Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1034: Optimal solution

Fighting spirit and magic are not the power of a system at all, so if you take the fighting spirit to remove the curse, you will encounter the same situation as Zheng Yichen. A little carelessness will cause the soul to go wrong. It is simply a physical difficulty. It's not big.

The soul is too fragile. When encountering the extremely pure fighting spirit, a little bit of rubbing may cause serious damage to the soul, so to speak ... If this kind of magic can still be stored in the soul, use another kind of The form is stored, and in the case of fighting spirit, if a person is dead, even if it can become a ghost creature such as a ghost, fighting spirit will not exist unless it has a relatively complete body, such as a zombie or something.

Without body, the fighting spirit will not survive normally! It can only be transformed into a kind of pseudo-magic power. Say that it is magic power. It also has the nature of magic power, but the nature is closer to the fighting spirit, but it is different from the fighting spirit. The almost absolute purity without the fighting spirit, The deteriorated fighting spirit.

In short, it is easy to eliminate the root cause of the curse, but it is very difficult to solve the curse non-destructively. Moreover, this is a new type of curse. The church wants to study it clearly. It is necessary to know that there are many unidentified but mature powers. Basically All belong to the antiquity.

The source of this curse is the League of Explorers. The other party can also use this curse proficiently. It can be judged that the League of Explorers has something that is not in the era of "Witches." This is an absolute killer. I do n’t know. Church, no, anyone who knows this curse will not be at ease!

After all, the form of this curse is too weird. If you do n’t understand the unknown, it will only produce more and more ignorance. The church and the explorer alliance have some unspoken cooperation, so this time really ca n’t. Ask them directly to find out the curse. For example, our people have been cursed by you. Do you want to be responsible?

Speaking in this way is to hit your own face. Of course, this unspoken cooperation does not include the church will shelter the explorer alliance. It is just a pure transaction relationship. Each needs it. The church has arrived from the explorer alliance. A lot of things, the Alliance of Explorers got more from the church.

The curse that made the church temporarily unable to be resolved in the normal way was already solved on Zheng Yichen ’s side, and Carlin was the best proof, so it was determined that when Zheng Yichen re-acted in Kaga, the church immediately sent someone to contact Zheng Yichen, card Lin's words, a stalker ... well, how much magical knowledge can the other person understand?

This matter still needs to find the Lord. Moreover, Zheng Yichen has not preached that Carlin is his younger brother. People do not intend to publicize it, and the church cannot commit to leave some additional information to others on this matter.

"Curse, isn't your church very powerful? You still need to find me in this matter?" Zheng Yi listened strangely to the moustache in front of him. The latter didn't have any embarrassment about Zheng Yichen's doubts, and there were many ways to solve the problem. There will always be an optimal item in these solutions. Now Zheng Yichen is the optimal item. Why should the church keep doing some thankless things?

Just like game enhancement equipment, sometimes you can spend money to buy an enhanced volume and directly hit it in one go to achieve success. Looking at the cost of a lot of money, in fact, compared to fighting for your own face and strengthening and constantly failing to spend money, in the end The result is a lot of cost savings.

Of course, it ’s really another matter to face Emperor. Zheng Yichen has already solved the curse early, and it takes less than two days to take away. This efficiency is of course the optimal solution. Outsourcing? As long as outsourcing is good enough, there is no problem.

"I can help solve it, but the way is fine." Zheng Yichen said, he was not prepared to do more in this matter, although it seems to be a curse, in fact, the curse is related to his own power characteristics, uninformed people I thought Zheng Yichen was using some kind of high-end magic skills to solve the problem, but the key is that he does not have this skill, purely relying on his own ability characteristics.

This lets the church know that there are only harms and no benefits!

Zheng Yichen said so from the beginning, Oro knew that there was no need to talk about it, no need to tentatively, if some talk about the dragon, he would only say his condition, or would like to suggest the last suggestion, but this Once I didn't even have the hint, the expression was too obvious, just help, the way is fine, the exclusive secrets will not be revealed.

"After that, I will trouble you," Oro said.

"Okay, I don't care about this." Zheng Yichen nodded. The meaning in Oro's words is a bit more, not trouble, but trouble in the future ... There are two more words, and the content expressed is completely different. This means that the church will not cut off the curse directly this time, but will prepare for long-term research and establish a new cooperation with Zheng Yichen.

As long as Zheng Yichen is responsible for resolving the person with the deep curse, nothing else has to do with him. Zheng Yichen said that it does n’t matter. It ’s enough to make money. The church researched them. It ’s their business. Besides, he also has the curse of witch research. I'm not afraid of what the church will use in the future to come up with something that harms his camp.

They also have Zheng Yichen.

Things didn't really come to a conclusion ~ ~ But the task has been completed, after Oro reported this matter, he returned to his place of work, and then watch Zheng Yichen, anyway, location and time Zheng Yichen has been told, and as long as he solves the problem in the past, let ’s eliminate the curse on Tis!

These days the curse exploded on her several times due to the research of the curse, and now she has to stay in the crystal coffin all the time to prevent the curse from exploding.

In the temporary camp, Zheng Yichen came here and looked at the situation in the camp. The entire camp was wrapped in a magic enchantment, and there were fences with magic traps around it. The people in the church really dare toss about it. They should know the special effect of the curse, and still make the camp so high.

The curse broke out under the influence of magic power. Such a high demon in the camp, let alone ordinary people, once the cursed people are out of control here, I am afraid that they will not be turned into scum directly. God knows that in their eyes, the world in the camp All things related to magic will be distorted. If the death is a bit worse, the place will explode, and the blood will fly to many people, and there will be a wave of destruction here.

Not to mention that if the cursed person could not control himself to attack indiscriminately, the variation of the curse only appeared in the vision of the cursed person, and the attack released by the cursed person would not be reflected in the vision. Differential attack.

So the church is either going to die or someone has a special emergency method that can be tossed like this ... Zheng Yichen saw acquaintances here, hey, the Saints are here, no wonder the church dared to do so.

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