Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1208: Open

Since they settled in the underground base and transferred some of their mistresses ’property, they felt that the maid ’s path was getting farther and farther away from them. Some ghost maids realized that before they became ghost maids, they initially acted as combatants. For units, their lowest limit is the rankers, and there are a lot of high ranks. Of course, more are hovering in the middle. The state of the ghost makes their strength progress at a very ordinary rate.

Some of the accumulation of decades is like the normal years of human professionals. It sounds ... very bad. In fact, there is still too much time for the reason of being too comfortable. They serve the witch, and the strength of the witch Do they need to fight? So at the beginning, it changed from a combat unit to a maid unit.

Now they are going to change from maid to work.

In addition, the unreal world created by her own host is too fragrant for the ghost maid without a substantial body, where she really feels the feeling of being alive, whether it is normal communication or eating casually. Things, everything that was lost in the past is recovered. Compared with other magic soldiers who play games in the unreal world, their attitude towards the unreal world is more sincere.

I really regarded it as the second new life, but unfortunately the male master who created the unreal world is not often in it ... Of course, after being exposed to the unreal world, it is inevitable to be exposed to some things, such as Krypton gold, the problem is that they are ghosts, and there is no salary on weekdays. Now Zheng Yichen has arranged work for them. It seems that it is not acceptable to think about it. The problem is that Zheng Yichen gave the salary distribution task to Ruiji. It's a bit uncomfortable.

The other party is very careful about money, that is to say, some small mistakes during work will be caught by the other party, make a record once, catch a salary deduction once, and then use her words to deduct a dozen Next time, the next salary will be deducted and cost-effective.

There is no need to worry about the existence of the ghost maid. There is a ghost maintenance area in the underground base. That is also a special equipment that Zheng Yichen has idled out. It is not only effective for ghosts, but also for humans, and the same for the dragons. Have.

"Okay, let's just do it for the time being. The three-shift system, eight hours per shift, is not too tiring for you. Of course, if you want to take more pressure, the two-shift system can." Zheng Yichen's face Looking at the ghost ghost maids in front of them with a faint smile, their attitude was somewhat beyond Zheng Yichen's expectations. Whether it was a two-shift system or a three-shift system, they seemed to be calm.

They used to be almost even a two-shift system, that is, before Luo Lisi met Zheng Yichen, some ghost maids were responsible for the day and some for the night. The three-shift system was easier for them, and the two-shift system was not a big deal. , Even when working in a field store, it does not affect them to do other things.

As the ghost maid of Lolise, they are more relaxed when they enter the unreal world, and they can also be accompanied by an external window, which means that they can always pay attention to the external situation in the unreal world. It is used for eggs, but it is very effective in a small environment. You can see a panoramic view of the wild shop by creating a window that focuses on the outside world.

In addition, there are no substantive goods in the field store, and the theft can be ignored. If you encounter a theft incarnation ... Zheng Yichen will let those little thieves know what cruelty is, and dare to steal their own things? If anyone dares to steal him, he will dare to come to a live version of Shenlong.

"Then ..."

"Two shifts." Luo Lisi said suddenly, Zheng Yichen erred a moment, can't he be a little bit smart at this time? He clearly wanted to say three shifts.

"There are a lot of leisure time there, and work is also a break, so two shifts." Luo Lisi looked at Zheng Yichen calmly. How could she not think of the details that Zheng Yichen could think of? Zheng Yichen still has to think about other things in her daily life. Luo Lisi thinks less about things in her daily life. Therefore, she really wants to consider something more carefully than Zheng Yichen.

So the working time of the three shift system is too lazy to put on the ghost maid. The model of the wild shop is not a place to be busy. They can have three hours of standard working time every day. Even if they are busy, let them do that. It's more about looking at the scene and taking charge of things that need to be battled.

The field visit and the commentary are only incidental. Because the field store does not have the city management power, the "clerk" over there needs enough force to allow people who come into contact with it to abide by the rules. The products inside are all projections, but the alchemy puppets inside are actually valuable props.

