Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1014: Block a gun

Recognizing a pot is not completely harmful to the church, at least they have the advantage of intelligence, so that those who intend to contact the devil find the wrong way, so they will rack their brains and try to continue from the dragon. For the strategy, although these people will eventually wake up, it takes too much time to wake up, and the church needs this time!

With these times, the research on Deformation on Devil Bear will have more definite results, grasp the first-hand information, so as to establish a greater advantage. After all, Deformation on Devil Bear is not encrypted, breaking through the initial After the research is difficult, other parts of the research are just like normal transcripts. Just copy them without much troublesome steps.

Although the transfiguration framework obtained by such transcripts can only be applied to the special case of Warcraft, such as Devil Bear, it does n’t matter. After completing this complete framework, the rest is to modify and reshape it so that it can be applied to other Warcraft, and then reverse its research.

This is it!

It's not complicated at all ... a ghost, but the new magic system is not like this. It starts with the most troublesome steps, then gradually simplified, and finally matures. Of course, a new magic system must have a support The big framework that the system can develop.

And this frame Devil Bear can provide.

The League of Explorers ... Well, Os has done a great job, and has already been in line with the people of the League of Explorers. It is impossible to fight openly and secretly. It is impossible to explode large-scale battles in Kagane, but The stalemate is enough, as for the things arranged for Oss?

For Oro, that ’s not the most important thing. If you can figure out the deep purpose of the League of Explorers, you can make a profit. If you ca n’t, you can delay them enough time. In short, it ’s obvious or secret. The church has countermeasures. Moreover, although the master of the city, Bank, is older, he does things unambiguously. The empire has ideas, and naturally Bank will not be indifferent.

Unless he does n’t want to do it anymore, although he really does n’t want to do it, the normal retirement is completely different from the retirement of the deposed position. The former can also get the attention of the empire and enjoy the old age ... to know that now there is curing Potions, which can last for a long time in the sunset and red period, have no chance to enjoy when they were young, and they can now enjoy the state of the body with solidified potions.

And the latter's words ... it's cold!

Bank is in action, Kaga is his place, so some things are easy to operate, for example, there are now people in the research group in the Empire, although the number is not large, but for the Empire, this also makes them feel Satisfied with the results.

Of course, this Bojia people also led to the research team being in a saturated state, and no extra outsiders will be added in the process, so those redundant ones must be eliminated to get the empire you want. The empire wanted to do things just by taking things out. Considering that it was the Templar Church and the Dragon Clan, it could not be done. What if there is new cooperation in the future?

To know that the church does not interfere with the state affairs, at some point the empire can take the initiative to solve some things without arrangement ... the relationship can be avoided if it is not evil.

There are people who deal with it in secret, but it is not easy to deal with unreasonable ones. Cultists, unreasonable ones are cultists. The Empire stated that it would not let cultists do things in their own country. Dividends are available, but the church cannot be indifferent. On the contrary, the church is more proactive!

So Lilia was busy living. The evil **** behind this cultist is an existence similar to the undead witch. The difference is that the undead witch ’s immortality can be reborn at any time. It does not matter to give up the body. This undead evil **** is Pay attention to the fact that the body is immortal, so its cultists are all kinds of physical monsters, and they will not die if they are chopped into meat.

It is said that the reason why this evil **** has such a characteristic is that it seems that the cultist who used to make trouble used the vampire weapon and the abyss creature in the abyss of the disaster to mix the weird evil **** that was tossed up as a sacrifice. It's really crazy, dare to dare to fight, and succeeded!

Now these living corpse cultists are in Kaga activists, they also have the ability to transform. After all, they are cultists, and their flesh and blood are completely polluting. The wounds of ordinary people will be assimilated after they have dripped their blood Becoming a living corpse is not only the erosion of flesh and blood, but also the pollution caused by the power of evil spirits contained in the blood. The resistance of the professional can ignore this erosion.

Of course, the blood of a living body that was directly injected with a large needle into the body, if it is not processed quickly, it will still be transformed.

Lilia feels like hell, what do the evil gods behind these living corpse cultists think of and spotted a devil bear? The brain is sick ... Oh, the evil god's brain is always sick.

In short, these cultists must be eliminated.

"In a word, Kaka ’s sewer system is now blocked, and all related entrances are closed, prohibiting ordinary people from actively approaching the past." Lilia said, of course, this blockade does not directly seal off the sewer system, only a special installation The fence protection can still function normally. This is to prevent the following things from running out. As for those connected to the outside of the city, there is no way. The sewer system is well-connected. Some in the city ca n’t be managed. Said out of the city.

"It feels like a new copy." Zheng Yichen said.

