Cursed Dragon

Chapter 130: contact

Zheng Yichen doesn't know what kind of magic is this binding magic, but now the magic that can make him move easily can not be a simple magic. Fortunately, his limbs and joints are bound, and the magic power is also imprisoned, but his The paws can move, and the ankles and details can move.

Although ... under normal circumstances, these places can move and there is no use for eggs!

But it was enough to put it on him. The light gun was re-compressed by Zheng Yichen's frustration. The finger turned flexibly. The light gun quickly turned its direction. The gun head was pointed down and the wrist was a while. The light gun flew out of his hand. The power of this thing was mainly driven by magic. The throwing power may be able to add some power. However, if the power is insufficient, it will not affect the final power. Zheng Yichen is also unable to make a vigorous throwing action.

Compared to the speed at which the light gun attacked him, the light ball re-released by him was a little faster, and he blinked and came to the young woman with long milky white hair, and a guard was beside her. The knight jumped out immediately, a sword slashing towards the light gun, the substance of magic was condensed on the sword body, but the moment he touched the light gun, he was flicked out, and then the trend of this light gun did not necessarily break through Several layers of magic barriers reached the target.

The young woman sighed slightly, and the light band bound to Zheng Yichen quickly gathered back and transferred to the light gun. Under the restraint of the light band, the light gun stagnated in front of her, looking at this The size of the light ball is much smaller, the young woman looks a little different, and the source of the light gun is a bishop of the church.

There is no doubt about the quality and power. This light gun, which is perfect for its magic structure and improved characteristics, will not exceed ten in all people in the camp. Xiao Long blocked it, the most impossible way to resist it was to grab it with his hand!

Even if the magic resistance of the dragon family is unreasonable, it should not be unreasonable to this extent. Even if a real adult dragon comes, do not resist well, grab it with your hands, and the final result will be higher than ordinary people. The piezoelectricity is the same, whether you are a stunner or a super boxer!

But now, this light gun is not only re-used by the little dragon, but also reduced in volume. Of course, this reduction is not due to the shrinking of the body caused by the lack of power, but the result of the more solid power. As for the comparison between ordinary iron knives and titanium alloy knives, the power of light guns is not so exaggerated, but it is almost the same as ... the difference between whiteboard weapons and +0.5.

Under the premise of constant consumption, this little power increase is enough to allow the archbishop to study this magic for a long time, and what the little dragon does is to grab this light gun and pinch it in his hand for a while to achieve Now!

Therefore, she has no doubt that if the light strip she emits can be caught by Zheng Yichen's hand, it will probably become the same as this light gun and eventually become a weapon against them. The Dragons have such a special ability?



The powerful light gun was strangled by dozens of light bands together, and the magic structure was crushed violently, which caused the entire light gun to completely break up and become a pile of scattered light chips. It is a high-intensity magic element. Only because the strength and quality are high enough, it does not disappear instantly after collapsing, but is scattered in this way of light debris for a period of time before being assimilated by the environment.

After the general magic is broken up, it is not necessarily necessary to have such a long and gorgeous follow-up light effect ...

In the delay of this period, Zheng Yichen has been exposed to the light curtain of the sky, and the young women did not continue to attack, because Zheng Yichen passed the light curtain and circumvented the light curtain very smartly, using the shield in the light curtain. Xiaolong will choose the timing very well. After about half an hour later, after the structure of the light curtain is completely formed, he does not need the high-end combat power of the Templar Church to maintain it. At that time, Zheng Yichen dared to come and guarantee a crash in one second .

The nature of the light curtain is very special. Any special power that you are exposed to will be transformed into the power of the light curtain. The main function of the light curtain is to transform the light of the blood moon into the light of the white moon. This is unique to the church. The secret method usually has no effect. Only after the white moon changes to the blood moon will it exert enough power.

And, the closer Baiyue's transformation is to blood color, the greater the power it exerts. This is exactly the exclusive secret law for the witch. Baiyue's current color is already blood moon, and now the white moon transformed by the light curtain How powerful is the light? Some weak witches come to this area and will immediately be reduced to ordinary people!

Not to mention that the ability of the witch will be suppressed to the limit, that is, the magic power impregnated by the power of the witch will also be suppressed by death, which is also one of the major reasons why no witch is willing to mix witch hunting at this time. What are you doing here? If you ca n’t help, you ca n’t say anything about it. It ’s a physical way ~ ~ It ’s impossible to destroy the light curtain physically, so ... she is a little puzzled why the little dragon approached the light curtain so aggressively ... etc. Wait!

The young woman thought of the scene where Zheng Yichen grabbed the light gun. Perhaps his ability also had an effect on the light curtain? This should not be possible, after all, the light curtain that has now been expanded can even eliminate the power of the witch ...

"It's impossible !!" a bishop screamed in amazement, enveloped by a light curtain and transformed white moonlight, and the people in the entire camp could ignore the influence of the black moon. At this time, they casually looked up Looking at the sky and looking directly at the black moon have no problems. It is equivalent to looking directly at the blazing sun in a normal state. It is death. With a pair of sunglasses, it means that looking at the sun is the same thing.

It can be said that the people in the whole camp are watching the dragon in the sky. They do n’t want to hit this dragon, but the dragon that used to fly fast and shoot with a bow and arrow? It's too high to shoot, even if it can shoot at a speed, it can't keep up, Ballista? In order to deal with the witch, this thing is prepared, but holding this thing to the sky, I am afraid not to kill myself.

In short, Zheng Yichen's existence is like a mosquito on the clean lens ... he always attracts the eye, and he has done something more eye-catching. The light curtain in the sky was torn out by him with a huge mouth! !

"Fortunately, it's okay ... It's not difficult to grab ..." Zheng Yichen looked at the light curtain held on his paws. The light curtain was too large. The fact that he was worried about would take a long time to complete the grab, but the actual situation is that he You can grab the range that your two claws touch, and it ca n’t be affected elsewhere. Part of this light curtain seems to be independent. No matter what, your claws can be grabbed. The next step is to tear !