There are not many people who have thoughts. According to the salary arranged by Zheng Yichen for them, if they negligently cause the alchemy incarnation to be damaged or lost, it is equivalent to they have dried up in three or five years. This is still the internal price. Ghost Maid It doesn't matter if the individual's individual combat power is not high enough, they just have enough experience.

After using the excellent alchemy incarnation made by Zheng Yichen, the ghost maid with insufficient combat power can also be upgraded to higher-level combat power. What is lacking is high-level combat experience. That ’s not important. There are many alchemy incarnation ports used by the ghost maid. When necessary, Zheng Yichen can also make a guest appearance temporarily, and the women's tycoon comes over. There is no time. The witch on the underground base can go to see the situation.

It depends on who is so dead.

But doing so means that the ghost maid's dereliction of duty, giving them such good conditions can not do things well, as for the severity of the dereliction of duty depends on the enemies encountered, even below the standard line is considered serious negligence.

"There is no opinion, so be it." Luo Li said with great majesty, do those ghost maids have any opinions? Of course, there is no opinion. Idle is the same thing. When they are required to do things, they will definitely not think so much. Even when Luo Lisi speaks, they feel that this is taken for granted.

question? They are ghost maids, no matter what they were during their lifetime, but the professional qualities of the maids they developed after death are still there.

Moreover, this time the work is not really a chore. At first, there will be some other ideas. It is their male host ... It is really great. It is different to change to Lolise.

"Don't put all your rules of alien world into yourself." After sending away those ghost maids, Luo Lisi said to Zheng Yichen seriously. To outsiders, Zheng Yichen could already use the foreign world very familiarly. The rules are there, but for his own people, Zheng Yichen still uses the kind of attitude of being out of the world cultivated by the 'outside rules'.

The loyalty of the ghost maid does not need to be questioned, but their positioning is there. Some things really do not need to be negotiated. The consultation is also to find them witches. Just like the current arrangement, the work has been very good. Need to say more to the ghost maid?

There is no need at all, just unilaterally arrange to let them do it, even if it is so, it is also a great deal of preferential treatment, such as Zheng Yichen, it is only in the world where he lives that such a existence can be made, When they are replaced by strangers, and the civilians become rich, they will not do such a thing.

The three views of the world are different.

She did not make it mandatory that Zheng Yichen had to change this, but told Zheng Yichen the specific operation process in this area, and he was not required to change it, but after knowing what to do, he was able to arrange similar things in the future, which could save A lot of unnecessary waste of time.

Why should we gather things that have been solved in one sentence?

"I'll arrange this, you look at it."

Something that needed to go through the process was finished in less than a minute in Luo Lisi's hand. She took a look at the daily idle situation of the ghost maids. This time took 20 seconds. The remaining half-minute time was fast Made a shift arrangement, and then there were ten seconds left, extra time.

The schedule of the entire shift is the same as that of random play, but the mode of random selection does not affect anything. The existence of the magic soldier network does not need to consider the relationship between the ghost maid at all. Random arrangements are enough.

"It's a good habit to do things carefully, but some things don't need to be so careful ... These things can come to me later." After arranging the schedule of the ghost maid, Luo Lisi said to Zheng Yichen again. Zheng Yichen was very serious in doing things. Look at He knows the waste materials piled up in some of his material recycling warehouses.

Those things are all scrapped products that have defects. In fact, even if they have defects, they are still okay to use. However, when positioning the experimental products, after researching out what went wrong, the rest are Here, Zheng Yichen became scrapped in the recycling warehouse.

The props that can appear in his online store, whether they are large or small, are all above the good ones without exception. Those who are below this standard, Zheng Yichen will basically not retain ... Well, basically, if it is a resource If it is scarce, he will also squeeze his nose and recognize it. There is no problem in being careful. The important thing is that he can selectively compromise when necessary, not a rib.

"I always feel ..."

"You always think it is superfluous. I know you sympathize with their past and treat them as family members, but this is not a reason to waste time and do superfluous things on serious matters." Luo Lisi interrupted Zheng Yichen Speaking, said very seriously, Zheng Yichen's public and private division is very clear when he is external, when it is to his own people ... Is this the habit of 'Earth People'?

