Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1365: Draw

There is such a subtle misunderstanding in Fengyan City, Zheng Yichen is not clear, but according to the results of his analysis of the information he owns, the point that Fengyan City should become a unique stage and that subtle misunderstanding can also be regarded as Repeated.

After all, there will definitely be a performance here ... Whether it is a real coincidence or the result of being influenced by people, it has become such a situation. If you do n’t really perform, then it seems too much to gather in this place. It's a pity.

"Fengyan City, named after a kind of Warcraft, okay, traditional customs." Zheng Yichen looked at the relevant information of Fengyan City. There is even a legend in this place. Simply speaking, it was Fengyan City. When the king started, there was a special story about the Warcraft such as Fengyan, so in the future when the country was founded, the city was named Fengyan.

Similar situations abound. The existence of Warcraft itself is a powerful symbol. Even the most common Warcraft can use the magic-like power. It is a talent that ordinary people ca n’t match, so look at the name of Warcraft. , And then make a comparison to find similar cities.

This is only one of them. Sometimes, some small countries will fight because of this name too close, small countries also want to face.

What does Fengyan such a Warcraft ... It is really similar to the swallow in Zheng Yichen's cognition, the flying ability is a sudden stroke, that is, the combat effectiveness is slightly lower, this Warcraft is not big in size, but its flexibility is quite top in Warcraft Well, when it comes to lethality, I am afraid that even a close-level caster is far inferior, but flexibility can make high-level stalkers feel a headache.

Zheng Yichen expressed his interest in this kind of Warcraft, especially the unique flying ability. Zheng Yichen felt that if he could study thoroughly, the War Dragon mech could be equipped with the Fengyan series of floating guns. By the way, the royal family on the side of Fengyan City looks like There is also a high-end sword skill called Fengyan swordsmanship.

This Zheng Yichen glanced away with just a glance. He didn't have much peace of mind to study the stronger power of magic, let alone something like swordsmanship. When did he continue to prefer scientific research? Is something coming?

Was it frustrating to try to fight back in the first place, but it failed even earlier? Zheng Yichen thought for a moment, and then directly pulled his attention back to Fengyan, a kind of Warcraft. There is nothing to say about the miscellaneous things. Since he has gone this route, he will go to the apex before saying anything else. This It was useless to think so much before.

It's not a bad way to make him stronger. It's okay to change it a few years ago. Now I have no chance and no time.

"Okay, that's it!" Zheng Yichen called Lily. The girl blinked her eyes at Zheng Yichen with great expectations. She had always wanted to do something substantial for Zheng Yichen, but before Zheng Yichen was dismissed on the grounds that she had not graduated and was still young.

Now that Zheng Yichen seems to have made a decision to let her show her fists, how can she not expect it?

"Which brother is going to start with?"

"Don't say that, we are not so violent, there is no one to start now, the dark church? The dark church will say it later, and when the big thing is completed, there is scum." Zheng Yichen said to Lily, who was too positive. This girl can It is not unreasonable to develop all kinds of brutal sonic crit combat skills.

In the past, she was gloomy because of her experience. Later, this gradually improved. But improvement does not mean that part disappeared, but moved to other aspects, such as being particularly violent.

"What are you doing?"

"Help me catch some Warcraft, the kind of very difficult, in the process is not allowed to let Zenia do you a favor." Zheng Yichen asked Lily, Lily's one-handed sonic combat skills are very powerful, but I also said just now The flexibility and speed of Fengyan's Warcraft are top notch, even high-level stalkers can't stand it.

However, the flexibility and speed of this Warcraft MAX can still be pricked after encountering the caster. After all, the caster's attack range is wider, a big move is covered, and what kind of swallows must be turned into small ones. bird.

"Feng Yan ..." Lily looked down at Feng Yan's relevant information. She directly ignored the fighting power of this little thing. After looking at the key points, she felt that this was Zheng Yichen's first test, to see her real combat ability. If you can do it more beautifully, there will be formal things to do afterwards, right?

She agreed very simply: "How much to catch?"

