Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1338: 3 different views

"Yeah, can't you bear it?" Zheng Yichen, who went out, noticed some sights and said with a slight grin, the people of the dark church can't do unscrupulous activities here, but the people of the Aube Empire have nothing to do with it. What you see is the people of the Aube Empire.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, see how long you can bear it." Zheng Yichen waved his hand casually, walked towards the library, and looked at Zheng Yichen in the library. The eyes of the member of the Aube Empire blocked by Zheng Yichen moved slightly. After they learned that the dragon had dangerous things, they changed their original strategy.

Well, in the library, every bookshelf has space-level protection. There are questions about those protections. Some people in the New Alliance have said that there is a possibility that those protections should have corresponding keys, just like in a dungeon. Like the purple robe of the event, some spellcasters applied to study the machine that could produce clothing inside the ruins, to see if they could switch the mode of the machine to produce other types of things.

However, this application was rejected because the importance of that machine was too great. It was impossible to conduct too detailed research before the second one was large, or before it could be copied out. Some people are willing to take risks, but more people are unwilling to take risks under many unknown premises.

So after making a record of this matter, it will be gone, but after the people of the Aube Empire and the Dark Church knew that Zheng Yichen had a special single character, he thought that Zheng Yichen frequently entered and exited the library, but actually got it inside. If the dragon did n’t go to the treasure house, they all have to think that the dragon has also entered the treasure house.

As for the passages connected to the living area, you do n’t have to think too much. The dragon has a unicorn and ca n’t enter. The space is disordered and not space-level protection. The unicorn can poke space-level protection, but it does not mean that The penetrating space is disordered, and the penetrating part is only the part of the unicorn, not the person holding the unicorn.

It ’s just that they checked all the bookshelves that Zheng Yichen had contacted. The protection on those bookshelves is still space-level, and there is no difference from the previous ones. The information obtained from the dolls is that the penetration characteristics of the unicorn are destructive Something like a magical enchantment, as long as it is not persistent, will be directly pierced, like a balloon, of course, it does not matter if it is persistent, find important nodes, and directly destroy it.

The space-level protection on the bookshelf is continuous, so if you want to take out the books inside, it must be destroyed in a large range, otherwise the protection is like a water flow, and the sharp corners can be penetrated, but the result is a sharp The water flow was intercepted where the corner touched, but the water flow in other places was still intact.

It is for this reason that they have no way to determine whether Zheng Yichen actually took some books from the library. After all, all the books stored on the shelves are intact and cannot be directly touched and read, and they ca n’t pass external observation. Confirm whether there is a problem with those books.

In short, the more you know about the handling of this dragon, the more tricky it is. They find that there are too many secrets in Zheng Yichen's body, plus Zheng Yichen has always been mysterious. It was difficult to explore his secret.

Whoever let that dragon come into contact with others, never talk about the miscellaneous things, it is straight to the point, there are fewer humans who have a special relationship with him, and those who are related are collaborators with few opportunities to meet, those relationships Okay ... just a few.

In the library, Zheng Yichen noticed that his attention was increased again, and he gave a slight sigh. Although these sights were well hidden, Zheng Yichen was quite resistant to the environment inside the ruins. Those people were here The inside was greatly affected, as if the small map was fogged, but for Zheng Yichen, he was open.

With these circumstances, it was impossible for him to get a book, and Zheng Yichen vaguely confirmed that the Dark Church and the Aube Empire indeed knew some of his own information, otherwise he would not suddenly change this to promote himself. Vigilant behavior patterns.

Zheng Yichen simply left the library and walked towards the dungeon.

This time when I passed the place where the doll was, there was no sound. The eye demon lying on the prison door saw Zheng Yichen come to know. The big eyeball flashed a humanized look, and quickly After shrinking back and eating a lot of people who died, their decayed wisdom regained due to time.

The emotions that have been expressed also increase. For the eye demons, Zheng Yichen can't afford to exist. Not only that, this time through various observations, he found that Zheng Yichen's pace and breathing frequency have changed slightly. The state of mind at this moment is different from the previous state of mind. There is a considerable probability that it is the state of 'angry and unhappy'. For the ruthless people who cannot afford it, the most sensible way at this time is to choose to avoid.

