Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1027: Framework upgrade

"Where did you get this stuff from?"

"Of course it's the sincerity of the church. Fur ~ Choose the door. After giving such a thing, I don't want to say anything else." Zheng Yichen exhaled slightly, and said slightly unexpectedly, the value of space props is very high. When Zheng Gao made a deal, Zheng Yichen only got such a thing ...

Something else? What else do you want? Is there something comparable to this thing? After that, I helped the church to perfect the reverse deformation technique according to the agreement. This problem is not big. Zheng Yichen has a complete version of the deformation technique framework. Any reverse deformation technique is a trivial matter and does not need Anne ’s assistance. With his life magic Technical knowledge can be completed.

"You really mean, such a generous church ... Hey." Eve smiled. "What reason did you use? The church will doubt it if you just want this kind of thing?"

"Reason? That simple, I said I was practicing space magic recently, and I need some good things to assist."

"Practice space magic skills with space props, you are really a clever ghost." Eve snorted, practicing space magic skills with space props works, not only does it work, even this is still a kind of Excellent way to improve! Even if the price is too high, no one is willing to toss this way, nor is Zheng Yichen!

But he is willing to remove the space props and take out the space debris inside, so as to expand the memory of the unreal world, and the space magic skill can learn it in time, and if the space debris is smashed, it is pure krypton gold to shorten the time and finally get The things are the same. Since this, why is Zheng Yichen idle and wasting space debris?

Even if it is used, the mastered space magic is only an entry ... Well, the most entry, not the kind of space magic that Annie can put into actual combat, it is of little significance, if he can directly let him use the space magic Zheng Yichen didn't think about it at all, but of course used it directly.

There is nothing more to say now. It is only right to use space debris in more valuable places. The most lacking in the Unreal World is high-end players, mainly because people ’s experience is not good, and they do n’t like to enter the Unreal World. If one day the unreal world really changes similar to reality, they wo n’t feel a hazy and unstable feeling when they go in ... will it still be like before? of course not!

Now the capacity of the Unreal World is too small. At the same time, because of the small space debris, the physical stability is not high. After adding this new space debris, the memory is improved by tens of thousands of times. Stability will also depend on the size of the space. The explosion, Zheng Yichen estimated that this upgrade, even if the witch entered, as long as not deliberately looking for weaknesses, will not feel anything unusual.

Of course, if a group of witches is squeezed into it, it will still cause problems if it exceeds the upper limit of the physical capacity. The best way is to continuously expand the capacity or strengthen the strength of the space. The latter Zheng Yichen has no way. The former only needs krypton gold. That's it.

What a difficult thing ... rare to die.

But it should be done or done anyway.

The TV series is one episode a day, Kaga is the first to be broadcast, and there are no delays in other big cities, and in places like small cities and towns, after a few days, the talent there came into contact with the first episode The main reason is that the place is small, but this does not affect anything. Anyway, it will be read sooner or later. Although the civilians will not go to the big cities for the sake of chasing the drama.

But professionals will!

Within a week, the film and television area of ​​the Summoning Book has been enriched. Some short films from other chambers of commerce have appeared. Although they are rough, they are not stiff. They can be used as the green leaves of the hottest theaters at the same time. There are also new developments in the district. This is not the only one in the Violet Chamber of Commerce who took the lead. Qin has already occupied too many advantages, and some places should give up some benefits.

Otherwise, eating too full is about to be strangled, the piano in the live area can seize the opportunity, walk in the front? No, it doesn't matter if you don't fall out of the top three. It doesn't matter if you are in the first, second, or third. After all, the influence of the Violet Chamber of Commerce now allows the chamber to rank No. Competitiveness.

The live streaming area is hotter now!

The major chambers of commerce had already started to discuss things here when they co-produced film and television dramas. They did not invest much energy before, mainly to open the way for film and television dramas. Now that the road is open, it is natural to do something right.

This is a development between the chambers of commerce. While Zheng Yichen is also busy at the research site, the Demon Summoning Book has also ushered in one of the biggest updates. It is not a new version. The Unreal World version does not require additional updates. This update Is the stability update of the framework ...

Ordinary professionals feel a little unclear. Therefore, they did not feel any instability when the unreal world was in trouble, even in the villages that became strong in the unreal world, um ... so to speak, the unreal world Some of them have reached the upper limit of physical capacity because of adventures. However, they do not feel that the unreal world is too fake like a witch or even the master of the snow mountain, and they can pierce it with a little force.

The reason is that their strength is improved in the unreal world. The improved part is only counted in the virtual memory, and it does not occupy the actual capacity at all. No matter how strong it becomes, it will not feel false. If it is the strength before entering the unreal world If it exceeds the limit, it will naturally feel a problem!

But now! The update has been completed, and the stability of the Unreal World has been immediately improved. The price is to return an expensive space prop. The stability of the Witch has been confirmed after personal testing. There is absolutely no problem. The actual memory of the current expansion port , Able to accommodate more than fifty witches at the same time to play casually in the unreal world ... as long as it is not really a big move.

This conclusion made Zheng Yichen somewhat unexpected, but after Yi Lin explained it, Zheng Yichen understood that if the witch ’s soul entered the illusory world, the number would shrink by a factor of twenty, but it was not The soul, but the projection of consciousness, is too far away from the quality of the soul. Compared to the space debris that was so large before, Zheng Yichen now uses much larger space inside the space debris.

After Eve ’s personal cutting and stripping, the space lost by the debris was controlled within 4%. It can be said that there is only one side missing, and of course, Irene ’s ability is also good enough. After cutting off, the stability control is completed, avoiding the follow-up of natural escape.

