Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1202: No conditions to talk about

"Aoao Aoao roar roar roar !!!" An old village chief of the elderly Tiantuan who added a lot of shackles roared, and at the same time he could not break the shackles of his body. Continue to growl, this mad warrior is not one of the village chiefs, but a tribe who has been pulled from outside.

Although ordinary tribes do not have strong control over madness, it is still possible to keep the sobriety after active madness for a short time, but after using the curing potion, he cannot cancel the madness, or one-way release After that, he was cured of his physical state, passively triggered a madness, and immediately exploded, and then suppressed by the shackles of his body.

"It doesn't seem to work." Lehman said with some regret. If the way Zheng Yichen said it worked, the Berserkers will undoubtedly have a new way of fighting, even if they use ordinary solidified potions. Enough effect, but now it seems that this kind of BUG will not work.

"Can't he stun him?"

"Of course it won't work. After we went crazy, we ignored the normal dizziness." Lehman shook his head. "However, powerful spiritual magic can play a role ..."

Zheng Yichen nodded his head and mobilized the core of power. His own magic flowed through the magic module storing the piano, transforming a part of the same magic as the piano, and then released a spiritual magic with a moderate intensity, clear spirit, It can also be understood as a compulsive technique.

Under the influence of this magic, the frantic and mad warrior's eyes gradually recovered their clarity. He blinked his eyes suspiciously and looked at the surrounding environment, revealing a somewhat incomprehensible look: "Patriarch I ..."

"..." Lehman glanced at Zheng Yichen with a slightly more complicated look, and waved his hand at the clan: "You keep it like this first."

The clan is still in a state of madness, but because of the blessed spiritual magic, he has been restored to lucidity. The strength of this magic is not high. The madness of the extra-clan is locked into the normal 30% state by the curing potion. The impact is not too strong.

The mad warrior nodded somewhat doubtfully. He even had an inexplicable emotion in his heart. Is it true that the legend is true? Are you still a legendary madman who has been rare for thousands of years? Otherwise, how can you maintain a clear will when you remain crazy?

"Lord Connor, let's talk about what to say afterwards." Lehman said with a serious face. These characteristics shown by Zheng Yichen have made them sincerely valued, like the solidified potion just taken out just now. It can be said that it is a normal transaction, and a deeper level of communication is obviously unable to proceed well, but now Zheng Yichen has revealed a powerful spiritual magic.

There are a lot of things that can be done here. The magic props handed down from the Berserker family were made by a powerful caster of the year. There was no fault between the caster of that era and the modern era, and the related magic was not lost. , That is, they cannot find a caster who can make similar props.

The magic props that can keep the mad warrior's mental state in a clear state are not made by normal high-level casters. Zheng Yichen showed such a hand, and then there was talk, looking at the change in Lehman's attitude, Zheng Yichen smiled Smiled, not long ago these old days were still playing him, and now the attitude has really changed, but it can be regarded as a formal conversation.

Zheng Yichen took out an agreement and handed it to Lehman. Some things were too inefficient in terms of speaking. It was still the same. It was much more convenient to switch to text reading. Normally speaking, maybe half an hour It ’s not enough. The way to read the text, ten minutes faster is enough. The content of the agreement is also very simple. The people of the mad warriors regularly cooperate with Zheng Yichen to do some special research.

This kind of research will not harm the health of their people, but they can get a purchase channel for curing potions here, and there are discounts on the price, but the preference can be seen at a glance. Zheng Yichen deals with the mad warriors. , Not come to do charity, how should some places come or how to come, want to cure potions? When cooperating with some of his research, he can get a certain share of curing potions every month. This share will not be too high, but for the mad warriors, a long time can also accumulate a batch of new curing potions.

This free supply share will continue until the end of Zheng Yichen ’s research. At that time, the provision of free shares will not be available, but the special preferential purchase channels are still reserved. This is the condition given by Zheng Yichen. Lehman finished reading After that, he couldn't help but look at Zheng Yichen more.

They have known this dragon in detail. When outside, this dragon is actually similar to a merchant. At least they feel like a merchant. But looking at the conditions written in the agreement he brought out, he just wanted to say that this condition is really ... … It's a bargain, you don't need to fight for anything at all, just agree on the spot. .

