Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1394: If you want to try it, try it

After the relationship with the Rabster Empire becomes more rigid through the form of interest binding, the rest will be simple and uncomplicated. Who is not selfish? Zheng Yichen had this selfishness, as did the Labest Empire. They wanted to find out the secrets of ancient ruins, and Zheng Yichen also thought.

Since everyone thinks, why can't a few people do it? After Zheng Yichen was able to do this, the relationship between the Rabster Empire and Zheng Yichen was sufficiently ironed. At this time, they did not want to immediately make this matter known to everyone, but to negotiate with Zheng Yichen. a bit.

At the same time, because of the tight binding of interests, Zheng Yichen occupies enough initiative. The Rabster Empire will never use threats when negotiating. The fishnet will break their blood loss to the end, so even if they want to Some things will only be negotiated in more sincerity.

Even stepping back a few steps, the cost of tearing the face is too high, and now it is so tossing, the interests of the two sides are not bound so tightly, maybe there is no way to talk about the Rabster Empire, and bite the teeth They did some irrational behavior, so they had close enough interests to let them abandon their heartache and die or even affect the stability of the country.

Without making any moves, he made some demands that clearly did not match his own forces. Zheng Yichen did not want to be threatened by others, or wasted his time on rash.

In the library, Zheng Yichen took out two books and looked at it. Someone around wanted to come close, or used other tricks to sneak in and see what book Zheng Yichen was reading at the moment. After seeing some content, the expression was a bit lying.

The things in it are useless, they are all some unrealistic theoretical content. It is nothing more than integrating some things in the Unreal World to read it. There are too many unusual and imaginative things in the Unreal World. Changing the druids of various animals, the undead knights that dominate the undead, the unique medicine to become a god, etc., these things are not easy to achieve on the mainland.

The Druid had better say that the Chameleons on the other side of the Templar Church had matured enough achievements, that is, they kept hiding and tucked away, and when they could play an important role, that way There are big things that can surely come out to shock your eyes.

Poke the eyes of the dark church.

The Knight of the Undead ... It ’s not difficult to realize, because the boundaries of life and death in this world are obvious. The voice of the deceased is a stimulus to the survivor. It is difficult to communicate normally. Meeting, drinking coffee together, and special races like monsters in the illusory world are all products of imagination.

Zheng Yichen was looking at this kind of thing. They suddenly understood that this dragon ... I'm afraid they weren't looking for inspiration, just by the way to entertain them, but now they can't help watching like this, in case he sees something else? Of course, it is not enough to be too close. This dragon and too many people tear their faces. Too close to him is a violent starter. It must be their own.

Who will compete with an alchemy body?

"Huh ~ Is this thing such a soul gem already so hot?" Lily sat on a cool area on the edge of the volcano. The volcano is rich in fire resources. The good thing is that the volcano owner is a grumpy person here. It is easy to be sanctioned by Skyfire. Although it will kill you, it hurts and burns.

But this is the situation, which makes the order of the volcano a special advantage. No one will fight suddenly in this place. It is much stricter than the snow mountain. Lily has been here for a while. During the period, many bad gazes were found, but none of those people dared to do anything in this place.

She is also happy to develop in this place, but Zenia, lying idle on a large block of ice, alleviating her pressure in the scorching heat, the power of the Lord of the Volcano and the power of the Snow Mountain are at the same level, She thought she could withstand the scorching heat of this place, but after staying in this place for a while, Zenia realized she was too young ...

In short, although it is dead, after entering the true coverage of the volcano, the most marginal area is better. After going deeper, he is almost the same as the people inside. How hot and how hot is it. The strength of an ice system is difficult. Relief, unless this power is manifested and shaped into ice cubes to be placed next to it, it will be a lot more comfortable, but this is easy to be hit by sky fire.

"Are you going to use a soul gem to win over a group of people?" Zenia, who was lying on the ice, asked slightly lazily. It was too hot, and she was a little mentally ill.

"No, people who use that kind of thing are not credible." Lily shook her head, and she also had a lot of soul gems in her hand. It was Zheng Yichen who had nothing to do with it. In his words, it was not advanced. The soul gem is very easy to make. If it takes up more space, people you know will be able to order points.

