Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1374: Also a little bit greedy

"I said that it was an unidentified creature that gave me this thing. How do I know what that kind of thing is." Kasha said, squeezing the soul gem in her hand, staring at the woman in front of her and gritting her teeth slightly. The cat didn't Like cats and dogs, weird creatures like dogs. After she got the magic soldier summon book, she deliberately checked the information.

No results were found, and no similar creatures were found.

"And the soul gem is my life, if you really want to take it, kill me too."

"You can't kill you." Tisiya shook her head slightly. Even before the magic enchantment was tested, Kasha was not affected much by it. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but quickly adapted.

The real focus is the soul gemstone. Kasha has the soul gemstone, and the Avengers Bosen also has the soul gemstone. The material of the gemstone is exactly the same, but the internal power is different. The reason why they have the current power is to rely on this gemstone. What you get, not your own talents.

The change of direction of gems has brought them extra talent. According to the caster's test, this gem has been used for a long time, and it can also have a long-lasting effect on the holder. Of course this effect The root of is still the soul gem. Without the soul gem, their qualifications that are driven by the soul gem will be cut by half.

At the same time, the soul gem is also a weakness. After others get it, they can curse its owner directly through the soul gem.

In addition to such shortcomings, this kind of thing can be said to be a very special power crystallization, a thing that can change the mainland, as long as the cost of production is suppressed, it can be imagined that future professionals will inevitably surge.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the acceptance of Witch Power by Soul Gems. Whatever Bosen is, it is just normal professional power. The power that has been mutated is like blood power, but His kind of performance is more like superpowers.

But what really needs to be paid attention to is Kasha. This girl has been examined by the Templar Church and her physique can be transformed into an artificial witch. She is a qualified person who can bear the power of the witch. After some subsequent investigations, they also investigated Kasha. origin……

Similar to her confession, she was only a girl in an ordinary family, but was hit by the disaster, and then contacted Caxia's words, what happened afterwards was very clear, and was targeted by the dark church as a qualified witch. The person was arrested, and all personnel were extinguished.

It was n’t that she met Kasha, and Tisiya would n’t know about the girl. After all, the dark church was too clean and no investigation could be done without the parties involved. Kasha was lucky to be saved by an unknown existence. Then, she was given the soul gem and exposed her to the power of the witch.

Kasha is an experimenter, and the Avengers Bosen is similar. Even the soul gem is perfect, but that kind of thing is still artificial. Since it was artificially made, it must be tested, just like the life witch or before. Other things that her witch does.

Some works have been released through various channels, and the majority of professionals call it "the gift of the witch". Now Ticia wonders whether this kind of thing is a special item made by a witch.

Considering that there are not many witches now, if a witch can get it, the goal will be quite clear ... for example, a pure witch.

In short, after the appraisal, Kasha is not a witch or an artificial witch. Without the soul gem, based on the influence of the soul gem, she should now be able to become a talented professional, and the accumulated magic power is also very likely. Contaminated by the shadow attribute, but it will definitely not be the witch power.

It can be said that after losing the soul gem, no matter how she engages, she will not master the witch power.

This made Tisiya even more concerned, and it looked right to be a good thing, but ... this thing can also make the witch power particularly cheap in the future? As long as there is an opportunity to contact the witch power, anyone can use the witch power.

Whether the quality is high or not, the key is that it is the power of the witch, and the power of the maiden of the church will not be unique ... The existence of the soul gem makes that power no longer unique, special power This kind of thing will become public.

The fundamental conditions for discerning the difference will also change into the distinction of ‘quality’, like wooden chopsticks for ten dollars and tens of thousands of gold chopsticks, both are chopsticks, but quality determines the value difference between the two parties.

But the difference in value is right there, but at the same time, they are both chopsticks, which can be used for the same purpose.

"The church got the people you like, I think ..." Lilia and Zheng Yichen opened a video communication. When facing Zheng Yichen, she seemed to be carefree. The two sides were already very familiar with it. There was not much pretentious performance. When in doubt, she will ask directly.

