Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1075: Cut in

I felt Zheng Yichen felt uneasy and kind, but she still had to do this work. After returning to Kaga, her task was completed, and the matter was reported to her naturally. After the reply from the church, she was in her room. Diya rubbed her cheek gently and sat on the soft bed of her. Somehow, after using the awakening potion, she found that she became more and more sleepy.

As a qualified saint, she has such a problem. Of course, she will not hide it. She directly told the person in charge of her body. After the inspection, she was told that the problem was not serious. This kind of drowsiness is just a body. Feedback to the mental illusion, she is in a good state, much better than the kind she used to be.

The reason why she feels sleepy is that her body is in a state of self-healing. The body affected by the awakening potion used to restore the damage accumulated by the power of the Virgin before the repairer. When the body repaired itself, it began to send her a signal of sleepiness, and it was more conducive to that kind of repair when she was in a sleep state ... Her person in charge told her that except for the task, other time Sleep when you are sleepy.

Do n’t think about entering the illusory world while sleeping, although entering the illusory world can replace sleep, but it is more like dreaming, the actual rest effect is not good, do n’t think too much if you want to get rid of this sleepiness quickly, honestly It ’s true that you can sleep well.

Did Diya rub her eyes, a good body? Of course she wanted it. She could have a chance to eliminate the pain caused by using the power of the Virgin. Why not? Just finished the reporting work, then go to sleep ... Even if it is still daytime, maybe sleep to sleep, this is what her person in charge said.

In his sleep, Diya saw some pictures that should not appear in the dream. Is this dreaming? Diya is very surprised. She can recognize her current state, but her vision is blurred, surrounded by the unknown of chaos. For a moment, she thought she was affected by the cursed alien world, so she would dream. Yes, but after a while, there was no such horrifying feeling of horror.

Basically, it can be ruled out that it was influenced by the cursed alien world. This dream seems to have other meanings, but now she can only think or move her head, and ca n’t do it forward or backward. Listen? This feels okay, but when she listened carefully, she only heard some faint sounds. It was still not a sound with a horror effect, but another kind of hoarse fuzzy sound, which could not be heard clearly.

... What the **** is that?

When Diya wanted to hear the blurry voice clearly, she woke up, and Diya woke her eyes blinking doubtfully, staring blankly at the ceiling in front of her, she opened her mouth slightly, how to say, I clearly felt that time had only passed for a short period of time. After opening my eyes, the outside world was already dark ... What a dream?

She stretched her body. Although she dreamed, she felt very comfortable now. It was better than the feeling brought by her head deep sleep before. She spread her palms and a white mass appeared in her palms. The power, which belongs to the power of the saint, is similar to the special power of the false god. Its nature is somewhat different, but this power is not only more suitable for people, but also more pure.

It is this power that Diya feels a slight tingling sensation generated by the body every time it is used. Although it has long been used, the tingling sensation is not acting on the body, and the soul will gradually penetrate into such tingling, But now she used this power again, the tingling sensation was reduced again. Not to mention, the tingling that had penetrated into the soul was completely gone!

At the same time, the power in my hand also seems to have changed slightly, but when I look closely, I ca n’t find anything. It is still the same as before. It may be that the blood awakening strength of my body is not enough. The power in the bloodline is inspired by the awakening potion, but the bloodline power wants to be fully exerted, and only after the weak bloodline power gradually grows.

How to grow? Exercise, wait for time, it's that simple, after all, the blood power is like dyeing transparent water. After a little concentrated ink is dripped in, it will initially show a fine silk state. It will take a while to give the water. All dyed black, wait a while to see it.

"Boss! I'm fine." Carlin opened his eyes and said to Zheng Yichen, he slept five times in a row, and there was no abnormal dream, cursing something in the world that was related to him was completely eliminated. Too.

"Oh, that's good." Zheng Yichen staring at the magic soldier's call book recovered, stretched his body and glanced out the window. The previously prepared list was taken out and placed in front of Carlin: "Well, this It ’s up to you to arrange it. ”

"Good boss."

