Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 733: oracle

European God City.

Inside the sacred and solemn Basilica of the Holy Lord, stands a towering and majestic statue of God. The Pope, wearing a holy white robe, knelt and sat in front of the statue, praying solemnly, his face shining with sacred light.

Behind him are the eight archbishops of the gods, who also knelt down and prayed. Each of them was glowing with a faint white light, looking extremely holy...

There were only nine people in the huge church temple. But outside the temple gate, several temple guards wearing ancient armor and holding guns and swords guard the temple with torch-like eyes.

At this time, a ray of light golden light suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the statue of God standing in the temple. The ray of light gradually spread, and soon enveloped the entire idol.

It makes the idol look like a golden cast, with golden light and shining brilliance, and at the same time a sacred and majestic breath swept over...

The Pope and the Eight Archbishops, who were kneeling in front of the idol and praying, saw the changes in the idol of God, and felt the sacred and mighty breath that swept over them. They all showed joy and excitement on their faces.

"The oracle! This is really the heavenly father and **** in the ‘kingdom’ about to send down the oracle!"

"Great! Our prayers really worked, and the gods in the ‘kingdom of heaven’ finally responded to our prayers. They want to show miracles and send their oracles!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and continue praying piously, and see what oracle the heavenly Father God will send down..."

The Pope of the Holy Court and several archbishops were extremely excited and excited. As early as a few years ago, they discovered that when praying, they were vaguely perceiving a response from the statue of God in the temple.

Although the response they have received from this **** image has not been strong, it was enough to make them excited and overjoyed.

As the spokesperson of the self-proclaimed gods in the world, they have not received a response from the gods in the heaven for too long, at least in the ancient records of the gods for thousands of years.

So that at some point even they themselves can't help but start to wonder whether there are gods in this world, and whether the gods of the kingdom of heaven they believe in are just ‘artificial gods’ fabricated by predecessors...

Until a few years ago, various ‘miracles’ appeared one after another in various parts of the world, especially Yin Xiu’s presence in the island country, and finally in Mi Di, showing ‘miracles’. When shaking the world. These priests immediately strengthened their faith!

Since the ‘gods’ of the East really existed and showed unparalleled ‘miracles’, there is no reason why the gods of the kingdom of heaven they believe in would not exist!

A few years ago, the gods of God suddenly responded when they prayed, and they immediately convinced them that the gods of the kingdom of heaven really exist.

Such news naturally made the Pope and the Eight Archbishops ecstatic. Excited.

So they will come here on time every day to pray the most pious prayers, hoping that the gods in the kingdom of heaven can send oracles. Even show miracles, come to this mundane world, and guide them to spread the sacred teachings of the gods to every corner of the world. Let the glory of the heavenly gods shine on the whole world...

Hard work pays off!

Today, they finally saw that the gods of heaven were about to send their oracles.

The pope and the eight archbishops have forced themselves to control their inner excitement. Continue to pray extremely piously, waiting for the oracle of heaven to come down.

The dazzling and sacred brilliance quickly spread from the **** idol to the pope and the eight bishops who were kneeling before the idol.

The brilliant golden light shines, as if putting a golden holy garment on each of them. It makes each of them look like a **** descending to the earth, solemn, sacred, and noble...

The holy golden light shone on them for about a minute or so. Soon those golden lights gradually faded away, all converging back to the eyebrows of the **** image.

It's just that the Pope and the Eight Archbishops, who were kneeling on the ground, looked at the statue of God in front of them with excitement, and their bodies couldn't help shaking slightly.

Because just now. In their minds, they clearly heard a voice that seemed to be rolling from above the Nine Heavens, full of a majestic, sacred, and majestic voice.

That voice dropped to them the oracles from the gods of heaven!

It was long after the golden light emitted by the **** of God disappeared that the Pope and the Eight Archbishops stood up one after another, their faces still could not hide the excitement and excitement.

Looking at each other, the pope couldn't help taking a deep breath, trying to calm the excitement in his heart, and slowly said: "The gods of heaven have really heard our prayers, and they have descended the oracles to guide us forward. You should have heard the oracle just now, right?"

Although he has worked hard to restrain himself, the pope's voice still has such a slight tremor of excitement.

Hearing the words of the pope, several archbishops nodded repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, we have all heard the oracles sent by the gods of heaven just now. I think it is time for the doctrine of our court and the glory of the gods of heaven to shine in the world..."

"Yes! The oracle wants us to gather millions of the most pious believers in the world, pray together, gather the river of faith, and open the gates of heaven in one fell swoop, so that the gods can descend into the world. We must do this as quickly as possible. , So that the gods of heaven can come as soon as possible!"

"After the gods come, I believe that under the guidance of the gods, there will be no other doctrines in this world that can compete with my court. The moment when the gods unify the world's faith is coming!"

"Even after we unify the beliefs of the world, we can use people's beliefs to rule the world's political power, establish the entire world into a unified federation, and return to the glorious era before the Middle Ages..."

The eight archbishops of the gods are all excited ~ For the future, they are full of infinite daydreams and longings, as well as incomparable expectations.

They can't wait to see the door of the kingdom of heaven open, the gods come, and then lead them to unify the world's faith and establish the scene of the supreme kingdom of God.

They are full of confidence in whether this can be achieved.

What the Chinese **** did in the U.S. a few years ago has proved that although technology has been very advanced in this era, when facing the gods with supreme power, all kinds of advanced modern weapons are nothing but Children's toys are just like toys, and there is no threat to the gods at all.

As for whether the gods of the kingdom of heaven they believe in can be as powerful as the Chinese god, or even stronger than the other... they have no doubt!

In their hearts, the heavenly gods they believe in are undoubtedly the most powerful and supreme omnipotent gods in this world!

Therefore, as long as the door of the kingdom of heaven can be opened and the gods of the kingdom of heaven can come to the world, then the gods will sweep the world and establish a unified kingdom of gods, and rule the whole world from now on will be just around the corner! (To be continued.) Enable new URL