It is still the influence of the soul gem. For example, what should some people do after using the soul gem to master the unique power of certain races, which will always be messed up, and Zheng Yichen who made that kind of thing is undoubtedly To be scolded to death.

"It's definitely not going to be chaotic. Some powers can really come into play if they are not obtained." Zheng Yichen waved his hands. The special powers possessed by some races can also be integrated into the soul gem, but not all of them.

For example, the kind of power that is directly related to the soul is not enough. There is also fighting spirit. Do n’t think too much about the power of blood gas. Blood gas is the power of the magic sword false god, which transforms its own blood. Wanting to use the soul gem to accept blood power is purely too much.

We should start from the root of this power. The powers of evil gods and pseudo-gods are okay, but these two powers cannot be used casually, because the nature of this power also involves the soul.

After being integrated, it is equivalent to being part of those beings ... the part related to spirit and soul, is this not clear enough? So to put it this way, when the soul gem is integrated into those forces of existence, it is basically a non-certified education.

It is nothing more than the identity of a cultist or a pseudo-god from the individual to the soul gem. More specifically, there is only one computer at home, and there is no need for a mobile phone and WIF. It is enough to hold the network cable and cat. However, under this condition, an extra router must be integrated ...

Although there is no impact on the whole, but without the need for a router, I just made one out, which is not a waste of resources.

Soul gems are not omnipotent, it is easy to choose the wrong power, but it is not necessary for these Zheng Yichen to go public. The power of the witch is special, but most of the power of the witch is not strong at the soul level. The soul witch, oh, is now the undead witch. The magic power is more relevant to the soul.

The power of others to find other witches with soul gems is not a problem. If you choose the undead witch, it is also a white operation. When the undead witch does not want to take care of those people, they look like other soul gem holders. There is no problem, but as long as the undead witch has an idea, then the other party will give it directly.

The male ’s death rate when facing the undead witch is + 100%. It ’s not a multiplier. It ’s a plus. Even if it ’s zero, it ’s a 100% chance. The female can become her mobile body and want to avoid it. Such a situation is very simple, the soul power and personal will inside the soul gem exceed this kind of existence.

Anti-guest-oriented, or the undead witch is really dead.

There is also the existence of the Lord of Snow Mountain and the Lord of Volcano. Their power is not related to the soul level, but their will is power. It is not impossible to integrate their power, but they are in the face when facing them. The aspect is completely suppressed, and when they are enemies, they can explode the soul gem held by the enemy with one thought.

So the soul gem is powerful but not omnipotent.

The connection between the power and the source of the power is too special. It is best not to choose. The shadow witch is dead, it does n’t matter, the immortal witch ... Someone will take the power of the undead witch and Zheng Yichen as enemies in the future, even if it is difficult to toss .

Then he also has a way to counter it. For her other witch, Dan Marina ’s magic is best not to choose. Her power and soul are not related to the level of the undead witch, but she can play with the line of destiny. God knows whether she will be affected by another level after getting her magic power.

The magic of the pure witch Irene is the most ideal magic for all casters. It can affect the magic of the environment to bring super magic effects, but there will be some effects, although the impact will not become interference from thousands of miles away.

But when she is enemies with her, her magic power will also travel a crushing, super-magic environment generated on the person? The pure witch deity is there. Can the super-magic environment generated by the magic from the soul gem cottage cover the original? If it can't, then don't want to use the magic to influence the environment to bring you any advantages.

It can be said that with the power of the parties, when facing the parties, they will be affected more or less. It is nothing more than some influences can be completely ignored, but some influences cannot be eliminated. Of course, there is no way to completely eliminate them ... … Just get rid of the source of power.

The original copy of the cottage after the killing of the genuine.

It's just that the existence of those top positions can be easily solved, so if you really want to choose the power of the witch, it is best to choose the remaining power of the dead witch. Although the quality will be worse, there is no worry about using it. .

"So ... are you so mean?"

"Wow, what is mean, this is a flaw discovered after the research!" Zheng Yichen rolled his eyes fiercely. He didn't know this at first, but after the witches used the soul gem, they only used the soul breath as the core inspiration. He aroused his interest, and the follow-up research found these 'flaws'.

