Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1199: Heartbeat

The witch's little habit is not an unacceptable bad habit in Zheng Yichen's view. On the contrary, such a habit makes him as a non-human being more flexible in dealing with others ... some, at least not inexplicably related to others If it is too close, it will not make people think that this existence is too much.

More importantly, this habit makes it easier to make some decisions when choosing to give up.

Compared with the witch, Zheng Yichen is still very young, and it is still early to give up this kind of thing. As long as the strength of the other world is enough, it can live for a long time. The life theory is not so applicable in this world. The existence of Zheng Yichen ’s knowledge is basically None of them are ordinary people, so we don't need to think too much about this problem for the time being.

The conditions at Diya ’s side are very clear. If he can provide some assistance, they will have some time to eat the soil. Diya can only hide his identity and be an adventurer when there is only one person. The number of companions around you is more, it is unrealistic to want to do that, the more the number of people, the bigger the goal.

After the identity is revealed, the people who target them will not be limited to the Templar Church. They want to really develop there, and they need some industry ... making special bombs is quite suitable, and it can be considered that their conditions are carried forward. As for Anything else, it ’s good to play gold in the unreal world.

Have the opportunity to arrange something else for them, as for some bright careers, do n’t think too much, their identity is not obvious, their activities are limited everywhere, in addition to their combat effectiveness, what can be said about other aspects Nothing.

The Church Church only focuses on cultivating their maidens, such as doing business and doing business, deputy-related parts, etc., and they have little to do with them. After all, the normal virgin activities are all for the purpose. Specially provided by the church.

Cut off the communication with Zheng Yichen, Dias thinks about the feasibility of the content that Zheng Yichen said. As long as the special bombs have mastered the way, it is not difficult to make, but there is a difference in shelf life. The internal quality of the bullet is not high. The stored power will be lost more quickly, and it will fail after a long time.

It can be put for a few decades with high quality. As for the way that some of the power is left on something with strong traces, that way can also be used. For the duration, look at the quality of the power, to awaken the power of the Virgin. It is said that keeping a few hundred years is not a big problem. The only restriction is that it will cost hundreds of times or more to do so.

Such a waste.

"Huh, why do you think it's a bit of a pseudo-god mode?" Diya rubbed her face gently, selling power in such a way that after the magic savings card appeared in the magic book, it was no longer strange. It's just that the power of the Holy Girl obviously can't be tossed about as ordinary magic power, so when thinking about it, she couldn't help but think of the false god, and then she realized that she thought too much.

Come on normally, they need to learn a lot of things at the moment. When the mercenaries are unconditional, the formation of forces does not have the brain and experience. If they do not do well, they will pit themselves. Now they do more things to take a step. One step, fortunately, there are many places in the unreal world where people can learn, and actual combat experience can also be accumulated.

In another place, after the communication with Diya was cut off, Zheng Yichen ’s sight fell on the village not far away. The Berserker family survived in this place, but not all gathered in one place, but distributed in various places. Living in the form of a village.

At the same time, they can take care of each other, and they will not appear to be seriously piled up. There is a meaning that the eggs are not put in a basket. So even the barbarian has the corresponding wisdom of survival. Change to a race with weak individual quality. Doing this in a harsh environment is a bit of a death.

The average combat power of the adult is up to two hundred and fifty ... cough, in short, the per capita combat power generally exceeds the mad fighters of the five slags. This model is no problem. Zheng Yichen is thinking about what identity to cut into the past. The village of the mad warrior currently staring is The magic soldier made the most of it.

He is a permission dog, and it can be investigated after a background investigation. The existence of the magic soldiers made the wild warrior tribe's original strange magic warrior also have a more important role. At that time, there was no magic savings card, and the warrior soldiers were also Being able to use the magic soldier summon book is not as convenient as using magic power directly.

In short, compared to other places, the number of magic soldiers in this place is as high as twenty ... Cough, it's normal to think about it. They rarely communicate directly with the outside world, and the highest level of the magic soldiers in the whole village makes the level only five. The lowest kind of magic soldiers can get the contract interval. It was very long, and there were already twenty magic soldiers who were already very good.

