Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 191: Comics

It is not difficult to draw the storyboard of a comic. A small number of professional cartoonists do not guarantee the quality, and only they can understand the storytelling content of a comic in an hour. Harvey said that it is not. A professional cartoonist, but with experience in filming and stronger thinking ability, drawing comic strips is easy.

There was a little guy like Lily in the alchemy workshop. He was too noisy. He was always playing and suddenly hit Harvey’s arms and interrupted his thoughts. Harvey simply built a temporary office space in [Endless Library]. It is also convenient to find any information. It took ten minutes to draw the storyboard for the first act of "Frozen". There are five pages of content. The ice transport team sings and cuts the ice cubes in the frozen lake. The storyboard just stops overlooking the whole Close-up on the fantasy city.

Harvey found a total of seven painters on Rodney Street of Art, and each of them gave a high salary of more than 5 Barrons. These seven painters have expertise in different fields. But none of the painters, including Shirley, had any experience in comics. Harvey needed to write a clear division of labor in the content of the comics, and assign who to depict the background, who portrays the characters, and who to use the colors based on the information he has obtained.

Harvey estimated that the first few days would be wasted in the studio instructing these artists on how to draw cartoons. Harvey has never eaten pork himself, at least he has seen a pig run, or he has seen it many times.


Niya got out of the carriage, carefully lifted her painting kit and put it on the ground, raising her hand to signal: "Wait, wait a while before leaving."

The groom sitting on the top of the carriage was inexplicably watching Niya finishing her hair against the glass of the carriage. She had short neck-length hair. Perhaps because of negligence, many parts of it turned up and looked rough. She was dressed in dark green. The Italian-style long skirt with low cut and narrow waist, the skirt is embroidered with cross patterns, and the skirt is decorated with obvious folk style. This is the most expensive piece of all her clothes. It will only be worn on holidays or high-end banquets.

To make sure that her appearance was correct, Niya walked carefully to Harvey's house, first curiously looking around, coughing with her little hand covering her lips and practicing her greetings silently.

"Ms. Shirley, I like your work very much..."

"Ms. Shirley, my name is Niya Angelo, I am very glad to meet you..."

"Mr. Adrian, I was you yesterday..."

She babbled and wandered at the door for a long time and finally got the courage to knock on the door. The door was opened by a middle-aged woman wearing a black traditional long dress. She was meticulous in her dress and look. She was the housekeeper arranged by William. Responsible for managing the internal affairs of the studio.

"You are Miss Niya Angelo, aren't you? Come in, everyone is waiting for you." The housekeeper leaned a little and gestured.

"Long time?" Niya's face became stiff, and she walked in timidly and hesitated to ask: "I shouldn't be late, I'm here at the time Mr. Adrian said."

"The master will explain to you the details, but you need to remember that your scope of work is only in the studio, and you must never step into the scope of the second floor."

The housekeeper glanced at her indifferently and continued to lead the way. There was an empty room at the corner of the corridor on the first floor. Yesterday, he hurriedly renovated, mainly buying the tools needed by the artist, including workbenches, drawing boards, drawing paper, paints, etc. . Niya walked in under the sign of the housekeeper, and saw that the spacious room was already full of people, including eight people including Harvey and Shirley. Harvey was holding a piece of drawing paper explaining something.

Niya's arrival attracted everyone's attention. She was a little embarrassed to bow to everyone with her skirts. She only felt hot when she looked at Shirley's gentle eyes. This was the first time she actually saw Shirley and burned it. The squishy head had forgotten how to react. She is one of Shirley's loyal fans, including Shirley's paintings and the role of Shirley in the role of Mercedes in "The Earl of Monte Cristo". The overlap of the two impressions perfectly fits the appearance of a female painter in her heart.

Harvey smiled dumbly at her bewildered look. After all, she was still a little girl, and greeted: "Please come in, Miss Niya, since everyone is here, please introduce yourself first."

Harvey stood up: "I believe everyone knows my name. The purpose of my creation of this studio is very simple. It is to launch a new form of "book", a book with painting as text and text as auxiliary. This is Ms. Shirley, the chief writer of the studio. If you have any questions about painting, just ask her for advice if I'm not there."

Shirley stood up and bowed to the painters.

The newcomer Niya also stammered and introduced herself: "My name is Niya Angelo. I am an apprentice in Fergus Studio. I am good at sketching and often have drawing boards for making murals."

"Stuart Keith, good at oil painting and coloring."

The young male painter humbly said: "I am Shaw Campbell, an assistant in Mark's studio. I am not good at it, but I have a little research on oil painting and drawing."

A female painter stood up and bowed to introduce herself: "I'm Jenny Taylor, good at sketching background."


After each of the nine-person studio members finished their introductions, Harvey coughed to attract attention and began to talk about his requirements.

"Presumably you all know that Phantom, as a new thing, has undoubtedly achieved great success, and now everyone here is repeating the whole process at this time, creating a new cultural form. I call it comics. Some novels will have pictures. These pictures can only explain the most basic information of the novel. At that time, I came up with an idea to use simple and straightforward pictures to represent information, and words to fill in the lack of pictures. Hmm~ It cannot be said to be my personal conjecture, because this is originally the most primitive way of communication for human beings."

"Then first look at this painting." Harvey took out the manuscript of the comic strip that he drew overnight and showed it: "This painting is a draft drawn by me. This painting shows a small team collecting and In the process of transporting ice cubes, pay attention to the movements of each character inside. Here is a scene where they are singing and mining ice cubes. What information can you read in this draft painting?"

The painters looked at each other, Niya stretched her head and looked at this sub-mirror curiously: "It's cold?"

"This is also a part, but there is no element that depicts the cold weather in this simple storyboard, and this part is what you need to fill in, including snow scenes, ice in the simplest but It is presented in a rigorous form, which is very similar to a phantom. A phantom is a scene simulated by shooting, and a comic is a scene imagined by creation."

Niya's face blushed, feeling Harvey's suit, and the other painters nodded their heads as if they knew nothing about it. After all, the concept of comics is still too avant-garde in this world of oil painting.

Harvey shrugged, anticipating the result, and began to distribute the work. Shirley painted the original character painting, Niya completed it, Jenny Taylor painted the background, Shaw Campbell was responsible for the coloring, and so on. Each process needs a detailed explanation by Harvey. The painter can just follow the drawing. In fact, even in the modern comics industry, there are similar situations. People who can write plots are not good at drawing, and those who paint well do not have the talent to think about plots. .

Harvey has seen a similar work "Dream Eater", which tells the story of two teenagers chasing their dreams to become cartoonists. One of them is good at drawing and the other is good at conceiving plots. Among the comics Harvey came into contact with, "One Punch Man" is also a typical example. The original ONE has a good plot, but the painter is the same as a kid's graffiti. So there is the original version, and then cooperated with Murata Yusuke to really create "One Manga Manga version.

Harvey is equivalent to ONE, the original author of "One Punch Man". Although the gang of artists he hired are only half-hearted in the comics industry, they can be regarded as painters with extensive experience, and there should be no problem with step-by-step painting.