Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 435: 2nd god

After learning the identity of Yin Xiu from Xiao Jianjun, Xiao Rui's heart was filled with a shocking and unspeakable feeling. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

Before returning to Kyoto, he had many speculations about Yin Xiu’s identity and the origin of his relationship with the Xiao family. However, he never thought that the life and death crisis saved him incrediblely, and also saved him. The person who won the captain and Xiao Min turned out to be his ancestor!

Also, I never thought that Xiao family would have such a patriarch who could ‘live forever’ and possess unparalleled power.

When he left Xiao Jianjun's room, Xiao Rui's inner turmoil had not yet completely calmed down. If it weren't for this year or so, there have been several incidents that cannot be measured by conventional cognition.

From the first "Fairy Demon War" that took place in Yinhai, Yinhai immortals were born. Then came the huge sword that took place in the Gaul country in the Western world, followed by the most earth-shattering and shocking vision of "Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon Weeping" and the simultaneous appearance of the blood-colored dragon...

And everything that happened in the island country not long ago...

Even if Xiao Rui only learned this from the news, he was baptized again and again in his heart.

Otherwise, if these things did not happen, I suddenly heard that there is an immortal patriarch in his family, I am afraid that the shock and shock in his heart will be much stronger than now!

"Unexpectedly, the Yinhai immortal who made a lot of noise at the beginning would actually be the ancestor of my Xiao family. Immortal, this ancestor is probably not much different from the real immortal..."

Xiao Rui couldn't help thinking in secret. At the same time, there is an inexplicable excitement and excitement in my heart...

In the border area of ​​Southern China, in Leping Town.

Unconsciously, Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing had been in this small town for two days. In the past two days, Ning Yuejing took Yin Xiu to walk around the whole town and strolled around.

Although Ning Yuejing hadn't returned to this border town for several years, the town didn't seem to have changed much in the past few years.

Ning Yuejing took Yin Xiujiang around the places she used to visit when she was a child in this small town.

From the past two days, the expression on Ning Yuejing's face, the tone of speech, and the brisk and reckless aura that exudes from her body. All shows that she has indeed changed a lot from before.

The whole person has become much more cheerful and cheerful, less dull and cold, and more fresh and peaceful.

Yin Xiu is very happy to have such a transformation. Although I don’t know if she can only do this when she is in front of her, at least Yin Xiu can really feel the subtle changes in her whole person from the inside out...

In the afternoon, Yin Xianxian and Ning Yuejing were walking on the rural road outside the town. At this time. Yin Xiu seemed to feel something suddenly. The expression on his face suddenly changed slightly.

Immediately he said to Ning Yuejing: "Xiaojing, Master has something to do and needs to find a quiet place to retreat right away. Are you with Master or wait for Master in the town first?"

Suddenly hearing Yin Xiu's question, Ning Yuejing was taken aback for a while, but she recovered immediately, but replied without hesitation: "Master. I will be with you."

"Yeah. Okay. Let's find a hidden place, and then go to the mountains." Yin Xiu raised his head and looked at the rolling mountains not far away, and said immediately.

At the moment, the two quickly found a hidden corner, and then Yin Xiu cast concealment spells on himself and Ning Yuejing, directly leading Ning Yuejing into the air, and quickly flew towards the nearby mountains... …

At Yin Xiu's speed, even if he didn't fly with the Royal Sword, he reached the mouth of a cave in the deep mountains in a moment.

"Master, what's the matter with you? How come you suddenly find a place to retreat?" He fell behind the hole. Ning Yuejing had the opportunity to ask Yin Xiu now.

Yin Xiu took her into the cave and quickly cast an insect repellent spell. Drive away all kinds of poisonous insects hidden in the cave.

Then he said, "It's the second soul that the master has been cultivating and is about to break out. So I have to find a quiet place to retreat."

Yin Xiu took out two cushions from the storage ring and handed one of them to Ning Yuejing, saying: "Xiaojing, you just stay with Xiaoman and Xiaopi first. Master doesn't take long. The second soul can do it."

"Good Master."

Ning Yuejing took the cushion and responded.

Right now Yin Xiu patted Xiaoman who was standing on his shoulder again, said a few words to it, and then directly placed the cushion on the ground, sat cross-legged on it, and began to close his eyes and sink his mind into the depths of the spiritual platform...

When Ning Yuejing saw this, she also placed the cushion not far from Yin Xiu, sat down on her own, and beckoned to Xiaoman and Xiaopi to let the two little guys go over to her so as not to disturb Yin. repair.

Just now, Yin Xiu did suddenly feel an abnormal movement from the depths of the spiritual platform. Only then did he realize that the second soul conceived in the spiritual platform was about to break through the shell of the soul orb, and he hurriedly found a place to retreat.

When Yin Xiu sank his mind into the depths of the spirit platform, the first thing he saw was the quietly standing Divine Soul, and the "Nine-Character Mantra" inheritance talisman on the top of the Divine Soul's head that had been missing the corner of the "Jie Shu".