However, that kind of thing is equivalent to a network cable. In the form of a tribe, let alone twenty, even if there is only one, the entire tribe can enjoy the benefits of the network cable. Twenty magic soldiers, even a few Can someone who is on the Internet often know his identity?

Thinking about it this way, Zheng Yichen has decided not to go through so many idle and intrusive cut-in processes. Let's just go straight to Huanglong, go straight in, and do so many twists and turns with Barbarians?

Zheng Yichen decided to wait one night and survive in a dangerous environment. Running into other people ’s villages at night is very easy to cause misunderstandings. He has not been a newcomer, and he knows many special rules of the outside world. When contacting a place, do n’t choose night when you choose.

Unless you are very weak and unable to survive in the wild, you can risk exposure. It is the consequence. If you are better, you will be locked in a small black room and wait for one night.

Because there are few outsiders in this kind of place, somebody passed by inexplicably, or it was easy to get into trouble at night, and it was impossible to say that there was no other problem.

Zheng Yichen did n’t hide his traces, he camped directly on the spot, and let the mad soldiers in the village find him, observe him, and give them a night ’s observation time. It ’s easy to contact tomorrow, but there must be some mad soldiers tonight. Will not sleep well.

After the outsiders are found, you must patrol the surrounding environment properly. People can survive here, and there will not be some generalized plots to reduce intelligence. If something is wrong, please confirm it carefully. Thoughts such as 'presumably illusion', having such thoughts in a place with a bad environment will only give blood lessons.

At night, several patrol mad soldiers were also communicating. They were not using common language, but the madman ’s ethnic language. They were discussing what the purpose of this unknown outsider was. Some tribes had patrolled nearby. There are no traces of outsiders, except here.

The other party did not mean to contact them at night, but chose to spend the night here. The eight achievements are ready to wait for the dawn. They can find Zheng Yichen ’s trail here. Zheng Yichen naturally saw the village long ago, although Zheng Yichen ’s behavior is a special one. Showed, said that he did not have too many ideas here, purely to tell you that he was here, but these mad fighters still stared at Zheng Yichen all night.

Zheng Yichen didn't care about this matter. What he stayed here was just an alchemy incarnation. After the temporary camp was set up, he went directly home and went to sleep. What happened here has nothing to do with him ...

The next day, Zheng Yichen's attention was drawn back, and when he went out, he saw several mad fighters with red eyes waiting for him. These people did not come in and broke out, but they seemed ... polite?

"My name is Connor, the dragon who often moves in Kaga, have you heard of it?"

"..." A mad soldier stared at Zheng Yichen for a while, frowning slightly. They rarely contacted the outside world on weekdays. After the Demon Soldier Network became available, there was more contact with the outside world, but that kind of The connection is only from the Internet, and they actually prefer to do more interesting things than to care about trivial things. What? Is it fun to fight? Isn't it fun to exercise?

Going online every day is simply beating!

"Wait a minute." The mad warrior said in blunt lingua franca. Some people in the village can speak lingua franca, but it does not mean that everyone can speak lingua franca. The language master, up to now, the language he masters is only common language, like other partial languages, he has a feeling of learning English when he reads more, and has a headache.

The talking mad fighter quickly left here and reported the matter to the village chief.

"Kaga's dragon, what is the other party looking for us?"

The village chief is an old man who looks at some old age, but this old age is only reflected in the face. The coarse clothes worn by the other party are difficult to cover the strong and exploding muscles under the body. The village chief in this place Not only to be better than others in knowledge, but also to be the most capable ... At least when being the new village chief.

As for the brains, the barbarians also have to learn. They used to suffer from a lack of IQ, so they must have the courage to be the chief of the village, and courage is the hardest core. Write? For example, the text of common language, this is the minimum requirement, do not want to learn?

If you do n’t want to learn, competition is a little weaker than others when you are the village chief. The lesson used to let them know that a reckless man can deal with many things, but it is also very easy to lead the village to perdition. In the eyes of others is a mad warrior barbarian.