"Okay, you will arrange this later." Zheng Yichen nodded slightly: "And you have to look at the manpower problem. With this arrangement, it will not be long before the number of ghost maid is enough."

There are so many ghost maids. There are 42 warriors, 27 casters, and 6 ghost maids. As for why the ratio of casters is so high, it ’s simple. The casters have inherent advantages in this respect. The chance of becoming a ghost after death is also much greater than that of a warrior. As for the ghost maid, she is a professional, and her appearance and combat effectiveness are not directly proportional. It is said that the little maid is only the reason for her appearance.

There are two high-level existences in them, all of which are much older than other ghost maids. The fighting methods are not simple warriors or spellcasters. The growth rate of ghost maids is indeed slow. However, that is not absolute. The initial resentment of the two powerful ghost little maids was stronger. The strong resentment made them have a very strong initial strength when they became ghosts.

Appearance is not the basis for observing the strength or weakness of ghosts. Ghosts are limited to appearances. Of course, ghosts are powerful enough to change their appearance with magic. It is just a temporary disguise. The appearance is still the same. They There is no need for that extra disguise here, it is all the way it is.

Not to mention the appearance, except for some ghost maids who work in the underground base of some children, there are 45 ghost maids that can be arranged in the field store, and Luo Lisi is directly assigned to 46, which can be responsible for 23 field stores. It looks like there are a lot of them, but there are not many in the huge wild.

Not to mention those special adventure zones, an average of one hundred kilometers is not enough!

"No, this number is enough for a while. You will find a piano to cooperate with after a while." Luo Lisi said that the 23 field stores are indeed very scarce in the mainland. The problem is that this number is enough to let people know the wild The existence of the store has made people follow suit.

Those people may not get a field store in a place with few people, but it is inevitable to get something similar in some special adventure areas. The interest in that place is high enough. The original intention is different from Zheng Yichen, but Zheng Yichen does Just take care of yourself, why care about others.

When someone did that, he could get more manpower from the piano. The number of ghost maid was unnecessary, and Lollys would not expand.

The first appearance of the field shop was initially only a slight wave of waves on the Mobing Forum, but for the Minstrel Group, they keenly captured the "aura of news" and immediately interviewed some coincidences. Team of adventurers in the wild shop.

After learning some related situations, I began to look for traces of field shops. The field shops near the Berserker Land are fixed, and the ground is still a special small base, mainly dealing with some miscellaneous things, no accidents, In the future, the materials obtained by other field stores that are not particularly excellent materials will be processed at that small base, and it is not necessary to move all to the underground base.

Three of the remaining six field stores are semi-fixed, and three are random. The semi-fixed is to change the position within a certain range. How to change the arrangement to see the ghost maid ’s own, the limit is to change once every six hours, This time cannot exceed ten hours at most, and the changed position must be at least three kilometers away from the last position, and the maximum cannot exceed twenty kilometers.

The randomness is to change the position once a day or two. The position of the two times cannot be less than ten kilometers, but there is no maximum limit. As long as you think about it, it does not matter if it is a temporary neighbor with another field store. This It is also a certain degree to avoid some people squatting maliciously, although the effect may not be so good, but this can always avoid some minor troubles.

If you do n’t do it, you will have nothing, and at the same time, you can prevent those ghost maids from squatting at home.

The news of the field store can be passed out so fast, and there are reasons why Zheng Yichen was a naval force. It is true that some adventurers met the field store, but did not encounter all of them. At the same time, some of them were thinking about doing things. The result What? The result is that Zheng Yichen's soul storehouse has some new soul material reserves.

What can be the result?

Good welcome, bad serious handling is just what can be robbed in the wild, it is definitely not a good person, but a gangster.

The bad parts do n’t need to be publicized now. When there are more people in the future, the result of doing bad things will naturally be noticed by others. This kind of thing is not to warn others, but to let those people get in touch. Only then will you have an intuitive idea, knowing that it's unacceptable here.

