Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1031: curse

Witches of Destiny will not do things without a reason. Since the two things she said are the main things, but the main things are put together, it is not one thing, then it must be divided into one and the other. The former does not understand Now, it can be regarded as a secondary matter. As for the incarnation, Dan Marina has revealed so much information. It is definitely not something that can be easily ignored. This makes Zheng Yichen take a serious guess.

Anyway ... There are too many unknown possibilities for this avatar. There was no change before and it can be used as a tool. Now there are new and strange changes, and it is also used as a tool?

"Specifically, how are you going to deal with such a situation?" Zheng Yichen asked.

"I plan to raise my children ..."

"... You are a witch! Be serious!"

"Okay, okay, you made this incarnation. Anyway, if you really have a problem, you can't do it." Dan Marina said lightly, "I will help you make a plan. "

"Oh? Do you have a plan?"

She knocked on her head: "I didn't think about it now."

Zheng Yichen looked at the avatar ’s slightly trembling arm and nodded. Dan Marina ’s hand was very stable. This avatar could not have been so unstable. The only possibility was the natural reaction of the avatar. There was no change in the body Dan Marina just said so easily. As for the question of the plan, her attitude is also to look at it step by step, and then talk about it at that time.

This avatar learned her growth, and now thinking about a plan may not really be useful.

"Okay, just ask me when I need it, now ..."

"Now I will go back first, and I will film in the afternoon."

"You are really fascinated."

"This is dedication."

Dan Marina said with a smile, life is like a drama, since it has been substituted into something in this identity, naturally it has to be done well, no matter how easy it is to abandon it afterwards, it still needs to be done before it is abandoned. Now this identity is an actor. Of course, the actor's brilliance must be performed.

After the Witch of Destiny left, Zheng Yichen took out the Demon Summoning Book and looked at the new message above. His relaxed expression suddenly became serious. He said that the only younger brother had an accident now!

"Huh ... Really, this time you were implicated in death." In a small forest, Carlin looked around alertly against a tree. After making sure that there was no problem for a while, his eyes fell on the woman beside him. The dark executor of the church, the woman named Tis: "Aren't you supposed to leave? Why are you still in the League of Explorers?"

Except for the initial action, he never thought that Tees had been lurking for a long time, the skills of both sides were not bad, and then after disconnecting the contact, no one thought that the other party was beside him until something went wrong. A little more people can share the pressure with each other, and the more latent people are, the easier it is to go wrong.

Although the risk is greater when a person is lurking, the probability of exposure is also lower. One or two more is different. The risk is doubled. After all, if the other lurker is less capable, he is not caught if he is exposed. When it arrives, there is a large investigation in the latent place. Well, the other party may investigate on the head of another latent person while they are inspecting, commonly known as lying gun!

Now Carlin is the man who lay the gun. The key is that he lay the gun, and Tees did not avoid exposure, and the two were caught in the same pot.

"I still have follow-up tasks." Tees said after a moment of silence. At this time, it is no longer meaningful to care about right or wrong. It is most important to survive first!

Although there are chasing soldiers, the number of chasing soldiers is very small, there are only two stalkers, and they are the stalkers belonging to the Explorer League. This is not the reason why the Explorer League has recently appeared more and caused a shortage of manpower, but there is no need to let So many people are chasing and killing two can be determined to be the target of the "dead man", and the two extra chasers are only to confirm whether they are still alive!

The opponent had not actively attacked from the beginning, but watched them die from an indifferent angle.

Karin did not suffer any powerful attacks, nor were they hit by any special props. They were just cursed, a curse from the treasures of the undisclosed remains of the Explorer League. They had no direct enemies, and they were all around. They are all enemies. In this curse, they cannot use a trace of magic to resist. As long as they do so, they will fall into an endless loop. Looking at the curse that speaks well, it will actually be called a curse. Better.

They can use magic power to make the curse stronger, but it will not cause the curse to not explode. When Carlin and Tees are talking, the face of the woman in front of him suddenly becomes cruel, even making an attacking gesture. Carlin pulled back without hesitation, and Tees responded similarly. What Carlin saw was similar to what she saw.

