Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1032: Not cured

"Uh uh uh ... ah! What a **** woman you are !!" The two Ziyi people yelled in horror. They stared at the wound on their body in amazement. If Carlin could not normally exert his strength, just It was absolutely impossible to hurt them from that blow.

However, Carlin and her sister completed a switch. Although her sister was immediately affected by the curse at the time of the switch, this effect was early, and it was not a problem to use her own power instantly. It was too difficult to kill these two people. Just hurting them is enough!

After hurting them, Karin quickly retreated, allowing the two Ziyi people to roar. After using their magic power, the image of the two Ziyi people in Karin's eyes appeared distorted, and they could swallow them with their Zhangs. The big mouth of the human head roared, the big mouth occupied the whole face, and the edge was also covered with an irregular layer of teeth, creeping gently like a meat grinder.

Mentally polluted things!

Karin's face stayed far away without changing his face. Just now the dagger was contaminated with the blood of Carlin, and the blood of the curse, so the dagger directly caused two people to panic. The curse is contagious. Although the curse in Carlin does not affect the surrounding environment, but under direct blood contact, there is a high possibility of infecting the curse. This is also when they have never been in close contact when handling corpses. The body was destroyed far away.

It does n’t matter if the blood flows into the earth, anyway, there is no living creature contaminated. After a while, because the person is dead, the cursed entanglement will also disappear, and the blood of the curse is now directly infiltrating into their wounds. This is almost necessarily contaminated by the curse. The two Ziyi people dare not take any action, but just feel their situation silently.

They were powerless to find that the curse was really contaminated. When they looked at each other, they saw each other's face blurred and twisted. Perhaps the other side did not have the meaning of hurting the other party under this distortion, but in the curse, it was not the one who hurt them. The other party, but the existence of another "curse", only the parties can see!

"Hurry ... Go back, there is still a way to lift the curse!" A man in purple yelled to endure the restlessness in his heart, their world began to mutate, and an inexplicable skull appeared under his feet, the eyes of this skull burning Flame, in two flames, people in purple clothes can see their figure, not a normal figure, but a dead face!

As if he felt something, he looked up at the sky, a red star was shining, that was ... dead star?

The Zipao people subconsciously thought that such things as Death Zhaoxing are also a special product in the illusory world. Some people are destined to be trapped in their bodies. This phenomenon will occur when they are dying. It is definitely not in reality, but in Under the power of the curse, he saw his own sign of death!

The skull underneath exploded violently. Karin did not look back when she heard the explosion behind her. She did not mean to look back. As for the source of the explosion? Of course, it was a cantaloupe that was left by the way when the shot was wounded. The explosive power of the gadget was also directly killed without the protection of the high-end.

She did not only do this, but also sent a short message to Zheng Yichen, and then the serious consequences of using magic power, she was about to run away!

Because of the use of magic power, there are many special villages that are not generated according to the environment. There are floating white shadows, distorted black shadows, crippled human figures, and many crippled palms and the sky emerge from the ground. I do n’t know when a huge blood moon appeared on the road. It was not a normal white moon. The textures on it were completely different.

This **** moon like riding a face has countless slender limbs squirming slightly. At this time, Karin thinks that her eyesight is too good and not all good. She not only clearly saw the creeping tentacles and limbs on the blood moon, but also saw the limbs. Between the wriggling, inadvertently revealed dense eyes.

Her world ... became more and more crazy!

The disadvantage of one double soul appears. After she was contaminated by the curse, it is equivalent to the double curse superimposed together. I don't know if this curse eruption can persist.

"..." took back his sight, Karin avoided the weird attacks between illusion and reality around him, there was no thing visible to normal people, but he could be killed by the cursed, cursed Humans can also fight back, but they cannot break the cycle of despair in a world mutated by curses.


"Shut up!" Karin interrupted Carlin simply. Carlin grinned slightly and stopped talking. The double curse was superimposed. He is now secondary, so the effect of the curse on him was almost reduced to The limit, but the apparent Karin has to bear this double curse.

Carlin wanted to switch back, but was interrupted by his sister. Now, what Carlin hopes most is that his boss comes here quickly. After a while, they will really die ...