Feeling difficult to learn? Wanting to be a village head means taking responsibility for this position, but giving up because it is difficult to learn. Being a village head? Pull it down! This is no longer the era of hundreds of years ago.

So as the head of this village, even though he has explosive muscles, but this is just the appearance of the body, the brain is not completely muscular yet. When using fists, most of the young people in the village are hammering him, If you are fighting each other here, there is not much meaning of respecting the elderly and loving the young. Since it is fighting, then you cannot let the water drain for this reason. That kind of behavior is disrespect for yourself and your opponent.

Therefore, his current combat effectiveness is solid, and fighting is one thing. Most young people in the village in writing are also inferior to him, and there is nothing to count ... This is a qualified village head! It's a pity that the new generation in the village hasn't appeared a successor that satisfies him, but it doesn't matter. As long as there is no accident, the old village head can still struggle in this position for more than 100 years ...


Zheng Yichen came to this village and saw the old man with the same muscles as the front door. The corner of his mouth was slightly drawn. The high-end is the same blurry division among professionals, but it can still be felt through the details, at least the normal step-by-step There will not be an old man like a tortoise like a tortoise.

That kind of thing is not a false product of bluff, but a real momentum. Not to mention anything else. This old man's tendon is two times larger than Zheng Yichen saw from Fred's side.

The arrival of Zheng Yichen made the mad soldiers in this village very alert. Even though Zheng Yichen is also an alien, some of them have heard a lot about the dragon. Some of the things now placed in the village are also from the Internet. Purchased, for example, something like a light bulb ...

vehicle? The environment here is harsh and does not need that kind of thing at all.

Zheng Yichen is a celebrity in the Magic Soldier Forum, so the old man is concerned about his message. For example, what happened recently, this dragon was stared at by a person suspected of a dark church. Now that the other party comes here, the first thing he considers is Will this dragon bring disaster to the Berserker family.

If it's a situation full of good things around him, he came here ... No, let alone this place, even if it is other places, people there will welcome, and if bad things go everywhere Those who dislike it, or even say that it is not good to hear, are those who lead the disaster, or find fodder.

Zheng Yichen is now engulfed in evil things. When they come here, they will not be illusory.

"What's the matter with the Lord coming to our little broken place?"

The old village chief's tone is neither cold nor passionate. The reality is here. The Berserker family is not a thriving race. The individual strength is right, but it is not difficult to destroy.

"Talk about a business." Zheng Yichen, the old village chief's tone, didn't care. He knew how disgusting he was now, so he didn't have so many twists and turns. He directly brought out the magic soldier's call book. , Clicked on a file for projection playback, and the screen above is a battle screen.

The protagonist of the picture is Fred. The people here immediately recognize that the people inside are their siblings. As long as the mad warriors here are adults, they basically have experience of madness, don't they? You have to beat your own crowd to beat it a few times. It ’s true that madness will lose its mind, but never going mad means that there is no experience in this area.

So no matter what, after adulthood, you must go through several madnesses. Only after experiencing that feeling can you avoid passive madness in many cases, and you can better control your anger. Madness is their racial talent, is The power engraved in their blood, although it is a double-edged sword, can not repel this power.

"Grandpa, grandpa, did you show the TV series?" The video playback here attracted many children in the village. They wanted to come over to see the situation, but they were thrown by their parents' necks and thrown away like chickens. Went out.

It ’s the kind that was really thrown out. The mad soldier ’s physique is natural and skinny. Ordinary children are thrown out as kittens. If they fall on the ground, they can cry for a long time. After they are thrown away, they roll on the ground After two circles, except for a little dirt, there was no broken skin.

The children were driven away and disobedient? If you are not obedient, you can get started. Barbarians don't have so many reasons to speak.

After the children were driven away, the eyes of the adults fell back on the playing screen, and they looked at each other with a bit of a toothache. Even if they were crazy, the key is that the people inside are maintaining a deep crazy, this is what happened. Is it so hard? When it hurts, many people can't help but have a nameless anger, they know what deep madness means ...