"Come on ten first." Zheng Yichen said that the previous research did not require so many Fengyan, and Zheng Yichen's research did not dissect every time. The brutal operation such as splitting the limbs, not to mention bloody, life is not necessary. The convenience of magic is far beyond the imagination of normal people.

Moreover, this kind of research is also amateurish. It is purely to pass sporadic time. It is good to be able to study what is good. If you ca n’t research it, you do n’t have to ask for it later.

In the hotel, Oss looked at the young man who had taken the black smoke from his face without forgetting to eat in front of him. An old trough in his heart wanted to vomit or be unhappy. No matter how they are blocked, they can be found, unless there is a very powerful oracle to help cover.

"Green, let's talk about it." Oss thought for a while, and couldn't think of a better way to explain it. He simply asked Green to talk about it. About how they sat together, this is easy to say, naturally because of their The strength is close to 100 million, which makes other competitors feel ashamed of the results.

Of course, the Avengers are also very eye-catching, thinking that Oss and others are the objects who can sit down to eat and chat, so they agreed to this table.

The reputation of Oss and others is no longer weak. The Avengers have learned a lot about Oss after contacting the Magic Soldier Forum. It is not that he has no information to find Oss when he is idle, but a lot of information in this regard. , Occasionally flipping through the Magic Soldier Forum will bring up some new ones.

The main reason is that some people who are idle have come up with comparison-making lists, ranking lists, celebrity lists and other profit-making posts. The more he sees, the more he knows about Oss. The positive and negative information Yes, of course, because of some special characteristics and absolute real-name system.

Even if you do some breaking news, you have to come according to the actual situation. If you really want to discredit or stolen something, it ’s generally okay for the weak, but it ’s not serious for the powerful people. In fact, they said that they wouldn't be able to come to the door the next day ... no need to fight online.

For these reasons, before he met Oss, he had a certain degree of favorable foundation for this person who can be said to be a legend. Initially, he chose the path of a cultist for his sister. Oss was also an ordinary person. That is, his luck is a little better than himself. He encountered the first pseudo-religious religion, so he had the opportunity to start the wrong way.

By the way, some regrets have been recovered. He has no chance of recovering regrets, but he now has the power to restore regrets to others, as long as this road does not go wrong.

"What to say?" The Avengers asked.

"Just ... your appearance, there is no need to hide it at all." Green explained to the doubtful Avengers: "If someone really wants to know your identity, it is too easy, and your trail is not. It may be hidden, even if you can solve all the witnesses, but do n’t forget that this world still has prophecy. "

"I just don't want to keep having trouble in the beginning."

"What you say is meaningless, as long as you continue to do what you are doing now, there will never be less trouble."

They will not get some commissions for the Avengers, but those who often do bad things, as they learn more about the Avengers afterwards, and feel that this person is a huge threat, they will spontaneously unite to buy murders.

Common things can't be more common. At the beginning, because of the special magic soldiers and the uniqueness of the magic eyes, many people gave him a reward ... special rewards for his things.

"So if you cover yourself so tightly, it will only allow those who are incapable and self-confident to find out your hidden face, and that is the extra trouble. Instead, let others look at it from the beginning. It can ignore a lot of extra trouble. "

Many things are more concealed and easier to cause curiosity. It is better to show them generously from the beginning. Even if it will cause some problems initially, the problems that can be caused will not have too much stamina, and the Avengers Such a one-handed operation is undoubtedly a bit horny.

It ’s better to be simple. Some people want to see it and let them watch it. Although his identity will cause him a lot of trouble, but there are so many people in the world, after all, the real trouble is only a few people, more bad people. ? More bad guys are not concentrated in one place, like a cabbage in a vegetable field, they are always worried that the Avengers will suddenly get nervous and will have a massacre on the vegetable garden.

They are distributed in various places, the world is so big, maybe the Avengers will not meet them in their lifetime, so some people will worry about practical actions, but more people are at most to understand, surprise, care about , I ignored it in two days.

He overshadowed himself, but he was able to attract more curious people ... whether it was good or bad.

"And you are like this, so that some people who know your story and want to add a friend can't directly contact you." Green shared his life experience with the Avengers, and then a new friend started.

