her mouth, hesitated, and finally shook her head, "Forget it, whatever he wants. Anyway, it's fine if I ignore him. As long as I ignore him, he should know and retreat if I want to come. "

Rongrong knows Yin Jiaqian's character best, and is very restrained in front of unfamiliar people. Now that there are so many people upstairs and downstairs watching the excitement, it is strange that Yin Jiaqian is willing to show up.

"Oh, it's up to you. Anyway, you must be famous in our school after today." Rongrong shook her head.

Yin Jiaqian didn't care about it, "Whatever, it doesn't affect my normal study life."

Another girl said with envy: "Well, if someone is willing to confess to me in public, I will definitely agree immediately." (To be continued.)

PS: Let me see if I can break out tomorrow. . . But it is not yet certain how many chapters will be updated tomorrow. If you don’t have a card, you can post four chapters, if you have a card. . .

that. . . . . Then assume that I didn't say anything. . . . . . .