Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 707: ridicule

Sitting in a minibus, the conversations of those girls could not hide from others. Ning Yuejing's classmates in the car couldn't help but glance at Ning Yuejing behind.

Ning Yuejing seemed to be unheard of this, she just glanced at the girls indifferently, and then continued quietly looking out the car window...

Lin Fang and Li Sitian, who were sitting next to her, looked a little angry, stared at the girls, and said, "What do you want, but please don't pull others in. Not everyone is like you. , So vain and contrived."

"You are jealous and jealous, but no one is in the way of you. You speak carefully, don't be okay!"

Hearing what Lin Fang and Li Sitian said, the girls were obviously a little angry and wanted to start arguing. Fortunately, at this moment, the boys on the side hurriedly finished the game.

"Okay, okay, let's just say a few words less. We should be happy when we come out to play, but why have we started arguing."

"Let's talk about what's interesting in Qingping Mountain. It's the first time I have gone..."

The intervention of several boys to interrupt, finally put an end to the dispute that was about to break out.

Seeing that the girls who had satirized Ning Yuejing did not speak again, the boys beside them couldn't help but secretly relieved.

As for Qin Feng, when he heard the words of those girls before, he felt dark in his heart. To some extent, he agreed with those girls.

If it weren't for Ning Yuejing's beautiful appearance, why would he covet his face so much to please Ning Yuejing and show courtesy to Ning Yuejing?

It's just that he is not reconciled. Holding a breath of breath, he must chase Ning Yuejing and conquer her before he would give up, so he never gave up.

And when I heard those girls. Qin Feng also secretly observed Ning Yuejing's reaction.

He originally thought Ning Yuejing should fight back, or at least he would react a little bit? Unexpectedly, Ning Yuejing just glanced plainly. As if unheard of, he looked at the window and continued to empty...

This somewhat made Qin Feng feel a little frustrated again.

He even felt that Ning Yuejing was not a normal person at all, no matter who it was to. Everything seemed too cold and flat.

It seems that he doesn't care about anything, it feels like an inexplicable arrogance, at least Qin Feng has such a feeling, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Because of the irony of the girls against Ning Yuejing, and the counterattack of Lin Fang and Li Sitian who could not see Ning Yuejing's head, the atmosphere in the CMB seemed a bit embarrassing and weird.

Of course, this awkward atmosphere is limited to those of Ning Yuejing's classmates, and the other passengers in the car will naturally not be affected.

In addition, Ning Yuejing was also unaffected.

There was silence. In an awkward atmosphere, the minibus gradually approached Qingping Mountain.

After a while, the minibus stopped slowly at an intersection, and another four to five hundred meters ahead was the intersection of Pingding Village. The intersection where he parked was the road from the villa that Yin Xiu paid for when he was building the villa.

The gate of Qingpingshan Park is a mountain mouth about a thousand meters into the left side of Yin Xiu's villa.

"Here, get off!"

Seeing the car stopped, Ning Yuejing and others got out of the car one after another.

After finally getting off the car, Qin Feng couldn't help taking a long breath. Obviously, the broken CMB after sitting for 20 minutes really made him feel a little uncomfortable. The smell inside was too unpleasant.

"Let's go. Qingping Mountain is not far away, so just go along this road, then turn left and walk for less than a thousand meters." Lin Fang looked up and looked into the distance. Speak.

She has been here before, so she is quite familiar.

"Okay, let's go!"

Several students responded one after another. Then several people carried the barbecued ingredients and walked in together along the road.

Ning Yuejing is more familiar with this place than anyone else. But she hadn't come back here for about half a month. Walking along the way, within a few minutes, she almost reached Yin Xiu's villa.

Those of her classmates obviously marveled and admired the very luxurious and magnificent villa not far in front, which covers a large area and built high walls.

Looking at it from a distance, I couldn't help but wonder: "Is this a private villa? How much does it cost to build such a villa!"

"It looks like a private villa. Looking at the scope of the wall, the entire villa may occupy an area of ​​several thousand square meters, right? Really rich!"

"It's not the same for rich people. Ordinary people have to spend half their lives to pay off their mortgage for a 100-square-meter commercial house. But what about people, such a big mansion. Tsk tsk, people are better than people. It's so angry. dead!"

"If I can live in this kind of mansion in this life, I think it's worth it, and I won't live in vain! Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only appear in a dream..."

When Ning Yuejing's classmates talked, they were full of envy and longing.

For ordinary people, such a mansion is indeed impossible to achieve in a lifetime.

Even Lin Fang and Li Sitian, who were walking next to Ning Yuejing, couldn't help but walk as they looked at the villa in front of them, exclaiming: "I don't know what kind of local tyrant built such a luxurious villa here. I'm afraid it's at least tens of millions, right?"

"It's a pity that there is no water here. If there is water, it would really be ‘by the mountain and by the water’!"

Hearing what Lin Fang and Li Sitian said, Ning Yuejing suddenly said, "There is a pond of almost two hundred square meters in it, which is not completely empty. As for the cost of building this villa, it seems to be more than 100 million. "


Ning Yuejing's words couldn't help but both Lin Fang and Li Sitian who had just spoken froze for a while, and they turned their heads to look at Ning Yuejing.

Even the people walking behind them all looked up at Ning Yuejing in surprise.

"Xiaojing, how do you know how much this villa cost, and know that there is a pond inside? The wall of this villa is built so high, even the gate is a kind of closed You can't see it at all. What is it like? When I came back, I was curious to see it, but I couldn't see it." Lin Fang asked curiously.

Ning Yuejing just smiled faintly, and said casually: "What are you doing? There are lotus roots in the pond, and a lot of fish are raised. When the summer comes, the lotus flowers are in full bloom and they are beautiful. Fishing by the pond..."

Seeing Ning Yuejing said so clearly, the eyes of Lin Fang and Li Sitian looking at her couldn't help becoming a little weird.

The people behind are also the same, they are all a little curious about how Ning Yuejing knew so clearly. Did she go in?

At this moment, a girl behind suddenly snorted with disdain: "Hey, who is it to be caught here. It seems like you have really seen what it looks like inside. Is this your home?" What pretend to be!"

"Yeah! Who wouldn't make up? It's so swearing, do you have evidence to prove it? Anyway, we can't see what it looks like inside. Isn't it okay for you to brag about it?"

The girls who had run on Ning Yuejing because of jealousy in the car before fired on Ning Yuejing again, and began to mock. (To be continued.)