Carlin took over the list and silently left Zheng Yichen's house. There is a corresponding action policy behind the list. It was not seen before. After that, most of it is Zheng Yichen idle. It is added on the list. No one is a normal person, and the remarks are very clear. For example, the one on the top of the list is called "Anslow". The remarks are very clear. The other party is obviously a good critic. peddler.

In fact, it is a secret study of the existence of the power of evil spirits. The identity of the merchant has brought him great cover, because it is possible for him to appear in such an identity. After all, many things can be used as the commodity of the merchant. They What you carry will not be a fixed one, especially after the magic soldier's call book appears in the online store, the merchant's action policy will have a new change, and they will not carry ordinary goods.

What I carry is something unique, which belongs to the ones that are difficult to appear on the online store. To put it bluntly, it is the actual Taobao. Although the online Taobao can also be carried out in the transaction module, the feeling and the real thing can be touched. It ’s always worse. The online Taobao method will be very new initially, but after getting used to it, those who like normal Taobao will still return to their original style.

The reason is that there are a lot of people watching in Taobao in reality. If you really find your baby with such a bright eye, it is equivalent to pretending to be successful and very satisfying your personal vanity. This is done online. The feeling that Taobao can't bring it at all, there is a more realistic way of doing it in reality, not to mention the outside world, even if it is on the earth, who will choose to buy antiques online when it is okay ... especially those with high value Of course, if you want to buy antiques, you will come directly face-to-face.

Therefore, the businessmen who changed the course of action still survived stubbornly. They withstood the first storm even had a better life, because there was another group of people who did not resist the pressure to change jobs, so the problem came, the businessmen Well, we always carry some strange things, and these strange things can still have a shielding effect.

Hmm ... Carlin continued to look down. Apart from the merchant Ainslow, there are other people with special identities. Although they are not well-known, they are very special. After writing it down, he turned the list to the back and saw the involuntary swoop of the mouth after seeing the action target above. Boss, this is really a big problem for himself!

The people on the list are all victims chosen by their own boss. For those who are not good people, but also have the case of studying the evil god, Zheng Yichen will not have too many ideas. These people have done experiments. Rather than directly conducting evil spirit consciousness, but entering related test experiments, after all, the list clearly stated that these people are not cultists, but speculators who want to try to gain the power of evil spirits.

They want to succeed in obtaining the power of the evil god, but do not want to be a puppet of the evil god. They have such an idea. They naturally need to carry out a lot of research, trying to study the evil **** ritual that can really capture the power of the evil god. Do a lot of tests ... The test method is also very simple, just fooling some fools.

Let them test the researched evil spirit ritual, and I will observe it secretly beside me. If it is done, that unlucky egg can be regarded as a lucky one, can't it? If you do n’t achieve the goal, what about the evil spirit that appears after failure? Well, there are enough evil spirits in this world anyway, it does n’t matter if there are one or two more. Those people are good at researching evil spirit rituals, so even watching can guarantee their safety, at least 80% or more.

In short, the culture of the evil **** on the mainland is prosperous, and these big contributors must make a fierce note!

Carlin did n’t have any pressure on these people. Anyway, it ’s not a good thing. There are a lot of pitfalls. Now he is being targeted by his own boss. After completing the original purpose, dispose of it, just dispose of it, just Demon soldier evil **** this thing ... Alas, involuntarily.

Carlin was a bit tangled. In his view, the demon soldier is actually the evil god, even though the demon soldier is much better than the normal evil god, but ... is it really good to increase the number? He thought about the number of demon soldiers in the book of demon soldiers, okay, in fact, it seems that the number of demon soldiers and evil gods is not much, and there are so many demon soldiers in the book of demon soldiers.

At the same time, the demon warrior and the normal demon warrior are in a state of mutual antagonism. There has not been too much conflict, but the number of demon warriors is too small. Compared with the thousands of evil gods, there are only a few demon warriors present. A few? Three or four? Zheng Yichen didn't tell Carlin too many related things, and Carlin didn't know very well. What he knows now is that Lily counts one, Zenia counts one, and the church secretly holds one.