She used the Soul Gem to be able to win over a group of people, but Lily did n’t need to do that. She wanted to get out a group of core staff first, and when the core staff had developed, she used the Soul Gem. What to order, it is better to wait until the patent contract comes out.

Now, she feels that releasing too many soul gems is easy to affect her brother ’s plan. Although she does n’t quite know what Zheng Yichen wants to do, she understands that what Zheng Yichen is going to do is definitely a big deal, so Soul gems, etc., will be used after Zheng Yichen shoots the first shot.

Moreover, there are so many people who want to engage in soul gems at this time. Recently, many people have hit their minds on them. Lily is very vigilant to those people. She hates being deceived by outsiders.

It's impossible to woo people. What she has to do is to emulate Zheng Yichen. It is unrealistic to sell a lot of soul gems, but she can use online auctions. This will have no effect. She knows Zheng Yichen's. There are a lot of wild shops selling soul gems, but only a small amount of shots at a time, no more than ten.

She can maintain the corresponding number here. She talks about this topic because she feels that the times have become really fast. Some time ago, the hottest thing was the kind of magic stone coin. Up to now, there are a few stuffed in her pocket. Magic stone coins, when watching professional traders in some areas of the volcano, many people are also using magic stone coins.

The magic stone coins that her brother had originally circulated have been completely circulated. Lily is heartily happy about it. Speaking of the war, the number of people on the volcano is also increasing. There are even many ordinary people who are suffering from heatstroke. The danger came here in order to avoid the harm caused by war.

She is going to choose a group of potential children from these people, not to mention that ordinary people have bad talents, limited achievements, and have soul gems. In the future, it will be easy to be beaten, and Lily will become stronger. The way is different from the traditional way, even if you do n’t have the talent to cultivate magic power, you can use the blood.

The alien version of martial arts she developed is not without a future. As long as her body is upgraded, plus her series of skills developed through the use of blood power to perceive the body in a subtle way, people who are not afraid of contacting this power have no talent, as long as they practice hard With enough blood power, it is not difficult to achieve something.

It is true that the blood power belongs to the magic sword pseudo-god. There is more trading relationship between the person who can use the pseudo-god power and the pseudo-god.

"Get some funds first, and then find some potential children, um, just for now." Lily finally made the decision, for now, and then after Zheng Yichen sent a signal from there to make a big deal.

"Sister Diya, how should we use this kind of thing?" The awakening virgin group, the number of awakening virgins is also growing. They looked at the soul gems. They used the credit card given by Zheng Yichen, but it was a lot of seconds. Highly matched soul gemstones, but these soul gemstones are still a lot less than the number of all of them.

The quality of this new awakening virgin will have some doubts, but Diya and their veteran awakening virgins are not worried about any problems. After all, Zheng Yichen has given them too much help, and he really has nothing. Thought, there have been many opportunities to deal with them before, and they don't need to be dragged to the present.

"I want to use this to touch the power of the witch." Diya said her thoughts. She thought about this idea for several days. At first, she wanted to find a special power. But look Various combinations of brain holes in the Enchanted Soldier Network.

She couldn't help but have a corresponding idea. The power of Saint and Witch may not be the same power, but there is definitely something in common, saying that different sources are when they have no core abilities. There is no problem with light at all. The existence of artificial witch or dark warrior is still obviously restrained by the light of Baiyue, so this is different from the power of the virgin.

It is said that if there is something in common, after becoming a awakening virgin and being affected by the core ability, the power of the awakening virgin will be targeted by the light of Baiyue.

Diya has done some tests, and their virgin power is not much different from the unawakened virgin power. The only difference is that they have more core abilities. How to say, probably, the virgin power is undocumented Yes, the power to awaken the Virgin is documented.

Undocumented is not subject to much restrictions, but certified is limited everywhere, just like being registered on a blacklist. Undocumented has no relevant details, so the blacklist cannot be registered. By the way, Holy Girl Power The above analogy with the power of the witch is that the power of the artificial witch and the dark warrior is not documented, but there are other colored people with such power.