They knew the name of the Avengers ... Berson.

Originally, Bosen did not intend to add friends, but after Green told him a good reason, Bosen agreed. Now is the age of the magic soldier network. The friends of the network are not the same as the friends in reality. It can be more casual, not to pay too much friendship.

Of course, it ’s a really good chat. You can also want to use Xieji as a real friend. At other times, online friends are more of a simple chat exchange object, exchange some experience, and do not need to be confidential. Things, so as to reach a level where you are in one place, but you know a lot of places.

In addition to these, if some online friends are very powerful, I am not sure when I can entrust these online friends. Compared with casually looking for some mercenaries, the reliability of those online friends I have added is slightly higher. some.

"That's fine. For example, if you have any troubles that are not easy to solve in the future, we have the ability to help solve them. We can contact us directly and make up for the compensation afterwards." Green added after adding friends. On the shoulder of Burson, this young man is younger than Oss, who has had many experiences.

It's just that the expression is even more gloomy. No matter how bad Oss's experience is, at least her sister's life is getting better and better. If Burson's words ... I'm afraid it's another situation. It's just that people don't go the wrong way.

"Why do you do such a thing?" Bosen asked uncomfortably.

"Probably you are a bit like the original captain. Of course, the main thing is that you are not a bad person. You are really one less when you are gone, so you can help as much as you can, and we are not White work. "

Green is very good at communicating with others, and he is also very good at seeing people. He can see that Avenger Bosen is a really good child. Judging from his own age, Bosen is really similar to a child. In the communication just now , Green also captured a lot of information that Bosen accidentally revealed.

He is also a troublesome person. Oss was able to get started and had traces. He directly believed in the magic sword sect, so he directly obtained the power of the pseudo-god. The power of Bosen is not the power of a pseudo-god. It is not an orthodox magic system, nor is it a force awakened by stimulation.

So the question is, what is the source of this power? An ordinary person wants to start as the Avengers Bosen in a short time. That is not a difficult problem, but something that can never happen, but this kind of thing happened to Bosen.

This is not a hidden danger? It ’s just that Green ca n’t ask it directly, and the relationship between the two parties ca n’t be said how good it is. If such a question is asked directly, it will cause additional problems. It ’s better to think about not caring about it. Add a friend right now. That ’s enough, I ’ll talk about the rest later.

They are not people who can manage everything, and they have a good impression on the Avengers. It does not mean that they have to contract all the things that the other party encounters. This is Burson ’s own business. Since enjoying the benefits of some kind of 'opportunities', That must be paid accordingly.

The things that are done right now are enough, the curiosity is satisfied when contacting the Avengers, and the corresponding purpose is achieved. The other is the things that the Avengers have to deal with.

At the end of the dinner, Bosen was thinking about some things in his room. The words Green said before eating with a full life experience, although not let him grow a lot overnight, but can be judged by the subsequent summary Out of the negligence caused by some of his previous actions, some places Green really makes sense ...

He has been covering up his appearance all the time. He really thinks a little bit. If he still has something to worry about, covering up his appearance is still useful. The key is that he has nothing to worry about. What he can do is to constantly look for the spirit of revenge and then revenge. Under the guidance of the spirit, look for the perpetrators and kill them.

Because he did this kind of thing and was retaliated against? Does not exist, what other people can he get revenge now? If someone wants to retaliate against him, then all he can do is send those people to Styx, maybe he can still find a relationship with him and retaliate ... the people who have the premise have that opportunity.

So what is this picture about blocking the appearance? Exhaled, there is nothing more to say, use normal appearance activities from today, even if it is recognized by the enemy, those enemies are watching him continue to grow stronger and stronger, the pressure is getting bigger and more uneasy At the end of the day, he would feel particularly happy!

Why didn't you think of this possibility when you did those things? When those enemies keep adding bounties to him and want to solve him, think about it. It is also a manifestation of the fear of the enemy. If there is no fear or fear, why do n’t you come and solve him yourself, but instead Buy murder?