If Zheng Yichen needs any special materials, he will throw away the eyeballs that look at the outside scenery on the spot to deal with it, and the money will be eliminated. No, it will not be regarded as the money. Many people come here to exchange food and drink without losing money.

Speaking of ... There are so many things happening in the outside world. Most of the mortalities it devours are ordinary people. They do n’t know much information, but if they eat more, they learn more information. Call of Duty, unknown producer, who is the emerging existence of this era, because it is a matter of nearly ten years, so these dead people also know.

As for the existence of evil gods, witches, and pseudo-gods ... Fortunately, the evil gods actually existed in their time, which is a little different from what was known in this era. The existence of the witch? What is that? If it weren't for swallowing the memory of living people, it would be confusing for monsters, okay?

There is also an abyss evil disaster, there is an impression on the abyss side, but for the eye demons, both sides are well-watered and do not violate the river water. There is an impression but the degree of understanding is so little. The producer has a relationship. Rao is a creature with a monster mentality, such as the eye demons. It also has emotions and surprises about the changes of the times ...

It grabbed a little bit of information about the historical faults from those people ’s memories. It was unclear when the historical faults occurred, but the eye demons knew that the existence of this ruin must have disappeared, as long as they could go out, Then there will be no second place in the world to restrict them.

No, no, you should do a good research. What if this place is just a branch of the ancients?

All of these are things that can only be done after going out first. Now let's stay honestly in this place. This dragon is really weird. Except for the two dangerous things, he is here. It can also ignore the anomalies of the environment inside, as if it were really those ancient existences.

These dungeon creatures can ignore the dungeon environment a little, because the dungeon has been slightly damaged, so it can show its strength more. When the dungeon is intact, it can really show the abnormal existence. Only the doll that is opposite the door, For the doll, when the eye demons were young, they were quite ordinary about the other party.

After all, everyone is being kept here, it seems more powerful? Isn't it more serious that I was locked in this place? There is nothing remarkable about half a catty.

It ’s just that after the doll shows the anomaly that can be shown in the dungeon, the eye demons know who is the eldest sister. At the same time, the door of this cage can also provide protection for it. But it is clear that all nearby dungeon creatures are the most intelligent.

For this doll, the eye demons are quite dreadful, especially when someone communicates with her, the eye demons have not found any abnormalities at first, but after using special preparations and repeatedly confirming it, they realize that they are in that When observing it, it is actually a creature of the trick.

If it hadn't recovered a lot while taking advantage of its physical condition, it made an independent eyeball for deeper observation in the corner of the cell. It really didn't realize the problem, so the cage was the prison cage that held them. Can provide them with unique protection under certain circumstances.

As long as it is not close to the door, and the eye demons repeatedly observed in the follow-up time, it noticed that the doll's existence of Zheng Yichen is full of alternative exploration ... As for the closed chamber? Please, the dungeons have been slightly damaged, even though their suppressed power still can't be exerted, even shaking the entire dungeon, but their light strength can already be used lightly.

How can an iron shell with no magical properties block its peeping?

Ignorant and arrogant human beings ... it is death without limits. In the memory of its eye demons, many humans once released some evil things from the suppressed people or accidentally broke something and woke up. There are certain unknowns, but the level of world power at that time was quite high. Even if something went wrong and brought major disasters, it would not lead to the destruction of the world.

But there is not such a God ... There are not many in the memory of the eye demons. According to some little relevant information, the existence of God is legendary. Is there any specific, some people believe, but some people do not believe at all, This is the case when there are real disappearances.

Is there really such a God? The eye demons are unclear. Anyway, when it was not thrown into the dungeon, it had never seen any real gods. Some of them were particularly powerful creatures. Dragon creatures knew it. After all, the dragon broke its shell. It was already there when the inheritance memory was obtained.