There is nothing else ... right?

Put away this list, the people above must understand the arrangement, and none of them can run away. Zheng Yichen has given him a heavy task, not to mention the high-level magic soldiers. Through these people, at least those intermediate-level magic soldiers Even the lower-level demon soldiers are brought out, especially the intermediate ones, and the achievement rate is full. The lower-level ones can do it. If the intermediate-level summoning demon soldiers can all be turned into devil-type evil spirits, it does n’t matter if the lower-level one is not good .

"Then contact this well-regarded trader first." Carlin looked in a direction. He had the authority to retrieve information from the dark web. It was easy to master the position of this trader called Anslow, even privately. Some rewards for identity can be easily grasped, but the reward is easy to attract the attention of others.

The people who can be mixed on the dark web are a group of LYBs. If you look for the information of a merchant, you will definitely pay extra attention. After all, who will pay attention to a merchant if there is no reason?

Find this trader, and then arrange some things so that the other party's attention gradually shifts to summoning the magic soldiers. Since the other party is a person who studies the evil spirits ritual, there is no less understanding of the summoning magic soldiers. What about sex? The list clearly says that most of these people use the demon soldiers and demon gods as their superior substitutes.

They do n’t want to do related research, what restricts them is their own strength. Their proficiency in summoning soldiers is not high, which is far from the standard of using summoning soldiers as the cornerstone. Based on this, Zheng Yichen gave He has a very reasonable way of cutting in. He can pretend to be the same kind of people. The reason is also very simple. He said that he has insufficient research ability and needs a helper or something.

Then take out some dry goods, it is easy to integrate into those people, although they use each other, Carlin does not need to pretend to use each other, it is really a problem if you are a friend! Everyone is a person who studies the cult of evil gods. If the three views are correct, who would study this kind of thing?

Looking for such people to make friends? Brain fever burned out?

"Dry goods." Carlin who left Kajia rubbed his head and sat on a stone, ignoring the risk factors attached to the wild at night, and looked at the folder sent by Zheng Yichen. The thing is dry goods, something Zheng Yichen sorted out while he was sleeping and testing.

"I didn't expect that one day I would come into contact with this kind of thing, and it would be considered knowledgeable in the future." Carlin beeped softly, holding a tree branch in his hand and drew it on the ground. After the chaotic and disorderly pattern, a strange breath emerged, but this strange breath is like a small whirlwind generated when the wind is blowing. It is a tornado, in fact, it is also true, but it is a real tornado. In contrast ... pull it down.

The whirlwind stayed for a short period of time and disappeared for a while, as did this evil aura, without any sacrifices, making it just water without roots, and the effect it can produce is to affect some unsettled spirits and be affected Those who arrive will subconsciously indulge in this ritual of evil spirits.

As long as you indulge in it and start to care, it means that you have fallen. At this point, those Evil God researchers are quite powerful. After all, they have been studying the Evil God ritual, but they have not fallen or have fallen completely. From a personal point of view, those Everyone is considered to have a firmer mind, or that they have some special secrets that will allow them to withstand the spiritual influence of the evil **** ritual.

Either way, Carlin did n’t know ... but after reading the dry goods information given by Zheng Yichen, he knew that these dry goods constituted a way of spiritual protection, specifically resisting the spiritual influence of the evil **** ritual, as long as Carlin is not true Here comes a blood sacrifice to get out the evil spirit, and this spiritual protection will not cause problems. He can read the dry goods sent by Zheng Yichen at will. The knowledge in it can not break the upper limit of spiritual protection.

"How important is this important thing at the end !?" Carlin grinned slightly, knowing that he wouldn't have to worry so much, and he would go to see those dry goods with his sister, and directly look at the way to build the mental protection. After that, after building a mental protection for yourself, all the other tubes do so much. Let me recite them all!

The rest was just looking for someone. Zheng Yichen arranged an entry point for him, but the actual operation was Kalin himself. The time is very urgent. Even if it is memorized, it is impossible to completely kill these evil gods in a short time. The knowledge of the ritual gives a summary of digestion, even if this summary is meaningless, but it must be summarized in order to fool people.