The power of the Virgin is another kind of colored people, and the undocumented will not be on the blacklist, but the kind of "colored people" of the witch power is directly killed by a rod. If it has a certificate and no certificate, the color is wrong. That is the same.

She can be sure that the common virgin and witch are the core abilities. Diya ’s idea is that if she tries to get the witch power, and then use her core ability to drive the witch power from the soul? Just like the saint combination on the Internet, what would be the result of the witch holding her core ability to drive the power of the saint?

She only uses it in reverse. Of course, this choice should be a good choice. The power of the witch has attributes. The magic of the dark witch is naturally a dark attribute. Even if it is not supported by her core dark ability, it is also a very pure dark attribute. A virgin with light ability can use that kind of power, and even the best control force should blow herself up?

As for the tai chi statement in the unreal world ... wake up, the reason why the unreal world is the unreal world is that most of the things in it are fake, and the end of the light and dark is the same as the history of the light and dark. 'Evil Dragon, that is the real suffering.

When choosing the power, you should also consider the attributes. Diya ca n’t choose the witch power of the ice system and the water system, and the dark thunder system can also choose. It is not very suitable. The best is the witch power of the same fire attribute. It's just that the Witch of the Fire had died for hundreds of years, and no hair remained, and it was not easy for her to find the witch power of this attribute.

Of course, in addition to this choice, Diya still has a good choice. At the same time, this choice is also a choice that all awakening witch can make ... pure witch.

The unique characteristic of the pure witch is the super magic. The magic can affect the environment, change the nature of the environment, and make it into a super magic environment. At the same time, her magic does not have any decisive attributes. The super magic is the magic attribute of the pure witch, and this There is no conflict between the attributes and any other element attributes. It may not be as good as the single flame magic of the Flame Witch when used, but that kind of power compatibility is enough.

The awakening maiden used that magic power to activate the power of the soul gem. It is easy to think of this. As a professional virgin, she has a lot of knowledge about the witch, and she is still alive today. Women all know that this is a basic skill.

In addition, the power of the volcano's lord ... only the power of the volcano's lord is more special. With reference to the record of the snow lord, since the power of the volcano's lord is at the same level as the snow lord, the power will only be exerted Stronger, but Diya does n’t want to leave an additional flaw for herself. Zheng Yichen ’s public information is very clear in this regard.

Even if some powers are operated using soul gemstones, they can be easily controlled and used by themselves, which is not really 'acquisition', because the particularity and related items of those powers will make themselves become under certain special circumstances. Passive, so you need to be cautious in choosing power, and you cannot ignore other negative effects in order to be strong.

Therefore, when the witch power of the flame witch cannot be found, the power of the pure witch is the best choice, but the pure witch is not easy to find. The witch is said to like magic research very much and is one of the most low-key witch among all witches. Well, just like the witch blending, it was not hit by someone, and basically no trace was revealed.

Diya is a bit worried about this, and the idea is very good, but the conditions do not really support the choices made.

"... Is this okay?" After hearing Diya's thoughts, several of her awakening virgins couldn't help but say, saying and doing are two different things. No matter how much they say, it doesn't make sense to not do it. There are too many combinations of my own power and soul gem power, and there are many mysterious things.

However, the production method of Soul Gem has not been made public. So many combinations have a few reliable ones. No one knows until the later reviewers upload the corresponding test results. It takes time to accumulate, and It is not possible to come up with concrete results based on imagination.

"Nothing is good, our present situation is very awkward, and even more awkward will not affect anything." Diya shook her head and continued with a heavy expression: "The boundary between the witch and the awakening virgin is very delicate, now With the opportunity, it is better to really feel the power of the witch, maybe we can get a clearer understanding of the specific situation in us. "

"How to do this specifically, I will first find an opportunity to try it. You don't need to rush to use soul gems so much. Our current strength, even if we use soul gems, will not increase our strength in a short time."

