Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 454: Change home

Dorothy's father, York, is drinking tea at the Earl's Estate in Fort Osborne.

Old York has some fear of holding the tea in the cup. From the color and fragrance, it should be the finest fragrant tea from Flosi.

But now he has no mood to taste the tea in the cup.

"Master Lars, are you sure that it is really a Rusker sage?"

The Count of Cruz stepped back and forth in the hall of the manor, and the caster who had just returned from Nolan and his eldest son, Atek, stood respectfully.

"Even if my eyes are blind, I can't admit my mentor, Count Earl, my mentor really protects the little girl named Dorothy." The spellcaster named Lars truthfully reported Everything that happened in Nolan.

"Dorothy, Dorothy..."

The Count of Cruz repeatedly recited the name and then looked at Old York, who was standing on the other side. The old businessman almost lost his teacup at this moment.

“Why is an ordinary merchant woman sheltered by the gray-clothed person? When was the seven sages of Nolan so kind?”

"This...Adult, I collected this information on Nolan's emerging spell 'Magic Net' before coming. It is said that the little girl named Dorothy won a runner-up called the Hearthstone Open, and I have defeated my mentor in the game," the caster said.

"Beat the Sage?" Earl of Cruz widened his eyes. "Wait... What is the Nolan Open?"

"It is said that... a card game called Hearthstone is very popular among the Nolan dwarves, and my tutor seems to be very interested in it."

"card game."

Earl of Cruz heard that there is no idea what to say here. There are also some 'spots' card games popular in Osenburg, but this game is always with gambling and underground. The equal sign.

Any superficially nobility will not be contaminated by the rats.

But is it a popular card game in Nolan? Also held a bright and fair game, even the sage also entered!

It all seems to be challenging the three views of the Count of Cruz, and the Count of Cruz wants to ask a person to ask ‘What happened to Nolan recently? ! ’

"Father, they are just a group of casters. Do we need to be so afraid..." Etek looked at his father before and pacing, and he was puzzled.

"Just a group of casters?" Count Cruz said with a sigh of ignorance of his son: "Listen, Etek! Now our great emperor, Scribe, is one of the students of the Greys! When I was young, I heard a section of the Grey Master's Introduction to Magic in Nolan. At least one tenth of the order inscription in the world was discovered by the Greys. Do you still think he is just a caster? ?"

"..." Atek opened his mouth and didn't know what to answer. He could only choose to fall into silence.

"The Earl of the Lord!"

The report was not over yet, and a spy wearing a leather armor walked into the hall of the manor.

"We found the little girl named Dorothy trailing."


"The headquarters of the Silver Flower Chamber of Commerce."

The Count of Cruz did not hesitate to step out of the manor and walk around the people.

Hearing the news of Dorothy's return, her father, York's heart, was half cold.

He is not sure whether the Earl will completely dismantle his Chamber of Commerce headquarters and then take his daughter away.

Holding the fear and uneasiness, the manager of the Silver Flower Chamber of Commerce immediately followed the Count of Cruz.

At the prince's acquiescence, he sat on a magic guide.

The magic car galloped on the streets of Orsenburg for ten minutes and arrived at the familiar streets of Old York.

Now he can only pray that his daughter has already heard the news that the count had brought people here, and then ran back to Nolan!

But when he got out of the car, he saw Dorothy standing at the door of the chamber of commerce.

Long red wine with long waist, no matter where you stand.

"These are not needed, they are all out! There are also those glass windows in the hall to be removed!"

Dorothy moved a pile of boxes full of sundries to the outside of the Chamber of Commerce. The only remaining waiters in the business did not stop moving things in and out.

What is this going to do?

York’s goddess looked at his daughter and not only ordered the attendants to move the decoration inside the firm, but even started to “demolition”.

"Father! You are back!"

Dorothy saw the father standing on the street and successfully pulled a monster-level ‘investor’ to make Dorothy’s mood so good.

When she reached her father, she suddenly found the Count of Cruz, the top manager of the city, standing aside.

"The Earl of Cruz." Dorothy had expected that this day would come, she did not humble and wanted to give a skirt to the people in front of him.

But Dorothy suddenly realized that she was wearing the plain men's clothing to carry the sundries. She didn't have a skirt to tell her...

"No, you are Dorothy?" Count Count Cruz looked at the girl in front of her, and at a glance she understood why her eldest son would be so fascinated by her.

This girl who is both beautiful and able to roll up her sleeves is indeed very popular with men in the country of steel.

But the Count of Cruz is not coming for a blind date.

"Yes," Dorothy replied.

"I have a question to ask you." Earl of Cruz was very straightforward and asked the doubts in his heart "What is your relationship with the gray-shirter of one of the seven sages of Nolan?"

"Gray...clother?" Dorothy thought that the count was a squatter, so she was suddenly asked this strange question, and she didn't know what to answer.

"My friend, are you satisfied with this answer to Cruz?"

The gray-clothed man slowly walked out of the shop with a cane, and the Count of Cruz quickly recognized the identity of the elderly man.

"I didn't expect Lurk's sage to visit Osenberg in person." After seeing the gray-clothed person himself, Count Cruz said that he had no mood to entangle the relationship between the girl and the gray-shirter.

"I was asked by the Chamber of Commerce to look at it." The gray-shirter shook his head and refused the invitation of Count Cruz. "I will return to Nolan soon."

“This business? Grey clothes, if you are interested in the magical machinery of Orenburg, I can show you more.”

Earl of Cruz glanced at the Silver Flower Chamber of Commerce behind him. This Chamber of Commerce was also based on the sale of magical machinery a long time ago.

The most powerful means for the country of steel to attract spellcasters from other countries is the advanced magical machinery, so the Count of Cruz also speculated that the Greys made a special trip.

"Magic Machinery?" The Greys also looked back at the Kelia Chamber of Commerce. "This Chamber of Commerce is not a Chamber of Commerce for selling magical machinery."

"Grey clothes are big... adults."

This is the manager of the Chamber of Commerce, and York finally couldn't help but want to stand up.

If the sage visits his chamber of commerce, it can also be a powerful means of propaganda, but at this time his daughter interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Father, a businessman from Nolan wants to buy our Chamber of Commerce."

Dorothy’s unrequited love directly said that he not only dismantled his family, but also sold it directly.

After all, the transaction proposed by Qiao Xiu can make the Silver Flower Chamber of Commerce enter a new period of prosperity. Dorothy does not think that the deal has any good cover and is not appropriate.