The price paid by Zheng Yichen ... is tacky money. Although this thing is tacky, it is also very omnipotent. Not to mention the deepness of the witch's house, you can ignore the money. It is impossible, especially for Yilin. Was the material consumed by the research produced out of thin air?

If she could create things out of thin air, would she still need to do magic research? If you are missing something, just do it yourself.

This money is a number in Yi Lin ’s hand. When you need to use it, directly speak to Zheng Yichen, and then deduct the corresponding number from Zheng Yichen. That ’s enough, you do n’t have to let Zheng Yichen give Yi Lin a lot of gold coins. The place is regarded as the "online banking" used by their small circle.

The same is true for Eve. This operation is not difficult to carry out. The Demon Summoning Book itself has such a function similar to online banking, but it is only due to its credibility. It has never really used this function, which directly involves money. Things are still the same as before, it is better not to do it easily, it is too easy to resist.

Otherwise, I really thought that Zheng Yichen didn't want to do this?

In short, the new announcement released by Zheng Yichen let some real old strong players try the Unreal World a little bit. It is really like the announcement, this time there is no such hazy feeling after entering, and It is really similar to the real world, no matter how they perceive it. In other words, the environment here can adapt to them.

It ’s not that they had to adapt to the environment of the illusory world, and actively adapt to the environment of the illusion world ... Then it ’s better not to come in, just like a tens of thousands of computers with a 2m network cable, and it feels like making It is better to open the door and take the initiative to walk around when people are shocked by the speed of the internet.

Now the network cable has been upgraded, and it is fully equipped with a high-end computer.

So this kind of strong people are interested, to know that they also have some needs, such as the demand for trial moves, or the need for combat, but they have too much movement in reality, or the enemy is a bit Many, it is easy to be found by the enemies when fighting, the unreal world is different, just make trouble.

Now the environment here can bear the burden, and the high-end powerhouses in reality have begun to return, although the number is not large ... but this is a good beginning.

"Huh ~ The environment has changed." In the Unreal World, a woman looked at the sky and exhaled gently. She was the soul-conscious witch who was dragged into the Unreal World by Zheng Yichen, even the parallel witch. She is also a witch, and her ability to perceive her soul also allows her to perceive some unreality in the illusory world. How can that feeling be said, although it does not affect her life here.

It can be specifically described as the kind of living state with vr glasses, and now that the frame of the unreal world has been upgraded, it has directly changed from vr to an immersive holographic online game, although admitting that such an environment is for her It means to deceive yourself.

But she is already dead. She can only cheat or not on the premise that there is in the unreal world. Anyway, she ca n’t leave. Anyway, her living environment has become better now. What complains?

Now the soul-conscious witch walks a little bit briskly, and the new environment brings her a very comfortable feeling! The life here used to be just for work, but now the life here can be regarded as a real life, the difference between the two is very great.

Other high-end strongmen who entered the unreal world began to explore the situation around them. They pinched the stones near their feet, grabbed two pieces of mud and rubbed them in their hands, and even pinched up the ground. The ants observed it, and the sense of disobedience that always appeared was really gone!

In other words, when they are okay, they can really pass the time in the unreal world. For the younger high-end strong people, this is a bit of a funeral, but for those who have lived for a long time, they are all happy to the limit. For the strong man who solidifies the potion to maintain his physical state, the Unreal World is a good place!

In reality, after using the curing potion, as long as you move it, it will consume the power. Like a top strong man, any action, the consumption will be far more than ordinary people, the body quality is not at a level, the difference is of course great , The best way is not to do vigorous exercise.

Just do n’t do anything, it ’s tantamount to saying steadfastness, and it ’s impossible to improve. And to do something, it ’s undoubtedly to consume more curing potions, it ’s not that they do n’t have money, it ’s that the supplies are in short supply, no You can easily buy it for money. Of course, you can't waste it without wasting it.

However, in order to give yourself a new promotion, you have to practice, and once you do that, the consumption of curing potions will be doubled.

Now they can be perfectly compatible with them in the Unreal World. Of course, this type of strong man will find a way to practice in the Unreal World ~ ~ No matter how much tossing will not affect himself in reality, but in Unreal When you try to practice in the world, if you can find a quick way to improve, you can use it directly in reality, less time wasted in the exploration phase, which allows them to see the opportunity to break the dead cycle.

So Zheng Yichen observed and discovered that he returned to the illusory world, and the most online time is the strong old man and grandma. There is nothing satisfied or dissatisfied. The high-end strong people make money as long as they come in, let alone these realities The top human beings who are half dead in the soil are almost dead.

It is true that they need to solidify the potion in reality, but they can do whatever they want in the unreal world. What ’s more important is their rich experience. In the unreal world, whether they are practicing or doing anything else, they can perfect the unreal. The big database of the world.

At the same time, there are new movements in the Dragon Clan, and the activities are not limited to those small dragons and adult dragons. Some powerful Dragon Clan also have traces ... How strong? Just like Augusta ’s uncle, there have been such dragons in the previous records, very short, and disappeared in less than ten minutes. Obviously they also encountered high-end human powerhouses. Happening.

Feeling that the physical feeling brought by the unreal world is not good, so I gave up here, so that the small dragons, the young dragons with insufficient strength and the adult dragons that do not feel abnormal can be used as trials or playgrounds here, until the strength is sufficient in the future However, after feeling unreal, they will naturally give up here, and the Dragons are not worried about the deceased dragon playthings, but now the main frame of the Unreal World has been upgraded.

After these dragons came in, they all enjoyed the immersive feeling of the whole system ... Online time changed from giving up in less than ten minutes to logging in on time.