The more I think, the more I feel that it is unnecessary for such a careless person to block his appearance. Although I am an avenger, I don't see the presence of light. Why should I live like a mouse? Bosen, who wanted to open more and more, directly lost the cloak he had prepared before, and bought a new set of clothes on the magic soldier network. It was not special clothes.

It ’s the normal adventurer ’s standard outfit, not even magic equipment. This outfit is well-dressed ...

The next day, Oss saw the avenger Bosen, who changed his clothes, and nodded slightly to him. The hatred makes people easily immersed in it and cannot extricate themselves. For those who hate, they will not be idle. People give up hatred, look at the hatred, they have not experienced similar experience, how can they be so persuaded?

The most important thing for them is to change Bosen ’s attitude towards hatred. Hatred still exists, but since he is taking a special avenger road, there is no need to fully integrate himself into the darkness. Bosen ’s behavior style , It was decided that he could not really blend into the darkness.

The bright and upright Avengers can also work. As for the self-protection ability, Bosen already has it. There is no need to cover up. Covering is meaningless. Walking on the bright side, he directly tells his enemies that he is getting stronger. , Let those people wash their necks and wait.

Following Burson's previous approach, it was really awkward.

"Is this the Avengers ... so young." Looking at Burson who came out of his room, the same person who lived here immediately recognized his identity, his appearance could be blocked, but the room could not be changed, idle The okay person uploaded the appearance information of Avengers Berson.

Oss was not so worried about the situation of Bosen. After they had dinner last night, they returned to their room to have a good exchange. This behavior of Bosen will encounter more trouble in the early stage, but This early stage can also get a lot of convenience, such as the active contact of the Templar church.

The Templar Church also needs talents, like those who have not joined any forces. The people of the Templar Church will be more or less contacted. It is not too difficult to investigate the origin of Bosen, and the character still said that in the past, In addition to that unique fire of revenge, it was almost inevitable for the Templar church to reach him.

With the contact of the Templar Church, as long as the Avengers are not the kind that the mind cannot think of, it is inevitable to get a better growth environment in the early stage, and the Templar Church will not be idle to persuade people to give up hatred, as long as Without being affected by this hatred, there will be no problems in becoming all kinds of angered innocent people.

"You are really a good predecessor. It's really accurate." Looking at the people who had already started to contact Burson, Os couldn't help but say to Green around him. It really made the green half-elf right. Boson changed. After a form of external relations, the people of the Templar Church soon came to dismiss, but was this too fast?

"... Uh, it can't be said accurately, it should be that the Templar Church has already contacted him for a long time. It just happened to be a coincidence." Green's expression is also a little weird. In his analysis, the people of the Templar Church are not I will be in contact with Bosen so quickly, at least for a period of time, but the performance of the Templar Church is somewhat monkey-hurried.

There are no talents there?

The person who contacted Bosen was Lilia. The girl who looked at the young prophet looked at the young man in front of her. There was no change in her expression. After she went to the branch in this place to register, she was immediately thrown over and appeared to send someone. Mission, contact the Avengers, and convey the meaning of the church.

When will the prophet of the church be used to do handyman errands? Or a loyal audit that is idle and boring? With this thought, she had a formal contact with Avengers Bosen ~ ~ Lilia didn't say much, and directly relayed the meaning of the Templar Church to Bosen.

As for the meaning of the temptation of the Templar Church, Bosen was moved. Even if the straightforward explanation in the meaning of the temptation had to be carried out, it would be necessary to conduct some audits, which seemed quite strict, but it was this strictness that made him emotional. Needless to say, the fame of the church is that it also means that there will be strict audits, which also means that they want not scum, but really capable people.

There is nothing to say about the welfare and other things. The Templar church has done a good job in this regard. Boson valued the protection that the Templar church can bring, like some of his personal affairs, There will not be too much interference on the side of the Templar church, but after some things have risen to a certain level, then the protection of the church can come into play.

This is also the most exciting place for Bosen. Soul gems, he already knows how unique, once that kind of thing is exposed, he does not have a good enough umbrella, the possibility of disaster will directly channel Come up.

For example ... the dark church!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand fighting the cursed dragon