"Uh ... almost." Lilia nodded. The empire has already released related tasks in the mercenary guild. You can spend some money to solve things. Sometimes, why do you want the elite soldiers trained in the country Did you die in the past?

Ordinary soldier? In the face of living corpses, ordinary soldiers will give away in the past! Therefore, issuing such a task to the mercenary guild is a normal operation process, and it will be done in any country, unless those countries are poor.

Zheng Yichen stepped on the ground: "When did this happen?"

"Uh ~ two days ago, it was only after the victims were found in the city."

"Is Kaga's protection mechanism made from waste?"

"The protection mechanism also depends on the target." Lilia shrugged. Kaga's magical protection mechanism can't be said to be bad, but this kind of protection is usually a low-power maintenance state. To put it plainly is a large range. The detection can only be triggered after the magic fluctuation or the abnormal power fluctuation exceeds a standard, otherwise the full power can be turned on throughout the day, and the alarm response can be annoying.

In general, if there is no mine at the foot, do n’t think about what protection mechanism is turned on throughout the day. There is a mineral vein. You can also build a large magic array to extract the elemental power of the mineral vein to maintain the protection mechanism and carry out accurate detection. A little special wind and grass can be found.

No mine? There is also a heart of elements, that is equivalent to a portable nuclear fusion battery, there is a problem that you don't have to worry about energy.

Living corpse cultists rely on near-pure physical abilities. Although they have the maintenance of evil cult power, compared with ordinary cultists, living corpse cultist's evil power fluctuations are lower than the average, and then they successfully bypassed the card The added protection detection was exposed only after the outbreak of human life.

Fortunately, the protection mechanism of Kaga is not so comprehensive, but there are still a lot of high-end combat power. After the disaster of the cultist in the city, someone rushed over immediately to solve the subsequent problems quickly, and did not allow the disaster to spread further. Going out, this matter was successfully suppressed.

City host Bank does n’t want to make this happen, but if a cult makes a disaster in a city, it ’s like a dead second-hand house. It ’s not a big problem to buy a second-hand house. When it comes to another matter, Kaga still has great potential for development. The cultists are suffering too much, which will undoubtedly affect the subsequent development here.

So this must be suppressed!

For two days, the upper floors of the city looked as calm as ever. Those with keen senses could feel the excitement of the underground. After all, some fighting movements are always transmitted to the ground, even if the movements are very slight, ordinary It's hard for everyone to find, but the existence of non-ordinary people is very easy to find, plus the mission is hung over the mercenary guild, so this is not a big secret.

As for the impact? Hey, the sewer system and the city above are completely two worlds. As long as it is a big city, there is nothing special hidden in the sewer system in that city? So this kind of thing is nothing to the professional.

Rather than caring about this, you might as well care about this opportunity to get rich! As long as you can resist the smell of the sewer, and the environment inside, and have enough combat power, you can make two fire casters to make money!

With good coordination, it is relatively easy to wipe out living corpses in the sewer. As long as the coordination is good enough, the coordination is not good? What a simple thing to roll over!

What Lilia is doing now is to probe Kaga ’s sewers. It is found in detail that those hidden cultists are just impossible to enter the sewers. Then all she can do is to use prophecy directly on the ground. You don't need to overcomplicate the operation, rely on the ability of the prophet, just go through all the places in Kaga, simply!

Then she met Zheng Yichen here.

"Well? Are you interested in the sewers?"

"I can't say that I am interested, I can only say that I have found a new business opportunity ..." Zheng Yichen thought for a while and said that the sewer cleaning problem has always been a problem. Even if it is possible to hire a cheap civilian to clean it, the sewer contains Dangerous, an additional part of the pension will be paid out in this area every year, not paid?

Please, the big city is not a remote small town, it will be dark when it is black, and it will be darker, no one will do it, take the risk to clean it up, and if it is dead, no one will manage it. What are you doing? It's better to go directly to the pier as a coolie to move things.

So why don't you come up with a kind of alchemy puppet on the cheek? Um ... But since then, it will definitely grab a lot of people's work, and the feeling of competing with the people. After all, the sewer cleaning work is actually very profitable. If you are tossing yourself, there will definitely be people who lack financial resources.

The advantage is that it can reduce casualties and have the possibility of being put on the earth. In this world, too much needs to be considered. Sometimes magic is too convenient and not good, like the comprehensive development of science and technology on the earth. However, the level of technology alone does not know how much it exceeds the magic world. However, in some special technologies, the expressive power of magic power is even stronger.

What is an alchemy puppet? Putting a scientific explanation on the earth is a robot ... The high-end is a self-discipline robot, capable of many complicated tasks, which is obviously not the technology that Zheng Yichen has passed through the past.

However, it is easy to do this in the outside world, so when special power is used in the development of science and technology, it is a unique factor that specializes in distorting science and technology.