This is not the first time such a situation has occurred. Both of them have a way to deal with it. As soon as the curse erupts, they will be separated immediately, otherwise the two will eventually be unable to fight, and they will also be accompanied by attacks on environmental changes around them. For example, when Carlin moved, the surrounding trees suddenly changed drastically. A tree directly grew a fierce claw. This claw quickly grabbed Carlin, but she was crushed with brute force. .

The change of the trees is not an illusion ... or something between illusion and reality, a unique magic curse, somewhat similar to the ability of the unreal witch, but this really has nothing to do with the unreal witch, in short, Carlin defeated It was claws growing out of a tree, and it seemed to others that Carlin had broken a sturdy branch.

When the curse broke out, the environment around them changed abnormally. Everything around them, including the ground underneath them, was filled with a kind of 'hostility' to them. This inexplicable phenomenon made Carlin not thinking about it. What type of curse has such a special effect, he wants to search through the magic soldier call book, or ask the boss, but using that kind of thing will also consume magic power.

And once the magic power is used, it means that the curse of intermittent eruption will directly erupt.

He did n’t think about eliminating the curse by switching with his sister, but he was n’t sure whether the curse would have continuity. After all, Karin shared a body with him. In case the curse continued after the switch, It means that both of them must be unlucky, or that he has to bear two curses.

This switch can be used, but it is necessary to seize a good opportunity to solve the pursuit of the soldiers and create a safe and worry-free environment for the external environment. In this way, we can truly concentrate on the curse and send a message to your boss for help.

Dead support? You must also look at the situation. You do n’t know anything about this curse. Resistance here has completely lost its effect, and you ca n’t use magic. Most of the skills you have learned are invalid. Fortunately, there is not much exercise on weekdays. , The physical quality is not bad, can guarantee that when the curse erupts, he can largely solve the impact of the curse from the physical level.

For example, the claws growing out of the tree are scary, but they are also the strength of normal wood. Of course, once the magic power is used, the strength of the claw will soar, making it difficult for him to crush it, to hurt it, and even the environment. There will be more weird and unpredictable changes.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to use magic power unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise it will be too difficult to sustain the duration of the curse eruption. Looking at maintaining the current state can also ensure that you are worry-free. However, this is a curse. To curse, the power of the curse is getting stronger.

Even though the intensity of the alienated thing has not changed, the frequency and quantity are increasing. When Carlin rushed out of the grove, he had been scratched more than a dozen times, and the grove behind him had turned upside down after he rushed out. Every tree seems to become the palm of a demon instead of being pinned by the root system. Those palms want to move over and pull him back.

I did n’t know what Tees saw, but Carlin thought silently that he stumbled under his feet suddenly and a shallow puddle appeared on the ground. He stumbled on it after stepping on a sudden foot. Fortunately, this thing It's not deep, and I was swallowed without a foot.

The world of alienation in both eyes is initially physical. Whether it is the alienation of trees or the alienation of something else, it is alienation based on the original existence. This is true of trees and animals.

Of course, the level of contact is different. The cute rabbit that looked normal in the previous moment can be turned into a crazy rabbit with fangs due to alienation in the next moment. Carlin does not know what the rabbit that other people saw at that time is what it is. If it is used as an illusion, then the consequence is that the rabbit will lose its head!

These phenomena are all physical, and I do n’t worry about the sudden addition of a bottomless abyss hole on the ground. At most, I will grow some hands and some more holes that will bite people, just like a trap. , It's sour in one go ...

In short, this pit is different from what Karin encountered before. There are obvious anomalies in the pit. He did not use magic power, so there should be no special power. However, this shallow pit is black. After he quickly came out of the sewage, there were some inexplicable bugs on his legs. These bugs hung on his ankles and shoes like motionless ornaments.

With a light touch, Carlin felt a painful pain, as if touching his own body nerves behind him. Even so, he still endured the pain and flicked the bugs with a dagger. These were picked. The flying bug landed on the ground and wriggled slightly, and turned into blood water ... his blood.