"Oh ~ Then you intend to perfect this part of the flaw?"

Zheng Yichen shook his head: "It can't be perfected, no matter how the framework can be modified, and this can't be said to be a real flaw. Since it is pirated, it can't allow the genuine to come to the door, even if it is not allowed, it can't beat the genuine. , Or even say that this kind of 'flaw' is better. "

Repair, he really thought about, for example, completely closed the soul gem, but it is impossible, completely closed can avoid the impact, but the thing will become the same as the stone, the oxygen tank has no opening, what kind of oxygen tank ?

No matter how good the isolation performance of the Soul Gem is, the user is an inevitable loophole, so this one flaw is left as it is. Something too perfect will sometimes bring disaster.

At least there is such a flaw, the existence of those forces whose piracy is not too bad.

"Then I want the magic of Destiny Witch ..." Lilia hesitated a bit. The side effect of Soul Gem couldn't help but she didn't care. It would be right to kill the source of power, but the Devil Witch was capable Easily solved?

Moreover, she didn't mean to start with the Witch of Destiny.

"You talk to her to discuss it. Anyway, as long as you don't think there is any conflict, there will not be any conflicts in the future. In fact, it will not have much impact."

"I'm afraid she pits me." Lilia rolled her eyes. The witch of destiny was her former "adopt mother", but she didn't feel soft when she pitted her.

"I don't want to kill you, I'm just used to it."

"... the one who was pitted is not you!"

Zheng Yichen smiled calmly: "Since you are worried about that, you can decide after waiting to come directly."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'll contact her directly." Lilia snorted. She has friends with the Destiny Witch in the Witch Network. The Witch also has activities on it. In the future, there will be other types of "network".

The Mobing Network is still neutral. The neutral type does not completely restrict the users concerned, as long as it is not a cultist and cannot be considered a human.

"I wish you good luck."

Zheng Yichen smiled. He had nothing to do at the moment. He was always waiting for the follow-up information of the Soul Gem. As long as there were related actions, he could stand up and watch the situation. Or, it is placed on the base of the underground base to build the underground base.

As for the situation of the Dragons ... Hey, when using the method of temptation, Zheng Yichen is not so worried. What is the reason for choosing temptation? It's just that he has no confidence in his heart or has other needs, so he has to do it. The Dragons are not confident enough, what is he worried about?

First, take care of the green little female dragon, and give Amway the magical technology to the dragon family.

Zheng Yichen also personally gave her a lot of guidance on magic technology in the past, that is, it is better not to learn too much, and not to learn much in order to better accept his system theory, rather than has been developed Part of the professional, they all have their own style, even if they feel that the magic technology is very good, but the change will not change immediately.

At this stage, let those who joined the institute slowly transform part of it. After they have really changed, they will definitely find a way to bring apprentices, whether for testing or other things, they will definitely try it.

Of course, it would be better to be able to accept apprentices.

In short, the Snow Mountain Research Institute is now on the right track, especially the deputies who belong to the Rabst Empire. They are very enthusiastic about magic technology. Three days, one small meeting, and five days and one conference. Compared with Zheng Yichen ’s Long-term positive.

If nothing else, go to the capital of the Labest Empire to see the recent changes in that place, transportation, daily aspects, etc., and update something every few days, although it is not like a modern city. , But steampunk is indispensable ... Well, it is more inclined to the modern mode of steampunk.

Zheng Yichen was pleased with this.

Of course, the most important thing about the Labest Empire is still weapons!

The magic tank, the magic armor, and the tank are mostly used in normal wars. They are built on anti-magic mechanisms. Zheng Yichen, as the director of the Snow Mountain Research Institute, understands this very well. After all, there are some The deputy has engaged in such a thing.

In terms of weapons and equipment, the development ratio is two to eight ... The second part is applied to the conventional army, and the eighth part is dedicated to the development of high-end combat equipment of the other party. The Buster Empire tasted the sweetness.

There is also a bit of eyebrows about the witch power of the research in the Sartorian Empire. This news was learned by Zheng Yichen from Dan Marina. At present, the original version of the artificial witch can be obtained. Of course, the subsequent perfect version is also available. Not too difficult.