The mad warriors in the village are clan, aren't the mad warriors outside the clan! ?

Just looking at them, I feel something is wrong. The people inside are obviously in a state of deep madness, but how does it look ... normal? It ’s not that the huge size that is about to reach three meters is normal, but the fighting method, there is no indiscriminate attack. At first, I looked at the enemies inside to seduce ... In short, when they plan to use this clan to deal with their companions It felt strange.

That abrupt looking back is really the essence of being too special, and it does n’t look like it ’s unreasonable at all. After that, they will see that it ’s true that it ’s deep madness, but it has nothing to do with it. This clan maintains its insanity while maintaining its own reason, which means that the legend within their clan is true.

"This matter has something to do with you?" The old village chief has lived for nearly a hundred years, and has accumulated more experience than these young people. Zheng Yichen's inexplicable search for the mad warrior itself is very problematic. The main topic was to show them such a picture, and the problem was even bigger. The coarse-grained young people thought about the legend within the clan. The old village head thought about this matter and Zheng Yichen have a special connection.

"I hired them some time ago, and they are very good mercenaries." Zheng Yichen said while taking out a bottle of curing potion: "It is because of this that I can understand this matter and he can maintain it. Deep madness while maintaining reason is related to this kind of thing. "

"..." This time it was the turn of the old village chief who saw a bit of a toothache. Although he was not illiterate, he did not have a strong ability to discern such things as potions. There are so many kinds of potions. The potions that recover the injuries are basically red, but this is just basic experience, and some may be highly toxic.

Zheng Yichen now brought out the blue bottle which potion he can't see at all, there is no label on it. This is reality is not a game. I see what potions have attributes. Under normal circumstances, if there is no label, identify the potion. The way is to sniff or use some professional equipment and perception to distinguish.

They do not have all these conditions.

"Cure the potion, I made it."

The head of the old village frowned slightly, and the curing potion had something to do with Connor ’s dragon. Everyone in the professional circle knew that even the emergence of curing potions changed the operation of many things, which benefited The biggest is the warrior. The warrior can use the curing potion to study new combat skills more casually, instead of learning from others.

Studying combat skills is not studying magic. Behind every combat skill, many people have paid a painful price. Of course, this cannot be said that studying magic is not as good as studying combat skills. Failure to study magic will only damage some spirits and do well. After preparation, you can avoid a lot of influences. To study combat skills is to try it directly through your body. If you make a mistake, it will be a serious internal injury. If you often study combat skills, you will inevitably leave some incurable dark injuries.

Solidifying potions is equivalent to a unique way for the caster to study magic, avoiding spiritual rebirth. As for the caster studying magic curing potions ... The curing potions have no effect on the spirit. .

So Zheng Yichen took out a bottle of solidified potion here. In the old village chief ’s opinion, it means a single flicker. The madness of the mad warrior is not a physical change. The important thing is the spirit ~ ~ Spirit! The changes in the body are only the consumption and burden that appear after the enhancement. What really matters is the mental impact.

In other words, the use of curing potions can prolong their madness time, but do n’t want to keep them fighting rationally, and even curing potions will sometimes drag their madness and madness. The subsequent Berserker can continue to increase his strength with the madness until he burns himself or exhausts and can't maintain the madness.

The curing potion directly locked the upper limit of madness for a period of time, and was stuck in that state. It is true that the body will not be hurt, but the attributes cannot be enhanced. Fred in the video uses the curing potion At that time, he was stuck with the effect of curing potions. At that time, the effect of curing potions in his body was not much, and he directly came to a deep madness, and the sudden surge increased his body strength.

The curing potion only consumed the final effect after maintaining the body without injury, so his physical state at the time was not forced to be corrected by the curing potion. After that, he used a new special version of the curing potion. Only to maintain a clear depth of crazy.

Zheng Yichen did not conceal the information in this respect. The old village head was lost in thought after listening to it ... The content of the transaction has not yet been said by Zheng Yichen. The things he brought out alone are exciting.