Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1172: No Entry

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They knew one thing before when they were with Oro. The false gods can negotiate. Even if they do n’t see each other, they can negotiate through a believer. So if they can get a friendship of the false gods, treat them The current situation is very good, they are weak, they are naturally able to fight for all the power they can fight for, now they are with the Awakening Virgins group, and then they are ready to go to Kaga, Get in touch with the dragon.

In short, between the Dark Church and the Templar Church, they are real small people, but small people also have a way of survival. They do n’t want to be like ordinary people who have been killed by them. The ordinary ones are gone, and Oss does not want this. , Why he has been getting stronger all the time.

Of course, it is for the only family. Since this is the case, he has to fight for his life well.

It is also very simple to spread the power of the pseudo-god, not to mention Green now, that is, Oss himself can spread the power of his own pseudo-god. It is very simple, find a goal, and then shunt his own blood power to the other side while communicating. Just a pseudo-will of the gods can be reached.

Although the false **** does not come to a real communication, he can give a certain degree of feedback. Even if this feedback is a signal of recognition, the blood power that originally belonged to him will be transformed once and become the kind of false. The original power of God is then integrated into the body of the target. Everyone ’s pseudo-god power is a product of the combination of the power of the demon soldier and the pseudo-god and self, just like the magic power of cultivation.

At the same time as being a false god, it also has its own unique traces, otherwise, if they are all homologous, then they are directly absorbed every day. Anyway, they are all the power of the same origin. There is no pressure to absorb it. In fact, it is not such a power. It is homologous, all from a false god, but those forces are homologous and have their own unique traces, which makes it impossible for such a normal mutual absorption situation to want to **** blood? Still have to follow the standard process-cut people.

This is also the case for other false **** believers. Green, the Oss, did not communicate the false **** ’s will, because before the communication, he actively dumped him here, and there is no need for the process of getting feedback from the false **** ’s will. Just let him have the power of pseudo-god. Obviously this is the operation that the pseudo-god keeps paying attention to. The next thing ...

It is to let Green use this power to find victims ... No, people who need power, but this can not be through the magic soldier summon book. After all, this pseudo-god does not know what happened, and the power has not spread out. A post in the forum is undoubtedly telling those people that the false gods you control are jailbroken.

The best way is to operate offline.

"Leave it to me, I am very skilled." Green looked at the map: "Well, this place, not far from us, can be reached in half a day."

Green is an old river and lake. The place selected on the map is not the closest, but the most suitable place. The place she is looking for is a town with a large number of people. The town is associated with several adventurous locations because of the location. Appropriate, over time, it became a special supply station for mercenaries and adventurers, because no matter where you go, you have to go through that place, and some smart people have developed there.

Even if there is a process of online shopping for the magic soldier's call book, if the distance is closer, more people are willing to run two more steps to go to the nearby store to buy what they need. If they can't buy it, they will consider online shopping, which is not like It ’s online shopping on the planet. For professionals, sometimes it ’s better to go to a physical store to buy something, anyway, the price will not be much different. There is a comparison with the magic soldier network, and I do n’t worry about those who are licensed. Shops will maliciously pit people.

As for why you choose so, that is responsible for your own life! It's like buying a parachute online ... then, even if you can really buy online, but if you really want to buy it, do you choose to go to a physical store? Many professionals are adventurous, and they are the kind of dead people on weekdays. Under this premise, if there is a store nearby, go to the store to see ... it is really not cost-effective to go online shopping.

Therefore, the town selected by Green is still very prosperous, and it is not affected by the impact of online shops. For people here, it is more convenient to purchase. In the past, I wanted to find a caravan to run. Now I go directly from the chamber of commerce. You can pick up the goods on the Internet. The buyer will not be like a professional. When the conditions are right, buying potions will be a variety of picks and picks. As much as possible, compare the quality of each potion, try to pick out more Ok.

The name of this town is Gaotan Town, um ... It is also named after a person. It is a common thing in other worlds, as long as someone is famous enough, and the influence on this place is great, then this person Most of the names will stay. Gao Tan was the first mayor of this town. It used to be just a small broken village, and the other party developed it bit by bit after coming here to take office.