"If you think something is inappropriate, you can propose it." Zheng Yichen said with a smile.

Lehman shook his head: "There is no inappropriate place, such conditions are already very good."

The mad warriors are not rich, and the conditions in the agreement are not embarrassing them. When they are replaced by young people, they will probably think that Zheng Yichen is an injustice and can easily blackmail, but they are all old guys. I also know some things. When the strong man gives conditions that appear to be tolerant, it does mean that the other party is very good at speaking, but this kind of good speech is not necessarily the capital that the other party can add additional conditions.

Agree, it ’s okay, additional conditions are proposed, even if the result is not very bad, there is a great possibility of missing this opportunity, giving tolerance conditions means that there is not much room for maneuver, directly give the lower limit and upper limit Now that I have put it out, what are the additional demands?

So Lehman did not intend to say anything else, and even stopped the other villagers who wanted to speak with their eyes: "We have no objections, so it's good."

"That's good." Zheng Yichen smiled softly. The patriarch is also a smart person. It is not the first time Zheng Yichen has done this. This way of doing things is addictive and doesn't need much at all. Of course, it is only useful for smart people, and there is no particularly serious demand on my side.

Does he have a particularly serious need for Berserker? No, the blood of the Berserker? You can get a lot of fresh blood through the rewards of the dark web. Even if the cost is high enough, you can get the soul of the mad warrior. It is not too easy, so the mad warrior family did not have much to offer from the beginning. Opportunity, Zheng Yichen put the agreement here. If they have other ideas and put forward any additional conditions, he will leave here directly.

Negotiation? Sorry, there is no room for negotiation. After all, the identity of the two parties is originally an unequal state. When he came here, Zheng Yichen had already shown enough sincerity, but the management of the mad warrior did the kind of brain damage. Behavior, this is simply to find yourself uncomfortable.

Just like some politicians on the earth, they only look at their own interests, not to see the future or even their own situation. They are obviously in a weak position, but they have inexplicable fan confidence. Fortunately, they are The world where the fist is big enough to solve most things, you can see your position clearly.

"Very well, then we will be happy to cooperate in the future." Zheng Yichen's understanding of the mad warriors is average, but the witch around him knows a lot, especially Anne. When Zheng Yichen came here, she told Zheng Yichen, crazy The Warrior family actually has a very good magic prop, which can keep them in a clear and crazy state, that is, the thing is in disrepair, and it will not be used if it is not used.

Berserkers also have no powerful casters, and repair is impossible.

He didn't mention this. The magic props were known by the witch, not Zheng Yichen learned through normal channels. It was purely okay to ask for it. It was enough to do the most basic transaction first. Zheng Yichen had already shown the mad warrior family. After paying attention to the operation, they will voluntarily seek some new exchanges from Zheng Yichen.

The negotiation time didn't take long. When Zheng Yichen left the village of the mad warrior, the time was not until noon. They had kept Zheng Yichen and said that they were going to come to a grand dinner unique to the mad fighters, but Zheng Yichen said that his current body Not the deity, but the incarnation of alchemy, they can only express regret, in fact ... wish Zheng Yichen hurried away.

They have a big deal here!

"Patriarch, can this agreement be fought for an extra?" After Zheng Yichen left, a village chief said.

Lehman glanced at the old village chief. He was considered a radical within the Berserker family ... In other words, his brain was a little ill-advised, and he needed a rash wave to do things. His vision was not so long-term, but he was tall among the short men If he can become the village chief, he must be much better than the village chief.

The vision is not so long-term and it is not really stupid.

"Scramble, what do you want to fight for? What conditions can we fight for on our side?" Lehman patted the agreement on the table: "Do we have mine? Do we have any special products here? Or say we What is the unique secret here? "

There are secret methods, but that kind of secret method must be in the presence of the mad warrior lineage. Zheng Yichen may not be interested in this secret method, mine? The environment of this mountain range is harsh and rich in resources, and it can feed everyone of the Berserker family, but there is really no mine in it, and the Berserkers have no knowledge of mining minerals.

specialty? The specialty is probably the Warcraft material in the mountains. Well, there are special products related to the mystery. Their inheritance knowledge has a secret method that can make a special amulet with the blood of the mad warrior. However, it is very difficult to make this amulet. To make one, at least ten mad warriors must be weak for nearly a month.

