Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1352: Active contact

"Um ... let's do this first." Zheng Yichen looked at the things in his hand and nodded to himself to study such things as the magic technology. He kept his brain hole and kept showing it. Enough is enough. For a mature type, it is not necessary to take out a brain. He only needs to figure out enough research directions.

The research institutes in other worlds are generally called workshops. Small workshops are used by themselves. If large workshops are used by a group of people, the larger ones will go directly to the level of the magic tower. It is similar to the magic tower, so there are quite a few research projects that can be set up ...

Even for many projects, Zheng Yichen does n’t need too much deliberate design, just refer to the research of the Science and Technology City. There are a lot of “fantasy technologies” in the Science and Technology City in the Unreal World. Things are the main thing, as long as you follow the route of the Science and Technology City. Even if you can't achieve all of them, achieving one-fifth, the changes that can bring to the outside world are also huge.

For example ... mobile phones in the true sense, such things as computers!

The magic soldier call book requires the magic soldier contract to be used. Even if the magic soldier contract will continue to increase according to the number of people, but this kind of thing is only suitable for the existence of magic, the use of this by people without magic has no meaning at all, on the contrary Things like mobile computers are very casual.

Simply speaking, that kind of thing can't be used by people who can't use the body to discharge, and the magic of the caster is the same as electric energy ...

Ordinary people do n’t have the magic power, they do n’t have the function of discharging, they can only contact the magic soldier network in other ways, and there are not few daily appliances and other things, such as positive induction cookers, electric kettles, etc. There are similar products in the Eastern and Western world, but those are all magical creations, and they can be used by a few people after all.

There are too many things that can be developed in daily life. For now, just pick one and you can do research for a considerable period of time. As for weapons of war ... Well, just like that, the growth of technology will inevitably Zheng Yichen cannot stop the rapid development of war weapons. He cannot give up because the growth of technology will drive the growth of weapon technology.

"Well, the next step is grouping. Let's let the professional come." Zheng Yichen accepted the identity of the director of the institute, but he will not be strangled here. Zheng Yichen has too many official things to do, and the outer war has fought. The magical girl Magic Boy he stocked should pay more attention to it, even though he can operate in multiple lines, he likes to arrange them in a sequence and solve them one by one.

For the things on the research side, he set a big policy, and the rest is to be managed by suitable managers. Zheng Yichen took out some breakthrough things at a critical time. It is enough to improve the cohesion of the research. If all the special omnipotence has been shown in all aspects, what would the group of casters who come here do?

He can fill this place by himself. Okay, in terms of the manager, some people can be sent over there from Qin. For the Potionist Association, Zheng Yichen contacted them to consider the automated potions. Large-scale development of the world, automation is essential.

Do n’t look at the fact that the magic power of the other world is very developed. In fact, many things are produced by humans, especially related to magic, and more than half of them are like this. Speaking of this, the relic living area on the other side of the new alliance is actually It seems quite advanced, like the Purple Robe, which has automated production machines, and other things. Zheng Yichen doubted whether there had been a similar to the traverser at the beginning ...

Well, it's a bit arrogant to think this way. People from outside world are not fools. Even though the technology tree of development is different, some things are common after all, and the development is still restricted by the power, as long as the productivity goes up ... hum.

There is also the Great Wall at the border, and there is also interest in things on Zheng Yichen ’s side. Although the strength of the Great Wall at the border no matter what else, it can enhance the defense force of the Great Wall at the border. They are still interested. See if they accept the subway first. To put it bluntly, Zheng Yichen mentioned this matter, and he wanted to send some excellent deputies to the other side of the Great Wall.

The subway there is running smoothly. After connecting to the huge magical source of the Great Wall at the border, no matter whether it is an emergency operation or a daily operation, even some crystalline **** can be used extra, and the solid waste utilization Now, people at the Great Wall are completely adapted to that kind of transportation.

Time concept is good and even has a new schedule, which is specially made according to the operating subway. The situation there is special. Even the daily life is rarely lax. The time for the subway to leave is fixed, as long as it is not The most important thing is that it will never be late or hindered.


