Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 340: Farewell

As the prophet slept in the study, Qiao Xiu and Heili directly closed the lamp of the study to the silent hall next door.

In the silent hall, Tylin shared a story called Snow White to the audience of Nolan.

When the Frost Elves saw that Joshua and Shiri walked into the Silent Hall in half, they waved their faces at the smile with a smile on their faces.

"Is the room in the silent hall eroded by the magic of some kind of plant?"

Hili's cheeks suddenly stuck outside the window of the silent hall, which scared Tallinn, but she quickly recovered and continued to tell the story today in a soft tone.

"Those should be the branches of the world tree, but the speed of growth is indeed a little scary."

Qiao Xiu went to the side of Hili and patted her on the shoulder to remind the lady of the caster.

But at this time the scenery in the entire silent hall was really strange. A lot of green leaves and fluorescent leaves were smashed on the inner walls, and the floor was covered with vine-like roots.

"I think the reason should be this."

The magic net was unfolded in front of the Greek. The above shows the interface of the sound of Nolan. The number of listeners under the voice of Nolan has reached 400,000.

"This is equivalent to one of the four Nolan residents who are listening to Tylin to tell the story of "The stepmother dislikes me." The content seems to be this?"

"It's just a part of Snow White's beginning." Qiao Xiu corrected the misunderstanding of the caster, and then looked at the number of listeners under Nolan's voice.

With Nolan, a city of just over a million people, more than 400,000 listeners are already a terrible percentage of viewership.

"It still depends on the success of the world singer." Qiao Xiu said.

"Why did the game end so early? If the number of semi-finals is a little more, the time will be longer."

Although he knew that this seemingly fair game was actually a shady, even if he knew so many insiders, he was very happy.

There will always be some surprises in the game that will surprise Hiroshi.

"Because too many of the same performances are seen, the audience will feel bored, and this game is essentially to help the Blackwood Elfs accelerate the growth of the World Tree." Qiao Xiu said that he paused a little and said " But the most real reason is that I am too greedy... Nolan’s audience is not enough for me.”

“Is it the same as the magic net covering the whole world?”

Heely and Qiao Xiu have witnessed many times that Qiao Xiu has made various fascinating feats. The number of people listening to Nolan’s voice is the same.

This also makes Shiri’s attitude toward Qiao Xiu from ‘this child is not crazy,’ to ‘oh, then? 'This kind of indifference.

"So, do you want to go with me for dinner this evening?"

Qiao Xiu showed the interface of a caster camp to Shiri. The owner of the camp was the flower of the Farosi, and the number of individual camps of Galloway was also the highest among all the camps.

The news has reached as many as a thousand. Almost every day, the flower of Farosi will publish news of several camps.

The content of today's latest news is ‘the last goodbye party, ah! Sure enough, I still don't want to leave Nolan! ‘, this message also comes with a table filled with a variety of fruits and drinks.

The number of replies under this message was as many as a thousand. Some of them were sent to Galloway, and the other part was to retain the reply left by Galloway.

"Yeah!" Hilli certainly won't miss the opportunity to eat this meal.

Before leaving, Qiao Xiu wrote a note on the glass of the silent hall, so that the frost elf could see it as soon as he looked up.

‘After the end, come to the Felosi Mansion for a dinner party. If you are tired, you can rest in the pub. ’


Fallows Mansion, indoor garden.

“Do you want to draw everything in front of you on ‘white paper’?”

"It's not painting, how should you describe it? It's just recording what you see on paper, neither oil painting nor charcoal painting, but what you see in the real eye."

Carolly is teaching the country girl Lucita from the forest how to use the camera.

Tonight, the black wood elves have once again entered a new stage to commemorate the growth of the sacred tree, and have held a celebration that is not so grand.

In Gallo's view, there is no difference between the dances of the nobles, but there are not so many things in the dance, such as intrigue and flattery.

"You can press the one above called 'shutter'."

Galloway and the protagonist of today's dance, Levita, hid on the side of the garden, and Lucita's hand was holding the camera that Joshua gave to Carolly.

"Like this?"

Lucita was very careful when she was holding this camera, fearing that any tiny movement would destroy this sophisticated magical machinery.

Although Lucita did not spend a long time with the daughter of the forest, Luvita clearly knew the importance of this camera to Carolyn.

She clearly remembers that when the Auranga priest was curious and wanted to find a woman in the forest to study it with this magical guide, Carolyn instantly showed a vigilant expression, just like her own small fish was threatened. Like a demi.

Today, Galloway can lend this magical machinery to her generously, and Luvita feels very lucky.

She pressed the shutter against a bunch of flowers in the indoor garden in accordance with the instructions of Carolly.

"let me see."

Galloway entered the magic into this magical machine, and a photo that had just been taken was presented in the form of a projection in front of Lucita and Carolly.

"It's really the same as the scenery I saw in my eyes." Revita reached out and touched the flowers in front of her eyes, but the fingertips passed through the projection.

"This is only the first step. If you want to make these pictures appear on white paper, you have to go through some complicated steps, but now..."

Carolyn picked up the camera in his hand and pointed the camera at Lucita.

After the experience of the world singer, the black wood elf can be calm in the face of things like the lens.

"Women of the forest, what should I do?" Lucita didn't understand why Carolyn suddenly wanted to leave her 'image'.

"The last champion of the world singer, you are about to leave Nolan, don't say goodbye to the people of Nolan?"

"Dow... don't? But the daughter of the forest... Is there really human beings who care about my whereabouts?"

Although the nuns from the sacred country played a bit of dysfunction in the finals, Lucita once again conquered Nolan's audience and won the championship with her own voice.

But the champion is not at all self-conscious as a celebrity.

"Of course there will be people who care, and there are many people! They don't just care about your whereabouts, they care about what you do every day, enjoy those dishes every day, and what your mood is like."

Carolly began to teach Lucita as an old predecessor, but it made Lucita feel a little creepy.

“Why are there humans who care about this?” Lucita couldn’t imagine how much she would do every day, and she would be stared at by a large group of people.

"Because they like you, watching people who like them will be happy. Lucita is using songs to make people like you, and they need to learn to communicate with them," said Gallo.

"Communication, the woman of the forest likes your human being should be in the world, so many humans have to communicate with them?"

Lucita didn't think it was so troublesome to be a super popular opera actor and actor!

"This is unlikely. I used to have no way to listen to the audience of the theater because of my mother's reasons, let alone communicate with them, but fortunately I met Qiao Xiu..."

Jia Luoli fiddled with the magical machinery on her hand, and the younger face unconsciously smiled.

"The Son of Chaos?"

"The caster camp, I will let Joe repair him to help you open it, now please smile, your fans are waiting for your farewell."

Although Lucita still did not understand the meaning of Carolly.

Luvita, who lived in the forest since childhood, has no way of understanding the meaning of idols and stars, but she knows that she has succeeded and won the championship of the game. The most important thing is that the holy tree has also ushered in her new life. !

"Is this all given to those who like my voice?" Lucita asked suddenly.

After receiving a positive answer from Jalol, the black wood elf tried to squeeze a smile, but the wet eyes could not help but overflow the tears.

It all came too suddenly, so that Galloway was a little overwhelmed, but Galloway pressed the shutter and recorded this scene forever in the original spar.

“Thank you all,” she said softly.