"Well, let's talk about it later." Zheng Yichen waved his hand: "You are busy, I have other things to do."

"Got it, I'm gone ... No, you're the boss, let's go with me for a while now." Lilia found something, and with a slight twitch of her eyes, she stood beside Zheng Yichen and whispered.

"Huh? What?" Her reaction drew Zheng Yichen's attention. The girl was a little wrong today. Didn't go take medicine?

"Fate is something that pits people!" Lilia whispered, as a prophetist can you feel the impermanence of fate more clearly. What do you mean? Hmm ... It was she who was pursued, and the last thing she did n’t want to encounter, but it happened to her. Although many of the prophet did n’t dare to ask for it, but encountered dare to ... Quite difficult to deal with.

After all, the other party dared to pursue the oracle, so there is a very high probability that it is sincere, otherwise why not find an oracle? Looking for such an object, and doing something a little sorry, the predictor can easily find that if marriage is a kind of grave, the marriage with the predictor is an abyss.

Not to mention a shot at the abyss ... If this is the case, the abyss does not mind raising the child of the other party, and then let the child of the other party kill him in the past! Prophet really wants to toss so easily, very easy.

Her pursuers came from the empire. This time the affiliation of cultists was a joint action. The empire also sent strong men, and of course there are young and handsome people. With the participation of this church, they do not send Coming to some young people is a waste of experience.

Yes, in the empire's view, this action is equivalent to a group of veterans with novice copy brush experience.

Only this time the action showed a wonderful flower, and Lilia was "stared at".

"Anyone who pursues you is stupid, find a predictor."

"So I'm bothered." Lilia said with narrowed eyes, daring to pursue the prophet, humming, she also paid attention to such a wonderful flower, and finally had to admit that the other party was sincere! What the **** is this! People like themselves will be valued, sincere talents are sincere mortals, especially for people like her who do n’t have such ideas at all.

"Well, but after my confirmation, I can be sure that the guy is sincere and still a gray hair control." Lilia said with narrowed eyes, she is white hair, but this hair color is her technique of studying taboo Death is caused by overdrawing life, and it is not pure natural. Of course, what is declared to the outside is the pure natural kind. If you encounter a gray hair control ... there is nothing to say.

She is not a grandma, she is a real beauty.

"I think you should reorganize the language. The other party is a white-haired control, so he is sincere."

Lilia glanced at Zheng Yichen: "Boss, you should use a more specific statement."

Zheng Yichen froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Well, it is also related to you being a great beauty!"

The corner of her mouth lifted slightly, glancing in a certain direction: "The eyes of normal people ... He's coming!"

The distance between Lilia and Zheng Yichen narrowed a bit, and she snorted: "How about you tell me to tell him I am alone?"

"You used the nouns in the unreal world quite well." Zheng Yichen didn't answer Lilia's words, but instead said another unrelated thing. This is not easy for him to answer. Who knows the girl around him? What do you think?

Besides, blocking the gun ... well, as her boss, she also has the responsibility to help employees get rid of some troubles. He really does not believe that someone dares to come and find his own thing without sufficient reasons!

"There are more people who use it ~ ~ I'm familiar with it." Lilia shook her head, a noun in the illusory world ... it can't be said that the church is very concerned about the cultural radiation of the imaginary world to the real world. Yes, it has naturally led many of them to understand the mixed culture in the unreal world?

It ’s really not too strange in the unreal world. It ’s okay to like people outside. Anyway, the special existence inside can change people, whether it is a dragon or some strange powerful creature, Some aboriginal wives or husbands are simply non-human beings who live in seclusion in normal groups.

And there is nothing like Lolita ... let ’s not talk about it. This does not use the cultural radiation of the illusory world. It exists in reality. For example, which patriarch married a concubine or the like, the woman is eighteen, the man ... ... sixty eight seventy eight.

"Will it work? If not, I will leave."

"Well ... Okay, after all, I am the boss." Zheng Yichen nodded slightly: "But I won't take the initiative to say too much, can you arrange the rest yourself?"

Blocking the gun is OK, but letting him get involved in some follow-up minor troubles, Zheng Yichen is unwilling. He doesn't want to spend time on this irrelevant, seemingly for the struggle of racial reproduction, he does not worry about this!

To be reasonable, there is a top presence in the realm of life around, and asexual reproduction of ghosts and animals can do it ...

"No problem!" Lilia agreed altogether. All she needed was a reason to send someone away. After all, if the prophet met someone who was sincere and chased, it was not easy to pass. Prophecy is not afraid anymore, after there is no factor of guilty conscience, what are you afraid of?

Passerby said

The college entrance examination, I thought, how did I get lost in the past, um ... I wish the college entrance examination people can achieve their ideal expectations.