If you miss it late and have confidence in your foot strength, you can try to chase your car with your feet. People who belong to the side of the Great Wall are free to take the subway. As for the adventurers over there, the mercenary needs to pay. The corresponding cost.

The initial benefits of the subway are not obvious, but after a long period of operation, the benefits of the subway are intuitively reflected. Compared with the benefits of the Great Wall before the subway, compared with the benefits of the subway With more benefits and more savings, the efficiency of some things has improved even more. With such convenient things, how can the Great Wall at the border be unimpressed?

Therefore, with Zheng Yichen ’s strong relationship, even without the support of the Rabst Empire, he can pull out a group of people in a short time. In addition to the people who gathered from his own network, he is only his own. Fame can also attract many casters.

It can take up to a week for this place to be initially on track. Before that, the project must be well established, and the management staff must be in place. By the way, a few exchanges will be essential. There are many spellcasters and deputies who come here. Little, there may be upward communication among these people, and not much is really known. Communication will be indispensable. After a few exchanges, these people will be familiar with it. It is easier to find people with common hobbies. Very good.

"An exchange meeting, who are you willing to help me participate?" Zheng Yichen sent a message in the witch group.

"I'm going!" Eve came out first, and there was nothing to do there in Puli's dungeon. When the Aub Empire ignited the war, the members of the alien guild over Kaga evacuated. Their guild was only a small one. Guilds, unlike the mercenary guild, even if the war begins, as long as the neutral state is not destroyed, the impact can only be said to be general.

The alien guild is different. If you do n’t make it, the Aube Empire will start with the Little Animal League first. If they do n’t, the dark church will also start.

It ’s good to leave early, so the core development area of ​​the Interracial Association is the Puli underground city. Fortunately, when Ilin and the Puli claned, I bought a fairly large piece of land by the way, and it is just in time to catch up. During the rising period of the rocket, the alien guild also took advantage of the characteristics of this period to develop vigorously, but the development returned to development. ,

There is really not much to do now!

In the war years, others trusted the stable mercenary guild more. The interracial guilds were too weak in the eyes of those people. Many commissions were related to aliens, and even many aliens sent related commissions to the mercenary guild.

Eve is busy now.

Zheng Yichen wanted to find a shadow warrior as a stand-in, to take part in the airport exchange meeting of the Magic Technology Institute for him, and Eve could not help jumping out.

"I can go too." Elin and Roris spoke at almost the same time, and then Loris in the underground base glanced at Elin.

"Then you go." She has learned a lot of knowledge when she is idle and reading, but the knowledge is theory, and the practice is not as good as Irene. Since she wants the past, the effect is much better than that of Roris.

"Uh ... what about me?" Eve couldn't help but said. The two witches looked at the middle witch together. The young witch was only 400 years old, and the two witches were about one thousand years old. I felt a lot of pressure in front of me: "I think Sister Yilin is more suitable. I mean I will go when no one is there."

So the matter was settled.

Zheng Yichen didn't expect Yi Lin to be interested in this matter, so there was nothing to say. Since she was interested, Zheng Yichen would definitely not refuse it. As for the witch's acting ability, after the movie ... it was almost the same, anyway The bear child Eve in the witch can often play.

After getting on the right track, Zheng Yichen took out his constantly updated schedule and looked at the time. When someone took his place as a shadow warrior instead of himself to participate in the exchange meeting, he could focus on other things, the war on the road Burning, Zheng Yichen has not yet felt the specific atmosphere of the mainland, and more understanding is from the written point of view.

Is like the kind of war-related news that I saw from the earth before crossing. No matter how fierce the description is, what is felt in the peaceful area is still the same, feel the same? People who haven't really been to the war zone will feel what it feels like, but it's better to look over in person.

So there was one more lone adventurer carrying a giant sword on the mainland. Several mercenaries looked at the rather scary giant sword. They kept their quietness in the wild shop with restraint, a rare wild shop. They also don't want to be kicked out because they are impulsive or cheap.