Bringing the people in the village to get rich ... a very powerful person who died early.

"Huh? Sorry, you can't go in." The guard saw the coming Oss and his team, his eyes narrowed, and immediately took out a portrait, staring at them with full of guard, they didn't know what this group was. People, but the upper levels of the town restricted the other party ’s access to Gottan town, which is certainly a reason.

The reason why he is very nervous is that he feels that this group of people is very dangerous. Generally speaking, Gaotan Town does not deliberately restrict who is allowed to enter. Even people who are very dangerous outside must observe some rules when they come to Gaotan Town, even if they are The bad guys also need to go to some places where humans gather to recharge or rest, so the town rarely restricts certain people from entering, unless those people are special!

For example, the group of people in front of them had received a message from the high level some time ago. They should pay attention to this situation. Once they found the person in the portrait, they were refused to enter Gaotan Town, except for the one in front of them. In addition to the gang, there are several other portraits. In the face of this task, can these guards not be nervous?

Putting people in, they are waiting to be removed and punished. Seriously being chopped off is very likely to happen. It is about their own lives. Their guard work during this time has done a good job. It's just ... since this group of people is not accepted by the town, does it mean that all of them are super dangerous elements? Would you stop them directly by killing them?

At the same time, I was in a panic, considering that there are still old and young people in the town, I must take a look.

"Excuse me." Oss glanced at the portrait in the other person's hand, nodded, and left the entrance of the town without hesitation. Such a situation is not incomprehensible. They were targeted by the dark church. There were not many people who knew it at that time. Others would only think that they were unlucky, and they were targeted by the dark church.

But they did a fight with the artificial witch, and they won, and then came again, with the support of the Awakening Saint behind them, and won. How dare they let them in? It is a disaster to go in. In case they come in and attract the power of the witch, this town will suffer the disaster of extinction!

It ’s like being chased by someone and running to a place with a lot of people. It ’s basically a disaster. If you can still operate it before, but now it is the era of the magic soldiers ’network. The speed of information transmission is too fast, so after they became famous These towns that can't survive will certainly have such a ban.

When they met them, they were all forbidden to enter. Without sending extra people to drive away, it was already sincere. In the face of a team that can harden the witch power, the senior officials of this town said they could n’t afford it, but they still did n’t want to come in. To discuss, as long as they forcibly enter, the people in this town will definitely come to the Templar Church to come forward to make a theory, or else they will let the power of the empire intervene.

Either is troublesome.

"Alas, if there is no such thing as an online store, we may not be able to do anything right now ~ ~ A kilometer away from the town, Oss said, sitting on the ground, not entering the town, their supplies and the like It cannot be replenished normally. After being restricted, it is an endless loop. Fortunately, the era of the Mobing Network has brought too much convenience. Even if you ca n’t enter the town, it does n’t matter. Online shopping can be supplied.

"It's okay, I'll find a way to go in at that time, as long as we don't pass by together, the problem is not big." Green said, saying it was forbidden to enter, in fact this is relative, the people in Gaotan Town did not use force against them The eviction means there is a lot of room for this.

They are just afraid that the Oss party and others will bring disaster to the town, and they are also afraid of their combat effectiveness, so they stay here also keeping their eyes open and closing their eyes. As long as they do n’t enter the town, everything is easy to say. On this basis, there is not much problem with going in alone.

Everyone comes in and there is misfortune. Taking the suspicion of disaster prevention in this town, if a person goes in, it can be regarded as daily purchases or other things, and it is easy for people to accept: "You are waiting here My message. "

Green walked back to the town of Gottan. This time he was not deported. If he had said a few words with the guard, someone came to let him go.

"Let's wait here." Oss watched that Green had really entered the town, removed the open magic eyes, and said to Zheng Yichen that they would not stay here for too long, this time just to help The convenience of this town spreads the power of the pseudo-god. Initially, there are only dozens or even dozens of people. As long as the mobility of personnel is large enough, it will soon spread out on a large scale. After all, a high-level pseudo-god ’s The power is still very attractive.