In fact, Karin insisted longer than Karin expected. As for how long the time had passed, Karin did not know. He even felt a little numb in his heart. He did not think of forcibly fighting for control of the body once or twice. This matter, but also worried that it will affect his sister.

Just when he was really determined to compete, he and she saw this mutated world torn and torn by a claw!

"You ... so miserable?"

The familiar voice caused Karin ’s body to sit down, and she sat on the ground insignificantly. She persisted for too long. In that mutant world, a lot of weirdness left serious marks on the body, even if The mutated world was torn apart by a claw of violence, but the impact still survived, and the curse did not disappear, but just lurked, waiting for the next eruption!

They are really safe!

"It's up to you." Karin whispered, this is to Karin, her mental state has been squeezed to the limit, not only to fight against the weirdness in the mutant world, but also to fight against mutation The crazy weird environment in the world.

This should have been undertaken by her and Carlin, but she unilaterally took all of it down. She is the older sister.

"Okay ... Okay." Carlin nodded heavily and took over the body. He looked at his trembling hands. The state of the body was terribly bad, leaving a lot of cursed scars on it. These scars could not When using potions, it cannot be eliminated with normal magic.

Curse can easily ignore this curative effect.

"Boss ... This time, the car overturned." Carlin looked at the huge dragon shadow in front of him, and said with some helplessness, the dragon in front was not the body of Zheng Yichen, but the existence of an alchemy puppet, but Carlin was still shocked. Endlessly, his boss is a little dragon.

But this little dragon was a bit too powerful, so that he was desperately cursed, even controlled by Zheng Yichen's alchemy puppet, a claw was torn, even if the curse was not torn, but the pure violence torn apart also shocked him .

"Why? Didn't the report say it was stable?" Zheng Yichen stared at the young man in front of him. After the task was completed, Carlin unilaterally said that he could solve the problem of getting out of himself. There was no task, and he was happy in the explorer. There was a special adventure over the Alliance. Although there was no normal way to leave at that time, I could always find opportunities. Life is not full of challenges.

However, reality slapped him, his face was beaten, and he asked his boss for help.

"It's mainly the people in that church ... The people in the Explorer League are too ruthless!" Carlin said with a lingering fear: "The Explorer League can't find us lurking, and simply used an indiscriminate vicious move."

Yes, the explorer alliance has imposed this curse on all people, but they have a way to solve it, and the effect of the curse has been eliminated at the moment of the application, but these eliminated people do not include Carlin and Tis, It ’s not that they do n’t want to be involved in this elimination step, but that it will happen without it!

If you want to eliminate it, you must prepare something inside and out. Everyone in the Explorer Alliance has prepared it. Only their identity is in question and they cannot participate. Therefore, this abrupt curse has fallen on them. There was nothing exposed about Carlin. He had substituted himself into a member of the League of Explorers these days. But Keith did not, she had been secretly active.

After being discovered by the League of Explorers, but always unable to pull people out, he used such a fierce move. Carlin was affected!

"Oh, boss, have you met that woman?"

"Well, do you care about her? She was taken away by the church." Zheng Yichen shook his head. This time the action came with the church, why? Well, let ’s just say, how troublesome it is to find people. Let the people in the church get involved. If they want to save people, they will definitely vigorously act. Zheng Yichen will take a ride.

Tees was taken away by the church people. Zheng Yichen saw her put in a crystal coffin. After putting it in, Tees quieted down. The curse seemed to be far away from her. There was only one coffin. The thickness can only carry one person's coffin, and it is impossible to bring Carlin to solve the problem together, unless the two are broken into a 6 ... Uh, that's almost such a pose.

Zheng Yichen directly sent the church people, saying that his younger brother solved it by himself, wasn't it just a curse? It was only after he lifted it that the curse was really amazing! !

When he came in contact with Karin, Zheng Yichen all felt the evil breath surrounding him, and that kind of evil breath wanted to infect Zheng Yichen when he approached. Can this be tolerated? He was torn apart by Zheng Yichen directly. Anyway, his magic power was as unreasonable as the magic power contaminated by the witch's ability characteristics. This kind of evil breath was not strong and could not resist Zheng Yichen's claw.

There is no need for an ontology at all.