This kind of talisman can be called a raging talisman, which allows professionals to enter a kind of violent state by activating the talisman during battle. This state will not reduce the consciousness completely, but it will also reduce intelligence. At the same time, there are many magics that can replace the talisman of rage. For example, the magic of bloodthirsty is similar to that of rage, and its impact on IQ is much lower than the effect of rage talisman.

The furious talisman is plain, there is a portable version of the special secret props, which works well without the aid of the caster. Even if this thing can be regarded as a weakened frenzy, there is still the possibility of runaway. The use of the furious talisman Professionals, if their will is not firm enough, they are not simply reducing intelligence, but directly entering a state of madness, but the effect of violent promotion is not as good as one-third of the madness.

This kind of thing has side effects, but it can also be regarded as a best-selling product in the online store, that is ... the Berserker family does not make much unless they can get the special friendship of their family, otherwise this thing will not be easily taken out After all, if one is made, it will weaken more than a dozen clan members for a long time. This is unfair to those clan members, and they do not know that they will sacrifice various physiques of the clan members for this benefit.

It ’s just that Zheng Yichen is a dragon. Unless they and the village chiefs donate blood together to make the most advanced talisman, otherwise it ’s useless for him, and that dragon needs this kind of thing? So there is nothing to say about specialty products.

"We don't have any advantages, but what additional conditions can we put forward?" Lehman saw things very clearly. After he finished speaking, the other village chiefs were silent, feeling speechless: "And what's in this agreement, do you really feel bad?"

Someone wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lehman to say: "Are you feeling bad? You are fascinated by desire! You are greedy!"

"Uh, patriarch, is this normal?" An elderly village scratched his bare head. Lehman was one year older than them. When they said that, they were like children. Who does n’t have it, let alone a barbarian must be honest, they want something good when they see it.

"Normal is right, but depending on the situation, this agreement has been able to meet our needs." Lehman explained, Zheng Yichen's agreement is very loose, they only need to cooperate with the research to provide blood on the regular day. The excellent Warcraft materials collected here can also be recycled through Zheng Yichen ’s online store. This kind of recycling will not allow them to obtain substantial benefits, but they can get a special point. Through these points, they can Zheng Yichen online shop can freely exchange some special props.

For example, curing potions, monthly limited edition awakening potions, etc., greatly increased the degree of freedom of the agreement. This transaction method is not mandatory. Those Warcraft materials can be freely sold to others. How? It's up to them to do it, anyway, simply providing blood or cooperating with some research can also give them a lot of points.

Cooperating with research is short-term. Once Zheng Yichen has researched anything, this kind of research does not have much meaning. On the contrary, the special channel trading method is really long-term content. At the same time, the agreement is also very clear, as long as the mad warrior A group of malicious people who are not holistic aim at him, he will not do some extra things in the study, and feel that if he does not believe, he can sign a contract afterwards.

It ’s just that when signing the contract, Zheng Yichen has assumed responsibility, and they also have to bear the responsibility of the contract, so it is still necessary to consider whether this contract is signed. After the entire race is restricted by the contract, Zheng Yichen can confidently say that he will not target The mad warrior family, that is the good condition behind him, with the witch sitting in the town, when the dragon is normally active, not many people can threaten him.

Berserkers are different. Can we be a guarantee now? No one knows what will happen in the future. This is also a time when there are many things to maintain long-term. Such a contract may not be popular because no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Continue to maintain the status quo. Don't think too much about other things. Such conditions are already very good for our family." Lehman made a summary. The agreement did not require the mad fighters to deal with Zheng Yichen. This It ’s just a special channel. They only have to pay to get what they want from Zheng Yichen. You can exchange points for potions and equipment. If you do n’t pay, there is nothing to say. Everyone goes their own ways and makes sense. The dragon itself is really not sleepy getting blood from the mad warriors.