The history is a little bit older, and it ’s just that the existence of dragons has nothing to do with humans. In the era of eye demons, humans are only part of the continent. One of the hundred races, there are strong ones, but the overall is not ranked. Type, how can such creatures imitate creatures of other races?

Not to mention the current metamorphosis, the dragon clan becomes humanoid? This was an incredible thing in its era. On the earth, if human beings can become other animals, it is a novel experience, as long as it can be changed back, but it is outside the world. The three views of Bian are different from those of the earth, let alone the three views of the non-human race.

Change into a weak creature? What a shame? In order to change into that, a set of changes has been specially researched, is it too shameful? For more convenience? Just kidding, it's just changing a form, what's the convenience? Body size advantage?

No, no, the powerful at that time did not need to change these at all. When they wanted some convenience, they adapted the environment to them, instead of adapting themselves to the environment, changing their body shape, and changing into other forms or small forms. It is purely an act of lack of ability and speculation.

It ’s only necessary to change to a more powerful existence. If human beings were very representative in that era, there might be a special power-using technique such as deforming in that era, but humans at that time were just like that. It's all about, it's not worth the higher race to follow suit.

But now the eye demons only think that the times have changed. What kind of stuff, in the swallowed memory, he knows that the young man is a dragon, a small dragon, and the transformation technique seems to be related to him. Even the dragon clan also cares about this, so the dragon clan is What about messing around?

The eye demons want to get some means for those people to send it to some high-quality dead, at least the quality is up, and there are more things to know, unlike what it has eaten before, integrating all the memories After that, the important information obtained was also scattered.

In the eyes of the eye demons, the dragon clan is still powerful. This is mainly because the dragon clan it contacts is only Zheng Yichen, which is the humanoid dragon that often moves in the dungeon. Not to mention that this change is a shameful behavior in its time. What ’s more, this dragon can ignore the suppression of the dungeon.

The other party is still a small dragon, and the small dragon can achieve this degree. Doesn't this change show that the dragon family is powerful? What happened to the mainland from place to place, the powerful dragon clan even broke away from the continent, and human beings became the main continent?

Where did the powerful Baizu go?

The eyes of the demon watched that he still had a lot of withered bodies. It was suppressed in the dungeon for too long. There was no supplement for a long time, so that it could only consume itself to maintain its existence, even if it was supplemented by subsequent meals. After the partial consumption, in fact its overall recovery is less than one-tenth of its heyday.

More importantly, in this suppressed environment, it is very good that these dungeon creatures can guarantee the subsequent recovery to the state of full prosperity in that year. Is the accumulation of time stronger? There is no such thing. If it wasn't for the existence of the dungeons in order to obtain qualified materials, this dungeon is estimated to wear away the upper limit of their strength to ensure stability, but it is essentially a material production base, not a real cage.

There is no need to make a mechanism to reduce the upper limit of strength. They are weak, and the quality of the material on the body will naturally decrease. At the same time, it is also a manifestation of the confidence of those who exist. Even if there is no mechanism for removing the upper limit of power, the dungeon is still They can overwhelm them, and there haven't been any major problems until now ... well, it's not that the dungeon has a small breach for unknown reasons, that's really no problem at all.

So I do n’t know how many years have passed. The upper limit of the strength of these dungeon creatures still remains at the level of being thrown in, that is, too much time is consumed, so that their strength is seriously lacking, and each one is in a state of extreme lack of blue. It's not something that can be recovered by simply eating something. Humans are one of the recipes?

Don't be funny, it doesn't exist. In the era of the eye demons, the existence of human beings is not even a snack in the eyes of many powerful races. What is the nutrition of ordinary human beings? Soul spirituality is high? Bah, do you look down on other Bai people? At that time, there was only one choice among various powerful recipes.


At that time, there was no deliberate targeting of untargeted people, and there was nothing special about human beings. What other races were necessary to target, and other races hunted to become stronger and eat normally? You can eat whatever you want, as long as it is not a creature of your own family.