It's just that the evil breath is only torn apart temporarily, and the roots haven't disappeared. Over time, the evil breath will continue to accumulate. What is the curse? Zheng Yichen gently rubbed his chin and whispered, trying to grab a trace of evil breath, but after it was caught, it became ‘air’, which did not restore some properties.

"Then it's okay." Carlin shook his head. Although they were affected by Tis, the two had been supporting each other while they were running away. This weird curse tortured to death.

"Um ..." Zheng Yichen nodded slightly, thinking about something carefully. Although the strange breath could not be grasped, it gave Zheng Yichen a faint sense of familiarity. When did he seem to have been in contact before ... similar Something?

After thinking about it for a while, Zheng Yichen temporarily suppressed the kind of feeling in his heart. The irritability caused by not thinking of important things, I do n’t want to think about it for the time being. , No longer ask the witch.

Seeing what his boss was thinking, Karin sat silently and began to adjust his body state. The curse did not disappear, and he still could not use magic powers, even some potions, and potions were also magic things. , Bite down ... Shuang Shuang died.

But my boss is here, should such a problem not be serious? Let's simply bandage the wound first. Carlin just took out the bandage, Zheng Yichen snapped his fingers, and a healing magic was thrown on Carlin. Carlin stared at his recovered wound, stunned!

The curse will also be bullied and afraid of failure? Consuming magic power by yourself will become the energy of the curse eruption. Zheng Yichen's healing magic is thrown out, and the curse has no response at all. Isn't it bullying or hard?

The boss is amazing! !

"Boss, this curse ..."

"Well, let me study it carefully. After all, I have never encountered such troublesome little things." Zheng Yichen said, waving his paws again and blasting the evil atmosphere that re-assembled, the root of the curse, Zheng Yichen stretched out a The root paw was on Carlin's forehead, which made Carlin very stressed.

Just thinking of the boss's strength, Carlin obediently let Zheng Yichen point his finger at him, not to mention anything else, as long as the curse can be eliminated, this process can be accepted no matter how uncomfortable.

The magic power swept over Carlin, Zheng Yichen gave a snork, and sure enough, anything related to the curse could be connected to the brown sugar. Carlin is now not only cursed physically, the curse even infiltrated the soul and dealt with the soul Zheng Yichen He is not good at it, he is only good at turning his soul into soul crystal, that simple does not require any technology, as long as he walks the route of miraculous efforts.

The power of curse on the body is removed by Zheng Yichen, and Zheng Yichen above the soul dare not try it, fearing that the magic with his own ability characteristics will directly mutate Carlin ’s soul, or he may accidentally remove his The soul is broken, and both are possible, so let's handle it with more professional people.

A ray of gray power was pulled by Zheng Yichen. This was the curse that fell on Carlin's body. It was such a small force that caused Carlin to be unable to cope with the curse. This gray power was pulled out. It becomes "air", they seem to be able to rely on flesh and blood, and the magic is just a catalyst for this highly concentrated evil aura, no matter who the magic is.

It's just that Zheng Yichen's magic power is not so delicious. If this power can't be eaten, there will be no reaction. The curse is not completely removed. Carlin still feels a burst of relief from his body, and the curse damage on his body does not hurt anymore.

"Physical problems are solved, I can't help my soul, unless you want to risk the possibility of a 70% broken soul."

Carlin heard a lot of tangle, involving his life, let alone 70%, even one Chengdu is too much: "Boss, is there no better solution?"

"Yes, find the witch."

"..." Listening to Zheng Yichen's right answer, Carlin became more silent, looking for a witch? It seems that the witch who has the best relationship with Zheng Yichen is the curse witch, and is the curse witch accessible to humans? Ordinary people will become gray when they touch the curse witch, even if the curse witch is already very strong in suppressing her own power, you can't pass this kind of thing.

Let the cursed witch deal with it better than suicide.

"What is your expression? Look down on the witch?"

"No ... I'm just curious about which witch." Carlin struggled for a while. He knew that his boss had a good relationship with the witch. At this time, it's too stupid to say that the witch is bad, but he really doesn't want to be The witch deals with her problems.