Yin Xiu then moved his attention to the soul bead on the side that had gradually appeared cracks at the moment.

At this moment, there was no trace of soul power in the soul orb, and all the soul power had obviously been absorbed by the second soul bred in it.

The originally pitch-black soul bead has now become like a nearly transparent glass ball. There is nothing in it except the second soul, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, hands condensed in front of the chest. Anything exists.

Because the pearl body of the soul orb, that is, the transparent shell, has not been broken, so Yin Xiu's consciousness cannot sink into the second soul for the time being.

Now he can only wait quietly for the second soul to break the outer shell of the soul orb.

Under the gaze of Yin Xiu's consciousness, it can be vaguely seen that the magic seal formed by the hands of the second soul in the soul orb is releasing a trace of inexplicable power, constantly impacting the shell of the soul orb.

The cracks on the shell of the soul bead gradually became clear, and slowly expanded and extended...

Although the speed is not very fast, it is really changing a little bit.

Yin Xiu was waiting patiently, as the cracks on the shell of the soul bead became more and more obvious, gradually becoming like a spider.

About three or four hours later. The shell of that layer of soul bead finally looked like a glass mirror full of cracks, and it collapsed completely with a ‘boom’.

At the moment of collapse, those fragments turned into nothingness deep in Yin Xiu's spiritual platform.

And the second soul who finally broke through the shell of the soul orb also opened his eyes suddenly.

In an instant, a very strange feeling immediately rose in Yin Xiu's consciousness.

It seemed that at that moment there was another ‘him’ in his consciousness.

That kind of magical feeling was an experience that Yin Xiu had never had before, as if he was divided into two. But at the same time both are themselves. There is no difference between them.

What makes Yin Xiu even more strange is that he feels that his consciousness belongs to two different carriers at this moment.

One is naturally dissociated in the spirit platform, but the subject is in the soul. The other is the second soul who just opened his eyes.

At this time, Yin Xiu's soul and the second soul were looking at each other, and there was a trace of inexplicability and weirdness in each other's eyes. There is so much fun.

In addition, Yin Xiu also found out.

Or it should be said that he discovered from the perspective of Divine Soul that there is also a looming "Jie Shu" rune mark on the eyebrows of the second soul, exactly the same as the one on the eyebrows of Divine Soul.

"Is this how it feels to have a second soul queen? It's really a wonderful experience..." Yin Xiu said inwardly. Whether it's the soul. Still the eyes of the second soul showed a strange color at the other side.

But in comparison. The second soul in the Lingtai is very small compared to the soul. If the soul is the size of a normal adult, then the soul is about the size of a five or six-year-old child.

"As I expected, the strength of this soul is in the middle stage of distraction." Yin Xiu felt the power of the second soul and said in his heart.

The success of the second soul finally made Yin Xiu feel good. The second soul is 10%, if you can find a suitable body in the future, then you can refine it into the second incarnation.

In this way, the help to Yin Xiu will be even greater.


Yin Xiu controlled the second soul to directly rush out of the spiritual platform. Yuanshen came out of his body.

Ning Yuejing, who had been paying attention to Yin Xiu's side, suddenly jumped when Yin Xiu's eyebrows rushed out of another Yin Xiu. He stood up suddenly from the cushion and whispered in surprise, "Master?"

Xiaoman and Xiaopi also turned their heads and looked over, and Ling was only a little slower.


Xiaoman arrived at Yin Xiu's second soul, and suddenly ‘swizzled’ and flew past.

Xiaopi took Xiaoman's figure, hesitated for a moment, and ran along.

However, he stopped at a distance of about a few steps from Yin Xiu, staring at Yin Xiu's second soul with puzzled eyes, and then Yin Xiu's body, who had already opened his eyes.


Xiaopi obviously wondered why there were two Yin and raised her head in surprise and yelled at Yin Xiu inquiringly.

"Eh yeah..."

Ling was also very confused and called to fly over, flying around Yin Xiu Chuqiao's second soul, biting a little finger, and curiosity was written on the chubby little round face.

It felt that the standing Yin Xiu seemed to be somewhat similar to it.

Although the Primordial Spirit appears small in comparison with the Divine Soul in the Lingtai, the out-of-aperture manifestation is exactly the same height as Yin Xiu himself.

Only Xiaoman had spent a few years in the realm of cultivation with Yin Xiu before, and knew what was going on when the primordial spirit came out of his body, and recognized that it was Yin Xiu's primordial spirit.

As for Xiaopi, Ling, and Ning Yuejing, they didn't know much about it.

Although Yin Xiu had previously talked to Ning Yuejing about the state of the out-of-aperture period, she knew that after the cultivation level reached the out-of-aperture period, the innate infant could leave the orifice, and after the distraction period, the innate infant would be transformed into a soul.

However, this was the first time she had seen the primordial spirit out of her body, and it was inevitable that she did not react for a while. (To be continued.)