The power of the Awakening Virgin itself is very strong, plus the core abilities after awakening, it is not a problem to fight a dozen of the three Virgins. Even if you use the Soul Gem, the extra power you get cannot possibly make them In a few months, I became able to fight a fight, to the extent that I could directly fight a fight of three, or even fight a fight and fight a fight of five, which could not bring about a qualitative change, so much of that strength was actually improved. The significance is not great.

So there is no need to be so anxious to do things, she threw a thunder before saying anything else.

"Sister Diya, let me do this," Charlotte couldn't help saying.

Iluna on the side directly interrupted her: "But you are the awakening virgin of the light system, what witch power can you find?"

"There's no thunder witch anymore."


"This piece does not need to be so anxious in advance, I contact him to inquire about the specific situation." Seeing several awakening virgins arguing, Diya interrupted them. The soul gem was developed by Zheng Yichen. The person who knows is him.

Rather than arguing here and there, why not ask professional staff? Even if Zheng Yichen really wanted to do a test in this area, specifically guiding them to get such a high-quality soul gemstone, Diya recognized it. After all, he owed too much to the dragon to do these things as a debt repayment.

She glanced at the other awakening virgins. Although the number of awakening virgins has grown steadily, the actual number is not so exaggerated. The main reason is that the number of virgins is intentionally restricted by the church, so there The amount of saints' "war damage" that appears on the side is not high. More often, many saints die after fighting.

Unreal Witch Frida ’s tentacles cannot be extended to all places. She will take them down if she can, and ask her for money, increasing the pressure to awaken the virgin group. If you ca n’t take it, you wo n’t be able to move your hand and expose it. The loss will only be greater, and Frida thinks that there are enough people to awaken the Virgin.

Afterwards, there is no need to be so diligent in this area. It is still unknown what level the awakening of the Virgin can develop in the future. It is one thing to bring pressure. Excessive operation can easily make things beyond control.

Diya did not delay time, and it was not good to pile up unclear things. In the past, they had a small number of people. Many things can be stated clearly. Now that there are a large number of people, they cannot do as they used to. If they can do whatever they want The activity is on the mainland, and the identity is not so awkward.

In fact, there is no need to maintain a good atmosphere. The degree of maintenance of such an atmosphere will change with the increase in the number of groups.

It is easy to maintain a harmonious relationship when three or five people are in it.

This matter can't be pressed for too long, and it is most important to hurry up to get a specific result. Recently, they have not had a meeting around the soul gems. Diya wants to investigate them slowly after stabilizing. With regard to the specific problems in her body, some of the awakening witches who joined later came with a small temper, and after getting some information from this side, they were very excited.

Want to figure out everything in the shortest time, but how can they have the ability to figure out everything in the shortest time?

Being active is similar to those of active witches. Will the Templar Church be very active against awakening witches? In addition to the influence of soul gemstones, the dark church can also be very active. At this time, it can't help but jump out, it is easy to cause a series of problems.

There are good sisters in the group. Jump out one. Since you are a good sister, do you have to do something?

It may be Huluwa afterwards ~ ~ After the meeting, Diya immediately contacted Zheng Yichen and opened a video communication. Looking at the dark-haired young man in the video, Diya directly took out a soul gem , Speaking out his doubts and some thoughts, Zheng Yichen raised his brow slightly, looking at this young man who could be said to be the first to awaken the saint ... Uh, older girl, the power test of the Sacred Devil, Zheng Yichen did n’t really think Try to find the Awakening Virgin to test it.

He has the best test conditions on his own, there is no need to find a client at all, but Diya thinks that it seems a bit much, Zheng Yichen thinks a little: "I can help the power of the witch, and the holy you said. I also look forward to the results of the magic power test. "

He didn't say that there is no need for testing. Although he has the corresponding conditions on his side, but Diaz himself has the same idea. Why did he prevent it? So a big living person, who has his own ideas, can't do it? She didn't say that Zheng Yichen wouldn't take the initiative to mention it. Since she mentioned it, Zheng Yichen would not refuse to pretend. If you want to try this, he supports it!

Soul gem is not something that cannot be stripped ...

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand fighting the cursed dragon