For now, the eye demons want to restore their own physical state. If they have a choice, it will not choose the dead ones. Is the stronger Warcraft bad? Are stronger humans bad? Why do you have to use quantity pile quality? If not, who would choose the worst option?

Compared with the big shrimp and the big lobster, which one is more delicious?

In the three views of human beings, the eye demons are cannibalism and monsters. In the three views of the eye demons, humans are also almost monsters. The eye demons seem to have the same size, number, and brightness as the eyes of the same family. My own beauty, but in the eyes of mankind ... What a ghost of spiritual pollution! ?

On the side of the eye demons, humans? As far as the two eyes are concerned, I ca n’t even show half of the volume. How can I see things clearly? There are other sensory organs all concentrated in one place, densely packed, even the most able to show individual charm and important eyes can not be taken out, what is this monster?

Although the existence of the dragon clan does not conform to the eye demons' aesthetics, in the eyes of the eye demons, the dragon clan's eyes are very large, like a bright moon, and it is particularly attractive to the eye demons, and the existence of humans can pull down, the same humans look at the eyes The devil feels infiltrating, but when watching cats and dogs, he can easily accept it.

The aesthetics of the two sides are different. As for the cannibalism, it also wants to say whether it can be changed. Warcraft or something is acceptable. The monster has a unique taste and feels that human beings are delicious. of!

They believe that the deliciousness is more about the strength of the carrier. How high is the quality? If it is high, it is delicious. Some ethnic groups still eat stones. What is the taste of stones? What they taste is not the taste of stone, but the power contained in the special stone.

In short, I have come into contact with modern humans more recently. The eye demons have deeply felt the arrogance of modern humans. There is no “modesty” in the era of a hundred people. There is too much self-consideration. Can people just like this? It prefers to eat those spirits, OK?

In addition, although many ethnic tastes are normal, people who eat barbecue will also feel fragrant, and the food after adding spices is more tempting to them, but it does not mean that all ethnic tastes are normal. There is no normal taste, normal flesh has no substantial taste at all, and the flavour is the energy contained in flesh and blood, so under this premise, how can some people think that these dungeon creatures like to eat people? ?

It's a normal piece of meat that can be eaten well, saying that they like to eat people, and they are too worthy of their race.

From the heart, the eye demons are also coveted to the dragon meat, of course, not to taste the taste of dragon meat, but the taste of the energy contained in the dragon meat, but now it is just looking at the back of Zheng Yichen, the dragon family does not It's annoying, even if it's a little dragon, not to mention that this little dragon still has quite dangerous weapons in its hands.

The eye demons withdrew their eyes, and they had a lot of thoughts. This is also a state of dungeon creatures. They ca n’t leave this ghost place. They spend their time relying on their thoughts. When they are boring, they sleep for a while and avoid sleeping. Just die, crazy? Humans will feel crazy in such an environment, and their existence does not matter. The current state is far from reaching the lower limit of crazy eye demons.

Can't stand sleeping for a thousand years, and after waking up, the past thousand years are the same as yesterday. Can humans achieve this degree? The tribe of the eye demons can pull out a random one that can live more than five hundred years ~ ~ This is still an ordinary tribe, can humans do it? Of course, comparing the number of eye demons with humans, it immediately becomes ‘can eye demons do it? ’.

Various races have the advantages of various races. Humans are multiplying fast, which may make humans easily become the food of certain creatures, but there are many races that reproduce faster than humans in that era. Human beings who have mastered power have become so self-righteous, of course, this is not all generalized, but many of the eye demons that come into contact with this are like this.

This may be the reason that they are imprisoned in the dungeon, and they cannot be affected. The mentality of seeing beasts in the zoo, okay, this mentality does not affect their knowledge of the danger of beasts, and they will not easily die. Do something to release.

"Hello? Are you in a daze?"

"..." The eyes of the Demon blinked together. How did this humanoid dragon come back so quickly?

Zheng Yichen handed in a black bag in a good manner: "Do you understand what I mean?"

The eye demons don't know the meaning of the word egg pain, but it has this feeling at the moment, meaning he understands, but why didn't this step come with the kind of breath of destructive power?