Carlin's face was heavy, and the curse finally began to generate something that didn't exist when he didn't use magic power? The weirdness generated by the previous curse is based on the original village changes, not from the original foundation, but now the weirdness that does not exist has begun to appear.

The sewage in the small pit on the ground is tumbling, and the shallow puddle has also undergone subtle changes. Looking closely, it seems to be a door. As the sewage is violently tumbling, a twisted claw extends from the pool. When he came out, Carin didn't hesitate, he rushed up and waved the dagger in his hand. The sharp dagger cut off the protruding claw. The dropped claw was brought to the distance by his foot, and he didn't let it fall. Fall into the sink.

It was just that the paw fell into the distant ground and immediately turned into new sewage, and a new shallow puddle was formed in those sewage places.

"..." Fuck!

Carlin chose to stay away, let alone say anything, this kind of unsolvable thing is to leave early, wait until the curse erupts, and then think about how to deal with such a thing, he still does not use magic Thought, Carlin knew that as long as the magic power is used, the consequences will be tens of times more serious. Now the unknown things in the shallow puddle are just behind him slowly, but after using the magic power, will the things inside look like an automatic bubble blowing machine? It wasn't Carlin who knew that he was chuckle out.

It takes a try to know that it may or may not, but neither is the result she wants to see.

Two hundred meters away from Carlin, two purple-clothed men looked at the nerve-wrenching Carlin. When the curse broke out, Carlin saw something different from others. Those things he could see had a fatal threat to him. For others, it does n’t matter if they do n’t see it. The curse does n’t affect them. As long as they do n’t take the initiative to run and be beaten, there is nothing wrong with this kind of onlookers.

They did n’t want to know what Carlin had seen. If they knew it, they would have the possibility of being infected with the curse. After all, if they knew the curse, it would be related to the curse. This thing, when a quiet audience looks at Carlin and Tes, they are all nervous. The grove in Carlin's sight has become a place covered by demons and devil claws. In their eyes, the grove is still a grove, and even go in. It's no problem to make a fire to keep warm.

It's just dead if Carlin goes in.

No matter what Carlin saw, they would not be threatened when they could n’t see it. At the same time, they did n’t have much to intervene in Carlin, and even took the opportunity to kill this guy ’s idea. They did n’t need to do anything, and they did n’t even need to hide the trail, as long as they were far away. Look at these two people, apply invisible pressure to them, and wait for the post-mortem. Nothing else is needed. Even two little Mazas can be moved out, sitting there and watching the performances of Carlin and Tis with melon seeds. .

"What do they see now?"

"You want to know this. I don't want to touch it at all. I don't even want to touch anything left by them." Another Ziyi glanced at him and said, "This question is too deadly."

"... Yes." Another Ziyi nodded. This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. It is the same as now. Wait for the autopsy, destroy the body far away, and then go back and report it. The behavior is not allowed. If you do, then you can find a clean place and wait for death. Of course, under the influence of that curse, there will not be any 'clean' place in your world.

At the same time, the prohibition also prohibits discussing what is seen in the target curse. No matter what they see, it has nothing to do with outsiders, let alone thinking about method exploration and generating unnecessary curiosity.

"Then let's talk about film and television dramas, is that tragic dragon about to die?"

"What !? You secretly watched the spoilers posted !?" Another man in purple clothes stared at his colleague, he was not a historian, nor did he know that there was a tragic dragon in Fairborn , But some places on the forum have already started to call it Fairborn. He is not interested in this dragon, but he can't stand people talking much.

Really, those historical beauties appearing in film and television dramas don't care, just care about the train? That dragon is not a beauty, and cares about what to do ... It does n’t matter if Fairburn ’s thing is spoiled. He is worried that his partner will spoil other things to him, for example, he feels very When a good female character is going to die, such a spoiler is too uncomfortable to be said.

You should know that "The Witch's League Collapse" is changed to the maximum extent according to history, that is to say, although there are some artistic processing elements in it, it will generally not be biased to a certain role because of the audience's favorite, and create a non-existent. Or the plot of the special magic reform.