"It's inconvenient to reveal that it's not what scares you the most anyway." Zheng Yichen glanced at Carlin and continued with a snort: "And I will tell you that the curse witch's ability to control power is now improved, like you "'S curse can directly ignore the part of the soul, which is destroyed by the part that she cursed with the ability price."

Hmm ... Luo Lisi ’s claim to increase her power control is purely nonsense. Strictly speaking, the clothes made of Zheng Yichen ’s scales have a better effect on suppressing her power, so that her power is weakened to one. Just the degree of perfect control ... the witch has no control over power.

The kind of witch who can't control her own power is not their foundation. It is purely that power is too strong, and the power is beyond the witch's full control. This cannot be said to be bad. If it is really bad, then Those witch who can't normally control the powerful force are really mobile natural disasters.

As long as their excessively powerful forces are weakened to a certain extent, they can control their own power, but the power they exert will also be reduced due to this weakening, and they will lose their strength.

"That's good, boss, your next plan is ..."

"The next arrangement? Your task has been completed and you are free now, then go back first, oh, almost forgot this." Zheng Yichen looked at the two killed stalkers not far away, and flicked his claws. , A little flame fell on the two purple-clad stalkers, burning their bodies and everything nearby, and the other party also had an evil breath, although it was very light, and there was also 'air' that was almost the same as after the capture. However, this dissipation time is a bit slow, and Zheng Yichen simply assisted.

The two bodies were burned, and the evil breath quickly dissipated.

"Let's go back to Kajia." Zheng Yichen reached out and grabbed him without waiting for Carlin to speak. Carlin was caught helpless for a while. There will definitely be a problem going back at this time. The church is not a person, Kajia. People are not fools, how can they get in with a weird curse!

Zheng Yichen was intercepted when he was more than ten kilometers away from Kaga. They were people of the empire and the church. The reason for intercepting Zheng Yichen was very simple. Zheng Yichen wanted to go back, but there was still a curse infection on his body. Source Carlin is not allowed to pass the defense line here.

Carlin is not allowed to enter any city that belongs to the empire. Even if he is close to those cities ten kilometers away, he will be expelled. The weird curse must be treated seriously. The contagious curse sometimes bursts out of the power. It is terrifying to start a plague.

So they did n’t directly kill Carlin here, it was already a face-saving behavior. At this time, any guarantee was meaningless, and the empire would not take this risk, let Kajia touch the very low chance of destruction, saying Under the premise of unclearness, Zheng Yichen was not forced to put Carlin directly here, and temporarily placed him. This alchemy puppet would stay, and when he had problems again, he would claw it out.

In the underground base, Zheng Yichen put aside the things that Carlin encountered, and Annie dropped the things in her hand, and looked at Zheng Yichen with some amazement: "I found that you can add another reason ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ How strange things can you encounter? "

There is an inexplicable curse in Carlin, Zheng Yichen has Bona Kane ’s magic book, which can be said to be an encyclopedia in the professional world, which records most of the curse types. Yu brought a portable search software, but with that thing, she couldn't tell what curse was in Carlin, plus a detailed explanation by Zheng Yichen, Anne was interested.

On the premise of not affecting the surrounding environment, distorting the individual ’s worldview and letting the individual see are the products of the distortion. Those distortions are not fake. Those who are injured are indeed seriously injured. Some are similar to the murder of the Unreal Witch. Technique, but that curse has little to do with Unreal Witch, Unreal Witch is not good at curse.

"I'm more interested. Bring him back?" Yi Lin suggested: "I can lift up and arrange an isolation channel."

Curse of this kind of thing, the witch can't 100% guarantee to ignore that kind of thing. Irene listened to the situation described by Zheng Yichen and thought about it carefully. I haven't encountered such a curse before, it is a special kind of curse that was lost ? She is interested.

"Let's put aside the curse thing first. I still have a doubt here. The kind of evil breath produced by the curse. I really want to encounter it when ... well, do you have any opinions?"

"Although I am a witch, there are some things that are really difficult to get out of nothing. It is okay to ask us for advice, but it is always necessary for us to see examples?" Annie looked at Zheng Yichen with the look of a silly child.

"When you meet, go out and meet." Luo Lisi looked at the two witches and said, "Don't get this place dirty."

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