"So don't look at that dragon is good at speaking. In fact, he is savvy. This agreement will not have any impact on him from the beginning. On the contrary, he has additionally expanded his special channels."

This is unilateral. On the other hand, as long as those selfish desires can be suppressed, the agreement is of great benefit to them, but because of personal selfish desires, when faced with easily accessible things, they always think about whether they can To get more, this is Zheng Yichen's intentional or fear of troublesome operation, Lehman is not clear, but if he clearly follows this agreement, there will be no harm to them.

The special enhancement of new curing potions on them? That stuff is not provided to them inundated, and the enhancement is also limited, which will not cause the genocide. Although the rage talisman is not a secret, but the per capita combat strength of the mad warriors is strong enough. They fight back, and the powerful existence does not need this kind of thing ... Of course, the role of the rage talisman is not as simple as others understand.

The talismans of rage circulating in the outside world are all castrated versions. The full version of the talisman of rage can subtly affect the carrier ’s physique and will not allow them to transform into mad warriors, but can enhance their physical strength and strength factors, etc., even The effect will become weaker and weaker as the carrier is strengthened, but that effect is equivalent to a weakened version of the brainless strong plug-in.

The information mad warriors of this raging talisman have never been leaked. The castrated version has many magic props that can enhance the combat power, and the passive and continuous enhancement of their own strength is not comparable to magic props. There really is a genocide disaster, this kind of thing ... Most village heads don't know, only the head can understand, so a bit too careful?

Of course not, because that kind of thing only has an effect on outsiders, the physique of the Berserker family is very strong, and it can be passively upgraded without the full version of the rage talisman. Using that kind of thing just shortens the time of this promotion. Do n’t It is meaningless and belongs to the secret method that is lost and not distressed. Of course, it is the inherited knowledge within the family and cannot be easily discarded.

"There is a wave in the waves ~." After finding a place to bury this used alchemy incarnation in place, Zheng Yichen hummed Xiaoqu and turned his attention to the underground base. Looking at Zheng Yichen's regained consciousness, did she smile? , Her witch knew that Zheng Yichen's negotiation was successful.

Zheng Yichen came back, Yi Lin directly gave Zheng Yichen a magical information about encryption technology, and gave him a list by the way. This is the reward for Zheng Yichen to do something this time. Zheng Yichen glanced at the list The content, the things that are required are not particularly precious, the ones that are difficult to find, and some are still restricted items of the empire. Zheng Yichen directly gave this to Luo Lisi to let her solve the matter.

Of course, she is responsible for the internal affairs of the family. In the financial aspect, she is responsible for the ghost maid named Ruiji. She actually has a surname, but after becoming a ghost maid, she never mentioned her surname. She apparently had some bad experiences that made her deny her last name.

"After you have dealt with the magic stone coins, you are ready to go to the restricted area. At that time, you will be given a day to prepare."

"Half a day is enough." One day? Zheng Yichen said that there is no special preparation that takes a whole day. He has always been fully loaded with the construction of the underground base, and he will make some time every day ~ ~ to give some new instructions to those alchemy puppets , And some simple optimization or maintenance of the main alchemy core of the underground base to enhance its performance.

Zheng Yichen has always been a little sorry for this master core. What he wants most is the spirit of the Holy Spirit level to make an alchemy core, but that kind of thing is really rare for thousands of years, and the most senior souls are not often encountered. Unfortunately, it is a pity that Zheng Yichen would not lose his motivation because the material of the master alchemy core did not make him 'satisfied'.

Who will say the next thing clearly? The alchemy core is not unchangeable. If you get the spirit of the Holy Spirit level, you can inherit the master alchemy core.

"It's up to you to decide for yourself." Irene wasn't talking about this, but simply packed things up: "I will leave here for a while and wait for you to come back after solving the magic stone coin."

Zheng Yichen does n’t need so much preparation time, but she needs it. This time, it ’s not a small mess to go to the restricted area, but some special information was found in the cursed outside world. You need to go in and prove it, why the two can contact Together, of course, the reason why Irene "accidentally" opened a big mouth in the restricted area ... that was black history, but before opening her mouth, she did find a lot of special things in the restricted area.