That is to say, a certain character was outstanding at the previous moment, but suddenly died at the next moment. There was no bells and whistles of artistic processing. How did it die in history, how did it die in the theater, absolutely not pretentious, now This theater has released less than ten episodes, but more than 30 copies of the bento have been sent. This is still counting the lunches of famous and surnamed characters. As for some unknown pawns or those who want to be the background wall, they are not eligible to count them. Inside.

Otherwise, the number of bento boxes will be hundreds to hundreds, and it is too simple to want to make bento boxes. For example, the church has called a team, and the members in the team are all men. After uniting, they will give people a good team. Pressing, it seems that it is really possible to conquer the witch, and everyone introduces themselves, and then interspersed with some glorious combat skills, it will soon be destroyed ...

Um, just like the above sentence, there is no ups and downs, and some audiences held the grass at the time, the scene was so grand when they were assembled, and the performance was so bullish at the time of introduction, each of which was named and gave a kind This is the illusion of the protagonist protagonist team in this episode. The result was a wave of survivors in less than two minutes. He turned out to be a long-selling team, including the church members who were there. !

Too special to deceive others' feelings.

However ... this is the truth in history. When facing the witch, even if it has been a long-standing existence, it is involved in this vortex, there is no unique skill that reaches the peak of humanity. People are equal.

"Cough, I'm not like you. I like watching movies and TV shows. Those who have a surname suddenly die, um ... knowing in advance will help to stabilize my mood."

"Bah! What's the expectation? And I don't like to see the sudden death of people with famous surnames, but the sudden death of those historical beautiful women with famous surnames."

"His-do you still have this hobby? Even if it is suddenly killed, can you hit you?"

"They are already dead, and they can jump out of the historical grave and hit us? There is a point for you to correct, those can be played together by the two of us."

"Don't drag me in, I'm just a normal chase drama, not like you." Another Ziyi man said with disgust, he was a little thankful that he wasn't a woman, otherwise the accompaniment beside him It may seem that there is nothing on the surface. In fact, I am thinking about watching the scene of my sudden panic shooting. There are such people around me. Even if the other party will not take the initiative, it is a terrible thing to be so remembered. .

I can't say I've been missed too much, it affects my destiny, and one day I will suddenly be killed. This may be too much even if it is 0.1% more.

"I am also a normal chase, but the focus is different, your prejudice is wrong!"

"Good, it's my fault, eh? What about people?"

The two people in purple who discussed the film and television show looked at Carlin's side, revealing a surprised look, and Tees was still nervous, but Carlin was missing ~ ~ hidden? Except for the grove over there, there is no place to hide, and the grove is a Jedi that can kill Karin. He cannot go to that place, and there is nothing else to hide around. local.

How come there is no such big person? Killed by a curse? But this curse is just human life, and does not eat people, at most it is miserable, not adult, meaty, separated, exploded in place, etc., outsiders are sure to leave traces, not out of thin air disappear.

Does the other party use magic to hide? That is self-defeating!

"Your words, yes." Carlin Yinyun's voice came from behind the two Ziyi people. The two Ziyi people were a little surprised, but they were not panic. They were the pursuers, each with high-level strength, Carlin can kill high-level one-to-one, be considered a high-level elite, but they now have two people!

Carlin was hit with a curse, and he could not exert one-tenth of his strength. The more he used his magic power, the faster he died. In such a situation, what did they panic? Too underestimated high-end?

They turned around, and Carlin's left hand was twisted, as if broken by something invisible. His face was pale, but the glory in his eyes was very strong. What surprised the two people was the subsequent changes in Carlin's body. The figure became slimmer, and the twisted arm recovered when it changed.

Do they think they are also cursed, how can an old man, a beautiful old man become a girl in front of them! ? This kind of situation is a bit unbelievable. Rao is that they have good abilities, and they are surprised for a moment, and this moment has been able to decide many things.

A **** dagger wiped from them ...

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