The female managers of the wild shops are all particularly cruel. There are already too many people who have died to death. Especially the female managers who have children are more dangerous. The weapons they use are stronger. Many hidden dangers. As for those children, they were met on the eve of the war, and the poor children who were kindly adopted by the kindness of the female shopkeeper of the wild shop ... just listen!

Professionals don't care about this, just a child who has lost all their loved ones. There were too many of these people during the war, one more, one less, one less, no one would care, they care about this kind of belt The child's field store is more likely to be transformed into a mystery store.

When this group of mercenaries came here, they discovered that there was a little girl in this wild shop, and they were immediately surprised. If the probability of the wild shop turning into a mysterious shop is 1%, then it ’s unreliable according to nothing. According to statistics, the chance of changing a wild shop with a child is 10%!

Although it ’s still a very low probability, it ’s okay to have some luck here. They are waiting here and ordering cheap drinks ... Well, the Mobing Network has made those merchants who are engaged in premiums violently murderous, as long as they are Where the Internet is connected, even in desert areas, things like water are cheap!

Of course, this is just the convenience of the magic soldier. If it is not the magic soldier, would you still want to buy something at a premium in a special area, civilian? What civilians should be or what.

It ’s just that while they were waiting, suddenly a new professional came here. The wild, a person, with a huge sword. This combination at a glance knows that it ’s not annoying, plus the other party has entered the wild shop. It's natural to talk about hands-on, the female manager is not irritating.

After the other party brought out the big and thick weapon, the people present could not eat and walk around. According to the statistics of the idle chat, most of the female shop managers were quite grumpy and served normally. It looks normal, once it enters an abnormal state ...

The ghost maid who is in charge of this wild shop is also looking at the new adventurer with a headache. He rubs a small button in his hand and does not know whether he should press it. This is how the boss came to the branch! Although there is nothing to show, it is impossible to care less.

Not to mention that the boss is acting, she can't debunk, she has to cooperate with the show.

The atmosphere in the wild shop is very dull. The magical girls who use the soul gems here frequently look sideways at the stiff atmosphere, and even the desire to read books is gone. She even wonders whether these people will Immediately, Zheng Yichen, who appeared to be using ice to eat and drink water alone, did not even have wine, seemed extremely restrained. In fact, he was checking the body of the magic girl ... cough.

It literally means that a little girl could not detect the magic released on her body, repeatedly confirming her current physical state. The magical girl ’s soul gem attribute is dark. This attribute is the most influential on physique. Property, but after Zheng Yichen came over to check it, there was no surprise in her growth.

The quality of Soul Gem has grown steadily. Although the physique has become a little bit out of ordinary people under the influence of Dark Soul Gem, the change is just an adaptive change, not a malignant one. There is nothing to say about this change. After the powerful caster has the attribute magic power, continue to enhance this magic power, and his constitution will also be affected by subtle influence.

The additional enhancement of the affinity, resistance, etc. of the corresponding attributes are normal changes. Mastering something like power will definitely cause changes in the body. If there is no such change, then the value of power will also be reduced a lot. It cannot be said that people who are good at fire magic are much more likely to be burned to death than ordinary people.

Give her about five years to ensure that she can grow up to be a very good professional, hateful, and have a stronger desire to become stronger. This ghost maid takes care of her very well, without long-term distortion and getting along. Feelings are also very good. In the eyes of this little girl, the ghost maid here is positioned like a big sister or a stepmother.

There is no meaning for Zheng Yichen to interfere with it, just follow its natural development. Isn't it the ghost maid's.

"Checkout!" Zheng Yichen glanced at the bill on the display screen on the table, grabbed some silver coins and put them on the table, simply eating, drinking, and not using much money, this is still his choice of better food. Otherwise, the copper coins can complete the payment.

Watching him leave, the mercenaries were relieved, and then resumed their normal eating, drinking, bragging and chatting. As everyone knows, as long as there is no conflict in the wild shop, it is a fairly stable safe house that annoys people here. ... Think about the news on the Magic Soldiers Forum not long ago, that the dragon and the forces of the three parties had a fierce battle, and they left smoothly.

There is no win or loss, so there are not many people who dare to provoke him.