Okay, the effect of publicity is better. After all, after knowing the benefits of field shops, I will also subconsciously look for the location of the event if there is a field shop like this, whether I really want it. If you go in and buy some special products, you still have other ideas and you will find them.

This is enough.

It ’s in place as soon as there ’s more publicity, especially after seeing the potions that are hard to buy on the Internet that can be brushed out in the wild shops occasionally, I feel that they are coming up immediately. Some people think this is a big secret. Does monopoly want to go public? Just kidding, there are so many wild shops, how could it be concealed by several teams of adventurers?

As long as there are so few choices to show off, the effect will be immediately available. There is no official malicious post on the Mobing network, buying headlines and other operations, what it should be like, Zheng Yichen ’s being an army is only a simple promotion Only, there is nothing to distort the balance and distort it.

So the form of the field store can't be concealed at all, as long as someone understands it, they will look for it, try it, and want to keep it secret? what? Ready to kill all insiders? Or are you going to start with the people behind the wild shop? Regarding the fact that Zheng Yichen is an opener of a field store, Zheng Yichen does not intend to hide it.

Why do others ask? What is the reason for this? If you want to open it, you can open it. If you find this model interesting, then why do you need it? If you just want to answer, if you can't do this, you think most professionals can't access the awakening potion. He thinks this situation is very bad. What if he wants to come up with a mode to break the limitation?

The problem of income? He does n’t care about that income and does n’t get this model ... basically.

In short, the wild store is on fire, because someone saw the awakening potion sold in the wild store, but because of the lack of banknotes in his hand ... I ca n’t afford it, but that person is smart and ca n’t afford it, but take advantage of it The operation of the Enchanted Soldier Network actually contacted a special seller. The other party provided enough money for the adventurer to purchase, and then gave the other party a certain degree of remuneration.

This is a kind of purchasing. As for the violation, the Zheng Yichen has considered it and finally decided not to be a violation. There is no need to determine the violation. After all, it is a luck to be able to contact the appropriate selling price. All sorts of things said that at present, they are very unfriendly to civilians, and one or two bottles will not play a big role in the hands of civilians unless they think they are European emperors.

Under normal circumstances, it is a better way to find the right buyer. Limiting this, the attractiveness of the field shop to the outsiders will be reduced a lot, and the mystery shop is similar. There is only one incident at present, but the signal is very interesting.

Especially for those in power, yes, the dark churches and templar churches, as well as the imperial forces and the pure blood family, the signal of the wild shop is to tell them that you can no longer monopolize the market of awakening potions. Now! Well, it's a bit too much to say that, to put it another way, the Dark Witch may be more positive after knowing this.

In short, there are good and bad statements about the field store model on the Mobing Forum, but no matter which kind, the mass professionals say they are passing melon eating masses, they know that they will have better opportunities in the wild It is just to get wealth, of course, it takes a little luck.

But the adventure itself is a matter of luck. Think about going out. When you meet a wild shop and go in and sit down, it feels good to get two glasses of wine and drink. The magic book is indeed very convenient, but it is too convenient. Occasionally, it ’s good to change.

Otherwise, why are places like pubs and bars still popular? If you want to drink alcohol ~ ~ You can't just use the magic soldier to summon the book online shopping, and the price is not much different. The price is not much different but the atmosphere is bad! If there is a better atmosphere, as a professional, who would like to drink at home? Of course, go to those places that drink exclusively.

You can also brag and fart, which is not the atmosphere you can feel at home.

Although there are few people in the field store, as long as there is a pub atmosphere, some people are willing to sit and do n’t want to drink and see what ’s special in it. After that, the products in each field store are different. In addition to those basic things, there will be some special props. If you are lucky, you will encounter potions such as curing potions and awakening potions. .

At the same time, he also released another message, that is, the mysterious shop above the wild shop, this place will inevitably have things like awakening potions and curing potions, and the prices are also discounted, and the quantity will not be just one bottle, At the same time, some special existence can also contact him if they want to put their own products.

The relevant rules are as follows [Figure] [Figure] ......

Nine Heavens Emperor