They only have to follow the path of the dark church, and they do not ask for a car to turn over the dark church and the Aube Empire. As long as they can maintain the status of the Sato Empire, they are considered to have earned in this war.

"So when will the Dragon Clan come to see me in trouble ..." Zheng Yichen beeps whispered, personal stories, Avenger Burson, mourner Kasha, other new characters, etc. I have to say that this group of minstrels formed a group and adapted to the magic soldier network.

On the Magic Soldier Forum, it really supported half of the entertainment. Of course, they can make them work so hard. It must be profitable. Who will be so hard without money? Bards used to be in places like pubs, and now it is easier to complete ‘homework’ without making money, which is really better than in the previous state.

As for the group of bards with bad qualities, it is difficult to join the current large group. After all, their group is not one or two, and they are in a very fierce competition. No one wants to pull in order to expand their influence. Come in for a little bit of slag, causing the entire group to be affected.

The benefits of competing with each other are manifested. As for a single company, seriously, the behind-the-scenes producer Zheng Yichen does n’t want to see this happen, he only interferes with the Mobing Network, and has always been about other things. See those people develop by themselves.

Therefore, the competition is kept good and the competition is dynamic.

"Soul Gem ... Come on, it's going to be a big deal again." Puli Underground City, Oro looked at the message from the church and looked at Achill: "What do you think?"

"Walk and watch." Achill said quietly. What could you do? Don't look at him as a poker face. In fact, Achill has always been a moderate. He also received a copy of the news that Oro received, mainly mentioning soul gems and new characters that need attention.

The Avengers Berson and the "mourner" Kasha, the former is worthy of the name, the latter is purely its own situation and the luck of her teammates, of course, Kasha's identity can also make her a mobile disaster star, as long as her characteristics are exposed, As long as her teammates are not strong enough, they can't bear it.

"Then come according to the arrangement." Oro shrugged, and there were more than one wise man. Sometimes the arrangement above did not have any problems at all. Oro would not say much about this arrangement, according to Just follow the instructions.

Bosen and Kasha are not difficult to arrange. The source of their strength that really matters is that kind of thing that makes them extraordinary from ordinary people. They have superhuman strength and development potential, but how special is that kind of thing. It is also a man-made product ...

Who did it, what is the purpose, these two core issues are not clear, and the impact of the Soul Gem cannot be controlled.

Of course, when clarifying those problems, we must intensify our time to study the soul gem. Now there are more than three gem holders in Fengyan City, and the churches in other places have also responded quickly.

But the result was also unsatisfactory. Nearly one-half of the scattered gem holders were captured by the dark church. Based on this, there were new disputes between the two sides. There is no chance at all if you do n’t grab it.

This thing needs more time to study and crack, not to mention that the gourd painting scoop is made exactly the same, at least the advantages and disadvantages of the gemstones must be fully mastered, lest the dark church overuse this kind of things to get more witch power ... …

This is what Oro thinks is the headache. The power of the witch. The small number of genuine witch is about to become extinct. As a result, some new witch has emerged inexplicably in recent years. All kinds of use of witch power, an invisible hand will be The world's trajectory shifted the push to another unknown direction ~ ~ Soul Gem ... it can turn too much power into a regular power, and more seriously, this kind of thing has The possibility of influencing the core teachings of the Templar Church, if the possibility of Oro's envisioning really appeared.

Anyone can pay some price to get in touch with the witch power and use it. How can this be solved? ?

Casia and Bosen are special examples. Their soul gems will only be focused on and inspected instead of more in-depth research. In-depth research on other gem holders is sufficient.

Those ordinary gem holders have a fairly ordinary level of power, and the problems of the new alliance should also be paid attention to. The starting point of this matter is the Fateh meeting, and then the dark church intervenes, so it is not ruled out that the dark church is from the doll While getting some extra stuff.

"Also, I am a little bit greedy about this thing ..."

"..." Achill glanced at Oro, but he didn't hear the nonsense.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand fighting the cursed dragon