Then Zheng Yichen changed to another field store, of course, used another image, checked all the magical girls on one side, two of them had quite serious problems, and the two problems were not so serious. It is enough for the author to correct it. The former almost made themselves like a puppet.

They tried to change the proportion of souls in the soul gems, but they did it, so under the drive of hatred, anything could be done. The soul proportion of soul gems cannot be higher than the body, even if it is 0.1% less The amount can not be exceeded or even. Once such a situation occurs, the soul gem will not let the user lose itself against the customer, but the soul gem will also become their real weakness.

Under the normal premise, after the soul gem is destroyed, it will be weak and lose its strength, but it will never die. As for the soul is missing, it will be like that soon after using the soul gem. It will take a long time, and its own soul has recovered. There will be such a problem. It is like cutting one arm and leg for additional training. The new arm and leg of one's own haven't grown out. If you cut it off, you must have lost an arm.

After growing up, it's okay to lose yourself.

So the proportion of the soul must not be unbalanced. If it is unbalanced, it will be a loss of the ground. If it is unbalanced, the soul consciousness will be slowly and completely pulled into the soul gem.

At that time, it could still dominate the body, and there would be no abnormalities in the operation of the body, but if the gems were gone, it would be completely over. For these two magical girls, Zheng Yichen gave the education task to the corresponding ghost maid This kind of education is long-lasting, and what Lori has cultivated. Now, he does not have so much leisure time.

This is a special assessment for the ghost maid. Now that they have all the things they have dreamed of, they want to get more in the future, so they should work well. It has always been easy to make people lazy.

In addition to these magical girls who can be observed immediately, the rest are scattered. For these people, it is not difficult for Zheng Yichen to find. The soul gem is not a back door made by him. It is just that some people have developed well. But some soul gems have been abandoned.

"... Okay, this is normal." Zheng Yichen looked at a hidden stronghold area in front of him and turned away from here. The soul gems given out could not make all the people who got them grow up, and there were also a few accidents. There are many geniuses in the records that can be found.

Not to mention these unconventional forms of people who gain strength?

When the soul gem is abandoned, it means that the user has died. Now the soul gem is being studied at the stronghold in the front. Zheng Yichen does not mean to interfere in the past. The soul gem is also made with the knowledge of the undead witch. Like the original stone forest.

It has n’t been researched for a long time, and eventually became a unique forbidden land. Sooner or later, the Soul Gem will be learned sooner or later. It does n’t matter if someone has paid attention to it. There is not much relevant information on the forum. The news of creation was blocked by these people.

Leaving and returning, Zheng Yichen silently marked this place and passed it to the dark web.

Taking his things, based on the normal circulation process, he would n’t dismantle the place without saying a word, otherwise the seeds that were sown would have happened one by one, he found them one by one and could tired him. To die, it is not necessary to shoot directly.

Compared with the seeds that have not grown up, Zheng Yichen is very optimistic about the few soul gem holders who have grown very well. For example, the boy who is his own in the fire, he chose the path of war mercenaries. The girl Kaxia who became a qualified person of the artificial witch ~ ~ When Zheng Yichen found her, the girl was already in the ranks of an adventurer.

In short, all those who can grow up have already adapted to the new changes in the mainland in a short time. These people are homeless. It is not very rare to show such adaptability. In this regard, Zheng Yichen By the way, I noticed that there is not much change in the number of ghosts and gods at present. At first, there were so many things that Zheng Yichen secretly did, and later ... It depends on the operations performed by those fanatic depraved people. The following odds are not so easy to appear.

The dark clouds of war have suppressed these things, but these things can gradually take root in the war and eventually have a profound impact on the mainland.

"Another order?" Looking at what Oro brought out, the bodyguard jumped slightly in the corner of his eyes. The first two days Oro had just dealt with this kind of thing. Will there be something new in two days? There are too many people who die?

"It's not a secret order, it's a secret order." Oro looked at this secret order seriously, and didn't care about the bodyguards in this place. He could be an insider: "Dragons took the initiative to contact the church."

"..." The bodyguard was expressionless, he didn't want to hear this troublesome thing!