There is not enough time for him to be a veteran, but the novice can also cut in. He can completely pretend to be a novice depraved who has just been exposed to the study of evil **** rituals. It is best to be mistaken for accidentally getting a depraved research The novices of the results, as for how to get it, may be murder, or secret calculation, anyway, the reason is very easy to find.

As a qualified stalker, Carlin said that the reason for this was still compiled. After all, no matter how it is edited, as long as it does not leave one of the core elements, what core? He is not a good thing. Who will study this good thing? Cultists are not regarded as human beings. The status of fallen people is similar to that of cultists, and even lower than that of cultists.

Some cultists may be victims, and doing bad things is not what they want. It is relief for them to die. They do n’t have to think about salvation, they are right, and the words of the fallen are new because of them. Evil God? The cultists encounter the killer more easily, and if the fallen one is caught, the torture rack is light!

Hmm ... From this point of view, they are treated like witch.

In short, disguise yourself as a novice, plus show that some novices ca n’t master the knowledge of the ritual of evil spirits, so they are not afraid that the other party will not be hooked. It ’s simply unreasonable for the fallen to have the opportunity to hang people. He is a novice. His immature understanding of these knowledge is also reasonable, and he has basically avoided the extra pretense of not knowing. He is a novice, and he does not understand much!

"The boss is really ... these things prepared to lie to those who fell are really a lie." After planning how to cut in the beginning, Carlin turned over the magic soldier's call book and began to check the items he carried with him. First of all, this Appearance is unusable. His appearance is very personal. He pretends to be a pervert and engages in this matter. If he is accidentally exposed because of appearance, his reputation is even stinky.

Even if it was originally intended to pit those fallen, but who can mix with the fallen, who is sure that he has not been exposed to the knowledge of the evil spirit ritual? Not polluted by that knowledge? In the future, basically no one will work with him. Those people are still worried about whether they will be sacrificed as a sacrifice for somehow.

"In addition to these, the boss said nothing else." Carlin looked at the new page of the magic soldier's call book. This page is related to Zheng Yichen's "treasury", which is prepared with some of the necessities of his operation. In Carlin's opinion, it was a spree!

Every time he has a special mission, the most joyful thing for him is the moment to open this big gift bag. The things inside are extremely practical, very rich and can be used, but not necessarily all this time. Used, if his ability is high enough, a lot of things can be left, and used in other places in the future, as long as the task is completed, those things Zheng Yichen never asked, the task is completed, all the things he left with his own ability are him of!

This time the spree is still rich ~ ~ After Carlin glanced at it, there was a subdivision in his heart. First of all, the props that resist the power of evil spirits can be put aside first. That is to guard against accidents. In case of those accidents, those things will stay. At other times, a mental protection is enough, and that mental protection is also a part of the spree.

In the future, he can always maintain that spiritual protection, so as not to accidentally be fooled by the power of evil spirits, even if the probability is very low, but such protection is at ease.

Set aside the props that resist the power of evil spirits and destroy the evil spirits! ?

"..." Carlin looked at the small blue bottle, which contained liquid. Once opened, there was a two-second chance to shape it. He could shape it into the shape he needed, of course not Spill it out if you need it. The remarks of this thing are very clear. It can directly kill some new evil spirits whose strength is not strong. The specific standard is that the number of blood sacrifices is less than fifty.

If it is higher than this amount, as long as it is not too exaggerated, it can also bring heavy damage to it, because it is very precious, it is still a test product, there is only one copy of this thing!

But this one is enough to make Carlin feel more touched. The props that resist the power of evil spirits can be said to be in case of prevention, and this is a baby that will completely eliminate the accident, even if it is a test product. Carlin has already experienced too many tests of his own boss ’test products. This time he basically did not doubt the effect of this thing.

With this finale, the rest of the miscellaneous things have little effect on his mentality, including those that can perfectly disguise his appearance and breath. With these things, he ca n’t complete the task anymore. Now!

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